2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
function gp _premium _typography _live _update ( id , selector , property , unit , media , settings ) {
settings = typeof settings !== 'undefined' ? settings : 'generate_settings' ;
wp . customize ( settings + '[' + id + ']' , function ( value ) {
value . bind ( function ( newval ) {
// Get our unit if applicable
unit = typeof unit !== 'undefined' ? unit : '' ;
var isTablet = ( 'tablet' == id . substring ( 0 , 6 ) ) ? true : false ,
isMobile = ( 'mobile' == id . substring ( 0 , 6 ) ) ? true : false ;
if ( isTablet ) {
if ( '' == wp . customize ( settings + '[' + id + ']' ) . get ( ) ) {
var desktopID = id . replace ( 'tablet_' , '' ) ;
newval = wp . customize ( settings + '[' + desktopID + ']' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( isMobile ) {
if ( '' == wp . customize ( settings + '[' + id + ']' ) . get ( ) ) {
var desktopID = id . replace ( 'mobile_' , '' ) ;
newval = wp . customize ( settings + '[' + desktopID + ']' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( 'buttons_font_size' == id && '' == wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[buttons_font_size]' ) . get ( ) ) {
newval = wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[body_font_size]' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( 'single_post_title_weight' == id && '' == wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[single_post_title_weight]' ) . get ( ) ) {
newval = wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[heading_1_weight]' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( 'single_post_title_transform' == id && '' == wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[single_post_title_transform]' ) . get ( ) ) {
newval = wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[heading_1_transform]' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( 'archive_post_title_weight' == id && '' == wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[archive_post_title_weight]' ) . get ( ) ) {
newval = wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[heading_2_weight]' ) . get ( ) ;
if ( 'archive_post_title_transform' == id && '' == wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[archive_post_title_transform]' ) . get ( ) ) {
newval = wp . customize ( 'generate_settings[heading_2_transform]' ) . get ( ) ;
// We're using a desktop value
if ( ! isTablet && ! isMobile ) {
var tabletValue = ( typeof wp . customize ( settings + '[tablet_' + id + ']' ) !== 'undefined' ) ? wp . customize ( settings + '[tablet_' + id + ']' ) . get ( ) : '' ,
mobileValue = ( typeof wp . customize ( settings + '[mobile_' + id + ']' ) !== 'undefined' ) ? wp . customize ( settings + '[mobile_' + id + ']' ) . get ( ) : '' ;
// The tablet setting exists, mobile doesn't
if ( '' !== tabletValue && '' == mobileValue ) {
media = gp _typography . desktop + ', ' + gp _typography . mobile ;
// The tablet setting doesn't exist, mobile does
if ( '' == tabletValue && '' !== mobileValue ) {
media = gp _typography . desktop + ', ' + gp _typography . tablet ;
// The tablet setting doesn't exist, neither does mobile
if ( '' == tabletValue && '' == mobileValue ) {
media = gp _typography . desktop + ', ' + gp _typography . tablet + ', ' + gp _typography . mobile ;
// Check if media query
media _query = typeof media !== 'undefined' ? 'media="' + media + '"' : '' ;
jQuery ( 'head' ) . append ( '<style id="' + id + '" ' + media _query + '>' + selector + '{' + property + ':' + newval + unit + ';}</style>' ) ;
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
jQuery ( 'style#' + id ) . not ( ':last' ) . remove ( ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
setTimeout ( "jQuery('body').trigger('generate_spacing_updated');" , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Body font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'body_font_size' , 'body, button, input, select, textarea' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'body_line_height' , 'body' , 'line-height' , '' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'paragraph_margin' , 'p, .entry-content > [class*="wp-block-"]:not(:last-child)' , 'margin-bottom' , 'em' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'body_font_weight' , 'body, button, input, select, textarea' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'body_font_transform' , 'body, button, input, select, textarea' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* Top bar font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'top_bar_font_size' , '.top-bar' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'top_bar_font_weight' , '.top-bar' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'top_bar_font_transform' , '.top-bar' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* Site title font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_title_font_size' , '.main-title, .navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'tablet_site_title_font_size' , '.main-title, .navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . tablet ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_site_title_font_size' , '.main-title, .navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_title_font_weight' , '.main-title, .navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_title_font_transform' , '.main-title, .navigation-branding .main-title' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* Site description font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_tagline_font_size' , '.site-description' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_tagline_font_weight' , '.site-description' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'site_tagline_font_transform' , '.site-description' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* Main navigation font size , weight and transform
* /
2020-08-13 14:53:39 +00:00
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'navigation_font_size' , '.main-navigation a, .menu-toggle, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'tablet_navigation_font_size' , '.main-navigation a, .menu-toggle, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . tablet ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_navigation_font_size' , '.main-navigation:not(.slideout-navigation) a, .menu-toggle, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'navigation_font_weight' , '.main-navigation a, .menu-toggle' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'navigation_font_transform' , '.main-navigation a, .menu-toggle' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* Site title when in navigation .
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'navigation_site_title_font_size' , '.navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'tablet_navigation_site_title_font_size' , '.navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . tablet ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_navigation_site_title_font_size' , '.navigation-branding .main-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
/ * *
* Secondary navigation font size , weight and transform
* /
2020-08-13 14:53:39 +00:00
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'secondary_navigation_font_size' , '.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.secondary-navigation .menu-toggle, .secondary-navigation .top-bar, .secondary-navigation .secondary-menu-bar-items' , 'font-size' , 'px' , '' , 'generate_secondary_nav_settings' ) ;
2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'secondary_navigation_font_weight' , '.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.secondary-navigation .menu-toggle, .secondary-navigation .top-bar' , 'font-weight' , '' , '' , 'generate_secondary_nav_settings' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'secondary_navigation_font_transform' , '.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.secondary-navigation .menu-toggle, .secondary-navigation .top-bar' , 'text-transform' , '' , '' , 'generate_secondary_nav_settings' ) ;
/ * *
* Buttons
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'buttons_font_size' , 'button:not(.menu-toggle),html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.button,.button:visited,.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link,.woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'buttons_font_weight' , 'button:not(.menu-toggle),html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.button,.button:visited,.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link,.woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'buttons_font_transform' , 'button:not(.menu-toggle),html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.button,.button:visited,.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link,.woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button' , 'text-transform' ) ;
/ * *
* H1 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_1_font_size' , 'h1' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_heading_1_font_size' , 'h1' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_1_weight' , 'h1' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_1_transform' , 'h1' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_1_line_height' , 'h1' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_1_margin_bottom' , 'h1' , 'margin-bottom' , 'px' ) ;
/ * *
* Single content title ( h1 )
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'single_post_title_font_size' , 'h1.entry-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'single_post_title_font_size_mobile' , 'h1.entry-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'single_post_title_weight' , 'h1.entry-title' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'single_post_title_transform' , 'h1.entry-title' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'single_post_title_line_height' , 'h1.entry-title' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* H2 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_2_font_size' , 'h2' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_heading_2_font_size' , 'h2' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_2_weight' , 'h2' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_2_transform' , 'h2' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_2_line_height' , 'h2' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_2_margin_bottom' , 'h2' , 'margin-bottom' , 'px' ) ;
/ * *
* Archive post title ( h1 )
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'archive_post_title_font_size' , 'h2.entry-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'archive_post_title_font_size_mobile' , 'h2.entry-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'archive_post_title_weight' , 'h2.entry-title' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'archive_post_title_transform' , 'h2.entry-title' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'archive_post_title_line_height' , 'h2.entry-title' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* H3 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_3_font_size' , 'h3' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_3_weight' , 'h3' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_3_transform' , 'h3' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_3_line_height' , 'h3' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_3_margin_bottom' , 'h3' , 'margin-bottom' , 'px' ) ;
/ * *
* H4 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_4_font_size' , 'h4' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_4_weight' , 'h4' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_4_transform' , 'h4' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_4_line_height' , 'h4' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* H5 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_5_font_size' , 'h5' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_5_weight' , 'h5' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_5_transform' , 'h5' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_5_line_height' , 'h5' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* H6 font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_6_font_size' , 'h6' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_6_weight' , 'h6' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_6_transform' , 'h6' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'heading_6_line_height' , 'h6' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* Widget title font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'widget_title_font_size' , '.widget-title' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'widget_title_font_weight' , '.widget-title' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'widget_title_font_transform' , '.widget-title' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'widget_title_separator' , '.widget-title' , 'margin-bottom' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'widget_content_font_size' , '.sidebar .widget, .footer-widgets .widget' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
/ * *
* Footer font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'footer_font_size' , '.site-info' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'footer_weight' , '.site-info' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'footer_transform' , '.site-info' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'footer_line_height' , '.site-info' , 'line-height' , 'em' ) ;
/ * *
* WooCommerce product title
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'wc_product_title_font_size' , '.woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-loop-category__title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'mobile_wc_product_title_font_size' , '.woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-loop-category__title' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'wc_product_title_font_weight' , '.woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-loop-category__title' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'wc_product_title_font_transform' , '.woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce ul.products li.product .woocommerce-loop-category__title' , 'text-transform' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'wc_related_product_title_font_size' , '.woocommerce .up-sells ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce .cross-sells ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2, .woocommerce .related ul.products li.product .woocommerce-LoopProduct-link h2' , 'font-size' , 'px' ) ;
/ * *
* Slideout navigation font size , weight and transform
* /
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'slideout_font_size' , '.slideout-navigation.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . desktop ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'slideout_mobile_font_size' , '.slideout-navigation.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a' , 'font-size' , 'px' , gp _typography . mobile ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'slideout_font_weight' , '.slideout-navigation.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a' , 'font-weight' ) ;
gp _premium _typography _live _update ( 'slideout_font_transform' , '.slideout-navigation.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a' , 'text-transform' ) ;