from django.contrib.gis.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django_extensions.db.fields import AutoSlugField from django_countries.fields import CountryField from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify class CaseStudy(models.Model): """Model for case studies submitted to the Ojuso Platform""" # Choice lists for drop-downs SECTOR_CHOICES = ( (_('Renewable Energy Generation'), ( ('WND', _('Wind')), ('SOL', _('Solar')), ('HYD', _('Hydro')), )), ('PG', _('Power Grids')), ('SM', _('Supply of Minerals')), ) POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CHOICES = ( ('P', _('Positive')), ('N', _('Negative')) ) LAND_OWNERSHIP_CHOICES = ( ('PRI', _('Private Land')), ('PUB', _('Public Land')), ('COM', _('Community Land')), ('OTH', _('Other')), ) LOCATION_CONTEXT_CHOICES = ( ('RUR', _('Rural')), ('URB', _('Urban')), ) TYPE_OF_ECOSYSTEM_CHOICES = ( (_('Water Based'), ( ('MARINE', _('Marine (e.g. Ocean, Sea)')), ('FRESH', _('Freshwater (e.g. Freshwater, Lake)')), )), (_('Land Based'), ( ('FOREST', _('Forest/Jungle')), ('AGRI', _('Agricultural Land')), ('GRASS', _('Grassland')), ('DESERT', _('Desert (Tundra, Ice or Sand)')), ('WETLND', _('Wetland (Marsh, Mangrove, Peat Soil)')), ('URBAN', _('Urban')), )) ) PROJECT_STATUS_CHOICES = ( ('EXSTNG', _('Existing Project')), ('UCONST', _('Under Construction')), ('PROJCD', _('Projected Project')), ) ## # Meta Fields ## # User who submitted case study author = models.ForeignKey( User, models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, editable=False ) # Date and time of submission date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=False) # Slug derived from entry_name, used in urls for SEO slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from=['entry_name']) # 1.1 entry_name = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Entry Name"), help_text=_("Enter the name of the entry. This should usually be the\ name of project."), max_length=128 ) # N/A - Not explicitly listed in spec location = models.PointField() # 1.2 sector_of_economy = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Sector of economy"), help_text=_("Which sector of the renewable energy economy is most\ relevant?"), max_length=3, choices=SECTOR_CHOICES ) # 1.3 positive_or_negative = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Positive or negative?"), help_text=_("Is the case study a positive case or a negative case?"), max_length=1, choices=POSITIVE_NEGATIVE_CHOICES ) # 1.4 country = CountryField() # 1.5.1 area_of_land = models.IntegerField( verbose_name=_("Approximate land area"), help_text=_("The area of land covered by the project (in km²)") ) # 1.5.2 land_ownership = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Land ownership"), help_text=_("What type of ownership does the land fall under?"), max_length=3, choices=LAND_OWNERSHIP_CHOICES ) # 1.5.3 land_ownership_details = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Land ownership details"), help_text=_("Add any details and other remarks about the land\ ownership"), max_length=256 ) # 1.5.4 location_context = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Location"), help_text=_("Select the context that is most applicable to this case\ study."), max_length=3, choices=LOCATION_CONTEXT_CHOICES ) # 1.5.5 type_of_ecosystem = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Type of ecosystem"), help_text=_("Select the most relevant type of ecosystem."), max_length=6, choices=TYPE_OF_ECOSYSTEM_CHOICES, ) # describe_ecosystem = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Describe the ecosystem"), help_text=_("In your own words, add more detail about the ecosystem."), max_length=256, ) # 1.5.6 affects_indigenous = models.BooleanField( verbose_name=_("Affects indigenous people?"), help_text=_("Does the project affect indigenous people?") ) # affects_indigenous_detail = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Affects Indigenous - Details"), help_text=_("What group of indigenous people does the community belong\ to?"), max_length=256 ) # 1.6 project_status = models.CharField( verbose_name=_("Status of Project"), help_text=_("What is the status of the current project?"), max_length=6, choices=PROJECT_STATUS_CHOICES ) # 1.9 synopsis = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Synopsis"), help_text=_("Briefly describe the project. This will be displayed at\ the top of the case study page. Maximum 500 chars (about \ 3½ tweets)"), max_length=500 ) # 1.10 full_description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Full Description"), help_text=_("Describe the project in full. Separate paragraphs with a\ new line Please add as much detail as you feel is necessary\ here.") ) # 1.15 image = models.ImageField( verbose_name=_("Image") ) # 1.16 video = models.URLField( verbose_name=_("Video"), max_length=43 ) # 1.18 community_voices = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Community Voices"), help_text=_("Add any direct quotes from members of the community that\ relate to this project") ) def __str__(self): """The String representation of the case study. (Entry name with country name.)""" return "%s in %s" % (self.entry_name, def clean(self, *args, **kwargs): """Perform validation on the model as a whole and throw a ValidationError if anything isn't how it should be.""" pass def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Override the save method to create a slug when the model is created. Slug is only created and never modified as we are basing our URLs on it and don't want it to change - ever.""" if not # Newly created object, so set slug self.slug = slugify(self.entry_name) # Continue normal save method by calling original save method. super(CaseStudy, self).save(*args, **kwargs)