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namespace WP_Piwik;
* Manage WP-Piwik settings
* @author André Bräkling
* @package WP_Piwik
class Settings {
* @var Environment variables and default settings container
private static $wpPiwik, $defaultSettings;
* @var Define callback functions for changed settings
private $checkSettings = array (
'piwik_url' => 'checkPiwikUrl',
'piwik_token' => 'checkPiwikToken',
'site_id' => 'requestPiwikSiteID',
'tracking_code' => 'prepareTrackingCode',
'noscript_code' => 'prepareNocscriptCode'
* @var Register default configuration set
private $globalSettings = array (
// Plugin settings
'revision' => 0,
'last_settings_update' => 0,
// User settings: Piwik configuration
'piwik_mode' => 'http',
'piwik_url' => '',
'piwik_path' => '',
'piwik_user' => '',
'matomo_user' => '',
'piwik_token' => '',
'auto_site_config' => true,
// User settings: Stats configuration
'default_date' => 'yesterday',
'stats_seo' => false,
'stats_ecommerce' => false,
'dashboard_widget' => false,
'dashboard_ecommerce' => false,
'dashboard_chart' => false,
'dashboard_seo' => false,
'toolbar' => false,
'capability_read_stats' => array (
'administrator' => true
'perpost_stats' => "disabled",
'plugin_display_name' => 'WP-Matomo',
'piwik_shortcut' => false,
'shortcodes' => false,
// User settings: Tracking configuration
'track_mode' => 'disabled',
'track_codeposition' => 'footer',
'track_noscript' => false,
'track_nojavascript' => false,
'proxy_url' => '',
'track_content' => 'disabled',
'track_search' => false,
'track_404' => false,
'add_post_annotations' => array(),
'add_customvars_box' => false,
'add_download_extensions' => '',
'set_download_extensions' => '',
'set_link_classes' => '',
'set_download_classes' => '',
'require_consent' => 'disabled',
'disable_cookies' => false,
'limit_cookies' => false,
'limit_cookies_visitor' => 34186669, // Piwik default 13 months
'limit_cookies_session' => 1800, // Piwik default 30 minutes
'limit_cookies_referral' => 15778463, // Piwik default 6 months
'track_admin' => false,
'capability_stealth' => array (),
'track_across' => false,
'track_across_alias' => false,
'track_crossdomain_linking' => false,
'track_feed' => false,
'track_feed_addcampaign' => false,
'track_feed_campaign' => 'feed',
'track_heartbeat' => 0,
'track_user_id' => 'disabled',
// User settings: Expert configuration
'cache' => true,
'http_connection' => 'curl',
'http_method' => 'post',
'disable_timelimit' => false,
'filter_limit' => '',
'connection_timeout' => 5,
'disable_ssl_verify' => false,
'disable_ssl_verify_host' => false,
'piwik_useragent' => 'php',
'piwik_useragent_string' => 'WP-Piwik',
'dnsprefetch' => false,
'track_datacfasync' => false,
'track_cdnurl' => '',
'track_cdnurlssl' => '',
'force_protocol' => 'disabled',
'remove_type_attribute' => false,
'update_notice' => 'enabled'
), $settings = array (
'name' => '',
'site_id' => NULL,
'noscript_code' => '',
'tracking_code' => '',
'last_tracking_code_update' => 0,
'dashboard_revision' => 0
), $settingsChanged = false;
* Constructor class to prepare settings manager
* @param WP_Piwik $wpPiwik
* active WP-Piwik instance
public function __construct($wpPiwik) {
self::$wpPiwik = $wpPiwik;
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Store default settings' );
self::$defaultSettings = array (
'globalSettings' => $this->globalSettings,
'settings' => $this->settings
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Load settings' );
foreach ( $this->globalSettings as $key => $default ) {
$this->globalSettings [$key] = ($this->checkNetworkActivation () ? get_site_option ( 'wp-piwik_global-' . $key, $default ) : get_option ( 'wp-piwik_global-' . $key, $default ));
foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $default )
$this->settings [$key] = get_option ( 'wp-piwik-' . $key, $default );
* Save all settings as WordPress options
public function save() {
if (! $this->settingsChanged) {
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'No settings changed yet' );
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Save settings' );
$this->globalSettings['plugin_display_name'] = htmlspecialchars($this->globalSettings['plugin_display_name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
foreach ( $this->globalSettings as $key => $value ) {
if ( $this->checkNetworkActivation() )
update_site_option ( 'wp-piwik_global-' . $key, $value );
update_option ( 'wp-piwik_global-' . $key, $value );
foreach ( $this->settings as $key => $value ) {
update_option ( 'wp-piwik-' . $key, $value );
global $wp_roles;
if (! is_object ( $wp_roles ))
$wp_roles = new \WP_Roles ();
if (! is_object ( $wp_roles ))
die ( "STILL NO OBJECT" );
foreach ( $wp_roles->role_names as $strKey => $strName ) {
$objRole = get_role ( $strKey );
foreach ( array (
) as $strCap ) {
$aryCaps = $this->getGlobalOption ( 'capability_' . $strCap );
if (isset ( $aryCaps [$strKey] ) && $aryCaps [$strKey])
$wp_roles->add_cap ( $strKey, 'wp-piwik_' . $strCap );
else $wp_roles->remove_cap ( $strKey, 'wp-piwik_' . $strCap );
$this->settingsChanged = false;
* Get a global option's value which should not be empty
* @param string $key
* option key
* @return string option value
public function getNotEmptyGlobalOption($key) {
return isset ( $this->globalSettings [$key] ) && !empty($this->globalSettings [$key]) ? $this->globalSettings [$key] : self::$defaultSettings ['globalSettings'] [$key];
* Get a global option's value
* @param string $key
* option key
* @return string option value
public function getGlobalOption($key) {
return isset ( $this->globalSettings [$key] ) ? $this->globalSettings [$key] : self::$defaultSettings ['globalSettings'] [$key];
* Get an option's value related to a specific blog
* @param string $key
* option key
* @param int $blogID
* blog ID (default: current blog)
* @return \WP_Piwik\Register
public function getOption($key, $blogID = null) {
if ($this->checkNetworkActivation () && ! empty ( $blogID )) {
return get_blog_option ( $blogID, 'wp-piwik-'.$key );
return isset ( $this->settings [$key] ) ? $this->settings [$key] : self::$defaultSettings ['settings'] [$key];
* Set a global option's value
* @param string $key
* option key
* @param string $value
* new option value
public function setGlobalOption($key, $value) {
$this->settingsChanged = true;
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Changed global option ' . $key . ': ' . (is_array ( $value ) ? serialize ( $value ) : $value) );
$this->globalSettings [$key] = $value;
* Set an option's value related to a specific blog
* @param string $key
* option key
* @param string $value
* new option value
* @param int $blogID
* blog ID (default: current blog)
public function setOption($key, $value, $blogID = null) {
if (empty( $blogID )) {
$blogID = get_current_blog_id();
$this->settingsChanged = true;
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Changed option ' . $key . ': ' . $value );
if ($this->checkNetworkActivation ()) {
update_blog_option ( $blogID, 'wp-piwik-'.$key, $value );
if ($blogID == get_current_blog_id()) {
$this->settings [$key] = $value;
* Reset settings to default
public function resetSettings() {
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Reset WP-Piwik settings' );
global $wpdb;
if ( $this->checkNetworkActivation() ) {
$aryBlogs = self::getBlogList();
if (is_array($aryBlogs))
foreach ($aryBlogs as $aryBlog) {
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'wp-piwik-%'");
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->sitemeta WHERE meta_key LIKE 'wp-piwik_global-%'");
else $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'wp-piwik_global-%'");
* Get blog list
public static function getBlogList($limit = null, $page = null, $search = '') {
if ($limit && $page)
$queryLimit = ' LIMIT '.(int) (($page - 1) * $limit).','.(int) $limit;
global $wpdb;
return $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare('SELECT blog_id FROM '.$wpdb->blogs.' WHERE CONCAT(domain, path) LIKE "%%%s%%" AND spam = 0 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY blog_id'.$queryLimit, $search), ARRAY_A);
* Check if plugin is network activated
* @return boolean Is network activated?
public function checkNetworkActivation() {
if (! function_exists ( "is_plugin_active_for_network" ))
require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
return is_plugin_active_for_network ( 'wp-piwik/wp-piwik.php' );
* Apply new configuration
* @param array $in
* new configuration set
public function applyChanges($in) {
if (!self::$wpPiwik->isValidOptionsPost())
die("Invalid config changes.");
$in = $this->checkSettings ( $in );
self::$wpPiwik->log ( 'Apply changed settings:' );
foreach ( self::$defaultSettings ['globalSettings'] as $key => $val )
$this->setGlobalOption ( $key, isset ( $in [$key] ) ? $in [$key] : $val );
foreach ( self::$defaultSettings ['settings'] as $key => $val )
$this->setOption ( $key, isset ( $in [$key] ) ? $in [$key] : $val );
$this->setGlobalOption ( 'last_settings_update', time () );
$this->save ();
* Apply callback function on new settings
* @param array $in
* new configuration set
* @return array configuration set after callback functions were applied
private function checkSettings($in) {
foreach ( $this->checkSettings as $key => $value )
if (isset ( $in [$key] ))
$in [$key] = call_user_func_array ( array (
), array (
$in [$key],
) );
return $in;
* Add slash to Piwik URL if necessary
* @param string $value
* Piwik URL
* @param array $in
* configuration set
* @return string Piwik URL
private function checkPiwikUrl($value, $in) {
return substr ( $value, - 1, 1 ) != '/' ? $value . '/' : $value;
* Remove &token_auth= from auth token
* @param string $value
* Piwik auth token
* @param array $in
* configuration set
* @return string Piwik auth token
private function checkPiwikToken($value, $in) {
return str_replace ( '&token_auth=', '', $value );
* Request the site ID (if not set before)
* @param string $value
* tracking code
* @param array $in
* configuration set
* @return int Piwik site ID
private function requestPiwikSiteID($value, $in) {
if ($in ['auto_site_config'] && ! $value)
return self::$wpPiwik->getPiwikSiteId();
return $value;
* Prepare the tracking code
* @param string $value
* tracking code
* @param array $in
* configuration set
* @return string tracking code
private function prepareTrackingCode($value, $in) {
if ($in ['track_mode'] == 'manually' || $in ['track_mode'] == 'disabled') {
$value = stripslashes ( $value );
if ($this->checkNetworkActivation ())
update_site_option ( 'wp-piwik-manually', $value );
return $value;
/*$result = self::$wpPiwik->updateTrackingCode ();
echo '<pre>'; print_r($result); echo '</pre>';
$this->setOption ( 'noscript_code', $result ['noscript'] );*/
return; // $result ['script'];
* Prepare the nocscript code
* @param string $value
* noscript code
* @param array $in
* configuration set
* @return string noscript code
private function prepareNocscriptCode($value, $in) {
if ($in ['track_mode'] == 'manually')
return stripslashes ( $value );
return $this->getOption ( 'noscript_code' );
* Get debug data
* @return array WP-Piwik settings for debug output
public function getDebugData() {
$debug = array(
'global_settings' => $this->globalSettings,
'settings' => $this->settings
$debug['global_settings']['piwik_token'] = !empty($debug['global_settings']['piwik_token'])?'set':'not set';
return $debug;