# hrpc [![Build Status](https://drone.autonomic.zone/api/badges/hyperpy/hrpc/status.svg)](https://drone.autonomic.zone/hyperpy/hrpc) ## Simple RPC with Protobuf Services ## Install ```sh $ pip install hrpc ``` ## Example Define an RPC service in a `schema.proto`. ```protobuf message Echo { required string value = 1; } service Example { rpc Echo (Echo) returns (Echo) {} } ``` Then generate the services and stubs with `hrpc`. ```sh $ pip install hrpc $ hrpc schema.proto ``` This creates `schema_gprc.py` (services) and `schema_pb2.py` (stubs) files. You can write a simple server and client like so. ```python # server.py ``` ```python # client.py ``` Then run them in separate terminals and see the output. ``` $ python server.py # terminal 1 $ python client.py # terminal 2 ```