# Generated by Django 2.1.1 on 2018-12-01 23:15 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion import django_extensions.db.fields import multiselectfield.db.fields class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("map", "0071_point_of_interest")] operations = [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name="pointofinterest", options={"verbose_name_plural": "points of interest"}, ), migrations.RemoveField( model_name="casestudy", name="generation_technology_other" ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="affected_communities", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("INDIG", "Indigenous"), ("AFRO", "Afro-descendants"), ("MIG", "Migrants"), ("REF", "Refugees"), ("OTHER", "Other communities or identities"), ], max_length=50, verbose_name="Communities or identities present in the project area", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="consultants_contractors", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="List consultants, planners or organisations that are doing the planning, construction, operation or maintenance work relating to the project and/or facilities. Separate each with a new line.", verbose_name="Consultants and contractors", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="energy_details", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text="Please give more information about the transmission, network or storage technology.", max_length=200, verbose_name="Further details", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="energy_transmission_capacity", field=models.DecimalField( blank=True, decimal_places=3, max_digits=20, null=True, verbose_name="Total transmission capacity (kW)", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="generation_type", field=models.CharField( blank=True, choices=[ ("POW", "Power"), ("HOT", "Heat/Cool"), ("CHP", "Combined Heat/Cool and Power (CHP)"), ], max_length=4, verbose_name="What is being generated?", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_description", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Briefly describe manufacturing process and components/outputs. (less than 500 characters, about 2 tweets).", max_length=500, verbose_name="Description", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_factors", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("LAND", "Land use"), ("LABOR", "Labor rights"), ("ENVIRO", "Environmental factors"), ("LIFECYCLE", "Lifecycle management"), ("OWN", "Ownership"), ("OTHER", "Other(s)"), ], max_length=128, verbose_name="Choose the factors that make this case remarkable, in a positive or negative way", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_factors_description", field=models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name="Describe these factors"), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_ownership", field=models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="Describe the ownership structure of the project and its relation with the local community", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_related_tech", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("PV", "Solar PV"), ("CSP", "CSP"), ("WIND", "Wind power"), ("HYDRO", "Hydropower"), ("GEO", "Geothermal"), ("TRANSMIT", "Electrical power transmission infrastructure"), ("STORE", "Energy storage"), ("HEAT", "Heat networks"), ("OTHER", "Other"), ("IDK", "Unknown"), ], max_length=128, verbose_name="What technology is this case related to?", ), ), migrations.AddField( model_name="casestudy", name="manufacturing_type", field=models.CharField( blank=True, choices=[ ( "GENERATE", "Manufacturing of renewable energy generation equipment", ), ( "TRANSSTORE", "Manufacturing of energy transmission or storage equipment", ), ("RECYCLE", "Recycling / reusing equipment or raw materials"), ("DISPOSAL", "Disposal of equipment"), ("OTHER", "Other"), ], max_length=16, verbose_name="Which of the following options best describes this case?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="additional_technical_details", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Add any additional details such as: length, from-to, voltage, substations, power output, (dis)charge rates, how this technology or project interacts with the energy system (e.g. provides reactive power to ensure power supply in phase etc.)", verbose_name="Additional technical or economic details", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="biomass_detail", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text="

Please describe the source of the fuel and how it is processed/used. Please consider:

We do not expect users to know this information, but if you do it may be useful to give a fuller picture.

", max_length=200, verbose_name="Bio-energy feedstock", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="completion_year", field=models.IntegerField( blank=True, choices=[ (1978, 1978), (1979, 1979), (1980, 1980), (1981, 1981), (1982, 1982), (1983, 1983), (1984, 1984), (1985, 1985), (1986, 1986), (1987, 1987), (1988, 1988), (1989, 1989), (1990, 1990), (1991, 1991), (1992, 1992), (1993, 1993), (1994, 1994), (1995, 1995), (1996, 1996), (1997, 1997), (1998, 1998), (1999, 1999), (2000, 2000), (2001, 2001), (2002, 2002), (2003, 2003), (2004, 2004), (2005, 2005), (2006, 2006), (2007, 2007), (2008, 2008), (2009, 2009), (2010, 2010), (2011, 2011), (2012, 2012), (2013, 2013), (2014, 2014), (2015, 2015), (2016, 2016), (2017, 2017), (2018, 2018), (2019, 2019), (2020, 2020), (2021, 2021), (2022, 2022), (2023, 2023), (2024, 2024), (2025, 2025), (2026, 2026), (2027, 2027), (2028, 2028), (2029, 2029), (2030, 2030), (2031, 2031), (2032, 2032), (2033, 2033), (2034, 2034), (2035, 2035), (2036, 2036), (2037, 2037), (2038, 2038), (2039, 2039), (2040, 2040), (2041, 2041), (2042, 2042), (2043, 2043), (2044, 2044), (2045, 2045), (2046, 2046), (2047, 2047), (2048, 2048), (2049, 2049), (2050, 2050), (2051, 2051), (2052, 2052), (2053, 2053), (2054, 2054), (2055, 2055), (2056, 2056), (2057, 2057), (2058, 2058), ], default=None, help_text="Select the year the project's operation and maintenance (O&M) phase began. If the project is not yet in operation, select the year operation is expected to begin as detailed in company information or media.", null=True, verbose_name="Operation start year", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="contractor_or_supplier_of_technology", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="List companies that act as contractors or suppliers –\xa0e.g. Siemens Gamesa, GE, Alstom, Vestas, Hanwha Q CELLS, Mitsubishi, First Solar, Jinko Solar, Trina Solar, Suzlon Energy, Statkraft, Shanghai Electric, Ballard Power Systems, Panasonic, etc", verbose_name="Contractor and/or supplier of technology", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="coordinate_reference_system", field=models.ForeignKey( blank=True, default=4326, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to="map.SpatialRefSys", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="describe_ecosystem", field=models.TextField(verbose_name="Describe the ecosystem"), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="direct_comms", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Add any reports of direct communication between community members and representatives of developers/companies/investors. If you have files to upload, you can do this in 'other documents' on the 'uploads' tab.", verbose_name="Reports of direct communications", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="energy_customers", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="List any energy customers/off-takers that take energy from the development. E.g. 'national grids' or private energy suppliers. Also refer to if carbon markets, credits, blockchain etc. are involved in the process. Please separate with a new line.", verbose_name="Energy service consumers/off-takers", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="energy_storage_capacity", field=models.DecimalField( blank=True, decimal_places=3, max_digits=20, null=True, verbose_name="Total storage capacity (kWh)", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="entry_name", field=models.CharField( help_text="This should usually be the name of the project. If you are writing this case study in a language not used in the locale of its project, you should provide its local name first, as well as any translated name.", max_length=128, verbose_name="Entry Name", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="financial_institutions", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("AfDB", "African Development Bank (AfDB)"), ("BADEA", "Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)"), ("ADB", "Asian Development Bank (ADB)"), ("AIIB", "Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)"), ("BSTDB", "Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)"), ( "CAF", "Corporacion Andina de Fomento / Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)", ), ("CDB", "Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)"), ("CABEI", "Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)"), ("EADB", "East African Development Bank (EADB)"), ( "ETDB", "Economic Cooperation Organization Trade and Development Bank (ETDB)", ), ("EDB", "Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)"), ("EBRD", "European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)"), ("EC", "European Commission (EC)"), ("EIB", "European Investment Bank (EIB)"), ("IADB", "Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB, IADB)"), ( "IFFIm", "International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm)", ), ("IFAD", "International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)"), ("IIB", "International Investment Bank (IIB)"), ("IsDB", "Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)"), ( "FMO", "Nederlandse Financieringsmaatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV (FMO)", ), ( "NDB", "New Development Bank (NDB) (formerly BRICS Development Bank)", ), ("NDF", "The Nordic Development Fund"), ("NIB", "Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)"), ("OFID", "OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)"), ("BOAD", "West African Development Bank (BOAD)"), ("WB", "World Bank"), ], help_text="Select any financial institutions (public or private) that have, or are considering, extending loans or guarantees to the project.", max_length=119, verbose_name="Financial institutions", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="full_description", field=models.TextField( help_text="Describe the project in full. Separate paragraphs with two new lines. Please add as much detail as you feel is necessary here.", verbose_name="Full Description", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="generation_equipment_supplier", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Enter the supplier of the generation equipment. (E.g. Siemens Gamesa, GE, Alstom, Vestas, Hanwha Q CELLS, Mitsubishi, First Solar, Jinko Solar, Trina Solar, Suzlon Energy, Statkraft, Shanghai Electric, Ballard Power Systems, Panasonic, etc.)", verbose_name="Generation equipment supplier(s)", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="generation_technology", field=models.CharField( blank=True, choices=[ ("BIO", "Bio-energy"), ("GEOT", "Geothermal electricity"), ( "Hydro", ( ("uHYD", "Micro hydro (<100kW)"), ("SHYD", "Small-scale hydro (<1MW)"), ("MHYD", "Medium-scale hydro (1-30MW)"), ( "LHYD", "Large-scale hydro (>30MW - often not considered renewable)", ), ), ), ( "Marine", ( ("WAVE", "Wave"), ("TSTR", "Tidal stream"), ("TBAR", "Tidal barrage/lagoon"), ("TOTH", "Other"), ), ), ( "Solar", ( ("SSPV", "Small-scale photovoltaic (<500kW)"), ("LSPV", "Large-scale photovoltaic (>500kW)"), ("CSP", "Concentrated solar power (CSP)"), ("PARA", "Parabolic trough (open or enclosed)"), ("FRES", "Fresnel reflector"), ("STIR", "Dish Stirling"), ), ), ( "Wind", ( ("SSWE", "Small-scale wind (<500kW)"), ("LSWE", "Large-scale wind (>500kW)"), ), ), ("OTHR", "Other (tidal, wave etc)"), ], help_text="Select the type of renewable energy generation that most applies to this case study.", max_length=4, verbose_name="Generation technology", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="identified_partnerships", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text="Are you, or the organizing process that you represent, looking for partnerships, or have any clearly identified need? If so, please describe and we will try to connect you to appropriate partners.", max_length=256, verbose_name="Identified partnerships", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="isolated_or_widespread", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Is this an isolated project or are there similar projects in the same geographic area? If so, can you describe them? Is there an analysis of cumulative or synergetic effects?", verbose_name="Is the project part of developments which are causing a cumulative effect?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="land_ownership", field=models.CharField( choices=[ ("PRI", "Private land"), ("PUB", "Public/state land"), ("COM", "Community/communal/customary land"), ("CON", "Contested/in conflict"), ("OTH", "Other"), ], help_text="What type of ownership does the land fall under?", max_length=3, verbose_name="Land ownership / tenure", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="land_ownership_details", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="

Please specify details about land ownership, including conflicting claims, unrecognized customary rights, conflicts around land lease or purchase contracts, etc.

We understand this is a difficult question, so please try to provide just the information you know. If we have any major questions we will ask them in the moderation process.

", max_length=256, verbose_name="Land ownership details", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="location_context", field=models.CharField( choices=[("RUR", "Rural"), ("URB", "Urban"), ("MIX", "Mixed")], help_text="Select the context that is most applicable to this case study.", max_length=3, verbose_name="Location", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="minerals_or_commodities", field=models.CharField( blank=True, choices=[ ("ALU", "Aluminium (Bauxite)"), ("ARS", "Arsenic"), ("BER", "Beryllium"), ("CAD", "Cadmium"), ("CHR", "Chromium"), ("COK", "Coking"), ("COA", "Coal (for steel)"), ("COP", "Copper"), ("GAL", "Gallium"), ("GER", "Germanium"), ("GLD", "Gold"), ( "HRE", "Heavy Rare Earth Elements (Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Lutetium, Yttrium, Scandium)", ), ("IRN", "Iron"), ( "LRE", "Light Rare Earth Elements (Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium)", ), ("LED", "Lead"), ("LIT", "Lithium"), ("MAN", "Manganese"), ("MER", "Mercury"), ("MOL", "Molybdenum"), ("NIC", "Nickel"), ("NIO", "Niobium"), ( "PGM", "Platinum group metals (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum)", ), ("RHE", "Rhenium"), ("SIL", "Silicon"), ("SIV", "Silver"), ("TAN", "Tantalum"), ("TEL", "Tellurium"), ("THA", "Thallium"), ("TIN", "Tin"), ("TIT", "Titanium"), ("TUN", "Tungsten"), ("VAN", "Vanadium"), ("ZNC", "Zinc"), ("OTR", "Other"), ], help_text="What mineral commodity is primarily mined in this project?", max_length=3, verbose_name="Primary mineral mined", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="minerals_or_commodities_other", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Enter any mineral commodities not in the list. Separate each with a new line.", verbose_name="Other mineral commodities", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="negative_case_reasons", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("VOLR", "Violation of land rights"), ( "VOHR", "Violation of fundamental human rights, indigenous rights and/or other collective rights", ), ( "EIMP", "Environmental impacts (severe impacts on ecosystems / violation of laws, plans or programs of environmental conservation or territorial governance systems etc.", ), ( "NCUL", "Negative cultural impacts (erosion/destruction of bio-cultural heritage, impacts on sacred land etc)", ), ( "AGGR", "Aggression/threats to community members opposed to the project, collaboration with organized crime etc", ), ("ALAB", "Abusive labour practices"), ( "CRUP", "Corruption and/or irregular permitting or contracting, conflicts of interest etc", ), ], max_length=34, verbose_name="What kind of case is this entry about?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="negative_socioenvironmental_impacts", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Provide a detailed description of the socio-environmental impacts (please provide all relevant details, such as type of ecosystem and presence of any existing reserve in the area, land to have increased biodiversity as a result of the project, new protection of lands/waters, specific communities affected by the project, total geographic footprint of the project, and tenure system affected in the case of land grabs, kind of permits that were irregularly issued if this is the case.", verbose_name="Describe the socio-environmental impacts (positive and negative):", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="obstacles_and_hindrances", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Please describe the status of the organizing process, including the obstacles and hindrances faced.", max_length=512, verbose_name="Current status of the organizing process around this case", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="official_project_documents", field=models.ManyToManyField( blank=True, help_text="Attach any legal or official documents that relate to the project. Hold down Control, or Command on a Mac, to select more than one.", related_name="official_project_document_for", to="files.File", verbose_name="Official project documents", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="other_documents", field=models.ManyToManyField( blank=True, help_text="Attach any other documents that relate to the project. Hold down Control, or Command on a Mac, to select more than one.", related_name="other_document_for", to="files.File", verbose_name="Other documents", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="people_affected_other", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Please describe further the communities or identities present in the project area.", verbose_name="Communities or identities – further detail", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="positive_case_type", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("CREP", "Community project (co-)owned by individuals"), ( "EACP", "Community project owned by not-for-profit organizations and/or serving the public interest", ), ("PSEP", "Public/state (federal, state, municipal) project"), ("CORS", "Reuse / Recycling / Circular economy project"), ], max_length=32, verbose_name="What kind of case is this entry about?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="positive_or_negative", field=models.CharField( choices=[ ( "P", "There is/was an organising process in favour of the project", ), ("N", "There is/was an organising process against the project"), ("X", "There is/was no organising process"), ("U", "Unsure/unknown"), ], max_length=1, verbose_name="What is the relationship of local community organization(s) to this project?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="power_technology", field=models.CharField( blank=True, choices=[ ("PT", "Electrical power transmission"), ("HN", "Heat networks"), ("OT", "Other"), ], max_length=2, verbose_name="Power technology", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="power_technology_other", field=models.CharField( blank=True, max_length=128, verbose_name="Further information about power technology", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="project_owners", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="List companies or organisations that own the project and/or facilities. Provide company numbers etc. if available. Separate with a new line.", verbose_name="Project and facility owners", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="project_status", field=models.CharField( choices=[ ("INIT", "Initiation/ideation"), ("PROJCD", "In planning and design"), ("FAIL", "Failed"), ("UCONST", "Under construction"), ("EXSTNG", "In operation"), ("DECOMM", "Undergoing decommissioning"), ("END", "Decommissioned"), ], max_length=6, verbose_name="Status of project", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="project_status_detail", field=models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Describe the current situation and likely future scenarios.", verbose_name="Current status of the case", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="projected_production_of_commodities", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text='Describe the projected production of commodities per annum and overall.
For example, "40 million tonnes of iron ore per year", "200 million tonnes over 5 year life of mine"', max_length=256, verbose_name="Estimated production of key commodities", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="sector_of_economy", field=models.CharField( choices=[ ("RN", "Renewable energy generation project"), ("PG", "Energy networks"), ("ST", "Energy storage facilities"), ("SM", "Mining related to the renewable energy economy"), ("MA", "Manufacturing and/or processing of equipment"), ], max_length=3, verbose_name="Sector of economy", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="shapefiles", field=models.ManyToManyField( blank=True, help_text="If you have territory that you would like to show in relation to this project - e.g. Bienes Comunales de Ixtepec etc. This is a set of 3 or more (often 5-6) files with file extensions like .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .qpj, .shp, .shx. Hold down Control, or Command on a Mac, to select more than one. Let us know (database@ojuso.org) if you have other file types or need help and we can work out how to import it. You may have data as GeoPackage (gpkg), GeoJSON, KML, GML, etc. or have data in PostGIS or another spatial database management system already.", related_name="shapefile_for", to="files.File", verbose_name="Geographic data", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="size_of_concessions", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text="Describe the size of concession(s) granted to company/companies (e.g. 'one concession of 2,300 hectares')", max_length=200, verbose_name="Size of concessions (land/marine area)", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="socioeconomic_benefits", field=models.TextField(blank=True, verbose_name="Socio-economic impacts"), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="start_year", field=models.IntegerField( blank=True, choices=[ (1978, 1978), (1979, 1979), (1980, 1980), (1981, 1981), (1982, 1982), (1983, 1983), (1984, 1984), (1985, 1985), (1986, 1986), (1987, 1987), (1988, 1988), (1989, 1989), (1990, 1990), (1991, 1991), (1992, 1992), (1993, 1993), (1994, 1994), (1995, 1995), (1996, 1996), (1997, 1997), (1998, 1998), (1999, 1999), (2000, 2000), (2001, 2001), (2002, 2002), (2003, 2003), (2004, 2004), (2005, 2005), (2006, 2006), (2007, 2007), (2008, 2008), (2009, 2009), (2010, 2010), (2011, 2011), (2012, 2012), (2013, 2013), (2014, 2014), (2015, 2015), (2016, 2016), (2017, 2017), (2018, 2018), (2019, 2019), (2020, 2020), (2021, 2021), (2022, 2022), (2023, 2023), (2024, 2024), (2025, 2025), (2026, 2026), (2027, 2027), (2028, 2028), (2029, 2029), (2030, 2030), (2031, 2031), (2032, 2032), (2033, 2033), (2034, 2034), (2035, 2035), (2036, 2036), (2037, 2037), (2038, 2038), (2039, 2039), (2040, 2040), (2041, 2041), (2042, 2042), (2043, 2043), (2044, 2044), (2045, 2045), (2046, 2046), (2047, 2047), (2048, 2048), (2049, 2049), (2050, 2050), (2051, 2051), (2052, 2052), (2053, 2053), (2054, 2054), (2055, 2055), (2056, 2056), (2057, 2057), (2058, 2058), ], help_text="Select the year project construction began. If the project is not yet in construction, select the assumed start year as detailed in company information or media.", null=True, verbose_name="Construction start year", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="total_investment", field=models.IntegerField( blank=True, help_text="The approximate total investment for the project in US dollars.", null=True, verbose_name="Total investment (in USD)", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="type_of_ecosystem", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("MARINE", "Marine (e.g. Ocean, Sea)"), ("FRESH", "Freshwater (e.g. Freshwater, Lake)"), ("FOREST", "Forest/Jungle"), ("AGRI", "Agricultural Land"), ("GRASS", "Grassland"), ("DESERT", "Desert (Tundra, Ice or Sand)"), ("WETLND", "Wetland (Marsh, Mangrove, Peat Soil)"), ("URBAN", "Urban"), ], max_length=56, verbose_name="Type(s) of ecosystem", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="use_in_energy_economy", field=multiselectfield.db.fields.MultiSelectField( blank=True, choices=[ ("CPV", "Concentrated solar power (CSP)"), ("EPT", "Electrical power transmission infrastructure"), ("ESS", "Energy storage"), ("GGM", "Geothermal"), ("HGM", "Hydropower"), ("HNT", "Heat networks"), ("SPM", "Solar PV"), ("STM", "Solar thermal systems"), ("WTM", "Wind power"), ("ESS", "Don't know"), ("OTR", "Other"), ], max_length=128, verbose_name="Potential use in renewable energy economy", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="use_in_energy_economy_other", field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=128, verbose_name="Other"), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="casestudy", name="when_did_organising_start", field=models.CharField( blank=True, help_text="Before the project started? During project implementation? After project implementation? Describe in your own words.", max_length=512, verbose_name="When did local organising efforts begin?", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="pointofinterest", name="slug", field=django_extensions.db.fields.AutoSlugField( blank=True, editable=False, populate_from=["title"] ), ), ]