title: Dot Project
name: Dot Project
members: 2
website: http://www.dotproject.coop/
email: annie@dotproject.coop
twitter: dotprojectco
github: techforgoodbath
telephone: '07496276003'
address: 2 Beech View, Claverton Down Road, Bath, BA2 6DX
latitude: 51.375801
longitude: -2.359903900000063
- British-Tinnitus-Association
- Carefree
- carerssupportcentre
- cast
- Charity-Digital
- comicrelief
- coopsUK
- Cyfannol
- dcms
- Esmee-Fairbairn
- Family-Lives
- Grassroots
- Make-a-Wish
- national-lottery
- northbristoladvicecentre
- num
- openup
- Parkinsons-UK
- power-to-change
- stirtoaction
- Surviving-Economic-Abuse
- The-Catalyst
- we-are-with-you
- business-analysis
- business-systems
- community-building
- consultancy
- leadership-development
- mentoring
- research
- strategy
- user-research

[DOT PROJECT](http://www.dotproject.coop/) believes in the transformative impact of technology on humanity. We exist to support individuals, organisations and communities to realise the potential of enabling technology in increasing their social impact. We work at the intersection between civil society and technology, passionately increasing confidence and capacity of people who are working to solve complex social issues. Our mission is to increase social impact through the use of creativity and technology.

DOT PROJECT is a cooperative of practitioners who coach people and organisations to be their digital best, together.  We bring together practitioners with strong technical skills as well as practitioners who focus on creating a collaborative environment to enable in-house teams to share challenges openly. We coach organisations and people to explore how they can harness their unique organisational fabric, their morale, their capabilities and strengths to harness the potential technology provides in order to thrive in a world that is constantly changing.

Our clients are broadly across the social sector from charities and social enterprises, through to intermediary funding bodies to strengthen their capacity to practice technology and digitalisation.