--- - name: Destroy hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false no_log: "{{ molecule_no_log }}" tasks: - name: Populate the instance config block: - name: Populate instance config from file set_fact: instance_conf: "{{ lookup('file', molecule_instance_config) | molecule_from_yaml }}" skip_instances: false rescue: - name: Populate instance config when file missing set_fact: instance_conf: {} skip_instances: true - name: Destroy molecule instance(s) hcloud_server: name: "{{ item.instance }}" api_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'HCLOUD_TOKEN') }}" state: absent register: server with_items: "{{ instance_conf }}" when: not skip_instances async: 7200 poll: 0 - name: Wait for instance(s) deletion to complete async_status: jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}" register: hetzner_jobs until: hetzner_jobs.finished retries: 300 with_items: "{{ server.results }}" - name: Remove registered SSH key hcloud_ssh_key: name: "{{ instance_conf[0].ssh_key_name }}" state: absent when: - not skip_instances - instance_conf # must contain at least one instance # Mandatory configuration for Molecule to function. - name: Populate instance config set_fact: instance_conf: {} - name: Dump instance config copy: content: "{{ instance_conf | molecule_to_yaml | molecule_header }}" dest: "{{ molecule_instance_config }}" when: server.changed | bool