getRouteName(); switch ($route_name) { case 'entity.oc_actor.canonical': case 'entity.oc_actor.edit_form': $markup = $this->actorPage(); break; case 'view.cases.page_1': $markup = $this->caseListPageForActor(); break; case 'entity.oc_case.canonical': case 'entity.oc_case.edit_form': $markup = $this->casePage(); break; case 'entity.oc_case.add_form': $markup = $this->caseAddPage(); break; case 'view.activities.page_1': $markup = $this->activityListPage(); break; case 'entity.oc_activity.canonical': case 'entity.oc_activity.edit_form': $markup = $this->activityPage(); break; case 'entity.oc_activity.add_form': $markup = $this->activityAddPage(); break; } $build = []; $build['contextual_menu'] = [ '#markup' => "
$markup ['max-age' => 0] ]; return $build; } /** * Contextual menu for Actor page * - Link to case list for that actor */ private function actorPage() { $actor_id = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('oc_actor')->id(); $link = $this->getCaseListLink('oc_actor', $actor_id); return $this->asNavLinks([$link]); } /** * Contextual menu for Case list page * - Link to actor whose case list this is * - Links to add cases of various types * - Store the actor id in the session, so that the user experiences * a hierachy actor->case->activities which they can navigate */ private function caseListPageForActor() { $actor_id = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('actor_id'); \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('opencase')->set('parent_type', 'oc_actor'); \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('opencase')->set('parent_id', $actor_id); $actor = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('oc_actor')->load($actor_id); $link = $actor->toLink()->toString(); $markup = $this->asNavLinks([$link]); $current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath(); $title = "Add new case"; $query = ['actor_id' => $actor_id, 'destination' => $current_path]; $markup .= $this->generateLinksForAddingNewCasesForActor($actor, $title, $query); return $markup; } /** * Contextual menu for Case page * - Link either the case list for the actor stored in the session (because their case list page was previously loaded) * or the home page * - Link to Activity list for that case */ private function casePage() { $case = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('oc_case'); $links = [$this->getCaseListLinkForParentEntity(), $this->getActivityListLink($case)]; return $this->asNavLinks($links); } /** * Contextual menu for Add-New-Case page * - Link to Case list for the parent entity (actor by default but plugins can change the type) * that is stored in the session */ private function caseAddPage() { $link = $this->getCaseListLinkForParentEntity(); return $this->asNavLinks([$link]); } private function getCaseListLinkForParentEntity() { $parent_type = \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('opencase')->get('parent_type'); $parent_id = \Drupal::service('user.private_tempstore')->get('opencase')->get('parent_id'); return $this->getCaseListLink($parent_type, $parent_id); } private function getCaseListLink($entity_type, $entity_id) { $url = "/opencase/$entity_type/$entity_id/case_list"; $entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type)->load($entity_id); $link_text = $entity->getName(). ": Cases"; return "$link_text"; } /** * Returns a link to the list of all cases */ private function getCaseListLinkAll() { $url = Url::fromRoute('view.cases.page_2'); return Link::fromTextAndUrl(t("All cases"), $url)->toString(); } /** * Contextual menu for Activity list page * - Link to the case that the activity list is for * - Links to add activities of various types */ private function activityListPage() { $case_id = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('case_id'); $case = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('oc_case')->load($case_id); $url = $case->toUrl(); $link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t($case->getName() .": Case Details and Files"), $url)->toString(); $markup = $this->asNavLinks([$link]); $current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath(); return $markup . $this->generateLinksForAddingNewActivities($case, "Add activity", ['case_id' => $case_id, 'destination' => $current_path]); } /** * Contextual menu for Activity page * - Link to the activity list for the case */ private function activityPage() { $activity = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('oc_activity'); $case = $activity->oc_case->entity; $link = $this->getActivityListLink($case); return $this->asNavLinks([$link]); } /** * Contextual menu for Add-New-Activity page * - Link to the activity list for the case */ private function activityAddPage() { $case_id = \Drupal::request()->query->get('case_id'); $case = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('oc_case')->load($case_id); $link = $this->getActivityListLink($case); return $this->asNavLinks([$link]); } /** * Given an case entity, returns a link to the activity list */ private function getActivityListLink($case) { $url = Url::fromRoute('view.activities.page_1', ['case_id' => $case->id()]); return Link::fromTextAndUrl(t($case->getName() .": Activities"), $url)->toString(); } /** * Render given links as nav links div with heading */ private function asNavLinks(array $links) { $markup = ''; foreach($links as $link) { $markup .= "


"; } $title = t("Go to:"); return ""; } /** * returns html markup. */ private function generateLinksForAddingNewCasesForActor($actor, $title, $query = []) { $actor_type = $actor->bundle(); $allCaseTypes = \Drupal::service('')->getBundleInfo('oc_case'); // $allCaseTypes is array where the key is the machine name and the value is array containing label // Now we pick just the allowed ones and produced an array of labels keyed by machine name $allowedCaseTypes = array(); foreach(array_keys($allCaseTypes) as $caseType) { if (in_array($actor_type, EntityTypeRelations::getAllowedActorTypesForCaseType($caseType))) { $allowedCaseTypes[$caseType] = $allCaseTypes[$caseType]['label']; } } $title = t($title); $markup = "


"; foreach($allowedCaseTypes as $machine_name => $label) { $url = \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute("entity.oc_case.add_form", ['oc_case_type' => $machine_name]); $url->setOption('query', $query); $link = \Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl($label, $url)->toString(); $markup .= "


"; } return ""; } /** * returns html markup. */ private function generateLinksForAddingNewActivities($case, $title, $query = []) { $title = t($title); $markup = "


"; $caseType = $case->bundle(); $allActivityTypes = \Drupal::service('')->getBundleInfo('oc_activity'); // $allActivityTypes is array where the key is the machine name and the value is array containing label // Now we pick just the allowed ones and produced an array of labels keyed by machine name $allowedActivityTypes = EntityTypeRelations::getAllowedActivityTypesForCaseType($caseType); foreach($allowedActivityTypes as $machine_name => $is_allowed) { if ($is_allowed) { $label = $allActivityTypes[$machine_name]['label']; $url = \Drupal\Core\Url::fromRoute("entity.oc_activity.add_form", ['oc_activity_type' => $machine_name]); $url->setOption('query', $query); $link = \Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl($label, $url)->toString(); $markup .= "


"; } } return ""; } }