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<title>Bio Bulk Bende</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Bio Bulk Bende is an autonomous organic food cooperative .">
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<li><a href="#how-it-works" id="how-it-works-link">How it works</a></li>
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<h1 class="large-hero__title">bio bulke bende</h1>
<h2 class="large-hero__subtitle">The organic autonomous foodcoop <br> of Rotterdam</h2>
<p class="large-hero__description">Local and organic food produced by farmers in the Rijnmond region for an affordable price
Through cooperation, members gain access to high-quality organic products from transparent sources and for fair prices.</p>
<p><a href="#" class="btn btn--large">Join us!</a></p>
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<h2 class="headline__title ">We started the coop in the summer of 2019...</h2>
<h2 class="headline__subtitle">...because we wanted to be able to get good quality, delicious food from local suppliers and farmers. Inspired by the Amsterdam food co-op <a href="#">Vokomokum</a>, we decided to start our own.</h2>
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<a href="#" class="btn btn--medium">Join us!</a>
<p>We are happy to have new members at the moment. Join us now or simply drop by on our next pickup day and say hello! </p>
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<!-- HOW IT WORKS -->
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<h2 class="headline__title ">What is a <strong>foodcoop?</strong></h2>
<h2 class="headline__subtitle">A co-op is a collective where everyone shares the workload for the benefit of the whole. A food co-op is a group of people that buy food from suppliers of their own choosing. A collective do-it-with-others supermarket.<br><br>
<b>Bio bulk bende</b> members order collectively from local suppliers and distributors. This means we get as close to the wholesale prices as possible by cutting out middle men and ordering in bulk. Bio bulk bende exists only through the cooperation of the members involved, there is no profit and everyone in the community takes part on a volunteer basis.</h2>
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<h2 class="how-it-works__title-small"><span class="icon icon--membership how-it-works__icon--membership"></span> Become a <strong>Member</strong> </h2>
<p>If you’re a member of our BioBulkBende, you have access to high-quality locally produced organic food, straight from the producers, at lower prices than in the supermarket. In return, you pay a one-time non-refundable membership fee of 15 euros and contribute a bit of your time and energy each month to keep our co-op running. As a member of the co-op you have a say in how the co-op works, how decisions are made and what direction we take together.</p>
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<h2 class="how-it-works__title-small"><span class="icon icon--workgroup how-it-works__icon--workgroup-order"></span> Join a <strong>Work Group</strong> </h2>
<p>A work group is a group of members who work together and are responsible for a specific need of our food co-op. Some examples of work groups are administration, membership, orders, financial, etc. As a member of our food co-op, joining a work group is a requirement. When you join, we help you pick what work group matches your interests as well as what matches the needs of the co-op. Members can change work groups when their interests change.</p>
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<img class="how-it-works__img lazyload" data-src="./assets/media/images/workgroup_large.JPG" alt="Working togheter is part of being a foocoop!">
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<h2 class="how-it-works__title-small"><span class="icon icon--order how-it-works__icon--workgroup-order"></span> Order your <strong>Food</strong> </h2>
<p>Only members can place an order, but anyone can become a member! For food ordering, we use a free software called <a href="https://foodcoops.net"> <b> Foodsoft </b> </a>. You can learn more about how to order by joining us at any upcoming pickup day.</p>
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<h2 class="how-it-works__title"><span class="icon icon--pickup how-it-works__icon--pickup"></span><strong>Pick-up day</strong></h2>
<p>Only members can place an order, but anyone can become a member! For food ordering, we use Foodsoft. You can learn more about how to order by joining us at any upcoming pickup day.</p><br><br>
<p><a href="#" class="btn"><b>Join us!</b></a></p>
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