212 lines
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212 lines
6.3 KiB
const EDD_v3_Upgrades = {
inProgress: false,
init: function() {
// Listen for toggle on the checkbox.
$( '.edd-v3-migration-confirmation' ).on( 'change', function( e ) {
const wrapperForm = $( this ).closest( '.edd-v3-migration' );
const formSubmit = wrapperForm.find( 'button' );
if ( e.target.checked ) {
formSubmit.removeClass( 'disabled' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
} else {
formSubmit.addClass( 'disabled' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
} );
$( '.edd-v3-migration' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) {
if ( EDD_v3_Upgrades.inProgress ) {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.inProgress = true;
const migrationForm = $( this );
const upgradeKeyField = migrationForm.find( 'input[name="upgrade_key"]' );
let upgradeKey = false;
if ( upgradeKeyField.length && upgradeKeyField.val() ) {
upgradeKey = upgradeKeyField.val();
// Disable submit button.
migrationForm.find( 'button' )
.removeClass( 'button-primary' )
.addClass( 'button-secondary disabled updating-message' )
.prop( 'disabled', true );
// Disable checkbox.
migrationForm.find( 'input' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
// If this is the main migration, reveal the steps & mark the first non-complete item as in progress.
if ( 'edd-v3-migration' === migrationForm.attr( 'id' ) ) {
$( '#edd-migration-progress' ).removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
const firstNonCompleteUpgrade = $( '#edd-migration-progress li:not(.edd-upgrade-complete)' );
if ( firstNonCompleteUpgrade.length && ! upgradeKey ) {
upgradeKey = firstNonCompleteUpgrade.data( 'upgrade' );
EDD_v3_Upgrades.processStep( upgradeKey, 1, migrationForm.find( 'input[name="_wpnonce"]' ).val() );
} )
processStep: function( upgrade_key, step, nonce ) {
let data = {
action: 'edd_process_v3_upgrade',
_ajax_nonce: nonce,
upgrade_key: upgrade_key,
step: step
if ( upgrade_key ) {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.markUpgradeInProgress( upgrade_key );
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
data: data,
url: ajaxurl,
success: function( response ) {
if ( ! response.success ) {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.showError( upgrade_key, response.data );
if ( response.data.upgrade_completed ) {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.markUpgradeComplete( response.data.upgrade_processed );
// If we just completed legacy data removal then we're all done!
if ( 'v30_legacy_data_removed' === response.data.upgrade_processed ) {
} else if( response.data.percentage ) {
// Update percentage for the upgrade we just processed.
EDD_v3_Upgrades.updateUpgradePercentage( response.data.upgrade_processed, response.data.percentage );
if ( response.data.next_upgrade && 'v30_legacy_data_removed' === response.data.next_upgrade && 'v30_legacy_data_removed' !== response.data.upgrade_processed ) {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.inProgress = false;
// Legacy data removal is next, which we do not start automatically.
} else if ( response.data.next_upgrade ) {
// Start the next upgrade (or continuation of current) automatically.
EDD_v3_Upgrades.processStep( response.data.next_upgrade, response.data.next_step, response.data.nonce );
} else {
EDD_v3_Upgrades.inProgress = false;
} ).fail( ( data ) => {
// @todo
} )
clearErrors: function() {
$( '.edd-v3-migration-error' ).addClass( 'edd-hidden' ).html( '' );
showError: function( upgradeKey, message ) {
let container = $( '#edd-v3-migration' );
if ( 'v30_legacy_data_removed' === upgradeKey ) {
container = $( '#edd-v3-remove-legacy-data' );
const errorWrapper = container.find( '.edd-v3-migration-error' );
errorWrapper.html( '<p>' + message + '</p>' ).removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
// Stop processing and allow form resubmission.
EDD_v3_Upgrades.inProgress = false;
container.find( 'input' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
container.find( 'button' )
.prop( 'disabled', false )
.addClass( 'button-primary' )
.removeClass( 'button-secondary disabled updating-message' );
markUpgradeInProgress: function( upgradeKey ) {
const upgradeRow = $( '#edd-v3-migration-' + upgradeKey );
if ( ! upgradeRow.length ) {
const statusIcon = upgradeRow.find( '.dashicons' );
if ( statusIcon.length ) {
statusIcon.removeClass( 'dashicons-minus' ).addClass( 'dashicons-update' );
upgradeRow.find( '.edd-migration-percentage' ).removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
updateUpgradePercentage: function( upgradeKey, newPercentage ) {
const upgradeRow = $( '#edd-v3-migration-' + upgradeKey );
if ( ! upgradeRow.length ) {
upgradeRow.find( '.edd-migration-percentage-value' ).text( newPercentage );
markUpgradeComplete: function( upgradeKey ) {
const upgradeRow = $( '#edd-v3-migration-' + upgradeKey );
if ( ! upgradeRow.length ) {
upgradeRow.addClass( 'edd-upgrade-complete' );
const statusIcon = upgradeRow.find( '.dashicons' );
if ( statusIcon.length ) {
statusIcon.removeClass( 'dashicons-minus dashicons-update' ).addClass( 'dashicons-yes' );
const statusLabel = upgradeRow.find( '.edd-migration-status .screen-reader-text' );
if ( statusLabel.length ) {
statusLabel.text( edd_admin_upgrade_vars.migration_complete );
// Update percentage to 100%;
upgradeRow.find( '.edd-migration-percentage-value' ).text( 100 );
showLegacyDataRemoval: function() {
// Un-spin the main submit button.
$( '#edd-v3-migration-button' ).removeClass( 'updating-message' );
// Show the "migration complete" message.
$( '#edd-v3-migration-complete' ).removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
const dataRemovalWrapper = $( '#edd-v3-remove-legacy-data' );
if ( ! dataRemovalWrapper.length ) {
dataRemovalWrapper.removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
legacyDataRemovalComplete: function() {
const wrapper = $( '#edd-v3-remove-legacy-data' );
if ( ! wrapper.length ) {
wrapper.find( 'form' ).addClass( 'edd-hidden' );
wrapper.find( '#edd-v3-legacy-data-removal-complete' ).removeClass( 'edd-hidden' );
stopAllSpinners: function() {
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
} );