<p>We believe in a fairer world in which wealth and resources are distributed to the people who need them rather than those best able to take them.</p>
<p>As <ahref="{{ site.github.url }}/about">Co-operative Technologists</a> we aim to ensure that technology plays its part in creating a fairer world.</p>
<p>Our individual worker co-operatives have shown that workers who collectively own their companies and control their destinies make better workplaces, better suppliers and better digital products.</p>
<p>We call upon consumers of digital products – including trades unions, charities, governments and private companies – to reject the false assumption that only multinational conglomerates or private equity-funded startups can be great
tech companies. Technology is the lifeblood of all our futures, not just a gravy train for the fortunate few.</p>
<p>We hereby give notice to technology companies that do not treat their employees fairly, do not give their workers control of their businesses and do not seek to create a fairer world that your days are numbered. We are more creative, more committed