# Molecule Hetzner Cloud Plugin [![Drone CI-CD](https://drone.autonomic.zone/api/badges/autonomic-cooperative/molecule-hetznercloud/status.svg)](https://drone.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/molecule-hetznercloud) [![PyPI Package](https://badge.fury.io/py/molecule-hetznercloud.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/molecule-hetznercloud) [![Repository License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-LGPL-brightgreen.svg)](LICENSE) A [Hetzner Cloud](https://www.hetzner.com/cloud) plugin for [Molecule](https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). This plugin allows you to do `molecule init role myrolename -d hetznercloud` and have Molecule provision on-demand Hetzner Cloud VPSes of your choice for your integration testing. New VPSes will be automagically created and provisioned on each `molecule test` run, SSH keys are generated and managed internally and all resources are cleaned up regardless of whether the role under test succeeds or fails. ## Support If you use this plugin in a commercial setting or you find it personally useful, please support my maintenance work financially through my [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/decentral1se/) profile or through my [Github Sponsor profile](https://github.com/sponsors/decentral1se). I do not receive any financial support from RedHat or Hetzner Cloud for this work. ## Install ```bash $ pip install molecule-hetznercloud ``` ## Upgrade Please see the [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) for migration guides. ```bash $ pip install --upgrade molecule-hetznercloud ``` ## Usage You need to expose a `HCLOUD_TOKEN` environment variable in your environment. Find out more about how to get one of those [over here](https://docs.hetzner.cloud/#overview-authentication). ```bash $ export HCLOUD_TOKEN=mycoolapitoken ``` Then create a role using the driver plugin. ```bash $ molecule init role myrolename -d hetznercloud ``` Your `myrolename/molecule/default/molecule.yml` should then look like the following. ```yaml --- dependency: name: galaxy driver: name: hetznercloud platforms: - name: instance server_type: cx11 image: debian-10 provisioner: name: ansible verifier: name: ansible ``` Please see [docs.hetzner.cloud](https://docs.hetzner.cloud/) for information regarding images and server types. Then just run the role. ```bash $ cd myrolename && molecule test ``` To ease initial debugging for getting things started, also expose the following environment variables. ```bash $ export MOLECULE_NO_LOG=False # not so verbose, helpful $ export MOLECULE_DEBUG=True # very verbose, last ditch effort ``` ## Volume Handling It is possible to have the driver manage volumes during the test run. You can add the following stanza to your Molecule configuration to have Molecule create this volume for the managed VPS. This volume will be cleaned up after use (**Please note**: there is a bug raised against clean-up right now, see [#24](https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule-hetznercloud/issues/24) for more). ```yaml platforms: - name: instance server_type: cx11 image: debian-10 volumes: - name: "molecule-hetznercloud-volume-1-${INSTANCE_UUID}" location: /foo/bar - name: "molecule-hetznercloud-volume-2-${INSTANCE_UUID}" size: 20 ``` Supported keys are: - **name** (required): name of volume - **size** (optional, default: `10GB`): size of volume - **location** (optional, default: `omitted`): path for volume ## Network Creation This Driver is able to generate networks and subnetworks during the test run. This can be useful for cluster tests. You can create networks with the following snippet: ```yaml platforms: - name: instance1 server_type: cx11 image: debian-10 networks: test-network: ip_range: subnet: ip: type: cloud network_zone: eu-central test-network-2: ip_range: subnet: ip: - name: instance2 server_type: cx11 image: debian-10 networks: test-network: subnet: ip: ``` The networks **ip_range** is only important for creating. If you have multiple hosts, it is okay to only define **ip_range** once. The supported keys are: - **networks** - **ip_range** (required): ip range of network (usually `/16`) - **subnet** - **ip** (required): ip that should be assigned to host (also generates subnetwork) - prefix mandatory - **type** (optional, default: `cloud`): type of subnetwork - **network_zone** (optional, default: `eu-central`): network zone of subnetwork ## Only use `molecule.yml` for configuration It is being worked on that it is possible to remove all the files except the `molecule.yml` scenario file in your scenario directory. This is useful when you only require this plugin to do the default behaviour each time. It is also useful to reduce maintenance effort for migration of configurations. This plugin currently embeds the `create.yml` and `destroy.yml` playbooks. All other playbooks (e.g. prepare, cleanup) can be created as needed and Molecule will pick them up and run them. Embedding the `converge.yml` awaits [this feature request](https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/2675). ## Mirroring Issues will be responded to on both issue trackers. - [git.autonomic.zone](https://git.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/molecule-hetznercloud) (primary) - [github.com](https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule-hetznercloud) (mirror) ## Change log See [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md). ## Molecule Documentation > https://molecule.readthedocs.io ## Contact - Ping @decentral1se on the `#ansible-molecule` channel on [Libera](https://libera.chat/). ## License The [LGPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html) license. ## Testing This is all done on our [drone.autonomic.zone](https://drone.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/molecule-hetznercloud) setup. ### Unit ```bash $ pip install tox $ tox -v ``` ### Integration Only doable by [Autonomic Cooperative](https://autonomic.zone/) members. ```bash $ sudo apt install -y direnv $ cp .envrc.sample .envrc $ direnv allow $ pip install -e . ansible $ cd integration && molecule test ```