--- title: Welcome --- Coöp Cloud (working title; abbreviated CoCl) is a container-based, platform-agnostic, free software registry for small service providers. - Production-ready apps in minutes: Wordpress & Nextcloud instances, mail-servers, and more. - Simple Docker-based framework for continuous deployment of your custom apps. [List of CoCl apps](https://codimd.autonomic.zone/s/HyNtOhwrv){: .md-button } HOWTOs: - [Deploy an HTML site](howto/html-website.md) - [CoCl-ise an app](howto/convert-app.md) !!! warning "A note about ARM" Not all applications currently support all ARM computers (like PINE64 and Raspberry Pi): e.g. [Traefik will work on ARMv6 & ARM64][traefik], [the official MariaDB app doesn't work on any ARM boards][mariadb]. It might be possible to use third-party ARM images with separate `compose.yml` files, but we haven't exlplored this rabbit-hole much yet. ## Definitions CoCl is a **philosophy**. - To get started, you create a **server**, e.g. a new VPS, including your local configuration to connect to it... - then you install an **app** like wordpress or nextcloud, which is made up of multiple **services**... - .. and configure your app. ## Technical description Software-wise, CoöpCloud is: - [`coop-cloud`](https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/), a collection of Docker "swarm mode" configurations for popular web apps - [`abra`](https://git.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/abra), a simple tool for Docker swarm management - a recommended default set of stacks: - Traefik for SSL & routing - `postfix-relay` for outgoing email ## Principles / features: - Security by default - Secret storage using `docker secret` (["What makes it secure?"](https://github.com/BretFisher/ama/issues/86)) - Automatic SSL using Traefik & LetsEncrypt - Zero-downtime deployments (for apps with healthchecks defined) - Continuous integration testing using Drone and our [`stack-ssh-deploy`](https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/stack-ssh-deploy) plugin - Low maintenance overhead: - Automatic tracking of upstream Docker images using `renovate-bot` - Avoiding custom Docker images as far as possible [traefik]: https://hub.docker.com/_/traefik?tab=tags [mariadb]: https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb?tab=tags