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2024-04-19 10:59:51 +00:00
* File: Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup.php
* @since X.X.X
* @package W3TC
namespace W3TC;
* Class: Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup
* @since X.X.X
class Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup {
* W3TC AJAX: Popup.
* @since X.X.X
* @static
* @return void
public static function w3tc_ajax() {
$o = new Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup();
array( $o, 'w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_intro' )
array( $o, 'w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_list_pull_zones' )
array( $o, 'w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_configure_pull_zone' )
array( $o, 'w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_deauthorization' )
array( $o, 'w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_deauthorize' )
* W3TC AJAX: Intro -- authorization.
* @since X.X.X
public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_intro() {
$config = Dispatcher::config();
$account_api_key = $config->get_string( 'cdn.bunnycdn.account_api_key' );
// Ask for an account API key.
'account_api_key' => empty( $account_api_key ) ? null : $account_api_key,
* W3TC AJAX: List pull zones.
* @since X.X.X
public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_list_pull_zones() {
$account_api_key = Util_Request::get_string( 'account_api_key' );
$api = new Cdn_BunnyCdn_Api( array( 'account_api_key' => $account_api_key ) );
// Try to retrieve pull zones.
try {
$pull_zones = $api->list_pull_zones();
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
// Reauthorize: Ask for a new account API key.
'account_api_key' => empty( $account_api_key ) ? null : $account_api_key,
'error_message' => \esc_html( \__( 'Cannot list pull zones', 'w3-total-cache' ) . '; ' . $ex->getMessage() ),
// Save the account API key, if added or changed.
$config = Dispatcher::config();
if ( $config->get_string( 'cdn.bunnycdn.account_api_key' ) !== $account_api_key ) {
$config->set( 'cdn.bunnycdn.account_api_key', $account_api_key );
// Print the view.
$server_ip = ! empty( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) && \filter_var( \wp_unslash( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ?
\filter_var( \wp_unslash( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ) : null;
$suggested_origin_url = 'http' . ( \is_ssl() ? 's' : '' ) . '://' .
( empty( $server_ip ) ? \parse_url( \home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ) : $server_ip );
$details = array(
'pull_zones' => $pull_zones,
'suggested_origin_url' => $suggested_origin_url, // Suggested origin URL or IP.
'suggested_zone_name' => \substr( \str_replace( '.', '-', \parse_url( \home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ) ), 0, 60 ), // Suggested pull zone name.
'pull_zone_id' => $config->get_integer( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id' ),
'suggested_custom_hostname' => \parse_url( \home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ), // Suggested custom hostname.
include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup_View_Pull_Zones.php';
* W3TC AJAX: Configure pull zone.
* @since X.X.X
* @see Cdn_BunnyCdn_Api::get_default_edge_rules()
public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_configure_pull_zone() {
$config = Dispatcher::config();
$account_api_key = $config->get_string( 'cdn.bunnycdn.account_api_key' );
$pull_zone_id = Util_Request::get_integer( 'pull_zone_id' );
$origin_url = Util_Request::get_string( 'origin_url' ); // Origin URL or IP.
$name = Util_Request::get_string( 'name' ); // Pull zone name.
$cdn_hostname = Util_Request::get_string( 'cdn_hostname' ); // Pull zone CDN hostname (system).
$custom_hostnames = explode( ',', Util_Request::get_string( 'custom_hostnames' ) );
// If not selecting a pull zone. then create a new one.
if ( empty( $pull_zone_id ) ) {
$api = new Cdn_BunnyCdn_Api( array( 'account_api_key' => $account_api_key ) );
// Try to create a new pull zone.
try {
$response = $api->add_pull_zone(
'Name' => $name, // The name/hostname for the pull zone where the files will be accessible; only letters, numbers, and dashes.
'OriginUrl' => $origin_url, // Origin URL or IP (with optional port number).
'AddHostHeader' => true, // Determines if the zone should forward the requested host header to the origin.
'CacheErrorResponses' => true, // If enabled, will temporarily cache error responses (304+ HTTP status codes) from your servers for 5 seconds to prevent DDoS attacks on your origin. If disabled, error responses will be set to no-cache.
'DisableCookies' => false, // Determines if the Pull Zone should automatically remove cookies from the responses.
'EnableTLS1' => false, // TLS 1.0 was deprecated in 2018.
'EnableTLS1_1' => false, // TLS 1.1 was EOL's on March 31,2020.
'ErrorPageWhitelabel' => true, // Any branding will be removed from the error page and replaced with a generic term.
'UseStaleWhileUpdating' => true, // Serve stale content while updating. If Stale While Updating is enabled, cache will not be refreshed if the origin responds with a non-cacheable resource.
'UseStaleWhileOffline' => true, // Serve stale content if the origin is offline.
$pull_zone_id = (int) $response['Id'];
$name = $response['Name'];
$cdn_hostname = $response['Hostnames'][0]['Value'];
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
// Reauthorize: Ask for a new account API key.
'account_api_key' => empty( $account_api_key ) ? null : $account_api_key,
'error_message' => \esc_html( \__( 'Cannot select or add a pull zone', 'w3-total-cache' ) . '; ' . $ex->getMessage() ),
// Initialize an error messages array.
$error_messages = array();
// Add Edge Rules.
foreach ( Cdn_BunnyCdn_Api::get_default_edge_rules() as $edge_rule ) {
try {
$api->add_edge_rule( $edge_rule, $pull_zone_id );
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
$error_messages[] = sprintf(
// translators: 1: Edge Rule description/name.
\__( 'Could not add Edge Rule "%1$s".', 'w3-total-cache' ) . '; ',
\esc_html( $edge_rule['Description'] )
) . $ex->getMessage();
// Add custom hostnames, if any.
if ( ! empty( $custom_hostnames ) ) {
foreach ( $custom_hostnames as $custom_hostname ) {
try {
$api->add_custom_hostname( $custom_hostname, $pull_zone_id );
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
$error_messages[] = sprintf(
// translators: 1: hostname.
\__( 'Could not add custom hostname "%1$s"', 'w3-total-cache' ) . '; ',
\esc_html( $custom_hostname )
) . $ex->getMessage();
// Convert error messages array to a string.
$error_messages = implode( "\r\n", $error_messages );
// Save configuration.
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id', (int) $pull_zone_id );
$config->set( '', $name );
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.origin_url', $origin_url );
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.cdn_hostname', $cdn_hostname );
// Print success view.
include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup_View_Configured.php';
* W3TC AJAX: Deauthorization form.
* @since X.X.X
public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_deauthorization() {
$config = Dispatcher::config();
$origin_url = $config->get_string( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.origin_url' ); // Origin URL or IP.
$name = $config->get_string( '' ); // Pull zone name.
$cdn_hostname = $config->get_string( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.cdn_hostname' ); // Pull zone CDN hostname.
$cdn_pull_zone_id = $config->get_string( 'cdn.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id' ); // CDN pull zone id.
$cdnfsd_pull_zone_id = $config->get_string( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id' ); // CDN FSD pull zone id.
// Present details and ask to deauthorize and optionally delete the pull zone.
include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup_View_Deauthorize.php';
* W3TC AJAX: Deauthorize.
* Deauthorize and optionally delete the pull zone.
* @since X.X.X
public function w3tc_ajax_cdn_bunnycdn_fsd_deauthorize() {
$config = Dispatcher::config();
$account_api_key = $config->get_string( 'cdn.bunnycdn.account_api_key' );
$cdn_pull_zone_id = $config->get_integer( 'cdn.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id' ); // CDN pull zone id.
$cdnfsd_pull_zone_id = $config->get_integer( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id' ); // CDN FSD pull zone id.
$delete_pull_zone = Util_Request::get_string( 'delete_pull_zone' );
// Delete pull zone, if requested.
if ( 'yes' === $delete_pull_zone ) {
$api = new Cdn_BunnyCdn_Api( array( 'account_api_key' => $account_api_key ) );
// Try to delete pull zone.
try {
$api->delete_pull_zone( $cdnfsd_pull_zone_id );
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
$delete_error_message = $ex->getMessage();
// If the same pull zone is used for CDN Objects, then deauthorize that too.
if ( ! empty( $cdnfsd_pull_zone_id ) && $cdnfsd_pull_zone_id === $cdn_pull_zone_id ) {
$config->set( 'cdn.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id', null );
$config->set( '', null );
$config->set( 'cdn.bunnycdn.origin_url', null );
$config->set( 'cdn.bunnycdn.cdn_hostname', null );
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.pull_zone_id', null );
$config->set( '', null );
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.origin_url', null );
$config->set( 'cdnfsd.bunnycdn.cdn_hostname', null );
// Print success view.
include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup_View_Deauthorized.php';
* Render intro.
* @since X.X.X
* @access private
* @param array $details {
* Details for the modal.
* @type string $account_api_key Account API key.
* @type string $error_message Error message (optional).
* }
private function render_intro( array $details ) {
include W3TC_DIR . '/Cdnfsd_BunnyCdn_Popup_View_Intro.php';