2020-10-21 22:00:04 +00:00
! function ( e ) { var t = { } ; function n ( r ) { if ( t [ r ] ) return t [ r ] . exports ; var i = t [ r ] = { i : r , l : ! 1 , exports : { } } ; return e [ r ] . call ( i . exports , i , i . exports , n ) , i . l = ! 0 , i . exports } n . m = e , n . c = t , n . d = function ( e , t , r ) { n . o ( e , t ) || Object . defineProperty ( e , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : r } ) } , n . r = function ( e ) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol . toStringTag && Object . defineProperty ( e , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) , Object . defineProperty ( e , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) } , n . t = function ( e , t ) { if ( 1 & t && ( e = n ( e ) ) , 8 & t ) return e ; if ( 4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e . _ _esModule ) return e ; var r = Object . create ( null ) ; if ( n . r ( r ) , Object . defineProperty ( r , "default" , { enumerable : ! 0 , value : e } ) , 2 & t && "string" != typeof e ) for ( var i in e ) n . d ( r , i , function ( t ) { return e [ t ] } . bind ( null , i ) ) ; return r } , n . n = function ( e ) { var t = e && e . _ _esModule ? function ( ) { return e . default } : function ( ) { return e } ; return n . d ( t , "a" , t ) , t } , n . o = function ( e , t ) { return Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e , t ) } , n . p = "" , n ( n . s = 5 ) } ( [ function ( e , t , n ) { var r ;
2020-09-18 20:01:59 +00:00
/ * !
* jQuery JavaScript Library v3 . 5.1
* https : //jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle . js
* https : //sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https : //jquery.org/license
* Date : 2020 - 05 - 04 T22 : 49 Z
2020-10-21 22:00:04 +00:00
* /!function(t,n){"use strict";"object"==typeof e.exports?e.exports=t.document?n(t,!0):function(e){if(!e.document)throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");return n(e)}:n(t)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,(function(n,i){"use strict";var o=[],s=Object.getPrototypeOf,a=o.slice,l=o.flat?function(e){return o.flat.call(e)}:function(e){return o.concat.apply([],e)},u=o.push,c=o.indexOf,f={},p=f.toString,d=f.hasOwnProperty,h=d.toString,g=h.call(Object),m={},v=function(e){return"function"==typeof e&&"number"!=typeof e.nodeType},y=function(e){return null!=e&&e===e.window},x=n.document,b={type:!0,src:!0,nonce:!0,noModule:!0};function w(e,t,n){var r,i,o=(n=n||x).createElement("script");if(o.text=e,t)for(r in b)(i=t[r]||t.getAttribute&&t.getAttribute(r))&&o.setAttribute(r,i);n.head.appendChild(o).parentNode.removeChild(o)}function T(e){return null==e?e+"":"object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e?f[p.call(e)]||"object":typeof e}var C=function(e,t){return new C.fn.init(e,t)};function S(e){var t=!!e&&"length"in e&&e.length,n=T(e);return!v(e)&&!y(e)&&("array"===n||0===t||"number"==typeof t&&t>0&&t-1 in e)}C.fn=C.prototype={jquery:"3.5.1",constructor:C,length:0,toArray:function(){return a.call(this)},get:function(e){return null==e?a.call(this):e<0?this[e+this.length]:this[e]},pushStack:function(e){var t=C.merge(this.constructor(),e);return t.prevObject=this,t},each:function(e){return C.each(this,e)},map:function(e){return this.pushStack(C.map(this,(function(t,n){return e.call(t,n,t)})))},slice:function(){return this.pushStack(a.apply(this,arguments))},first:function(){return this.eq(0)},last:function(){return this.eq(-1)},even:function(){return this.pushStack(C.grep(this,(function(e,t){return(t+1)%2})))},odd:function(){return this.pushStack(C.grep(this,(function(e,t){return t%2})))},eq:function(e){var t=this.length,n=+e+(e<0?t:0);return this.pushStack(n>=0&&n<t?[this[n]]:[])},end:function(){return this.prevObject||this.constructor()},push:u,sort:o.sort,splice:o.splice},C.extend=C.fn.extend=function(){var e,t,n,r,i,o,s=arguments[0]||{},a=1,l=arguments.length,u=!1;for("boolean"==typeof s&&(u=s,s=arguments[a]||{},a++),"object"==typeof s||v(s)||(s={}),a===l&&(s=this,a--);a<l;a++)if(null!=(e=arguments[a]))for(t in e)r=e[t],"__proto__"!==t&&s!==r&&(u&&r&&(C.isPlainObject(r)||(i=Array.isArray(r)))?(n=s[t],o=i&&!Array.isArray(n)?[]:i||C.isPlainObject(n)?n:{},i=!1,s[t]=C.extend(u,o,r)):void 0!==r&&(s[t]=r));return s},C.extend({expando:"jQuery"+("3.5.1"+Math.random()).replace(/ \ D / g , "" ) , isReady : ! 0 , error : function ( e ) { throw new Error ( e ) } , noop : function ( ) { } , isPlainObject : function ( e ) { var t , n ; return ! ( ! e || "[object Object]" !== p . call ( e ) ) && ( ! ( t = s ( e ) ) || "function" == typeof ( n = d . call ( t , "constructor" ) && t . constructor ) && h . call ( n ) === g ) } , isEmptyObject : function ( e ) { var t ; for ( t in e ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } , globalEval : function ( e , t , n ) { w ( e , { nonce : t && t . nonce } , n ) } , each : function ( e , t ) { var n , r = 0 ; if ( S ( e ) ) for ( n = e . length ; r < n && ! 1 !== t . call ( e [ r ] , r , e [ r ] ) ; r ++ ) ; else for ( r in e ) if ( ! 1 === t . call ( e [ r ] , r , e [ r ] ) ) break ; return e } , makeArray : function ( e , t ) { var n = t || [ ] ; return null != e && ( S ( Object ( e ) ) ? C . merge ( n , "string" == typeof e ? [ e ] : e ) : u . call ( n , e ) ) , n } , inArray : function ( e , t , n ) { return null == t ? - 1 : c . call ( t , e , n ) } , merge : function ( e , t ) { for ( var n = + t . length , r = 0 , i = e . length ; r < n ; r ++ ) e [ i ++ ] = t [ r ] ; return e . length = i , e } , grep : function ( e , t , n ) { for ( var r = [ ] , i = 0 , o = e . length , s = ! n ; i < o ; i ++ ) ! t ( e [ i ] , i ) !== s && r . push ( e [ i ] ) ; return r } , map : function ( e , t , n ) { var r , i , o = 0 , s = [ ] ; if ( S ( e ) ) for ( r = e . length ; o < r ; o ++ ) null != ( i = t ( e [ o ] , o , n ) ) && s . push ( i ) ; else for ( o in e ) null != ( i = t ( e [ o ] , o , n ) ) && s . push ( i ) ; return l ( s ) } , guid : 1 , support : m } ) , "function" == typeof Symbol && ( C . fn [ Symbol . iterator ] = o [ Symbol . iterator ] ) , C . each ( "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol" . split ( " " ) , ( function ( e , t ) { f [ "[object " + t + "]" ] = t . toLowerCase ( ) } ) ) ; var k =
2020-09-18 20:01:59 +00:00
/ * !
* Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2 . 3.5
* https : //sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https : //js.foundation/
* Date : 2020 - 03 - 14
* /
2020-11-02 12:40:06 +00:00
function ( e ) { var t , n , r , i , o , s , a , l , u , c , f , p , d , h , g , m , v , y , x , b = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date , w = e . document , T = 0 , C = 0 , S = le ( ) , k = le ( ) , E = le ( ) , A = le ( ) , D = function ( e , t ) { return e === t && ( f = ! 0 ) , 0 } , N = { } . hasOwnProperty , j = [ ] , L = j . pop , q = j . push , H = j . push , O = j . slice , P = function ( e , t ) { for ( var n = 0 , r = e . length ; n < r ; n ++ ) if ( e [ n ] === t ) return n ; return - 1 } , R = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped" , W = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]" , M = "(?:\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + W + "?|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f]|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\x7f])+" , _ = "\\[" + W + "*(" + M + ")(?:" + W + "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + W + "*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + M + "))|)" + W + "*\\]" , I = ":(" + M + ")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + _ + ")*)|.*)\\)|)" , B = new RegExp ( W + "+" , "g" ) , F = new RegExp ( "^" + W + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + W + "+$" , "g" ) , $ = new RegExp ( "^" + W + "*," + W + "*" ) , z = new RegExp ( "^" + W + "*([>+~]|" + W + ")" + W + "*" ) , X = new RegExp ( W + "|>" ) , U = new RegExp ( I ) , V = new RegExp ( "^" + M + "$" ) , Q = { ID : new RegExp ( "^#(" + M + ")" ) , CLASS : new RegExp ( "^\\.(" + M + ")" ) , TAG : new RegExp ( "^(" + M + "|[*])" ) , ATTR : new RegExp ( "^" + _ ) , PSEUDO : new RegExp ( "^" + I ) , CHILD : new RegExp ( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + W + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + W + "*(?:([+-]|)" + W + "*(\\d+)|))" + W + "*\\)|)" , "i" ) , bool : new RegExp ( "^(?:" + R + ")$" , "i" ) , needsContext : new RegExp ( "^" + W + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + W + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + W + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)" , "i" ) } , Y = /HTML$/i , G = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i , K = /^h\d$/i , J = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/ , Z = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/ , ee = /[+~]/ , te = new RegExp ( "\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}" + W + "?|\\\\([^\\r\\n\\f])" , "g" ) , ne = function ( e , t ) { var n = "0x" + e . slice ( 1 ) - 65536 ; return t || ( n < 0 ? String . fromCharCode ( n + 65536 ) : String . fromCharCode ( n >> 10 | 55296 , 1023 & n | 56320 ) ) } , re = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g , ie = function ( e , t ) { return t ? "\0" === e ? "<22> " : e . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) + "\\" + e . charCodeAt ( e . length - 1 ) . toString ( 16 ) + " " : "\\" + e } , oe = function ( ) { p ( ) } , se = be ( ( function ( e ) { return ! 0 === e . disabled && "fieldset" === e . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) } ) , { dir : "parentNode" , next : "legend" } ) ; try { H . apply ( j = O . call ( w . childNodes ) , w . childNodes ) , j [ w . childNodes . length ] . nodeType } catch ( e ) { H = { apply : j . length ? function ( e , t ) { q . apply ( e , O . call ( t ) ) } : function ( e , t ) { for ( var n = e . length , r = 0 ; e [ n ++ ] = t [ r ++ ] ; ) ; e . length = n - 1 } } } function ae ( e , t , r , i ) { var o , a , u , c , f , h , v , y = t && t . ownerDocument , w = t ? t . nodeType : 9 ; if ( r = r || [ ] , "string" != typeof e || ! e || 1 !== w && 9 !== w && 11 !== w ) return r ; if ( ! i && ( p ( t ) , t = t || d , g ) ) { if ( 11 !== w && ( f = Z . exec ( e ) ) ) if ( o = f [ 1 ] ) { if ( 9 === w ) { if ( ! ( u = t . getElementById ( o ) ) ) return r ; if ( u . id === o ) return r . push ( u ) , r } else if ( y && ( u = y . getElementById ( o ) ) && x ( t , u ) && u . id === o ) return r . push ( u ) , r } else { if ( f [ 2 ] ) return H . apply ( r , t . getElementsByTagName ( e ) ) , r ; if ( ( o = f [ 3 ] ) && n . getElementsByClassName && t . getElementsByClassName ) return H . apply ( r , t . getElementsByClassName ( o ) ) , r } if ( n . qsa && ! A [ e + " " ] && ( ! m || ! m . test ( e ) ) && ( 1 !== w || "object" !== t . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) { if ( v = e , y = t , 1 === w && ( X . test ( e ) || z . test ( e ) ) ) { for ( ( y = ee . test ( e ) && ve ( t . parentNode ) || t ) === t && n . scope || ( ( c = t . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ? c = c . replace ( re , ie ) : t . setAttribute ( "id" , c = b ) ) , a = ( h = s ( e ) ) . length ; a -- ; ) h [ a ] = ( c ? "#" + c : ":scope" ) + " " + xe ( h [ a ] ) ; v = h . join ( "," ) } try { return H . apply ( r , y . querySelectorAll ( v ) ) , r } catch ( t ) { A ( e , ! 0 ) } finally { c === b && t . removeAttribute ( "id" ) } } } return l ( e . replace ( F , "$1" ) , t , r , i ) } function le ( ) { var e = [ ] ; return function t ( n , i ) { return e . push ( n + " " ) > r . cacheLength && delete t [ e . shift ( ) ] , t [ n + " " ] = i } } function ue ( e ) { return e [ b ] = ! 0 , e } function ce ( e ) { var t = d . createElement ( "fieldset" ) ; try { return ! ! e ( t ) } catch ( e ) { return ! 1 } finally { t . parentNode && t . parentNode . removeChild ( t ) , t = null } } function fe ( e , t ) { for ( var n = e . split ( "|" ) , i = n . length ; i -- ; ) r . attrHandle [ n [ i ] ] = t } function pe ( e , t ) { var n = t && e , r = n && 1 === e . nodeType && 1 === t . nodeType && e . sourceIndex - t . sourceIndex ; if ( r ) return r ; if ( n ) for ( ; n = n . nextSibling ; ) if ( n === t ) return - 1 ; return e ? 1 : - 1 } function de ( e ) { return function ( t ) { return "input" === t . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) && t . type === e } } function he ( e ) { return function ( t ) { var n = t . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ; return ( "input" === n || "button" === n ) && t . type === e } } function ge ( e ) { return function ( t ) { return "form" in t ? t . parentNode && ! 1 === t . disabled ? "
2020-10-21 22:00:04 +00:00
/ * !
Waypoints - 4.0 . 1
Copyright © 2011 - 2016 Caleb Troughton
Licensed under the MIT license .
https : //github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blob/master/licenses.txt
* /
! function ( ) { "use strict" ; var e = 0 , t = { } ; function n ( r ) { if ( ! r ) throw new Error ( "No options passed to Waypoint constructor" ) ; if ( ! r . element ) throw new Error ( "No element option passed to Waypoint constructor" ) ; if ( ! r . handler ) throw new Error ( "No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor" ) ; this . key = "waypoint-" + e , this . options = n . Adapter . extend ( { } , n . defaults , r ) , this . element = this . options . element , this . adapter = new n . Adapter ( this . element ) , this . callback = r . handler , this . axis = this . options . horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical" , this . enabled = this . options . enabled , this . triggerPoint = null , this . group = n . Group . findOrCreate ( { name : this . options . group , axis : this . axis } ) , this . context = n . Context . findOrCreateByElement ( this . options . context ) , n . offsetAliases [ this . options . offset ] && ( this . options . offset = n . offsetAliases [ this . options . offset ] ) , this . group . add ( this ) , this . context . add ( this ) , t [ this . key ] = this , e += 1 } n . prototype . queueTrigger = function ( e ) { this . group . queueTrigger ( this , e ) } , n . prototype . trigger = function ( e ) { this . enabled && this . callback && this . callback . apply ( this , e ) } , n . prototype . destroy = function ( ) { this . context . remove ( this ) , this . group . remove ( this ) , delete t [ this . key ] } , n . prototype . disable = function ( ) { return this . enabled = ! 1 , this } , n . prototype . enable = function ( ) { return this . context . refresh ( ) , this . enabled = ! 0 , this } , n . prototype . next = function ( ) { return this . group . next ( this ) } , n . prototype . previous = function ( ) { return this . group . previous ( this ) } , n . invokeAll = function ( e ) { var n = [ ] ; for ( var r in t ) n . push ( t [ r ] ) ; for ( var i = 0 , o = n . length ; i < o ; i ++ ) n [ i ] [ e ] ( ) } , n . destroyAll = function ( ) { n . invokeAll ( "destroy" ) } , n . disableAll = function ( ) { n . invokeAll ( "disable" ) } , n . enableAll = function ( ) { for ( var e in n . Context . refreshAll ( ) , t ) t [ e ] . enabled = ! 0 ; return this } , n . refreshAll = function ( ) { n . Context . refreshAll ( ) } , n . viewportHeight = function ( ) { return window . innerHeight || document . documentElement . clientHeight } , n . viewportWidth = function ( ) { return document . documentElement . clientWidth } , n . adapters = [ ] , n . defaults = { context : window , continuous : ! 0 , enabled : ! 0 , group : "default" , horizontal : ! 1 , offset : 0 } , n . offsetAliases = { "bottom-in-view" : function ( ) { return this . context . innerHeight ( ) - this . adapter . outerHeight ( ) } , "right-in-view" : function ( ) { return this . context . innerWidth ( ) - this . adapter . outerWidth ( ) } } , window . Waypoint = n } ( ) , function ( ) { "use strict" ; function e ( e ) { window . setTimeout ( e , 1e3 / 60 ) } var t = 0 , n = { } , r = window . Waypoint , i = window . onload ; function o ( e ) { this . element = e , this . Adapter = r . Adapter , this . adapter = new this . Adapter ( e ) , this . key = "waypoint-context-" + t , this . didScroll = ! 1 , this . didResize = ! 1 , this . oldScroll = { x : this . adapter . scrollLeft ( ) , y : this . adapter . scrollTop ( ) } , this . waypoints = { vertical : { } , horizontal : { } } , e . waypointContextKey = this . key , n [ e . waypointContextKey ] = this , t += 1 , r . windowContext || ( r . windowContext = ! 0 , r . windowContext = new o ( window ) ) , this . createThrottledScrollHandler ( ) , this . createThrottledResizeHandler ( ) } o . prototype . add = function ( e ) { var t = e . options . horizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical" ; this . waypoints [ t ] [ e . key ] = e , this . refresh ( ) } , o . prototype . checkEmpty = function ( ) { var e = this . Adapter . isEmptyObject ( this . waypoints . horizontal ) , t = this . Adapter . isEmptyObject ( this . waypoints . vertical ) , r = this . element == this . element . window ; e && t && ! r && ( this . adapter . off ( ".waypoints" ) , delete n [ this . key ] ) } , o . prototype . createThrottledResizeHandler = function ( ) { var e = this ; function t ( ) { e . handleResize ( ) , e . didResize = ! 1 } this . adapter . on ( "resize.waypoints" , ( function ( ) { e . didResize || ( e . didResize = ! 0 , r . requestAnimationFrame ( t ) ) } ) ) } , o . prototype . createThrottledScrollHandler = function ( ) { var e = this ; function t ( ) { e . handleScroll ( ) , e . didScroll = ! 1 } this . adapter . on ( "scroll.waypoints" , ( function ( ) { e . didScroll && ! r . isTouch || ( e . didScroll = ! 0 , r . requestAnimationFrame ( t ) ) } ) ) } , o . prototype . handleResize = function ( ) { r . Context . refreshAll ( ) } , o . prototype . handleScroll = function ( ) { var e = { } , t = { horizontal : { newScroll : this . adapter . scrollLeft ( ) , oldScroll : this . oldScroll . x , forward : "right" , backward : "left" } , vertical : { newScroll : this . adapter . scrollTop ( ) , oldScroll : this . oldScroll . y , forward : "down" , backward : "up" } } ; for ( var n in t ) { var r = t [ n ] , i = r . newScroll > r . oldScroll ? r . forward : r . backward ; for ( var o in this . waypoints [ n ] ) { var s = this . waypoints [ n ] [ o ] ; if ( null !== s . triggerPoin
/ * !
* jQuery Smooth Scroll - v2 . 2.0 - 2017 - 05 - 05
* https : //github.com/kswedberg/jquery-smooth-scroll
* Copyright ( c ) 2017 Karl Swedberg
* Licensed MIT
2020-11-02 12:40:06 +00:00
* /i=[n(0)],void 0===(o="function"==typeof(r=function(e){var t={},n=function(t){var n=[],r=t.dir&&"left"===t.dir?"scrollLeft":"scrollTop";return this.each((function(){var t=e(this);if(this!==document&&this!==window)return!document.scrollingElement||this!==document.documentElement&&this!==document.body?void(t[r]()>0?n.push(this):(t[r](1),t[r]()>0&&n.push(this),t[r](0))):(n.push(document.scrollingElement),!1)})),n.length||this.each((function(){this===document.documentElement&&"smooth"===e(this).css("scrollBehavior")&&(n=[this]),n.length||"BODY"!==this.nodeName||(n=[this])})),"first"===t.el&&n.length>1&&(n=[n[0]]),n},r=/ ^ ( [ \ - \ + ] = ) ( \ d + ) / ; e . fn . extend ( { scrollable : function ( e ) { var t = n . call ( this , { dir : e } ) ; return this . pushStack ( t ) } , firstScrollable : function ( e ) { var t = n . call ( this , { el : "first" , dir : e } ) ; return this . pushStack ( t ) } , smoothScroll : function ( t , n ) { if ( "options" === ( t = t || { } ) ) return n ? this . each ( ( function ( ) { var t = e ( this ) , r = e . extend ( t . data ( "ssOpts" ) || { } , n ) ; e ( this ) . data ( "ssOpts" , r ) } ) ) : this . first ( ) . data ( "ssOpts" ) ; var r = e . extend ( { } , e . fn . smoothScroll . defaults , t ) , i = function ( t ) { var n = function ( e ) { return e . replace ( /(:|\.|\/)/g , "\\$1" ) } , i = e ( this ) , o = e . extend ( { } , r , i . data ( "ssOpts" ) || { } ) , s = r . exclude , a = o . excludeWithin , l = 0 , u = 0 , c = ! 0 , f = { } , p = e . smoothScroll . filterPath ( location . pathname ) , d = e . smoothScroll . filterPath ( this . pathname ) , h = location . hostname === this . hostname || ! this . hostname , g = o . scrollTarget || d === p , m = n ( this . hash ) ; if ( m && ! e ( m ) . length && ( c = ! 1 ) , o . scrollTarget || h && g && m ) { for ( ; c && l < s . length ; ) i . is ( n ( s [ l ++ ] ) ) && ( c = ! 1 ) ; for ( ; c && u < a . length ; ) i . closest ( a [ u ++ ] ) . length && ( c = ! 1 ) } else c = ! 1 ; c && ( o . preventDefault && t . preventDefault ( ) , e . extend ( f , o , { scrollTarget : o . scrollTarget || m , link : this } ) , e . smoothScroll ( f ) ) } ; return null !== t . delegateSelector ? this . off ( "click.smoothscroll" , t . delegateSelector ) . on ( "click.smoothscroll" , t . delegateSelector , i ) : this . off ( "click.smoothscroll" ) . on ( "click.smoothscroll" , i ) , this } } ) ; var i = function ( e ) { var t = { relative : "" } , n = "string" == typeof e && r . exec ( e ) ; return "number" == typeof e ? t . px = e : n && ( t . relative = n [ 1 ] , t . px = parseFloat ( n [ 2 ] ) || 0 ) , t } , o = function ( t ) { var n = e ( t . scrollTarget ) ; t . autoFocus && n . length && ( n [ 0 ] . focus ( ) , n . is ( document . activeElement ) || ( n . prop ( { tabIndex : - 1 } ) , n [ 0 ] . focus ( ) ) ) , t . afterScroll . call ( t . link , t ) } ; e . smoothScroll = function ( n , r ) { if ( "options" === n && "object" == typeof r ) return e . extend ( t , r ) ; var s , a , l , u , c = i ( n ) , f = 0 , p = "offset" , d = "scrollTop" , h = { } , g = { } ; c . px ? s = e . extend ( { link : null } , e . fn . smoothScroll . defaults , t ) : ( ( s = e . extend ( { link : null } , e . fn . smoothScroll . defaults , n || { } , t ) ) . scrollElement && ( p = "position" , "static" === s . scrollElement . css ( "position" ) && s . scrollElement . css ( "position" , "relative" ) ) , r && ( c = i ( r ) ) ) , d = "left" === s . direction ? "scrollLeft" : d , s . scrollElement ? ( a = s . scrollElement , c . px || /^(?:HTML|BODY)$/ . test ( a [ 0 ] . nodeName ) || ( f = a [ d ] ( ) ) ) : a = e ( "html, body" ) . firstScrollable ( s . direction ) , s . beforeScroll . call ( a , s ) , u = c . px ? c : { relative : "" , px : e ( s . scrollTarget ) [ p ] ( ) && e ( s . scrollTarget ) [ p ] ( ) [ s . direction ] || 0 } , h [ d ] = u . relative + ( u . px + f + s . offset ) , "auto" === ( l = s . speed ) && ( l = Math . abs ( h [ d ] - a [ d ] ( ) ) / s . autoCoefficient ) , g = { duration : l , easing : s . easing , complete : function ( ) { o ( s ) } } , s . step && ( g . step = s . step ) , a . length ? a . stop ( ) . animate ( h , g ) : o ( s ) } , e . smoothScroll . version = "2.2.0" , e . smoothScroll . filterPath = function ( e ) { return ( e = e || "" ) . replace ( /^\// , "" ) . replace ( /(?:index|default).[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/ , "" ) . replace ( /\/$/ , "" ) } , e . fn . smoothScroll . defaults = { exclude : [ ] , excludeWithin : [ ] , offset : 0 , direction : "top" , delegateSelector : null , scrollElement : null , scrollTarget : null , autoFocus : ! 1 , beforeScroll : function ( ) { } , afterScroll : function ( ) { } , easing : "swing" , speed : 400 , autoCoefficient : 2 , preventDefault : ! 0 } } ) ? r . apply ( t , i ) : r ) || ( e . exports = o ) } , , , function ( e , t , n ) { "use strict" ; n . r ( t ) ; var r = n ( 0 ) , i = n . n ( r ) ; var o = class { constructor ( ) { this . siteHeader = i ( ) ( ".site-header" ) , this . menuIcon = i ( ) ( ".site-header__menu-icon" ) , this . menuContent = i ( ) ( ".site-header__menu-content" ) , this . siteHeaderLogo = i ( ) ( ".site-header__logo" ) , this . events ( ) } events ( ) { this . menuIcon . click ( this . toggleTheMenu . bind ( this ) ) } toggleTheMenu ( ) { this . menuContent . toggleClass ( "site-header__menu-content--is-visible" ) , this . siteHeader . toggleClass ( "site-header--is-expanded" ) , this . menuIcon . toggleClass ( " site - header _ _m