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2020-09-16 12:23:28 +00:00
* @module BrowserSync.options
module.exports = {
* Browsersync includes a user-interface that is accessed via a separate port.
* The UI allows to controls all devices, push sync updates and much more.
* @property ui
* @type Object
* @param {Number} [port=3001]
* @since 2.0.0
* @default false
ui: {
port: 3001
* Browsersync can watch your files as you work. Changes you make will either
* be injected into the page (CSS & images) or will cause all browsers to do
* a full-page refresh.
* @property files
* @type Array|String
* @default false
files: false,
* Specify which file events to respond to.
* Available events: `add`, `change`, `unlink`, `addDir`, `unlinkDir`
* @property watchEvents
* @type Array
* @default ["change"]
* @since 2.18.8
watchEvents: ["change"],
* Watch files automatically - this should be used as an
* alternative to the `files` option. When this option is used, some directories
* will be ignored automatically such as `node_modules` `bower_components` `.sass-cache`
* `.vscode` `.git` `.idea`
* @property watch
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @since 2.23.0
watch: false,
* Patterns for any watchers to ignore. Anything provided here
* will end up inside `watchOptions.ignored`
* @property ignore
* @type Array
* @default []
* @since 2.23.0
ignore: [],
* Serve an index.html file for all non-asset routes. Useful
* when using client-routers
* @property single
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @since 2.23.0
single: false,
* File watching options that get passed along to [Chokidar](
* Check their docs for available options
* @property watchOptions
* @type Object
* @default undefined
* @since 2.6.0
watchOptions: {
ignoreInitial: true
persistent: true,
ignored: '*.txt',
followSymlinks: true,
cwd: '.',
usePolling: true,
alwaysStat: false,
depth: undefined,
interval: 100,
ignorePermissionErrors: false,
atomic: true
* Use the built-in static server for basic HTML/JS/CSS websites.
* @property server
* @type Object|Boolean
* @default false
server: false,
* Proxy an EXISTING vhost. Browsersync will wrap your vhost with a proxy URL to view your site.
* @property proxy
* @type String|Object|Boolean
* @param {String} [target]
* @param {Boolean} [ws] - Enable websocket proxying
* @param {Function|Array} [middleware]
* @param {Function} [reqHeaders]
* @param {Array} [proxyReq]
* @param {Array} [proxyRes]
* @default false
proxy: false,
* @property port
* @type Number
* @default 3000
port: 3000,
* @property middleware
* @type Function|Array
* @default false
middleware: false,
* Add additional directories from which static
* files should be served. Should only be used in `proxy` or `snippet`
* mode.
* @property serveStatic
* @type Array
* @default []
* @since 2.8.0
serveStatic: [],
* Options that are passed to the serve-static middleware
* when you use the string[] syntax: eg: `serveStatic: ['./app']`. Please see
* [serve-static]( for details
* @property serveStaticOptions
* @type Object
* @since 2.17.0
* Enable https for localhost development. **Note** - this is not needed for proxy
* option as it will be inferred from your target url.
* @property https
* @type Boolean
* @default undefined
* @since 1.3.0
* Override http module to allow using 3rd party server modules (such as http2)
* *Note*: these modules are not included in the Browsersync package - you need
* to 'npm install' any that you'd like to use.
* @property httpModule
* @type string
* @default undefined
* @since 2.18.0
* Current working directory
* @property cwd
* @type String
* @since 2.23.0
* Register callbacks via a regular option - this can be used
* to get access the Browsersync instance in situations where you
* cannot provide a callback via the normal API (for example, in a Gruntfile)
* **Note**: Only the `ready` callback is currently supported here.
* @property callbacks
* @type Object
* @param {Function} ready
* Clicks, Scrolls & Form inputs on any device will be mirrored to all others.
* @property ghostMode
* @param {Boolean} [clicks=true]
* @param {Boolean} [scroll=true]
* @param {Boolean} [location=true]
* @param {Boolean} [forms=true]
* @param {Boolean} [forms.submit=true]
* @param {Boolean} [forms.inputs=true]
* @param {Boolean} [forms.toggles=true]
* @type Object
ghostMode: {
clicks: true,
scroll: true,
location: true,
forms: {
submit: true,
inputs: true,
toggles: true
* Can be either "info", "debug", "warn", or "silent"
* @property logLevel
* @type String
* @default info
logLevel: "info",
* Change the console logging prefix. Useful if you're creating your
* own project based on Browsersync
* @property logPrefix
* @type String
* @default Browsersync
* @since 1.5.1
logPrefix: "Browsersync",
* @property logConnections
* @type Boolean
* @default false
logConnections: false,
* @property logFileChanges
* @type Boolean
* @default true
logFileChanges: true,
* Log the snippet to the console when you're in snippet mode (no proxy/server)
* @property logSnippet
* @type: Boolean
* @default true
* @since 1.5.2
logSnippet: true,
* You can control how the snippet is injected
* onto each page via a custom regex + function.
* You can also provide patterns for certain urls
* that should be ignored from the snippet injection.
* @property snippetOptions
* @since 2.0.0
* @param {Boolean} [async] - should the script tags have the async attribute?
* @param {Array} [blacklist]
* @param {Array} [whitelist]
* @param {RegExp} [rule.match=/$/]
* @param {Function} [rule.fn=Function]
* @type Object
snippetOptions: {
async: true,
whitelist: [],
blacklist: [],
rule: {
match: /<body[^>]*>/i,
fn: function (snippet, match) {
return match + snippet;
* Add additional HTML rewriting rules.
* @property rewriteRules
* @since 2.4.0
* @type Array
* @default false
rewriteRules: [],
* @property tunnel
* @type String|Boolean
* @default null
* Some features of Browsersync (such as `xip` & `tunnel`) require an internet connection, but if you're
* working offline, you can reduce start-up time by setting this option to `false`
* @property online
* @type Boolean
* @default undefined
* Decide which URL to open automatically when Browsersync starts. Defaults to "local" if none set.
* Can be `true`, `local`, `external`, `ui`, `ui-external`, `tunnel` or `false`
* @property open
* @type Boolean|String
* @default true
open: "local",
* @property browser
* @type String|Array
* @default default
browser: "default",
* Add HTTP access control (CORS) headers to assets served by Browsersync.
* @property cors
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @since 2.16.0
cors: false,
* Requires an internet connection - useful for services such as [Typekit](
* as it allows you to configure domains such as `*` in your kit settings
* @property xip
* @type Boolean
* @default false
xip: false,
hostnameSuffix: false,
* Reload each browser when Browsersync is restarted.
* @property reloadOnRestart
* @type Boolean
* @default false
reloadOnRestart: false,
* The small pop-over notifications in the browser are not always needed/wanted.
* @property notify
* @type Boolean
* @default true
notify: true,
* @property scrollProportionally
* @type Boolean
* @default true
scrollProportionally: true,
* @property scrollThrottle
* @type Number
* @default 0
scrollThrottle: 0,
* Decide which technique should be used to restore
* scroll position following a reload.
* Can be `` or `cookie`
* @property scrollRestoreTechnique
* @type String
* @default ''
scrollRestoreTechnique: "",
* Sync the scroll position of any element
* on the page. Add any amount of CSS selectors
* @property scrollElements
* @type Array
* @default []
* @since 2.9.0
scrollElements: [],
* Sync the scroll position of any element
* on the page - where any scrolled element
* will cause all others to match scroll position.
* This is helpful when a breakpoint alters which element
* is actually scrolling
* @property scrollElementMapping
* @type Array
* @default []
* @since 2.9.0
scrollElementMapping: [],
* Time, in milliseconds, to wait before
* instructing the browser to reload/inject following a
* file change event
* @property reloadDelay
* @type Number
* @default 0
reloadDelay: 0,
* Wait for a specified window of event-silence before
* sending any reload events.
* @property reloadDebounce
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @since 2.6.0
reloadDebounce: 500,
* Emit only the first event during sequential time windows
* of a specified duration.
* @property reloadThrottle
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @since 2.13.0
reloadThrottle: 0,
* User provided plugins
* @property plugins
* @type Array
* @default []
* @since 2.6.0
plugins: [],
* @property injectChanges
* @type Boolean
* @default true
injectChanges: true,
* @property startPath
* @type String|Null
* @default null
startPath: null,
* Whether to minify client script, or not.
* @property minify
* @type Boolean
* @default true
minify: true,
* @property host
* @type String
* @default null
host: null,
* Specify a host to listen on. Use this if you want to
* prevent binding to all interfaces.
* Note: When you specify this option, it overrides the 'host' option
* @property listen
* @type String
* @default undefined
* Support environments where dynamic hostnames are not required
* (ie: electron)
* @property localOnly
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @since 2.14.0
localOnly: false,
* @property codeSync
* @type Boolean
* @default true
codeSync: true,
* @property timestamps
* @type Boolean
* @default true
timestamps: true,
clientEvents: [
* Alter the script path for complete control over where the Browsersync
* Javascript is served from. Whatever you return from this function
* will be used as the script path.
* @property scriptPath
* @default undefined
* @since 1.5.0
* @type Function
* Configure the Socket.IO path and namespace & domain to avoid collisions.
* @property socket
* @param {String} [path="/browser-sync/"]
* @param {String} [clientPath="/browser-sync"]
* @param {String|Function} [namespace="/browser-sync"]
* @param {String|Function} [domain=undefined]
* @param {String|Function} [port=undefined]
* @param {Object} [clients.heartbeatTimeout=5000]
* @since 1.6.2
* @type Object
socket: {
socketIoOptions: {
log: false
socketIoClientConfig: {
reconnectionAttempts: 50
path: "/browser-sync/",
clientPath: "/browser-sync",
namespace: "/browser-sync",
clients: {
heartbeatTimeout: 5000
* Configure the script domain
* @property script
* @param {String|Function} [domain=undefined]
* @since 2.14.0
* @type Object
tagNames: {
less: "link",
scss: "link",
css: "link",
jpg: "img",
jpeg: "img",
png: "img",
svg: "img",
gif: "img",
js: "script"
injectFileTypes: ["css", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "gif", "webp", "map"],
injectNotification: false,
excludedFileTypes: [