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2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
namespace WP_Piwik;
* Abstract widget class
* @author Andr&eacute; Br&auml;kling
* @package WP_Piwik
abstract class Widget {
* @var Environment variables
protected static $wpPiwik, $settings;
* @var Configuration parameters
protected $isShortcode = false, $method = '', $title = '', $context = 'side', $priority = 'core', $parameter = array (), $apiID = array (), $pageId = 'dashboard', $blogId = null, $name = 'Value', $limit = 10, $content = '', $output = '';
* Widget constructor
* @param WP_Piwik $wpPiwik
* current WP-Piwik object
* @param WP_Piwik\Settings $settings
* current WP-Piwik settings
* @param string $pageId
* WordPress page ID (default: dashboard)
* @param string $context
* WordPress meta box context (defualt: side)
* @param string $priority
* WordPress meta box priority (default: default)
* @param array $params
* widget parameters (default: empty array)
* @param boolean $isShortcode
* is the widget shown inline? (default: false)
public function __construct($wpPiwik, $settings, $pageId = 'dashboard', $context = 'side', $priority = 'default', $params = array(), $isShortcode = false) {
self::$wpPiwik = $wpPiwik;
self::$settings = $settings;
$this->pageId = $pageId;
$this->context = $context;
$this->priority = $priority;
if (self::$settings->checkNetworkActivation () && function_exists ( 'is_super_admin' ) && is_super_admin () && isset ( $_GET ['wpmu_show_stats'] )) {
switch_to_blog ( ( int ) $_GET ['wpmu_show_stats'] );
$this->blogId = get_current_blog_id ();
restore_current_blog ();
$this->isShortcode = $isShortcode;
$prefix = ($this->pageId == 'dashboard' ? self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'plugin_display_name' ) . ' - ' : '');
$this->configure ( $prefix, $params );
if (is_array ( $this->method ))
foreach ( $this->method as $method ) {
$this->apiID [$method] = \WP_Piwik\Request::register ( $method, $this->parameter );
self::$wpPiwik->log ( "Register request: " . $this->apiID [$method] );
else {
$this->apiID [$this->method] = \WP_Piwik\Request::register ( $this->method, $this->parameter );
self::$wpPiwik->log ( "Register request: " . $this->apiID [$this->method] );
if ($this->isShortcode)
add_meta_box ( $this->getName (), $this->title, array (
), $pageId, $this->context, $this->priority );
* Conifguration dummy method
* @param string $prefix
* metabox title prefix (default: empty)
* @param array $params
* widget parameters (default: empty array)
protected function configure($prefix = '', $params = array()) {
* Default show widget method, handles default Piwik output
public function show() {
$response = self::$wpPiwik->request ( $this->apiID [$this->method] );
if (! empty ( $response ['result'] ) && $response ['result'] == 'error')
$this->out( '<strong>' . __ ( 'Piwik error', 'wp-piwik' ) . ':</strong> ' . htmlentities ( $response ['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8' ) );
else {
if (isset ( $response [0] ['nb_uniq_visitors'] ))
$unique = 'nb_uniq_visitors';
$unique = 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors';
$tableHead = array (
'label' => __ ( $this->name, 'wp-piwik' )
$tableHead [$unique] = __ ( 'Unique', 'wp-piwik' );
if (isset ( $response [0] ['nb_visits'] ))
$tableHead ['nb_visits'] = __ ( 'Visits', 'wp-piwik' );
if (isset ( $response [0] ['nb_hits'] ))
$tableHead ['nb_hits'] = __ ( 'Hits', 'wp-piwik' );
if (isset ( $response [0] ['nb_actions'] ))
$tableHead ['nb_actions'] = __ ( 'Actions', 'wp-piwik' );
$tableBody = array ();
$count = 0;
if (is_array($response))
foreach ( $response as $rowKey => $row ) {
$count ++;
$tableBody [$rowKey] = array ();
foreach ( $tableHead as $key => $value )
$tableBody [$rowKey] [] = isset ( $row [$key] ) ? $row [$key] : '-';
if ($count == 10)
$this->table ( $tableHead, $tableBody, null );
* Display or store shortcode output
protected function out($output) {
if ($this->isShortcode)
$this->output .= $output;
else echo $output;
* Return shortcode output
public function get() {
return $this->output;
* Display a HTML table
* @param array $thead
* table header content (array of cells)
* @param array $tbody
* table body content (array of rows)
* @param array $tfoot
* table footer content (array of cells)
* @param string $class
* CSSclass name to apply on table sections
* @param string $javaScript
* array of javascript code to apply on body rows
protected function table($thead, $tbody = array(), $tfoot = array(), $class = false, $javaScript = array(), $classes = array()) {
$this->out( '<div class="table"><table class="widefat wp-piwik-table">' );
if ($this->isShortcode && $this->title) {
$colspan = !empty ( $tbody ) ? count( $tbody[0] ) : 2 ;
$this->out( '<tr><th colspan="'.$colspan.'">' . $this->title . '</th></tr>' );
if (! empty ( $thead ))
$this->tabHead ( $thead, $class );
if (! empty ( $tbody ))
$this->tabBody ( $tbody, $class, $javaScript, $classes );
$this->out( '<tr><td colspan="10">' . __ ( 'No data available.', 'wp-piwik' ) . '</td></tr>' );
if (! empty ( $tfoot ))
$this->tabFoot ( $tfoot, $class );
$this->out( '</table></div>' );
* Display a HTML table header
* @param array $thead
* array of cells
* @param string $class
* CSS class to apply
private function tabHead($thead, $class = false) {
$this->out( '<thead' . ($class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . '><tr>' );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $thead as $value )
$this->out( '<th' . ($count ++ ? ' class="right"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</th>' );
$this->out( '</tr></thead>' );
* Display a HTML table body
* @param array $tbody
* array of rows, each row containing an array of cells
* @param string $class
* CSS class to apply
* @param unknown $javaScript
* array of javascript code to apply (one item per row)
private function tabBody($tbody, $class = false, $javaScript = array(), $classes = array()) {
$this->out( '<tbody' . ($class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . '>' );
foreach ( $tbody as $key => $trow )
$this->tabRow ( $trow, isset( $javaScript [$key] ) ?$javaScript [$key] : '', isset ( $classes [$key] ) ?$classes [$key] : '');
$this->out( '</tbody>' );
* Display a HTML table footer
* @param array $tfoor
* array of cells
* @param string $class
* CSS class to apply
private function tabFoot($tfoot, $class = false) {
$this->out( '<tfoot' . ($class ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . '><tr>' );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $tfoot as $value )
$this->out( '<td' . ($count ++ ? ' class="right"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</td>' );
$this->out( '</tr></tfoot>' );
* Display a HTML table row
* @param array $trow
* array of cells
* @param string $javaScript
* javascript code to apply
private function tabRow($trow, $javaScript = '', $class = '') {
$this->out( '<tr' . (! empty ( $javaScript ) ? ' onclick="' . $javaScript . '"' : '') . (! empty ( $class ) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '') . '>' );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $trow as $tcell )
$this->out( '<td' . ($count ++ ? ' class="right"' : '') . '>' . $tcell . '</td>' );
$this->out( '</tr>' );
* Get the current request's Piwik time settings
* @return array time settings: period => Piwik period, date => requested date, description => time description to show in widget title
protected function getTimeSettings() {
switch (self::$settings->getGlobalOption ( 'default_date' )) {
case 'today' :
$period = 'day';
$date = 'today';
$description = __('today', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'current_month' :
$period = 'month';
$date = 'today';
$description = __('current month', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'last_month' :
$period = 'month';
$date = date ( "Y-m-d", strtotime ( "last day of previous month" ) );
$description = __('last month', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'current_week' :
$period = 'week';
$date = 'today';
$description = __('current week', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'last_week' :
$period = 'week';
$date = date ( "Y-m-d", strtotime ( "-1 week" ) );
$description = __('last week', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'yesterday' :
$period = 'day';
$date = 'yesterday';
$description = __('yesterday', 'wp-piwik' );
default :
return array (
'period' => $period,
'date' => isset ( $_GET ['date'] ) ? ( int ) $_GET ['date'] : $date,
'description' => isset ( $_GET ['date'] ) ? $this->dateFormat ( $_GET ['date'], $period ) : $description
* Format a date to show in widget
* @param string $date
* date string
* @param string $period
* Piwik period
* @return string formatted date
protected function dateFormat($date, $period = 'day') {
$prefix = '';
switch ($period) {
case 'week' :
$prefix = __ ( 'week', 'wp-piwik' ) . ' ';
$format = 'W/Y';
case 'short_week' :
$format = 'W';
case 'month' :
$format = 'F Y';
$date = date ( 'Y-m-d', strtotime ( $date ) );
default :
$format = get_option ( 'date_format' );
return $prefix . date_i18n ( $format, strtotime ( $date ) );
* Format time to show in widget
* @param int $time
* time in seconds
* @return string formatted time
protected function timeFormat($time) {
return floor ( $time / 3600 ) . 'h ' . floor ( ($time % 3600) / 60 ) . 'm ' . floor ( ($time % 3600) % 60 ) . 's';
* Convert Piwik range into meaningful text
* @return string range description
public function rangeName() {
switch ($this->parameter ['date']) {
case 'last30' :
return __('last 30 days', 'wp-piwik' );
case 'last12' :
return __('last 12 ' . $this->parameter ['period'] . 's', 'wp-piwik' );
default :
return $this->parameter ['date'];
* Get the widget name
* @return string widget name
public function getName() {
return str_replace ( '\\', '-', get_called_class () );
* Display a pie chart
* @param
* array chart data array(array(0 => name, 1 => value))
public function pieChart($data) {
$this->out( '<div id="wp-piwik_stats_' . $this->getName () . '_graph" style="height:310px;width:100%"></div>' );
$this->out( '<script type="text/javascript">$plotBrowsers = $j.jqplot("wp-piwik_stats_' . $this->getName () . '_graph", [[' );
$list = '';
foreach ( $data as $key => $dataSet ) {
$list .= '["' . $dataSet [0] . '", ' . $dataSet [1] . '],';
if ($key == 'Others') break;
$this->out( substr ( $list, 0, - 1 ) );
$this->out( ']], {seriesDefaults:{renderer:$j.jqplot.PieRenderer, rendererOptions:{sliceMargin:8}},legend:{show:true}});</script>' );
* Return an array value by key, return '-' if not set
* @param array $array
* array to get a value from
* @param string $key
* key of the value to get from array
* @return string found value or '-' as a placeholder
protected function value($array, $key) {
return (isset ( $array [$key] ) ? $array [$key] : '-');