#!/bin/sh -l
if [ "$IS_REVIEW_APP" = "true" ]; then
  git config --global user.name 'Dokku Bot'
  git config --global user.email no-reply@dokku.com

  echo "-----> Purging repo cache"
  ssh "$SSH_REMOTE" -- repo:purge-cache "$APP_NAME"

  echo "-----> Setting the test domain name"
  ssh "$SSH_REMOTE" -- domains:set "$APP_NAME" "$APP_NAME.dokku.net"

  echo "-----> Ensure test includes vendored app-nginx.conf.sigil"
  cp conf/app-nginx.conf.sigil app-nginx.conf.sigil
  git add app-nginx.conf.sigil
  git commit -qm "feat: specify custom app-nginx.conf.sigil"

  echo "-----> Ensure test includes vendored mime.types"
  cp conf/mime.types mime.types
  git add mime.types
  git commit -qm "feat: specify custom mime.types"

  echo "-----> Setting the buildpack to the current ref $GITHUB_HEAD_REF"
  echo "https://github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git#$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" > .buildpacks
  git add .buildpacks
  git commit -qm "feat: specify $GITHUB_SHA as buildpack"

  git rev-parse HEAD >ci-commit-override