include .env .PHONY: up down stop prune ps shell shell_root wp logs default: up ####################################### # Variable admin ####################################### REQUIRED_BINS := docker $(foreach bin,$(REQUIRED_BINS),\ $(if $(shell command -v $(bin) 2> /dev/null),$(true),$(error Please install `$(bin)`))) ifeq ($(SITE_URL),) $(error SITE_URL is not set) endif ABRA ?= abra DOCKER_COMPOSE ?= docker-compose ifeq ($(DOCKER_SUDO), 1) DOCKER = sudo docker _DOCKER_COMPOSE = sudo $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) else DOCKER = docker _DOCKER_COMPOSE = $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) endif ####################################### # Core commands ####################################### ## Start up containers. up: @echo "Starting up containers for $(PROJECT_NAME)..." $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) pull $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) up -d --remove-orphans ## Stop containers. down: stop ## Start containers without updating. start: @echo "Starting containers for $(PROJECT_NAME) from where you left off..." @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) start ## Stop containers. stop: @echo "Stopping containers for $(PROJECT_NAME)..." @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) stop ## Remove containers and their volumes. ## You can optionally pass an argument with the service name to prune single container prune: @echo "Removing containers for $(PROJECT_NAME)..." @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) down -v $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) ps: @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) ps shell: @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress bash shell_root: @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec wordpress bash ## Executes `wp cli` ## Doesn't support --flag arguments. wp: $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress wp $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) ## composer ## Doesn't support --flag arguments. composer: $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress composer $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) ## Show vontainers' logs ## You can optinally pass an argument with the service name to limit logs logs: @$(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) logs -f $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) ## Check that all required variables are defined check: @echo "$$(tput setaf 125)Watch out for any lines starting '-', which indicate settings in .env.sample which aren't in .env$$(tput sgr0)" diff -u <(grep -v '^#' .env.sample | grep -v '^$$' | sed -e 's/=.*//g' | sort) <(grep -v '^#' .env | grep -v '^$$' | sed -e 's/=.*//g' | sort) || true @echo "$$(tput setaf 125)The following command shouldn't show any differences; if it does, re-copy WORDPRESS_CONFIG_EXTRA fr4om .env.sample to .env$$(tput sgr0)" diff -wu <(grep 'CONFIG_EXTRA' .env.sample ) <(grep 'CONFIG_EXTRA' .env) ####################################### # Content management ####################################### ## Download wp-content files from site uploads_fetch: @echo -n "About to download ~1.5GB of data, overwriting existing data/uploads.tar.gz. - are you sure? [Y/n] " && read ans && if [ $${ans:-'Y'} = 'n' ]; then \ printf $(_ERROR) "Aborting as requested\n"; \ exit 1 ; \ else \ printf $(_SUCCESS) "OK" "Continuing" ; \ $(ABRA) app run --no-tty $(SITE_URL) app tar --owner=0 --group=0 --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -czf- /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/ > data/uploads.tar.gz; \ fi ## Load latest wp-content from data/uploads.tar.gz uploads_load: tar -C wp-content --strip-components=4 -xzf data/uploads.tar.gz ####################################### # Wacky commands you probably won't need to use ####################################### ## Download database from dev site db_fetch: $(ABRA) app run $(SITE_URL) db bash -c 'mysqldump -u root -p"$$(cat /run/secrets/db_root_password)" wordpress' | gzip > data/dbdump.sql.gz ## Load latest database from ~/.abra/backups db_load: zcat data/dbdump.sql.gz | $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -T db mysql -u wordpress -pwordpress wordpress ## Replace site URL fix_url: $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress wp --url=https://$(SITE_URL) search-replace --all-tables-with-prefix 'https://$(SITE_URL)' 'http://$(PROJECT_NAME).localhost' $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress wp --url=https://$(SITE_URL) search-replace --all-tables-with-prefix '$(SITE_URL)' '$(PROJECT_NAME).localhost' $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress wp --url=https://$(SITE_URL) search-replace --all-tables-with-prefix '' '$(PROJECT_NAME).localhost' set_local_password: $(_DOCKER_COMPOSE) exec -u user wordpress wp user update admin --user_pass=password db_pull: db_fetch db_load fix_url ## Sync wp-content from site uploads_pull: uploads_fetch uploads_load ## Download wp-content files from site plugins_fetch: $(ABRA) app run --no-tty $(SITE_URL) app tar --owner=0 --group=0 --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -czf- /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/ > data/plugins.tar.gz ## Load latest plugins from data/plugins.tar.gz plugins_load: tar -C wp-content --strip-components=4 -xzf data/plugins.tar.gz ## Sync plugins from site plugins_pull: plugins_fetch plugins_load # "Arguments" for makefiles.. # %: