#!/usr/bin/env bash DOC=" Hetzner provider plugin for abra Usage: abra-hetzner [--type=] [--image=] [--ssh-keys=] [--location=] [--datacenter=] Reads your Hetzner API token from the \$HETZNER_API_TOKEN environment variable or prompts for it. " # docopt parser below, refresh this parser with `docopt.sh abra-hetzner` # shellcheck disable=2016,1075 docopt() { parse() { if ${DOCOPT_DOC_CHECK:-true}; then local doc_hash if doc_hash=$(printf "%s" "$DOC" | (sha256sum 2>/dev/null || shasum -a 256)); then if [[ ${doc_hash:0:5} != "$digest" ]]; then stderr "The current usage doc (${doc_hash:0:5}) does not match \ what the parser was generated with (${digest}) Run \`docopt.sh\` to refresh the parser."; _return 70; fi; fi; fi local root_idx=$1; shift; argv=("$@"); parsed_params=(); parsed_values=() left=(); testdepth=0; local arg; while [[ ${#argv[@]} -gt 0 ]]; do if [[ ${argv[0]} = "--" ]]; then for arg in "${argv[@]}"; do parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("$arg"); done; break elif [[ ${argv[0]} = --* ]]; then parse_long elif [[ ${argv[0]} = -* && ${argv[0]} != "-" ]]; then parse_shorts elif ${DOCOPT_OPTIONS_FIRST:-false}; then for arg in "${argv[@]}"; do parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("$arg"); done; break; else parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("${argv[0]}"); argv=("${argv[@]:1}"); fi done; local idx; if ${DOCOPT_ADD_HELP:-true}; then for idx in "${parsed_params[@]}"; do [[ $idx = 'a' ]] && continue if [[ ${shorts[$idx]} = "-h" || ${longs[$idx]} = "--help" ]]; then stdout "$trimmed_doc"; _return 0; fi; done; fi if [[ ${DOCOPT_PROGRAM_VERSION:-false} != 'false' ]]; then for idx in "${parsed_params[@]}"; do [[ $idx = 'a' ]] && continue if [[ ${longs[$idx]} = "--version" ]]; then stdout "$DOCOPT_PROGRAM_VERSION" _return 0; fi; done; fi; local i=0; while [[ $i -lt ${#parsed_params[@]} ]]; do left+=("$i"); ((i++)) || true; done if ! required "$root_idx" || [ ${#left[@]} -gt 0 ]; then error; fi; return 0; } parse_shorts() { local token=${argv[0]}; local value; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") [[ $token = -* && $token != --* ]] || _return 88; local remaining=${token#-} while [[ -n $remaining ]]; do local short="-${remaining:0:1}" remaining="${remaining:1}"; local i=0; local similar=(); local match=false for o in "${shorts[@]}"; do if [[ $o = "$short" ]]; then similar+=("$short") [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i; fi; ((i++)) || true; done if [[ ${#similar[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then error "${short} is specified ambiguously ${#similar[@]} times" elif [[ ${#similar[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then match=${#shorts[@]}; value=true shorts+=("$short"); longs+=(''); argcounts+=(0); else value=false if [[ ${argcounts[$match]} -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $remaining = '' ]]; then if [[ ${#argv[@]} -eq 0 || ${argv[0]} = '--' ]]; then error "${short} requires argument"; fi; value=${argv[0]}; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") else value=$remaining; remaining=''; fi; fi; if [[ $value = false ]]; then value=true; fi; fi; parsed_params+=("$match"); parsed_values+=("$value"); done }; parse_long() { local token=${argv[0]}; local long=${token%%=*} local value=${token#*=}; local argcount; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") [[ $token = --* ]] || _return 88; if [[ $token = *=* ]]; then eq='='; else eq='' value=false; fi; local i=0; local similar=(); local match=false for o in "${longs[@]}"; do if [[ $o = "$long" ]]; then similar+=("$long") [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i; fi; ((i++)) || true; done if [[ $match = false ]]; then i=0; for o in "${longs[@]}"; do if [[ $o = $long* ]]; then similar+=("$long"); [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i fi; ((i++)) || true; done; fi; if [[ ${#similar[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then error "${long} is not a unique prefix: ${similar[*]}?" elif [[ ${#similar[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then [[ $eq = '=' ]] && argcount=1 || argcount=0; match=${#shorts[@]} [[ $argcount -eq 0 ]] && value=true; shorts+=(''); longs+=("$long") argcounts+=("$argcount"); else if [[ ${argcounts[$match]} -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $value != false ]]; then error "${longs[$match]} must not have an argument"; fi elif [[ $value = false ]]; then if [[ ${#argv[@]} -eq 0 || ${argv[0]} = '--' ]]; then error "${long} requires argument"; fi; value=${argv[0]}; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") fi; if [[ $value = false ]]; then value=true; fi; fi; parsed_params+=("$match") parsed_values+=("$value"); }; required() { local initial_left=("${left[@]}") local node_idx; ((testdepth++)) || true; for node_idx in "$@"; do if ! "node_$node_idx"; then left=("${initial_left[@]}"); ((testdepth--)) || true return 1; fi; done; if [[ $((--testdepth)) -eq 0 ]]; then left=("${initial_left[@]}"); for node_idx in "$@"; do "node_$node_idx"; done; fi return 0; }; optional() { local node_idx; for node_idx in "$@"; do "node_$node_idx"; done; return 0; }; value() { local i for i in "${!left[@]}"; do local l=${left[$i]} if [[ ${parsed_params[$l]} = "$2" ]]; then left=("${left[@]:0:$i}" "${left[@]:((i+1))}") [[ $testdepth -gt 0 ]] && return 0; local value value=$(printf -- "%q" "${parsed_values[$l]}"); if [[ $3 = true ]]; then eval "var_$1+=($value)"; else eval "var_$1=$value"; fi; return 0; fi; done return 1; }; stdout() { printf -- "cat <<'EOM'\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; stderr() { printf -- "cat <<'EOM' >&2\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; error() { [[ -n $1 ]] && stderr "$1"; stderr "$usage"; _return 1; }; _return() { printf -- "exit %d\n" "$1"; exit "$1"; }; set -e; trimmed_doc=${DOC:1:270} usage=${DOC:35:138}; digest=9d76c; shorts=('' '' '' '' '') longs=(--type --image --ssh-keys --location --datacenter); argcounts=(1 1 1 1 1) node_0(){ value __type 0; }; node_1(){ value __image 1; }; node_2(){ value __ssh_keys 2; }; node_3(){ value __location 3; }; node_4(){ value __datacenter 4; }; node_5(){ value _name_ a; }; node_6(){ optional 0; } node_7(){ optional 1; }; node_8(){ optional 2; }; node_9(){ optional 3; } node_10(){ optional 4; }; node_11(){ required 5 6 7 8 9 10; }; node_12(){ required 11; }; cat <<<' docopt_exit() { [[ -n $1 ]] && printf "%s\n" "$1" >&2 printf "%s\n" "${DOC:35:138}" >&2; exit 1; }'; unset var___type var___image \ var___ssh_keys var___location var___datacenter var__name_; parse 12 "$@" local prefix=${DOCOPT_PREFIX:-''}; unset "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__image" \ "${prefix}__ssh_keys" "${prefix}__location" "${prefix}__datacenter" \ "${prefix}_name_"; eval "${prefix}"'__type=${var___type:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__image=${var___image:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__ssh_keys=${var___ssh_keys:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__location=${var___location:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__datacenter=${var___datacenter:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_name_=${var__name_:-}'; local docopt_i=1 [[ $BASH_VERSION =~ ^4.3 ]] && docopt_i=2; for ((;docopt_i>0;docopt_i--)); do declare -p "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__image" "${prefix}__ssh_keys" \ "${prefix}__location" "${prefix}__datacenter" "${prefix}_name_"; done; } # docopt parser above, complete command for generating this parser is `docopt.sh abra-hetzner` abra_hetzner() { # declare abra_hetzner__type_ abra_hetzner__image_ # abra_hetzner__ssh_keys abra_hetzner__location \ # abra_hetzner__datacenter DOCOPT_PREFIX=abra_hetzner_ eval "$(docopt "$@")" if ! type curl > /dev/null 2>&1; then error "curl program is not installed" fi if [[ -z "$ABRA_HETZNER_API_TOKEN" ]]; then read -rp "Hetzner API token: " HETZNER_API_TOKEN fi # TYPE="$abra_hetzner__type_" # IMAGE="$abra_hetzner__image_" curl \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $HETZNER_API_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{}" \ 'https://api.hetzner.cloud/v1/servers' } abra_hetzner "$@"