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403 lines
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* Class for creating a backup codes provider.
* @package Two_Factor
* Class for creating a backup codes provider.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @package Two_Factor
class Two_Factor_Backup_Codes extends Two_Factor_Provider {
* The user meta backup codes key.
* @type string
const BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY = '_two_factor_backup_codes';
* The number backup codes.
* @type int
const NUMBER_OF_CODES = 10;
* Ensures only one instance of this class exists in memory at any one time.
* @since 0.1-dev
public static function get_instance() {
static $instance;
$class = __CLASS__;
if ( ! is_a( $instance, $class ) ) {
$instance = new $class();
return $instance;
* Class constructor.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @codeCoverageIgnore
protected function __construct() {
add_action( 'rest_api_init', array( $this, 'register_rest_routes' ) );
add_action( 'two_factor_user_options_' . __CLASS__, array( $this, 'user_options' ) );
add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices' ) );
return parent::__construct();
* Register the rest-api endpoints required for this provider.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function register_rest_routes() {
'methods' => WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE,
'callback' => array( $this, 'rest_generate_codes' ),
'permission_callback' => function( $request ) {
return current_user_can( 'edit_user', $request['user_id'] );
'args' => array(
'user_id' => array(
'required' => true,
'type' => 'number',
'enable_provider' => array(
'required' => false,
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => false,
* Displays an admin notice when backup codes have run out.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @codeCoverageIgnore
public function admin_notices() {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
// Return if the provider is not enabled.
if ( ! in_array( __CLASS__, Two_Factor_Core::get_enabled_providers_for_user( $user->ID ), true ) ) {
// Return if we are not out of codes.
if ( $this->is_available_for_user( $user ) ) {
<div class="error">
echo wp_kses(
/* translators: %s: URL for code regeneration */
__( 'Two-Factor: You are out of backup codes and need to <a href="%s">regenerate!</a>', 'two-factor' ),
esc_url( get_edit_user_link( $user->ID ) . '#two-factor-backup-codes' )
array( 'a' => array( 'href' => true ) )
* Returns the name of the provider.
* @since 0.1-dev
public function get_label() {
return _x( 'Backup Verification Codes (Single Use)', 'Provider Label', 'two-factor' );
* Whether this Two Factor provider is configured and codes are available for the user specified.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @return boolean
public function is_available_for_user( $user ) {
// Does this user have available codes?
if ( 0 < self::codes_remaining_for_user( $user ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Inserts markup at the end of the user profile field for this provider.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
public function user_options( $user ) {
$count = self::codes_remaining_for_user( $user );
<p id="two-factor-backup-codes">
<button type="button" class="button button-two-factor-backup-codes-generate button-secondary hide-if-no-js">
<?php esc_html_e( 'Generate Verification Codes', 'two-factor' ); ?>
<span class="two-factor-backup-codes-count">
echo esc_html(
/* translators: %s: count */
_n( '%s unused code remaining.', '%s unused codes remaining.', $count, 'two-factor' ),
<div class="two-factor-backup-codes-wrapper" style="display:none;">
<ol class="two-factor-backup-codes-unused-codes"></ol>
<p class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'Write these down! Once you navigate away from this page, you will not be able to view these codes again.', 'two-factor' ); ?></p>
<a class="button button-two-factor-backup-codes-download button-secondary hide-if-no-js" href="javascript:void(0);" id="two-factor-backup-codes-download-link" download="two-factor-backup-codes.txt"><?php esc_html_e( 'Download Codes', 'two-factor' ); ?></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
( function( $ ) {
$( '.button-two-factor-backup-codes-generate' ).click( function() {
wp.apiRequest( {
method: 'POST',
path: <?php echo wp_json_encode( Two_Factor_Core::REST_NAMESPACE . '/generate-backup-codes' ); ?>,
data: {
user_id: <?php echo wp_json_encode( $user->ID ); ?>
} ).then( function( response ) {
var $codesList = $( '.two-factor-backup-codes-unused-codes' );
$( '.two-factor-backup-codes-wrapper' ).show();
$codesList.html( '' );
// Append the codes.
for ( i = 0; i < response.codes.length; i++ ) {
$codesList.append( '<li>' + response.codes[ i ] + '</li>' );
// Update counter.
$( '.two-factor-backup-codes-count' ).html( response.i18n.count );
$( '#two-factor-backup-codes-download-link' ).attr( 'href', response.download_link );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );
* Generates backup codes & updates the user meta.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @param array $args Optional arguments for assigning new codes.
* @return array
public function generate_codes( $user, $args = '' ) {
$codes = array();
$codes_hashed = array();
// Check for arguments.
if ( isset( $args['number'] ) ) {
$num_codes = (int) $args['number'];
} else {
$num_codes = self::NUMBER_OF_CODES;
// Append or replace (default).
if ( isset( $args['method'] ) && 'append' === $args['method'] ) {
$codes_hashed = (array) get_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, true );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_codes; $i++ ) {
$code = $this->get_code();
$codes_hashed[] = wp_hash_password( $code );
$codes[] = $code;
unset( $code );
update_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, $codes_hashed );
// Unhashed.
return $codes;
* Generates Backup Codes for returning through the WordPress Rest API.
* @since 0.8.0
public function rest_generate_codes( $request ) {
$user_id = $request['user_id'];
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
// Hardcode these, the user shouldn't be able to choose them.
$args = array(
'number' => self::NUMBER_OF_CODES,
'method' => 'replace',
// Setup the return data.
$codes = $this->generate_codes( $user, $args );
$count = self::codes_remaining_for_user( $user );
$title = sprintf(
/* translators: %s: the site's domain */
__( 'Two-Factor Backup Codes for %s', 'two-factor' ),
home_url( '/' )
// Generate download content.
$download_link = 'data:application/text;charset=utf-8,';
$download_link .= rawurlencode( "{$title}\r\n\r\n" );
$i = 1;
foreach ( $codes as $code ) {
$download_link .= rawurlencode( "{$i}. {$code}\r\n" );
$i18n = array(
/* translators: %s: count */
'count' => esc_html( sprintf( _n( '%s unused code remaining.', '%s unused codes remaining.', $count, 'two-factor' ), $count ) ),
if ( $request->get_param( 'enable_provider' ) && ! Two_Factor_Core::enable_provider_for_user( $user_id, 'Two_Factor_Backup_Codes' ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'db_error', __( 'Unable to enable Backup Codes provider for this user.', 'two-factor' ), array( 'status' => 500 ) );
return array(
'codes' => $codes,
'download_link' => $download_link,
'remaining' => $count,
'i18n' => $i18n,
* Returns the number of unused codes for the specified user
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @return int $int The number of unused codes remaining
public static function codes_remaining_for_user( $user ) {
$backup_codes = get_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, true );
if ( is_array( $backup_codes ) && ! empty( $backup_codes ) ) {
return count( $backup_codes );
return 0;
* Prints the form that prompts the user to authenticate.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
public function authentication_page( $user ) {
require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/template.php';
<p class="two-factor-prompt"><?php esc_html_e( 'Enter a backup verification code.', 'two-factor' ); ?></p>
<label for="authcode"><?php esc_html_e( 'Verification Code:', 'two-factor' ); ?></label>
<input type="text" inputmode="numeric" name="two-factor-backup-code" id="authcode" class="input authcode" value="" size="20" pattern="[0-9 ]*" placeholder="1234 5678" data-digits="8" />
submit_button( __( 'Submit', 'two-factor' ) );
* Validates the users input token.
* In this class we just return true.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @return boolean
public function validate_authentication( $user ) {
$backup_code = $this->sanitize_code_from_request( 'two-factor-backup-code' );
if ( ! $backup_code ) {
return false;
return $this->validate_code( $user, $backup_code );
* Validates a backup code.
* Backup Codes are single use and are deleted upon a successful validation.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @param int $code The backup code.
* @return boolean
public function validate_code( $user, $code ) {
$backup_codes = get_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, true );
if ( is_array( $backup_codes ) && ! empty( $backup_codes ) ) {
foreach ( $backup_codes as $code_index => $code_hashed ) {
if ( wp_check_password( $code, $code_hashed, $user->ID ) ) {
$this->delete_code( $user, $code_hashed );
return true;
return false;
* Deletes a backup code.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
* @param string $code_hashed The hashed the backup code.
public function delete_code( $user, $code_hashed ) {
$backup_codes = get_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, true );
// Delete the current code from the list since it's been used.
$backup_codes = array_flip( $backup_codes );
unset( $backup_codes[ $code_hashed ] );
$backup_codes = array_values( array_flip( $backup_codes ) );
// Update the backup code master list.
update_user_meta( $user->ID, self::BACKUP_CODES_META_KEY, $backup_codes );