composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:8.9.8 drupal # ADD THIS TO drupal/composer.json IN THE REPOSITORIES SECTION ,{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" } # INSTALL MODULES VIA COMPOSER (this will add them to composer.json, which is better than using a premade one, because this way the versions will all sort themselves out) composer require drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/security_review drupal/smtp drupal/opencase drupal/superfish # CREATE DIRECTORIES AND SET UP FILE PERMISSIONS # start in drupal directory mkdir -p config/sync mkdir private # if web server user =/= deployment user: # start in drupal directory sudo chgrp www-data config/sync cd web cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php sudo chgrp www-data . -R mkdir sites/default/files sudo chmod g+w sites/default/files -R chmod g+w sites/default/settings.php sudo find -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \; sudo chmod g-w sites/default/ sudo chmod g-w sites sudo chmod g-w sites ./sites/example.settings.local.php ./sites/ ./sites/example.sites.php ./sites/default/ ./sites/default/default.settings.php ./autoload.php sudo chmod g-w -R modules/ sudo chmod g-w -R core sudo chmod g-w profiles index.php update.php sudo chmod g-w themes -R sudo chmod g-w web.config robots.txt cd ../ sudo chmod g-w -R web/modules sudo chgrp www-data private sudo chmod g+w,o-r,o-x private # INSTALL THE SITE - Create a database - Go to the url and run the installer # make settings file unwriteable now that it has been generated sudo chmod a-w sites/default/settings.php # ENABLE all the above modules drush en admin_toolbar security_review smtp opencase -y # TODO set $trusted_host_patterns (in settings.php) # TODO private files (in settings.php) # TODO Set all the HTML roles to admin only - /admin/config/content/formats # TODO run security review (make eveything untrusted except CRM Admin and Admin) - /admin/config/security-review # TODO homepage -> /opencase/whatever-the-chosen-homepage, 403 - /user/login - /admin/config/system/site-information # TODO disable blocks: tools, main navigation, footer menu - /admin/structure/block # TODO logo & colours - admin/appearance/settings/bartik # TODO disallow registering an account & turn off personal contact forms - /admin/config/people/accounts # TODO add linked actor field to form display and display display - top of both # TODO change which contact form is the default - /admin/structure/contact # TODO change "short" date formate to d/m/Y - /admin/config/regional/date-time