diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 311bd4b..89b14b6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -12,13 +12,8 @@ * Go to the local url and run the web installer (choose "Standard") * `drush config-set "system.site" uuid "0c85ec7c-68f9-419f-92bb-d9a3a256ca23"` (this allows you to import & export config to other sites built using this repo) * `drush config:delete shortcut.set.default` (it always complains about the shortcut set already existing when you try to import the config) -* `drush config:import --source ../config` +* Import the config from the opencase module by going (in a terminal) to `web/modules/contrib/opencase` and then running `./pull_project.sh` * Appearance->Settings->Bartik and just save what's in there (to regenerate css) -# dev - -To export the config run: `drush config:export --destination=../config ` - -To clear cache run: `drush cr`