Rampaging this into shape
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing Details

This commit is contained in:
decentral1se 2021-04-07 19:36:49 +02:00
parent 85c28d0551
commit 61909b4e34
Signed by: decentral1se
GPG Key ID: 92DAD76BD9567B8A
2 changed files with 48 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ You can read the Hetzner Cloud API docs (e.g. [locations endpoint](https://docs.
Then you can make requests and see what comes out. These values can then fed into this plugin as configurables.
$ export API_TOKEN=<hetzner-api-token>
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" 'https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/locations' | jq '.locations | .[] | .name'`
$ export HETZNER_API_TOKEN=<hetzner-api-token>
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $HETZNER_API_TOKEN" 'https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/locations' | jq '.locations | .[] | .name'`

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ DOC="
Hetzner provider plugin for abra
abra-hetzner <name> [--type=<type>] [--image=<image>] [--ssh-keys=<ssh-keys>] [--location=<location>] [--datacenter=<datacenter>]
abra-hetzner <name> <type> <image> [--ssh-keys=<ssh-keys>] [--location=<location>]
Reads your Hetzner API token from the \$HETZNER_API_TOKEN environment variable
or prompts for it.
@ -88,34 +88,29 @@ eval "var_$1+=($value)"; else eval "var_$1=$value"; fi; return 0; fi; done
return 1; }; stdout() { printf -- "cat <<'EOM'\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; stderr() {
printf -- "cat <<'EOM' >&2\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; error() {
[[ -n $1 ]] && stderr "$1"; stderr "$usage"; _return 1; }; _return() {
printf -- "exit %d\n" "$1"; exit "$1"; }; set -e; trimmed_doc=${DOC:1:270}
usage=${DOC:35:138}; digest=9d76c; shorts=('' '' '' '' '')
longs=(--type --image --ssh-keys --location --datacenter); argcounts=(1 1 1 1 1)
node_0(){ value __type 0; }; node_1(){ value __image 1; }; node_2(){
value __ssh_keys 2; }; node_3(){ value __location 3; }; node_4(){
value __datacenter 4; }; node_5(){ value _name_ a; }; node_6(){ optional 0; }
node_7(){ optional 1; }; node_8(){ optional 2; }; node_9(){ optional 3; }
node_10(){ optional 4; }; node_11(){ required 5 6 7 8 9 10; }; node_12(){
required 11; }; cat <<<' docopt_exit() { [[ -n $1 ]] && printf "%s\n" "$1" >&2
printf "%s\n" "${DOC:35:138}" >&2; exit 1; }'; unset var___type var___image \
var___ssh_keys var___location var___datacenter var__name_; parse 12 "$@"
local prefix=${DOCOPT_PREFIX:-''}; unset "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__image" \
"${prefix}__ssh_keys" "${prefix}__location" "${prefix}__datacenter" \
"${prefix}_name_"; eval "${prefix}"'__type=${var___type:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'__image=${var___image:-}'
printf -- "exit %d\n" "$1"; exit "$1"; }; set -e; trimmed_doc=${DOC:1:223}
usage=${DOC:35:91}; digest=0f15e; shorts=('' ''); longs=(--ssh-keys --location)
argcounts=(1 1); node_0(){ value __ssh_keys 0; }; node_1(){ value __location 1
}; node_2(){ value _name_ a; }; node_3(){ value _type_ a; }; node_4(){
value _image_ a; }; node_5(){ optional 0; }; node_6(){ optional 1; }; node_7(){
required 2 3 4 5 6; }; node_8(){ required 7; }; cat <<<' docopt_exit() {
[[ -n $1 ]] && printf "%s\n" "$1" >&2; printf "%s\n" "${DOC:35:91}" >&2; exit 1
}'; unset var___ssh_keys var___location var__name_ var__type_ var__image_
parse 8 "$@"; local prefix=${DOCOPT_PREFIX:-''}; unset "${prefix}__ssh_keys" \
"${prefix}__location" "${prefix}_name_" "${prefix}_type_" "${prefix}_image_"
eval "${prefix}"'__ssh_keys=${var___ssh_keys:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'__location=${var___location:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'__datacenter=${var___datacenter:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'_name_=${var__name_:-}'; local docopt_i=1
eval "${prefix}"'_name_=${var__name_:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'_type_=${var__type_:-}'
eval "${prefix}"'_image_=${var__image_:-}'; local docopt_i=1
[[ $BASH_VERSION =~ ^4.3 ]] && docopt_i=2; for ((;docopt_i>0;docopt_i--)); do
declare -p "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__image" "${prefix}__ssh_keys" \
"${prefix}__location" "${prefix}__datacenter" "${prefix}_name_"; done; }
declare -p "${prefix}__ssh_keys" "${prefix}__location" "${prefix}_name_" \
"${prefix}_type_" "${prefix}_image_"; done; }
# docopt parser above, complete command for generating this parser is `docopt.sh abra-hetzner`
abra_hetzner() {
# declare abra_hetzner__type_ abra_hetzner__image_
# abra_hetzner__ssh_keys abra_hetzner__location \
# abra_hetzner__datacenter
declare abra_hetzner__name_ abra_hetzner__type_ abra_hetzner__image_ \
abra_hetzner___ssh_keys abra_hetzner___location
@ -125,19 +120,41 @@ abra_hetzner() {
error "curl program is not installed"
if [[ -z "$ABRA_HETZNER_API_TOKEN" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$HETZNER_API_TOKEN" ]]; then
read -rp "Hetzner API token: " HETZNER_API_TOKEN
# TYPE="$abra_hetzner__type_"
# IMAGE="$abra_hetzner__image_"
curl \
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
ssh_keys=$(echo "$SSH_KEYS" | sed 's/[^[:space:],]\+/"&"/g')
response=$(curl --silent \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $HETZNER_API_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{}" \
-d "{\"name\":\"$NAME\", \
\"server_type\": \"$TYPE\", \
\"image\": \"$IMAGE\", \
\"ssh_keys\": [$ssh_keys], \
\"location\": \"$LOCATION\" \
}" \
ip=$(echo "$response" | jq -r ".server .public_net .ipv4 .ip")
if [[ ! -z "$ip" ]]; then
error_msg=$(echo "$response" | jq -r ".error .message")
echo "Oops, something went wrong. Hetzner Cloud API responded with: $error_msg"
exit 1
echo "You new Hetzner Cloud VPS is up on $ip. Enjoy!"
abra_hetzner "$@"