// If you don't want to use TypeScript you can delete this file! import * as React from "react" import { PageProps, Link, graphql, HeadFC } from "gatsby" import Layout from "../components/layout" import Seo from "../components/seo" type DataProps = { site: { buildTime: string } } const UsingTypescript: React.FC> = ({ data, path, location, }) => (

Gatsby supports TypeScript by default!

This means that you can create and write .ts/.tsx files for your pages, components etc. Please note that the gatsby-*.js files (like gatsby-node.js) currently don't support TypeScript yet.

For type checking you'll want to install typescript via npm and run tsc --init to create a tsconfig file.

You're currently on the page "{path}" which was built on{" "} {data.site.buildTime}.

To learn more, head over to our{" "} documentation about TypeScript .

Go back to the homepage
) export const Head: HeadFC = () => export default UsingTypescript export const query = graphql` { site { buildTime(formatString: "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm a z") } } `