diff --git a/manual_tests.md b/manual_tests.md index fe4144e..43fb6eb 100644 --- a/manual_tests.md +++ b/manual_tests.md @@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ * If you change the client type, the options in the subtype dropdown should populate accordingly (e.g. "Licensed Premises" -> a list including "Pub or Bar", or "Nightlife Organisation" -> a list including "Festival" and "Staffing Agency") * The "-None-" option should always remain present in the subtypes dropdown. +# Linked clients +* Client screen should have a button to add a linked client +* When you click it it should take you to a screen saying "Add linked client" with an autocomplete box +* Add One +* You should then see the linked client in the list on the original client's screen +* Clink on the linked client's name in the list and you should see that the original client is in the list of linked clients for it (i.e. it is a summetrical relation) + # Editing a client using the GUI ## Tests for JS code in js/edit_client.js * The subtypes dropdown should be populated according to the existing value of the types dropdown. E.g. save a client as "licensed premises" type and reopen; the subtypes should be a list including "Pub or Bar"