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namespace W3TC;
class Minify_Plugin_Admin {
private $_config = null;
function __construct() {
$this->_config = Dispatcher::config();
* Runs plugin
function run() {
add_filter( 'w3tc_save_options', array( $this, 'w3tc_save_options' ) );
$config_labels = new Minify_ConfigLabels();
add_filter( 'w3tc_config_labels', array( $config_labels, 'config_labels' ) );
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.enabled' ) ) {
add_filter( 'w3tc_usage_statistics_summary_from_history', array(
$this, 'w3tc_usage_statistics_summary_from_history' ), 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'w3tc_notes', array( $this, 'w3tc_notes' ) );
add_filter( 'w3tc_errors', array( $this, 'w3tc_errors' ) );
add_action( 'w3tc_ajax_minify_help', array(
) );
add_action( 'w3tc_message_action_minify_help', array(
) );
if ( defined( 'W3TC_DEBUG' ) && W3TC_DEBUG )
add_filter( 'w3tc_admin_bar_menu', array( $this, 'w3tc_admin_bar_menu' ) );
public function w3tc_admin_bar_menu( $menu_items ) {
$menu_items['90040.minify'] = array(
'id' => 'w3tc_overlay_minify',
'parent' => 'w3tc_debug_overlays',
'title' => __( 'Minify Cache', 'w3-total-cache' ),
'href' => wp_nonce_url( network_admin_url(
'admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard&w3tc_message_action=minify_help' ), 'w3tc' )
return $menu_items;
public function w3tc_message_action_minify_help() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'w3tc-minify-help',
plugins_url( 'Minify_GeneralPage_View_ShowHelp.js', W3TC_FILE ),
array(), W3TC_VERSION );
wp_enqueue_script( 'w3tc-minify-help-force',
plugins_url( 'Minify_GeneralPage_View_ShowHelpForce.js', W3TC_FILE ),
array(), W3TC_VERSION );
public function w3tc_save_options( $data ) {
$new_config = $data['new_config'];
$old_config = $data['old_config'];
if ( $new_config->get_boolean( 'minify.enabled' ) &&
!$old_config->get_boolean( 'minify.enabled' ) ) {
$state = Dispatcher::config_state();
$state->set( 'minify.hide_minify_help', true );
return $data;
public static function admin_print_scripts_w3tc_general() {
$state = Dispatcher::config_state();
if ( !$state->get_boolean( 'minify.hide_minify_help' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'w3tc-minify-help',
plugins_url( 'Minify_GeneralPage_View_ShowHelp.js', W3TC_FILE ),
array(), W3TC_VERSION );
* Does disk cache cleanup
* @return void
function cleanup() {
$w3_cache_file_cleaner_generic = new Cache_File_Cleaner_Generic( array(
'exclude' => array(
'cache_dir' => Util_Environment::cache_blog_dir( 'minify' ),
'expire' => $this->_config->get_integer( 'minify.file.gc' ),
'clean_timelimit' => $this->_config->get_integer( 'timelimit.cache_gc' )
) );
function w3tc_errors( $errors ) {
$c = Dispatcher::config();
$state = Dispatcher::config_state_master();
* Minify error occured
if ( $state->get_boolean( 'minify.show_note_minify_error' ) ) {
$errors['minify_error_creating'] = sprintf(
__( 'Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: %s. %s',
'w3-total-cache' ),
$state->get_string( 'minify.error.last' ),
Util_Ui::button_hide_note2( array(
'w3tc_default_config_state_master' => 'y',
'key' => 'minify.show_note_minify_error',
'value' => 'false' ) ) );
if ( $c->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) == 'memcached' ) {
$memcached_servers = $c->get_array( 'minify.memcached.servers' );
$memcached_binary_protocol = $c->get_boolean( 'minify.memcached.binary_protocol' );
$memcached_username = $c->get_string( 'minify.memcached.username' );
$memcached_password = $c->get_string( 'minify.memcached.password' );
if ( !Util_Installed::is_memcache_available( $memcached_servers, $memcached_binary_protocol, $memcached_username, $memcached_password ) ) {
if ( !isset( $errors['memcache_not_responding.details'] ) )
$errors['memcache_not_responding.details'] = array();
$errors['memcache_not_responding.details'][] = sprintf(
__( 'Minify: %s.', 'w3-total-cache' ),
implode( ', ', $memcached_servers ) );
return $errors;
function w3tc_notes( $notes ) {
$state_note = Dispatcher::config_state();
* Show notification when minify needs to be emptied
if ( $state_note->get_boolean( 'minify.show_note.need_flush' ) &&
!is_network_admin() /* flushing doesnt work in network admin */ &&
!$this->_config->is_preview() ) {
$notes['minify_flush_needed'] = sprintf(
__( 'The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. %s now to provide a consistent user experience.',
'w3-total-cache' ),
__( 'Empty the minify cache', 'w3-total-cache' ),
Util_Ui::url( array( 'w3tc_flush_minify' => 'y' ) ) ) );
return $notes;
public function w3tc_ajax_minify_help() {
include W3TC_DIR . '/Minify_HelpPopup_View.php';
public function w3tc_usage_statistics_summary_from_history( $summary, $history ) {
// memcached servers
$c = Dispatcher::config();
if ( $c->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) == 'memcached' ) {
$summary['memcached_servers']['minify'] = array(
'servers' => $c->get_array( 'minify.memcached.servers' ),
'username' => $c->get_string( 'minify.memcached.username' ),
'password' => $c->get_string( 'minify.memcached.password' ),
'binary_protocol' => $c->get_boolean( 'minify.memcached.binary_protocol' ),
'name' => __( 'Minification', 'w3-total-cache' )
} elseif ( $c->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) == 'redis' ) {
$summary['redis_servers']['minify'] = array(
'servers' => $c->get_array( 'minify.redis.servers' ),
'username' => $c->get_boolean( 'minify.redis.username' ),
'dbid' => $c->get_integer( 'minify.redis.dbid' ),
'password' => $c->get_string( 'minify.redis.password' ),
'name' => __( 'Minification', 'w3-total-cache' )
$e = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.engine' );
$a = array(
'size_visible' => ( $e == 'file' ),
'requests_visible' =>
!( $e == 'file' && $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.rewrite' ) )
if ( !isset( $summary['period']['timestamp_end'] ) ) {
// summary requested, enough
$summary['minify'] = $a;
return $summary;
// get requests rate stats
if ( $a['requests_visible'] ) {
// counters
$requests_total = Util_UsageStatistics::sum( $history,
'minify_requests_total' );
$original_length_css = Util_UsageStatistics::sum( $history,
'minify_original_length_css' );
$output_length_css = Util_UsageStatistics::sum( $history,
'minify_output_length_css' );
$original_length_js = Util_UsageStatistics::sum( $history,
'minify_original_length_js' );
$output_length_js = Util_UsageStatistics::sum( $history,
'minify_output_length_js' );
$a['requests_total'] = Util_UsageStatistics::integer(
$requests_total );
$a['requests_per_second'] =
$requests_total, $summary );
$a['compression_css'] = Util_UsageStatistics::percent(
$original_length_css - $output_length_css, $original_length_css );
$a['compression_js'] = Util_UsageStatistics::percent(
$original_length_js - $output_length_js, $original_length_js );
if ( $a['size_visible'] ) {
list( $v, $should_count ) =
'w3tc_ustats_minify_size', $summary );
if ( $should_count ) {
$h = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$stats = $h->get_stats_size( $summary['timeout_time'] );
// build stats to show
$v['size_used'] = Util_UsageStatistics::bytes_to_size(
$stats['css']['output_length'] + $stats['js']['output_length'] );
$v['size_items'] = Util_UsageStatistics::integer(
$stats['css']['items'] + $stats['js']['items'] );
$v['size_compression_css'] = Util_UsageStatistics::percent(
$stats['css']['original_length'] - $stats['css']['output_length'],
$stats['css']['original_length'] );
$v['size_compression_js'] = Util_UsageStatistics::percent(
$stats['js']['original_length'] - $stats['js']['output_length'],
$stats['js']['original_length'] );
set_transient( 'w3tc_ustats_pagecache_size', $v, 120 );
if ( isset( $v['size_used'] ) ) {
$a['size_used'] = $v['size_used'];
$a['size_items'] = empty( $v['size_items'] ) ? null : $v['size_items'];
$a['size_compression_css'] = empty( $v['size_compression_css'] ) ? null : $v['size_compression_css'];
$a['size_compression_js'] = empty( $v['size_compression_js'] ) ? null : $v['size_compression_js'];
$summary['minify'] = $a;
return $summary;