import { Box, Container, Grid, Link, Stack, Typography } from "@mui/material" import { StaticImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image" import React from "react" import theme from "./theme" const address={ name: "Autonomic Co-operative Limited", line1: "1539 Pershore Road", city: "Birmingham", postcode: "B30 2JH", country: "United Kingdom" } const FooterText = ({ children, bold, sx }) => { const normalStyle = {, fontSize: 10, lineHeight: "12px", } const boldStyle = { ...normalStyle, fontFamily: `"Darker Grotesque", sans-serif`, fontSize: 14, lineHeight: "16px", fontWeight: 700, } return {children} } const ConnectWithUs = () => ( ) const connectLinks = [ { label: "RSS feed", url: "/" }, { label: "Fedivers", url: "/" }, { label: "Gitea", url: "/" }, { label: "Matrix", url: "/" }, ] const Footer = () => ( {} {address.line1}
We are a Co-operative Society registered with the{" "} FCA . Registration Number: 4597 Member of the{" "} CoTech Network
{{ label, path }) => ( {label} ))} helo[at]
) export default Footer