title: dtc innovation
name: dtc innovation
members: 3
website: https://dtc-innovation.org/
email: contact@dtc-innovation.org
twitter: dtc-innovation
telephone: '+44 7455 921569'
address: London,United Kingdom
latitude: 51.5073219
longitude: -0.1276474
- bbc
- data-gouv-fr
- open-data-france
- open-data-institute
- radio-france
- business-systems
- data-standards
- development
- ideation
- leadership-development
- mentoring
- rapid-application-development
- research
- user-research
- ansible
- d3
- docker
- htmlcss
- javascript
- json-schema
- aws-lambda
- lets-encrypt
- nginx
- node-js
- reactjs

We are a _pluridisciplinary_ team of people who bring **human-centric innovation**, **web expertise** and **co-operation practices** to your team and products.

It translates into **iterative design thinking**, **agile software development** and **bespoke training consultancy services** – _remotely_ and _in house_.