title: Chapel Street Studio
name: Chapel Street Studio
members: 20
website: http://chapelstreetstudio.coop/
email: info@chapelstreetstudio.coop
twitter: chapelststudio
telephone: 07743 426 846 (Martyn Johnston | Secretary)
address: Chapel Street Studio,Assembly Bradford, Market Pavilion, Rawson Place,Bradford,West
  Yorkshire,BD1 3QQ
latitude: 53.795903
longitude: -1.7554270000000542

Chapel Street Studio is a not-for-profit, co-operative consortium of creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and businesses collaborating to provide a one-stop-shop for communication services.

Our services include:

* Animation  
* Artwork  
* Branding and Identity  
* Consultancy  
* Data visualisation  
* Copywriting and translation  
* Distribution  
* Development  
* Film  
* Graphic Design  
* Hosting  
* Idea generation  
* Illustration  
* Logo design  
* Marketing  
* Motion graphics  
* Photography  
* Print finishing
* Printing  
* Web design