Automation of new releases for apps #56

opened 2021-04-04 18:11:49 +00:00 by decentral1se · 2 comments
  1. renovate-bot sends a PR for an update to mongo in adapt_authoring
  2. someone merges the PR then runs abra recipe adapt_authoring release
  3. the version calculated by step #3 above would be 0.10.5_1 → 0.10.5_2

Where maybe we can make drone run 2 for us.

> 1. renovate-bot sends a PR for an update to mongo in adapt_authoring > 2. someone merges the PR then runs abra recipe adapt_authoring release > 3. the version calculated by step #3 above would be 0.10.5_1 → 0.10.5_2 Where maybe we can make drone run 2 for us.
decentral1se added this to the Beta release milestone 2021-04-04 18:11:49 +00:00
decentral1se added the
label 2021-04-04 18:11:49 +00:00
decentral1se added this to the (deleted) project 2021-04-30 07:32:21 +00:00
  • Renovate bot now automerges patch/minor upgrades (major upgrades still require human intervention)
  • drone-abra can run the release automatically with the following config:
kind: pipeline
name: recipe release
  - name: release a new version
    image: decentral1se/drone-abra:latest
      command: recipe YOURRECIPE release
        from_secret: abra_bot_deploy_key

So, this is now just a case of adding that into all the recipe repos! There will be most likely a lot of bugs but we'll squash them. I'm gonna close this one off 🚀

- Renovate bot now automerges patch/minor upgrades (major upgrades still require human intervention) - [drone-abra]( can run the release automatically with the following config: ```yaml --- kind: pipeline name: recipe release steps: - name: release a new version image: decentral1se/drone-abra:latest settings: command: recipe YOURRECIPE release deploy_key: from_secret: abra_bot_deploy_key ``` So, this is now just a case of adding that into all the recipe repos! There will be most likely a lot of bugs but we'll squash them. I'm gonna close this one off :rocket:

So, this is now just a case of adding that into all the recipe repos!


> So, this is now just a case of adding that into all the recipe repos! Done.
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