# startinblox-startinoff `djangoldp` is a Django app which you plug into a Django project. So, if you're hacking on `djangoldp` then you need a Django project to test it. When you follow this [setup guide](https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp#setup-a-djangoldp-server), you get asked to run `djangoldp initserver myldpserver` and what spits out is what you also see in this repository but with a working `setting.yml` file. If you create a virtual environment for `djangoldp` code then keep that virtual environment sourced and you can then run `./manage.py` here in this project folder to test your changes. ``` ➜ startinblox tree -L 1 . ├── djangoldp (source .venv/bin/activate here and hack away) └── startinblox-startinoff (run ./manage.py commands here which uses your djangoldp code) 2 directories, 0 files ```