#!/usr/bin/env bash # bin/compile <build-dir> <cache-dir> set -eo pipefail [[ $TRACE ]] && set -x NGINX_VERSION="1.23.1" NGINX_TARBALL="nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz" PCRE_VERSION="10.42" PCRE_TARBALL="pcre2-${PCRE_VERSION}.tar.gz" SIGIL_VERSION="0.10.1" SIGIL_TARBALL="gliderlabs-sigil_${SIGIL_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tgz" ZLIB_VERSION="1.2.12" ZLIB_TARBALL="zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz" suppress() { /bin/rm --force /tmp/surpress.out 2>/dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2069 "$@" 2>&1 >/tmp/surpress.out || cat /tmp/surpress.out /bin/rm /tmp/surpress.out } # parse and derive params BUILD_DIR=$1 CACHE_DIR=$2 CUR_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && cd .. && pwd) mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" "$CACHE_DIR" if [[ ! -e "${BUILD_DIR}/www" ]]; then echo "-----> Copy static files to www" rm -rf "${CACHE_DIR}/www" mkdir -p "${CACHE_DIR}/www" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 mv $BUILD_DIR/* "${CACHE_DIR}/www" mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/www" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 mv ${CACHE_DIR}/www/* "${BUILD_DIR}/www" # Check for a copy the nginx conf file override to the build dir [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/nginx.conf.erb" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/nginx.conf.erb" "${BUILD_DIR}" [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/nginx.conf.sigil" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/nginx.conf.sigil" "${BUILD_DIR}" [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/app-nginx.conf.sigil" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/app-nginx.conf.sigil" "${BUILD_DIR}" [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/mime.types" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/mime.types" "${BUILD_DIR}" [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/CHECKS" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/CHECKS" "${BUILD_DIR}" [[ -f "${BUILD_DIR}/www/app.json" ]] && mv "${BUILD_DIR}/www/app.json" "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf "${CACHE_DIR}/www" fi cd "$CACHE_DIR" if [[ ! -d "${NGINX_TARBALL%.tar.gz}" ]]; then echo "-----> Download and unzip nginx ${NGINX_VERSION} via http" curl -sSL "http://nginx.org/download/${NGINX_TARBALL}" -o "${NGINX_TARBALL}" tar xzf "${NGINX_TARBALL}" && rm -f "${NGINX_TARBALL}" fi if [[ ! -d "${PCRE_TARBALL%.tar.gz}" ]]; then echo "-----> Download and unzip pcre ${PCRE_VERSION} via http" curl -sSL "https://github.com/PCRE2Project/pcre2/releases/download/pcre2-${PCRE_VERSION}/${PCRE_TARBALL}" -o "${PCRE_TARBALL}" tar xzf "${PCRE_TARBALL}" && rm -f "${PCRE_TARBALL}" fi if [[ ! -d "${ZLIB_TARBALL%.tar.gz}" ]]; then echo "-----> Download and unzip zlib ${ZLIB_VERSION} via http" curl -sSL "https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/v${ZLIB_VERSION}.tar.gz" -o "${ZLIB_TARBALL}" tar xzf "${ZLIB_TARBALL}" && rm -rf "${ZLIB_TARBALL}" fi if [[ ! -f "gliderlabs-sigil-amd64" ]]; then echo "-----> Download and unzip sigil ${SIGIL_VERSION} via http" curl -sSL "https://github.com/gliderlabs/sigil/releases/download/v${SIGIL_VERSION}/gliderlabs-sigil_${SIGIL_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tgz" -o "${SIGIL_TARBALL}" tar xzf "${SIGIL_TARBALL}" && rm -rf "${SIGIL_TARBALL}" fi mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/sigil" if [[ ! -f "gliderlabs-sigil-amd64" ]]; then echo " ! Missing gliderlabs-sigil-amd64 binary" exit 1 fi cp -r gliderlabs-sigil-amd64 "$BUILD_DIR/sigil/sigil" cd "nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}" if [[ ! -f "${CACHE_DIR}/bin/nginx" ]]; then echo "-----> Compiling static nginx binary" mkdir "$BUILD_DIR/nginx" suppress ./configure \ --with-cpu-opt=generic \ --prefix="$BUILD_DIR/nginx" \ --with-pcre=../pcre2-${PCRE_VERSION} \ --sbin-path=. \ --pid-path=./nginx.pid \ --conf-path=./nginx.conf \ --with-ld-opt="-static" \ --with-http_stub_status_module \ --with-http_gzip_static_module \ --with-file-aio \ --with-zlib=../zlib-${ZLIB_VERSION} \ --with-pcre \ --with-cc-opt="-O2 -static -static-libgcc" \ --without-http_ssi_module \ --without-http_userid_module \ --without-http_access_module \ --without-http_autoindex_module \ --without-http_geo_module \ --without-http_map_module \ --without-http_split_clients_module \ --without-http_referer_module \ --without-http_fastcgi_module \ --without-http_uwsgi_module \ --without-http_scgi_module \ --without-http_memcached_module \ --without-http_empty_gif_module \ --without-http_browser_module \ --without-http_upstream_ip_hash_module \ --without-http_upstream_least_conn_module \ --without-http_upstream_keepalive_module \ --without-mail_pop3_module \ --without-mail_imap_module \ --without-mail_smtp_module \ --with-http_realip_module sed -i "/CFLAGS/s/ \-O //g" objs/Makefile suppress make && suppress make install rm -rf "${CACHE_DIR:?}/bin" && mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR/bin/" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cp -r $BUILD_DIR/nginx/* "$CACHE_DIR/bin/" else echo "-----> Reusing nginx binary from cache" mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/nginx" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cp -r $CACHE_DIR/bin/* "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/" fi # Update the PATH mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/.profile.d" cat >"$BUILD_DIR/.profile.d/nginx.sh" <<"EOF" export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/nginx" EOF cd "$CUR_DIR" # Add support for app-nginx.conf.sigil if [ -f "$BUILD_DIR/app-nginx.conf.sigil" ]; then echo "-----> Using user provided app-nginx.conf.sigil" cp "$BUILD_DIR/app-nginx.conf.sigil" "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil" # Allow deprecated nginx.conf.erb elif [ -f "$BUILD_DIR/nginx.conf.erb" ]; then echo "-----> DEPRECATED: Using user provided nginx.conf.erb" cp "$BUILD_DIR/nginx.conf.erb" "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/nginx.conf.erb" # ...else, force default file else echo "-----> Using default app-nginx.conf.sigil" cp conf/app-nginx.conf.sigil "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil" fi # build mime.types unless overridden by user if [ -f "$BUILD_DIR/mime.types" ]; then echo "-----> Using user provided mime.types" cp "$BUILD_DIR/mime.types" "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/mime.types" else echo "-----> Using default mime.types" cp conf/mime.types "$BUILD_DIR/nginx/mime.types" fi # build a startup script cat <<EOF >"$BUILD_DIR/start_nginx" #!/usr/bin/env bash rm -f /app/nginx/nginx.conf if [[ -f /app/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil ]]; then /app/sigil/sigil -f /app/nginx/app-nginx.conf.sigil NGINX_ROOT="\$NGINX_ROOT" NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST="\$NGINX_DEFAULT_REQUEST" PORT="\$PORT" | cat -s > /app/nginx/nginx.conf else erb /app/nginx/nginx.conf.erb > /app/nginx/nginx.conf fi exec /app/nginx/nginx -p /app/nginx -c /app/nginx/nginx.conf EOF chmod +x "$BUILD_DIR/start_nginx"