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* Admin / Heartbeat
* @package EDD
* @subpackage Admin
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018, Easy Digital Downloads, LLC
* @license GNU Public License
* @since 1.8
// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* EDD_Heartbeart Class
* Hooks into the WP heartbeat API to update various parts of the dashboard as new sales are made
* Dashboard components that are effect:
* - Dashboard Summary Widget
* @since 1.8
class EDD_Heartbeat {
* Get things started
* @since 1.8
* @return void
public static function init() {
add_filter( 'heartbeat_received', array( 'EDD_Heartbeat', 'heartbeat_received' ), 10, 2 );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( 'EDD_Heartbeat', 'enqueue_scripts' ) );
* Tie into the heartbeat and append our stats
* @since 1.8
* @return array
public static function heartbeat_received( $response, $data ) {
if ( ! current_user_can( 'view_shop_reports' ) ) {
return $response; // Only modify heartbeat if current user can view show reports
// Make sure we only run our query if the edd_heartbeat key is present
if ( ( isset( $data['edd_heartbeat'] ) ) && ( 'dashboard_summary' === $data['edd_heartbeat'] ) ) {
$stats = edd_get_dashboard_sales_widget_data();
$response['edd-total-payments'] = $stats['total']['count'];
$response['edd-total-earnings'] = html_entity_decode( $stats['total']['earnings'] );
$response['edd-payments-month'] = $stats['this_month']['count'];
$response['edd-earnings-month'] = html_entity_decode( $stats['this_month']['earnings'] );
$response['edd-payments-today'] = $stats['today']['count'];
$response['edd-earnings-today'] = html_entity_decode( $stats['today']['earnings'] );
return $response;
* Load the heartbeat scripts
* @since 1.8
* @return array
public static function enqueue_scripts() {
if( ! current_user_can( 'view_shop_reports' ) ) {
return; // Only load heartbeat if current user can view show reports
// Make sure the JS part of the Heartbeat API is loaded.
wp_enqueue_script( 'heartbeat' );
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( 'EDD_Heartbeat', 'footer_js' ), 20 );
* Inject our JS into the admin footer
* @since 1.8
* @return array
public static function footer_js() {
global $pagenow;
// Only proceed if on the dashboard
if( 'index.php' != $pagenow ) {
if( ! current_user_can( 'view_shop_reports' ) ) {
return; // Only load heartbeat if current user can view show reports
// Hook into the heartbeat-send
$(document).on('heartbeat-send', function(e, data) {
data['edd_heartbeat'] = 'dashboard_summary';
// Listen for the custom event "heartbeat-tick" on $(document).
$(document).on( 'heartbeat-tick', function(e, data) {
// Only proceed if our EDD data is present
if ( ! data['edd-total-payments'] )
<?php if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
// Update sale count and bold it to provide a highlight
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_totals .b.b-earnings', data['edd-total-earnings'] );
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_totals .b.b-sales', data['edd-total-payments'] );
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_today .b.b-earnings', data['edd-earnings-today'] );
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_today .b.b-sales', data['edd-payments-today'] );
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_current_month .b-earnings', data['edd-earnings-month'] );
edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( '.edd_dashboard_widget .table_current_month .b-sales', data['edd-payments-month'] );
// Return font-weight to normal after 2 seconds
$('.edd_dashboard_widget .b.b-sales,.edd_dashboard_widget .b.b-earnings').css( 'font-weight', 'normal' );
$('.edd_dashboard_widget .table_current_month .b.b-earnings,.edd_dashboard_widget .table_current_month .b.b-sales').css( 'font-weight', 'normal' );
}, 2000);
function edd_dashboard_heartbeat_update( selector, new_value ) {
var current_value = $(selector).text();
$(selector).text( new_value );
if ( current_value !== new_value ) {
$(selector).css( 'font-weight', 'bold' );
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( 'EDD_Heartbeat', 'init' ) );