
495 lines
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// Just in Time Messaging - message prompts
// TODO: Switch to using the `@automattic/jetpack-base-styles` package when its ready.
@import '../../plugins/jetpack/_inc/client/scss/functions/rem';
@import '../../plugins/jetpack/_inc/client/scss/variables/colors';
@import '../../plugins/jetpack/_inc/client/scss/mixins/breakpoints';
@import '../../plugins/jetpack/_inc/client/scss/calypso-colors';
@mixin clear-fix {
&:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
@mixin jitm-banner-color( $color ) {
border-left-color: $color;
.jitm-banner__icon {
color: $color;
.jitm-banner__icon-circle {
background-color: $color;
// New JITMS - modified calypso banner styles
$blue-grey-light: #f6f7f7;
$blue-medium-dark: #2271b1;
.jitm-button {
background: $blue-grey-light;
border-color: $blue-medium-dark;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
color: $blue-medium-dark;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
outline: 0;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 14px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: top;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-size: 14px;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 7px 14px 9px;
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
text-align: center;
min-width: 90px;
&:hover {
background: #f0f0f1;
border-color: $blue-grey-dark;
color: $blue-grey-dark;
&:disabled {
color: lighten( $gray, 30% );
background: $white;
border-color: lighten( $gray, 30% );
cursor: default;
&:focus {
background: $white;
border-color: $blue-medium-dark;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $blue-medium-dark;
&.is-compact {
padding: 7px;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1;
text-transform: uppercase;
white-space: nowrap;
&:disabled {
color: lighten( $gray, 30% );
.gridicon {
top: 4px;
margin-top: -8px;
// Make the left margin of the small plus icon visually less huge
.gridicons-plus-small {
margin-left: -4px;
// Reset the left margin if the button contains only the plus icon
.gridicons-plus-small:last-of-type {
margin-left: 0;
// Make plus icon nudged closer to adjacent icons for add-people and add-plugin type buttons
.gridicons-plus-small + .gridicon {
margin-left: -4px;
&.hidden {
display: none;
// Primary buttons {
background: $blue-medium;
border-color: $blue-medium;
color: $white;
&:focus {
border-color: $blue-medium-dark;
background: $blue-medium-dark;
color: $white;
&:focus {
0 0 0 1px $white,
0 0 0 3px $blue-medium-dark;
&:disabled {
background: tint( $blue-light, 50% );
border-color: tint( $blue-wordpress, 55% );
color: $white;
&.is-compact {
color: $white;
white-space: nowrap;
.jitm-card {
display: block;
clear: both;
position: relative;
margin: rem( 48px ) rem( 20px ) 0 auto;
padding: rem( 16px );
box-sizing: border-box;
background: $white;
0 0 0 1px $light-gray-700,
0 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.04);
@include clear-fix;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
margin-bottom: rem( 16px );
padding: rem( 24px );
// Compact Card
&.is-compact {
margin-bottom: rem( 1px );
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
margin-bottom: 1px;
padding: rem( 16px ) rem( 24px );
&.is-card-link {
padding-right: rem( 48px );
// Minor adjustments for the display in My Jetpack.
.my-jetpack-jitm-card {
.jitm-card {
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
// if JITM appears directly below WordPress "help" menu adjust margins
#screen-meta-links+.jitm-card {
margin: rem( 40px ) 1.5385em 0 auto;
// if JITM appears directly below WordPress hello dolly adjust margins
#dolly+.jitm-card {
margin: 3rem 1rem 0 auto;
// remove right margin for jitms in the editor
.post-php .jitm-card {
margin-right: 0;
// if JITM appears inside of the jetpack dashboard adjust margins
.jp-lower .jitm-card {
margin: 0 0 rem( 24px );
.jitm-banner.jitm-card {
border-left: 4px solid;
display: flex;
padding: rem( 12px ) rem( 6px ) rem( 12px ) rem( 12px );
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
@include breakpoint( "<480px" ) {
display: flex;
padding: rem( 12px );
flex-direction: column;
&.is-card-link {
padding: rem( 12px ) rem( 48px ) rem( 12px ) rem( 16px );
&.is-dismissible {
padding-right: rem( 48px );
@include jitm-banner-color( $alert-green );
&.is-upgrade-personal {
@include jitm-banner-color( $alert-yellow );
&.is-upgrade-premium {
@include jitm-banner-color( $alert-green );
&.woo-jitm {
@include jitm-banner-color( $alert-purple );
.jitm-card__link-indicator {
align-items: center;
color: $blue-wordpress;
display: flex;
&:hover {
transition: all 100ms ease-in-out;
&.is-card-link {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $gray, 0 2px 4px lighten( $gray, 20% );
.jitm-card__link-indicator {
color: $blue-dark;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
padding: rem( 12px ) rem( 16px );
&.is-dismissible {
padding-right: rem( 16px );
.jitm-banner__buttons_container {
display: grid;
height: 50%;
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
display: flex;
.jitm-banner__icons {
display: flex;
.jitm-banner__icon-circle {
border-radius: 50%;
flex-shrink: 0;
height: rem( 24px );
width: rem( 24px );
margin-right: rem( 16px );
margin-top: rem( -2px );
text-align: center;
top: rem( 4px );
.jitm-banner__icon {
align-self: center;
color: $white;
display: block;
.jitm-banner__icon-circle {
color: white;
display: none;
padding: rem( 3px ) rem( 4px ) rem( 4px ) rem( 3px );
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
align-items: center;
.jitm-banner__icon {
display: none;
.jitm-banner__icon-circle {
display: block;
.jitm-banner__icon-plan {
display: flex;
margin-right: rem( 16px );
.dops-plan-icon {
height: rem( 32px );
width: rem( 32px );
.jp-emblem {
position: relative;
top: rem( 2px );
@include breakpoint( "<480px" ) {
margin-bottom: rem( 12px );
svg {
height: rem( 32px );
width: rem( 32px );
fill: $green-primary;
.jitm-jp-logo {
height: inherit;
width: 6rem;
fill: inherit;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
align-items: center;
@include breakpoint( "<960px" ) {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.jitm-banner__content {
align-items: center;
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-wrap: wrap;
@include breakpoint( "<480px" ) {
margin-right: 0;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
flex-wrap: nowrap;
@include breakpoint( "<960px" ) {
display: grid;
margin-right: 5px;
.jitm-banner__info {
flex-grow: 1;
line-height: 1.4;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
flex-basis: 50%;
@include breakpoint( ">960px" ) {
flex-basis: 70%;
.jitm-banner__description {
color: $gray-dark;
.jitm-banner__title {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 500;
.jitm-banner__description {
font-size: rem( 12px );
line-height: 1.5;
margin-top: rem( 6px );
.banner__list {
font-size: 12px;
list-style: none;
margin: 10px 0;
li {
margin: 6px 0;
.gridicon {
fill: $gray;
display: inline;
margin-right: 12px;
vertical-align: bottom;
.jitm-banner__action {
align-self: center;
font-size: rem( 12px );
margin: rem( 8px ) 0 0;
text-align: left;
width: 100%;
.jitm-banner__prices {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
.dops-plan-price {
margin-bottom: 0;
}, .dops-plan-price__currency-symbol {
color: $gray-dark;
.has-call-to-action & .dops-plan-price {
margin-bottom: rem( 8px );
@include breakpoint( "<480px" ) {
margin-top: 1rem;
@include breakpoint( ">480px" ) {
margin: 0 rem( 4px ) 0 rem( 8px );
text-align: center;
width: auto;
.is-dismissible {
margin-top: rem( 40px );
.jitm-banner__prices {
justify-content: flex-end;
text-align: right;
.jitm-banner__dismiss {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
line-height: .5;
margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
&:before {
color: darken($gray, 20%);
font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
content: '\f158';
@include breakpoint( ">660px" ) {
margin-right: rem( -8px );
@include breakpoint( "<480px" ) {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin: 0;
// Minimum touch area
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
.jitm-banner__action + .jitm-banner__dismiss {
margin-left: rem( 10px );
#dolly + .jitm-card {
margin: 3rem 1rem 0 auto;