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2024-04-19 10:59:51 +00:00
namespace W3TC;
class Support_Page {
* called from Generic_Plugin_Admin on action
static public function admin_print_scripts_w3tc_support() {
$url = get_home_url();
if ( substr( $url, 0, 7 ) == 'http://' )
$url = substr( $url, 7 );
elseif ( substr( $url, 0, 8 ) == 'https://' )
$url = substr( $url, 8 );
// values from widget
$w3tc_support_form_hash = 'm5pom8z0qy59rm';
$w3tc_support_field_name = '';
$w3tc_support_field_value = '';
$service_item_val = Util_Request::get_integer( 'service_item' );
if ( ! empty( $service_item_val ) ) {
$pos = $service_item_val;
$v = get_site_option( 'w3tc_generic_widgetservices' );
try {
$v = json_decode( $v, true );
if ( isset( $v['items'] ) && isset( $v['items'][$pos] )) {
$i = $v['items'][$pos];
$w3tc_support_form_hash = $i['form_hash'];
$w3tc_support_field_name = $i['parameter_name'];
$w3tc_support_field_value = $i['parameter_value'];
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$u = wp_get_current_user();
// w3tc-options script is already queued so attach to it
// just to make vars printed (while it's not related by semantics)
wp_localize_script( 'w3tc-options', 'w3tc_support_data',
'home_url' => $url,
'email' => get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ),
'first_name' => $u->first_name,
'last_name' => $u->last_name,
'form_hash' => $w3tc_support_form_hash,
'field_name' => $w3tc_support_field_name,
'field_value' => $w3tc_support_field_value,
'postprocess' => urlencode( urlencode(
wp_nonce_url( 'admin.php', 'w3tc' ) . '&page=w3tc_support&done=1'
) ) )
* Support tab
* @return void
function options() {
if ( ! empty( Util_Request::get_string( 'done' ) ) ) {
$postprocess_url =
'admin.php?page=w3tc_support&w3tc_support_send_details' .
'&_wpnonce=' . rawurlencode( Util_Request::get_string( '_wpnonce' ) );
foreach ( $_GET as $p => $v ) {
if ( 'page' !== $p && '_wpnonce' !== $p && 'done' !== $p ) {
$postprocess_url .= '&' . rawurlencode( $p ) . '=' . rawurlencode( Util_Request::get_string( $p ) );
// terms accepted as a part of form
include W3TC_DIR . '/Support_Page_View_DoneContent.php';
} else {
include W3TC_DIR . '/Support_Page_View_PageContent.php';