
232 lines
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2023-10-22 22:21:44 +00:00
namespace W3TC;
class UserExperience_LazyLoad_Plugin {
private $config;
private $posts_by_url = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->config = Dispatcher::config();
public function run() {
Util_Bus::add_ob_callback( 'lazyload', array( $this, 'ob_callback' ) );
if ( $this->config->get_boolean( 'lazyload.googlemaps.google_maps_easy' ) ) {
$p = new UserExperience_LazyLoad_GoogleMaps_GoogleMapsEasy();
add_filter( 'w3tc_lazyload_mutator_before',
array( $p, 'w3tc_lazyload_mutator_before' ) );
if ( $this->config->get_boolean( 'lazyload.googlemaps.wp_google_maps' ) ) {
add_filter( 'w3tc_lazyload_mutator_before', array(
new UserExperience_LazyLoad_GoogleMaps_WPGoogleMaps(),
) );
if ( $this->config->get_boolean( 'lazyload.googlemaps.wp_google_map_plugin' ) ) {
$p = new UserExperience_LazyLoad_GoogleMaps_WPGoogleMapPlugin();
add_filter( 'w3tc_lazyload_mutator_before',
array( $p, 'w3tc_lazyload_mutator_before' ) );
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_url',
array( $this, 'wp_get_attachment_url' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'w3tc_footer_comment',
array( $this, 'w3tc_footer_comment' ) );
public function ob_callback( $buffer ) {
if ( $buffer == '' || !\W3TC\Util_Content::is_html_xml( $buffer ) ) {
return $buffer;
$can_process = array(
'enabled' => true,
'buffer' => $buffer,
'reason' => null
$can_process = $this->can_process( $can_process );
$can_process = apply_filters( 'w3tc_lazyload_can_process', $can_process );
// set reject reason in comment
if ( $can_process['enabled'] ) {
$reject_reason = '';
} else {
$reject_reason = empty( $can_process['reason'] ) ?
' (not specified)' : ' (' . $can_process['reason'] . ')';
$buffer = str_replace( '{w3tc_lazyload_reject_reason}',
$reject_reason, $buffer );
// processing
if ( !$can_process['enabled'] ) {
return $buffer;
$mutator = new UserExperience_LazyLoad_Mutator( $this->config, $this->posts_by_url );
$buffer = $mutator->run( $buffer );
// embed lazyload script
if ( $mutator->content_modified() ) {
$buffer = apply_filters( 'w3tc_lazyload_embed_script', $buffer );
$is_embed_script = apply_filters( 'w3tc_lazyload_is_embed_script', true );
if ( $is_embed_script ) {
$buffer = $this->embed_script( $buffer );
return $buffer;
private function can_process( $can_process ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) ) {
$can_process['enabled'] = false;
$can_process['reason'] = 'WP_ADMIN';
return $can_process;
if ( defined( 'SHORTINIT' ) && SHORTINIT ) {
$can_process['enabled'] = false;
$can_process['reason'] = 'SHORTINIT';
return $can_process;
if ( function_exists( 'is_feed' ) && is_feed() ) {
$can_process['enabled'] = false;
$can_process['reason'] = 'feed';
return $can_process;
return $can_process;
public function w3tc_footer_comment( $strings ) {
$strings[] = __( 'Lazy Loading', 'w3-total-cache' ) . '{w3tc_lazyload_reject_reason}';
return $strings;
private function embed_script( $buffer ) {
$js_url = plugins_url( 'pub/js/lazyload.min.js', W3TC_FILE );
$method = $this->config->get_string( 'lazyload.embed_method' );
$fireEvent = 'function(t){var e;try{e=new CustomEvent("w3tc_lazyload_loaded",{detail:{e:t}})}catch(a){(e=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent("w3tc_lazyload_loaded",!1,!1,{e:t})}window.dispatchEvent(e)}';
$thresholds = '';
$config_threshold = $this->config->get_string( 'lazyload.threshold' );
if ( !empty( $config_threshold ) ) {
$thresholds = 'thresholds:' . json_encode( $config_threshold ) . ',';
$config = '{elements_selector:".lazy",' . $thresholds . 'callback_loaded:' . $fireEvent . '}';
$on_initialized_javascript = apply_filters( 'w3tc_lazyload_on_initialized_javascript', '' );
if ( $method == 'async_head' ) {
$on_initialized_javascript_wrapped = '';
if ( !empty( $on_initialized_javascript ) ) {
// LazyLoad::Initialized fired just before making LazyLoad global
// so next execution cycle have it
$on_initialized_javascript_wrapped =
'window.addEventListener("LazyLoad::Initialized", function(){' .
'setTimeout(function() {' .
$on_initialized_javascript .
'}, 1);' .
$embed_script =
'<style>img.lazy{min-height:1px}</style>' .
'<link rel="preload" href="' . esc_url( $js_url ) . '" as="script">';
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<head(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
'\\0' . $embed_script, $buffer, 1 );
// load lazyload in footer to make sure DOM is ready at the moment of initialization
$footer_script =
'<script>' .
$on_initialized_javascript_wrapped .
'window.w3tc_lazyload=1,' .
'window.lazyLoadOptions=' . $config .
'</script>' .
'<script async src="' . esc_url( $js_url ) . '"></script>';
$buffer = preg_replace( '~</body(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
$footer_script . '\\0', $buffer, 1 );
} elseif ( $method == 'inline_footer' ) {
$footer_script =
'<style>img.lazy{min-height:1px}</style>' .
'<script>' .
file_get_contents( W3TC_DIR . '/pub/js/lazyload.min.js' ) .
'window.w3tc_lazyload=new LazyLoad(' . $config . ');' .
$on_initialized_javascript .
$buffer = preg_replace( '~</body(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
$footer_script . '\\0', $buffer, 1 );
} else { // 'sync_head'
$head_script =
'<style>img.lazy{min-height:1px}</style>' .
'<script src="' . esc_url( $js_url ) . '"></script>';
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<head(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
'\\0' . $head_script, $buffer, 1 );
$footer_script =
'<script>' .
'window.w3tc_lazyload=new LazyLoad(' . $config . ');' .
$on_initialized_javascript .
$buffer = preg_replace( '~</body(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
$footer_script . '\\0', $buffer, 1 );
return $buffer;
public function wp_get_attachment_url( $url, $post_id ) {
$this->posts_by_url[$url] = $post_id;
return $url;
private function metaslider_hooks() {
add_filter( 'metaslider_nivo_slider_get_html',
array( $this, 'metaslider_nivo_slider_get_html' ) );
public function metaslider_nivo_slider_get_html( $content ) {
// nivo slider use "src" attr of <img> tags to populate
// own image via JS, i.e. cant be replaced by lazyloading
$content = preg_replace(
'$1$2$3$4 no-lazy$5', $content
return $content;