# This is a multi-stage build which requires Docker 17.05 or higher FROM docker.io/alpine:edge as molecule-builder WORKDIR /usr/src/molecule # WARNING: Reasons not to add edge/testing: # * Breaks security scanning due to https://github.com/quay/clair/issues/901 # * Unreliable builds, as alpinelinux CDN is unreliable for edge, returning 404 # quite often. # edge/testing needed for: py3-arrow RUN apk add -v --progress --update --no-cache \ docker-py \ gcc \ git \ libffi-dev \ libvirt \ libvirt-dev \ make \ musl-dev \ openssl-dev \ py3-bcrypt \ py3-botocore \ py3-certifi \ py3-cffi \ py3-chardet \ py3-click \ py3-colorama \ py3-cryptography \ py3-distlib \ py3-docutils \ py3-flake8 \ py3-future \ py3-idna \ py3-jinja2 \ py3-libvirt \ py3-markupsafe \ py3-mccabe \ py3-netifaces \ py3-paramiko \ py3-pbr \ py3-pip \ py3-pluggy \ py3-psutil \ py3-ptyprocess \ py3-py \ py3-pycodestyle \ py3-pynacl \ py3-pytest \ py3-requests \ py3-ruamel \ py3-setuptools \ py3-simplejson \ py3-urllib3 \ py3-virtualenv \ py3-websocket-client \ py3-yaml \ python3 \ python3-dev # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=917006 RUN \ python3 -m pip install -U wheel pip setuptools ADD . . RUN \ python3 -m pip wheel \ -w dist \ molecule testinfra molecule-hetznercloud ansible RUN ls -1 dist/ # ✄--------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is an actual target container: FROM alpine:edge LABEL maintainer="decentral1se " ENV PACKAGES="\ docker \ git \ openssh-client \ docker-py \ libvirt \ rsync \ py3-bcrypt \ py3-botocore \ py3-certifi \ py3-cffi \ py3-chardet \ py3-click \ py3-colorama \ py3-cryptography \ py3-docutils \ py3-flake8 \ py3-idna \ py3-jinja2 \ py3-mccabe \ py3-netifaces \ py3-paramiko \ py3-pbr \ py3-pip \ py3-pluggy \ py3-psutil \ py3-ptyprocess \ py3-py \ py3-pycodestyle \ py3-pynacl \ py3-pytest \ py3-requests \ py3-ruamel \ py3-setuptools \ py3-urllib3 \ py3-virtualenv \ py3-websocket-client \ python3 \ " ENV BUILD_DEPS="\ gcc \ libc-dev \ libvirt-dev \ make \ " ENV PIP_INSTALL_ARGS="\ --only-binary :all: \ --no-index \ -f /usr/src/molecule/dist \ " RUN \ apk add --update --no-cache \ ${BUILD_DEPS} ${PACKAGES} \ && apk del --no-cache ${BUILD_DEPS} \ && rm -rf /root/.cache COPY --from=molecule-builder \ /usr/src/molecule/dist \ /usr/src/molecule/dist RUN \ python3 -m pip install molecule testinfra molecule-hetznercloud ansible ENV SHELL /bin/bash