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2023-10-22 22:21:44 +00:00
namespace W3TC;
class Util_File {
* Recursive creates directory
* @param string $path
* @param integer $mask
* @param string $curr_path
* @return boolean
static public function mkdir( $path, $mask = 0777, $curr_path = '' ) {
$path = Util_Environment::realpath( $path );
$path = trim( $path, '/' );
$dirs = explode( '/', $path );
foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
if ( $dir == '' ) {
return false;
$curr_path .= ( $curr_path == '' ? '' : '/' ) . $dir;
if ( !@file_exists( $curr_path ) ) {
if ( !@mkdir( $curr_path, $mask ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Recursive creates directory from some directory
* Does not try to create directory before from
* @param string $path
* @param string $from_path
* @param integer $mask
* @return boolean
static public function mkdir_from( $path, $from_path = '', $mask = 0777 ) {
$path = Util_Environment::realpath( $path );
$from_path = Util_Environment::realpath( $from_path );
if ( substr( $path, 0, strlen( $from_path ) ) != $from_path )
return false;
$path = substr( $path, strlen( $from_path ) );
$path = trim( $path, '/' );
$dirs = explode( '/', $path );
$curr_path = $from_path;
foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
if ( $dir == '' )
return false;
$curr_path .= ( $curr_path == '' ? '' : '/' ) . $dir;
if ( !@file_exists( $curr_path ) ) {
if ( !@mkdir( $curr_path, $mask, true ) )
return false;
return true;
* Recursive creates directory from some directory
* Safely for web-accessible folders
* (no .htaccess folders which cause 403 error later)
* Does not try to create directory before from
* @param string $path
* @param string $from_path
* @param integer $mask
* @return boolean
static public function mkdir_from_safe( $path, $from_path = '', $mask = 0777 ) {
$path = Util_Environment::realpath( $path );
$from_path = Util_Environment::realpath( $from_path );
if ( substr( $path, 0, strlen( $from_path ) ) != $from_path )
return false;
$path = substr( $path, strlen( $from_path ) );
$path = trim( $path, '/' );
$dirs = explode( '/', $path );
$curr_path = realpath( $from_path ); // use canonicalization
$curr_path_previous = $curr_path;
foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
if ( $dir == '' )
return false;
if ( substr( $dir, 0, 1 ) == '.' ) // (no .htaccess folders)
return false;
$curr_path .= ( $curr_path == '' ? '' : '/' ) . $dir;
if ( !@file_exists( $curr_path ) ) {
if ( !@mkdir( $curr_path, $mask, true ) ) {
return false;
$curr_path = realpath( $curr_path );
// make sure we grow from previous step and dont jump elsewhere
if ( strlen( $curr_path ) <= 0 ||
substr( $curr_path, 0, strlen( $curr_path_previous ) ) != $curr_path_previous ) {
return false;
$curr_path_previous = $curr_path;
return true;
* Recursive remove dir
* @param string $path
* @param array $exclude
* @param bool $remove
* @return void
static public function rmdir( $path, $exclude = array(), $remove = true ) {
$dir = @opendir( $path );
if ( $dir ) {
while ( ( $entry = @readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) {
if ( $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' ) {
foreach ( $exclude as $mask ) {
if ( fnmatch( $mask, basename( $entry ) ) ) {
continue 2;
$full_path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry;
if ( @is_dir( $full_path ) ) {
Util_File::rmdir( $full_path, $exclude );
} else {
@unlink( $full_path );
@closedir( $dir );
if ( $remove ) {
@rmdir( $path );
* Recursive empty dir
* @param string $path
* @param array $exclude
* @return void
static public function emptydir( $path, $exclude = array() ) {
Util_File::rmdir( $path, $exclude, false );
* Check if file is write-able
* @param string $file
* @return boolean
static public function is_writable( $file ) {
$exists = file_exists( $file );
$fp = @fopen( $file, 'a' );
if ( $fp ) {
fclose( $fp );
if ( !$exists ) {
@unlink( $file );
return true;
return false;
* Cehck if dir is write-able
* @param string $dir
* @return boolean
static public function is_writable_dir( $dir ) {
$file = $dir . '/' . uniqid( mt_rand() ) . '.tmp';
return Util_File::is_writable( $file );
* Returns dirname of path
* @param string $path
* @return string
static public function dirname( $path ) {
$dirname = dirname( $path );
if ( $dirname == '.' || $dirname == '/' || $dirname == '\\' ) {
$dirname = '';
return $dirname;
static public function make_relative_path( $filename, $base_dir ) {
$filename = Util_Environment::realpath( $filename );
$base_dir = Util_Environment::realpath( $base_dir );
$filename_parts = explode( '/', trim( $filename, '/' ) );
$base_dir_parts = explode( '/', trim( $base_dir, '/' ) );
// count number of equal path parts
for ( $equal_number = 0;;$equal_number++ ) {
if ( $equal_number >= count( $filename_parts ) ||
$equal_number >= count( $base_dir_parts ) )
if ( $filename_parts[$equal_number] != $base_dir_parts[$equal_number] )
$relative_dir = str_repeat( '../', count( $base_dir_parts ) - $equal_number );
$relative_dir .= implode( '/', array_slice( $filename_parts, $equal_number ) );
return $relative_dir;
* Returns open basedirs
* @return array
static public function get_open_basedirs() {
$open_basedir_ini = ini_get( 'open_basedir' );
$open_basedirs = ( W3TC_WIN ? preg_split( '~[;,]~', $open_basedir_ini ) : explode( ':', $open_basedir_ini ) );
$result = array();
foreach ( $open_basedirs as $open_basedir ) {
$open_basedir = trim( $open_basedir );
if ( !empty( $open_basedir ) && $open_basedir != '' ) {
$result[] = Util_Environment::realpath( $open_basedir );
return $result;
* Checks if path is restricted by open_basedir
* @param string $path
* @return boolean
static public function check_open_basedir( $path ) {
$path = Util_Environment::realpath( $path );
$open_basedirs = Util_File::get_open_basedirs();
if ( !count( $open_basedirs ) ) {
return true;
foreach ( $open_basedirs as $open_basedir ) {
if ( strstr( $path, $open_basedir ) !== false ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the octal file permission number of a file or directory.
* @param string $file File path.
* @return int
public static function get_file_permissions( $file ) {
if ( function_exists( 'fileperms' ) && $fileperms = @fileperms( $file ) ) { // phpcs:ignore
$fileperms = 0777 & $fileperms;
} else {
$stat = @stat( $file ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
if ( $stat ) {
$fileperms = 0777 & $stat['mode'];
} else {
$fileperms = 0;
return intval( decoct( $fileperms ) );
static public function get_file_owner( $file = '' ) {
$fileowner = $filegroup = 'unknown';
if ( $file ) {
if ( function_exists( 'fileowner' ) && function_exists( 'fileowner' ) ) {
$fileowner = @fileowner( $file );
$filegroup = @filegroup( $file );
if ( function_exists( 'posix_getpwuid' ) && function_exists( 'posix_getgrgid' ) ) {
$fileowner = @posix_getpwuid( $fileowner );
$fileowner = $fileowner['name'];
$filegroup = @posix_getgrgid( $filegroup );
$filegroup = $filegroup['name'];
} else {
if ( function_exists( 'getmyuid' ) && function_exists( 'getmygid' ) ) {
$fileowner = @getmyuid();
$filegroup = @getmygid();
if ( function_exists( 'posix_getpwuid' ) && function_exists( 'posix_getgrgid' ) ) {
$fileowner = @posix_getpwuid( $fileowner );
$fileowner = $fileowner['name'];
$filegroup = @posix_getgrgid( $filegroup );
$filegroup = $filegroup['name'];
return $fileowner . ':' . $filegroup;
* Creates W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR dir if required
* @throws Exception
* @return string
static public function create_tmp_dir() {
if ( !is_dir( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR ) || !is_writable( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR ) ) {
Util_File::mkdir_from( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR, W3TC_CACHE_DIR );
if ( !is_dir( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR ) || !is_writable( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR ) ) {
$e = error_get_last();
$description = ( isset( $e['message'] ) ? $e['message'] : '' );
throw new \Exception( 'Can\'t create folder <strong>' .
W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR . '</strong>: ' . $description );
* Atomically writes file inside W3TC_CACHE_DIR dir
* @param unknown $filename
* @param unknown $content
* @throws Exception
* @return void
static public function file_put_contents_atomic( $filename, $content ) {
$temp = tempnam( W3TC_CACHE_TMP_DIR, 'temp' );
try {
if ( !( $f = @fopen( $temp, 'wb' ) ) ) {
if ( file_exists( $temp ) )
@unlink( $temp );
throw new \Exception( 'Can\'t write to temporary file <strong>' .
$temp . '</strong>' );
fwrite( $f, $content );
fclose( $f );
if ( !@rename( $temp, $filename ) ) {
@unlink( $filename );
if ( !@rename( $temp, $filename ) ) {
Util_File::mkdir_from( dirname( $filename ), W3TC_CACHE_DIR );
if ( !@rename( $temp, $filename ) ) {
throw new \Exception( 'Can\'t write to file <strong>' .
$filename . '</strong>' );
$chmod = 0644;
if ( defined( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE' ) )
$chmod = FS_CHMOD_FILE;
@chmod( $filename, $chmod );
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
if ( file_exists( $temp ) )
@unlink( $temp );
throw $ex;
* Takes a W3TC settings array and formats it to a PHP String
* @param unknown $data
* @return string
static public function format_data_as_settings_file( $data ) {
$config = "<?php\r\n\r\nreturn array(\r\n";
foreach ( $data as $key => $value )
$config .= Util_File::format_array_entry_as_settings_file_entry( 1, $key, $value );
$config .= ");";
return $config;
* Writes array item to file
* @param int $tabs
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return string
static public function format_array_entry_as_settings_file_entry( $tabs, $key, $value ) {
$item = str_repeat( "\t", $tabs );
if ( is_numeric( $key ) && (string)(int)$key === (string)$key ) {
$item .= sprintf( "%d => ", $key );
} else {
$item .= sprintf( "'%s' => ", addcslashes( $key, "'\\" ) );
switch ( gettype( $value ) ) {
case 'object':
case 'array':
$item .= "array(\r\n";
foreach ( (array)$value as $k => $v ) {
$item .= Util_File::format_array_entry_as_settings_file_entry( $tabs + 1, $k, $v );
$item .= sprintf( "%s),\r\n", str_repeat( "\t", $tabs ) );
return $item;
case 'integer':
$data = (string)$value;
case 'double':
$data = (string)$value;
case 'boolean':
$data = ( $value ? 'true' : 'false' );
case 'NULL':
$data = 'null';
case 'string':
$data = "'" . addcslashes( $value, "'\\" ) . "'";
$item .= $data . ",\r\n";
return $item;