/** * External dependencies */ import { useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { normalizeShippingOptions, getTotalPaymentItem, normalizeLineItems, getBillingData, getPaymentMethodData, getShippingData, } from '../stripe-utils'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').EventRegistrationProps} EventRegistrationProps * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').BillingDataProps} BillingDataProps * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').ShippingDataProps} ShippingDataProps * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').EmitResponseProps} EmitResponseProps */ /** * @param {Object} props * * @param {boolean} props.canMakePayment Whether the payment request * can make payment or not. * @param {boolean} props.isProcessing Whether the express payment * method is processing or not. * @param {EventRegistrationProps} props.eventRegistration Various functions for * registering observers to * events. * @param {Object} props.paymentRequestEventHandlers Cached handlers registered * for paymentRequest events. * @param {function(string):void} props.clearPaymentRequestEventHandler Clears the cached payment * request event handler. * @param {BillingDataProps} props.billing * @param {ShippingDataProps} props.shippingData * @param {EmitResponseProps} props.emitResponse * @param {string} props.paymentRequestType The derived payment request * type for the express * payment being processed. * @param {function(any):void} props.completePayment This is a callback * receiving the source event * and setting it to * successful payment. * @param {function(any,string):any} props.abortPayment This is a callback * receiving the source * event and setting it to * failed payment. */ export const useCheckoutSubscriptions = ( { canMakePayment, isProcessing, eventRegistration, paymentRequestEventHandlers, clearPaymentRequestEventHandler, billing, shippingData, emitResponse, paymentRequestType, completePayment, abortPayment, } ) => { const { onShippingRateSuccess, onShippingRateFail, onShippingRateSelectSuccess, onShippingRateSelectFail, onPaymentProcessing, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError, } = eventRegistration; const { noticeContexts, responseTypes } = emitResponse; const eventHandlers = useRef( paymentRequestEventHandlers ); const currentBilling = useRef( billing ); const currentShipping = useRef( shippingData ); const currentPaymentRequestType = useRef( paymentRequestType ); useEffect( () => { eventHandlers.current = paymentRequestEventHandlers; currentBilling.current = billing; currentShipping.current = shippingData; currentPaymentRequestType.current = paymentRequestType; }, [ paymentRequestEventHandlers, billing, shippingData, paymentRequestType, ] ); // subscribe to events. useEffect( () => { const onShippingRatesEvent = ( shippingRates ) => { const handlers = eventHandlers.current; const billingData = currentBilling.current; if ( handlers.shippingAddressChange && isProcessing ) { handlers.shippingAddressChange.updateWith( { status: 'success', shippingOptions: normalizeShippingOptions( shippingRates ), total: getTotalPaymentItem( billingData.cartTotal ), displayItems: normalizeLineItems( billingData.cartTotalItems ), } ); clearPaymentRequestEventHandler( 'shippingAddressChange' ); } }; const onShippingRatesEventFail = ( currentErrorStatus ) => { const handlers = eventHandlers.current; if ( handlers.shippingAddressChange && isProcessing ) { handlers.shippingAddressChange.updateWith( { status: currentErrorStatus.hasInvalidAddress ? 'invalid_shipping_address' : 'fail', shippingOptions: [], } ); } clearPaymentRequestEventHandler( 'shippingAddressChange' ); }; const onShippingSelectedRate = ( forSuccess = true ) => () => { const handlers = eventHandlers.current; const shipping = currentShipping.current; const billingData = currentBilling.current; if ( handlers.shippingOptionChange && ! shipping.isSelectingRate && isProcessing ) { const updateObject = forSuccess ? { status: 'success', total: getTotalPaymentItem( billingData.cartTotal ), displayItems: normalizeLineItems( billingData.cartTotalItems ), } : { status: 'fail', }; handlers.shippingOptionChange.updateWith( updateObject ); clearPaymentRequestEventHandler( 'shippingOptionChange' ); } }; const onProcessingPayment = () => { const handlers = eventHandlers.current; if ( handlers.sourceEvent && isProcessing ) { const response = { type: responseTypes.SUCCESS, meta: { billingData: getBillingData( handlers.sourceEvent ), paymentMethodData: getPaymentMethodData( handlers.sourceEvent, currentPaymentRequestType.current ), shippingData: getShippingData( handlers.sourceEvent ), }, }; return response; } return { type: responseTypes.SUCCESS }; }; const onCheckoutComplete = ( checkoutResponse ) => { const handlers = eventHandlers.current; let response = { type: responseTypes.SUCCESS }; if ( handlers.sourceEvent && isProcessing ) { const { paymentStatus, paymentDetails, } = checkoutResponse.processingResponse; if ( paymentStatus === responseTypes.SUCCESS ) { completePayment( handlers.sourceEvent ); } if ( paymentStatus === responseTypes.ERROR || paymentStatus === responseTypes.FAIL ) { abortPayment( handlers.sourceEvent ); response = { type: responseTypes.ERROR, message: paymentDetails?.errorMessage, messageContext: noticeContexts.EXPRESS_PAYMENTS, retry: true, }; } clearPaymentRequestEventHandler( 'sourceEvent' ); } return response; }; if ( canMakePayment && isProcessing ) { const unsubscribeShippingRateSuccess = onShippingRateSuccess( onShippingRatesEvent ); const unsubscribeShippingRateFail = onShippingRateFail( onShippingRatesEventFail ); const unsubscribeShippingRateSelectSuccess = onShippingRateSelectSuccess( onShippingSelectedRate() ); const unsubscribeShippingRateSelectFail = onShippingRateSelectFail( onShippingRatesEventFail ); const unsubscribePaymentProcessing = onPaymentProcessing( onProcessingPayment ); const unsubscribeCheckoutCompleteSuccess = onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess( onCheckoutComplete ); const unsubscribeCheckoutCompleteFail = onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError( onCheckoutComplete ); return () => { unsubscribeCheckoutCompleteFail(); unsubscribeCheckoutCompleteSuccess(); unsubscribePaymentProcessing(); unsubscribeShippingRateFail(); unsubscribeShippingRateSuccess(); unsubscribeShippingRateSelectSuccess(); unsubscribeShippingRateSelectFail(); }; } return undefined; }, [ canMakePayment, isProcessing, onShippingRateSuccess, onShippingRateFail, onShippingRateSelectSuccess, onShippingRateSelectFail, onPaymentProcessing, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError, responseTypes, noticeContexts, completePayment, abortPayment, clearPaymentRequestEventHandler, ] ); };