2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
< ? php
* Payment Import Class
* This class handles importing payments with the batch processing API
* @ package EDD
* @ subpackage Admin / Import
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 , Easy Digital Downloads , LLC
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . php GNU Public License
* @ since 2.6
// Exit if accessed directly
defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit ;
* EDD_Batch_Import Class
* @ since 2.6
class EDD_Batch_Payments_Import extends EDD_Batch_Import {
* Set up our import config .
* @ since 2.6
* @ return void
public function init () {
$this -> per_step = 5 ;
// Set up default field map values
$this -> field_mapping = array (
'total' => '' ,
'subtotal' => '' ,
'tax' => 'draft' ,
'number' => '' ,
'mode' => '' ,
'gateway' => '' ,
'date' => '' ,
'status' => '' ,
'email' => '' ,
'name' => '' ,
'first_name' => '' ,
'last_name' => '' ,
'edd_customer_id' => '' ,
'user_id' => '' ,
'discounts' => '' ,
'key' => '' ,
'transaction_id' => '' ,
'ip' => '' ,
'currency' => '' ,
'parent_payment_id' => '' ,
'downloads' => '' ,
'line1' => '' ,
'line2' => '' ,
'city' => '' ,
'state' => '' ,
'zip' => '' ,
'country' => '' ,
* Process a step
* @ since 2.6
* @ return bool
public function process_step () {
$more = false ;
if ( ! $this -> can_import () ) {
wp_die ( __ ( 'You do not have permission to import data.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), __ ( 'Error' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), array ( 'response' => 403 ) );
// Remove certain actions to ensure they don't fire when creating the payments
remove_action ( 'edd_complete_purchase' , 'edd_trigger_purchase_receipt' , 999 );
remove_action ( 'edd_admin_sale_notice' , 'edd_admin_email_notice' , 10 );
$i = 1 ;
$offset = $this -> step > 1 ? ( $this -> per_step * ( $this -> step - 1 ) ) : 0 ;
if ( $offset > $this -> total ) {
$this -> done = true ;
// Clean up the temporary records in the payment import process
global $wpdb ;
$sql = " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> prefix } edd_customermeta WHERE meta_key = '_canonical_import_id' " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $sql );
// Delete the uploaded CSV file.
unlink ( $this -> file );
if ( ! $this -> done && $this -> csv ) {
$more = true ;
foreach ( $this -> csv as $key => $row ) {
// Skip all rows until we pass our offset
if ( $key + 1 <= $offset ) {
continue ;
// Done with this batch
if ( $i > $this -> per_step ) {
break ;
// Import payment
$this -> create_payment ( $row );
$i ++ ;
return $more ;
* Set up and store a payment record from a CSV row
* @ since 2.6
* @ return void
public function create_payment ( $row = array () ) {
$payment = new EDD_Payment ;
$payment -> status = 'pending' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'number' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'number' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> number = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'number' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'mode' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'mode' ] ] ) ) {
$mode = strtolower ( sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'mode' ] ] ) );
$mode = 'test' != $mode && 'live' != $mode ? false : $mode ;
if ( ! $mode ) {
$mode = edd_is_test_mode () ? 'test' : 'live' ;
$payment -> mode = $mode ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'date' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'date' ] ] ) ) {
$date = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'date' ] ] );
if ( ! strtotime ( $date ) ) {
$date = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , current_time ( 'timestamp' ) );
} else {
$date = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , strtotime ( $date ) );
$payment -> date = $date ;
$payment -> customer_id = $this -> set_customer ( $row );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> email = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> name = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ] );
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> first_name = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> last_name = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'user_id' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'user_id' ] ] ) ) {
$user_id = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'user_id' ] ] );
if ( is_numeric ( $user_id ) ) {
$user_id = absint ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'user_id' ] ] );
$user = get_userdata ( $user_id );
} elseif ( is_email ( $user_id ) ) {
$user = get_user_by ( 'email' , $user_id );
} else {
$user = get_user_by ( 'login' , $user_id );
if ( $user ) {
$payment -> user_id = $user -> ID ;
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $payment -> customer_id );
if ( empty ( $customer -> user_id ) ) {
$customer -> update ( array ( 'user_id' => $user -> ID ) );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'discounts' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'discounts' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> discounts = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'discounts' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'transaction_id' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'transaction_id' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> transaction_id = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'transaction_id' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'ip' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'ip' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> ip = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'ip' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'gateway' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'gateway' ] ] ) ) {
$gateways = edd_get_payment_gateways ();
$gateway = strtolower ( sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'gateway' ] ] ) );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $gateway , $gateways ) ) {
foreach ( $gateways as $key => $enabled_gateway ) {
if ( $enabled_gateway [ 'checkout_label' ] == $gateway ) {
$gateway = $key ;
break ;
$payment -> gateway = $gateway ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'currency' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'currency' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> currency = strtoupper ( sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'currency' ] ] ) );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'key' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'key' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> key = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'key' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'parent_payment_id' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'parent_payment_id' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> parent_payment_id = absint ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'parent_payment_id' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'downloads' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'downloads' ] ] ) ) {
if ( __ ( 'Products (Raw)' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) == $this -> field_mapping [ 'downloads' ] ) {
// This is an EDD export so we can extract prices
$downloads = $this -> get_downloads_from_edd ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'downloads' ] ] );
} else {
$downloads = $this -> str_to_array ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'downloads' ] ] );
if ( is_array ( $downloads ) ) {
$download_count = count ( $downloads );
foreach ( $downloads as $download ) {
if ( is_array ( $download ) ) {
$download_name = $download [ 'download' ];
$price = $download [ 'price' ];
$tax = $download [ 'tax' ];
$price_id = $download [ 'price_id' ];
} else {
$download_name = $download ;
$download_id = $this -> maybe_create_download ( $download_name );
if ( ! $download_id ) {
continue ;
$item_price = ! isset ( $price ) ? edd_get_download_price ( $download_id ) : $price ;
$item_tax = ! isset ( $tax ) ? ( $download_count > 1 ? 0.00 : $payment -> tax ) : $tax ;
$price_id = ! isset ( $price_id ) ? false : $price_id ;
$args = array (
'item_price' => $item_price ,
'tax' => $item_tax ,
'price_id' => $price_id ,
$payment -> add_download ( $download_id , $args );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'total' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'total' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> total = edd_sanitize_amount ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'total' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'tax' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'tax' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> tax = edd_sanitize_amount ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'tax' ] ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'subtotal' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'subtotal' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> subtotal = edd_sanitize_amount ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'subtotal' ] ] );
} else {
$payment -> subtotal = $payment -> total - $payment -> tax ;
$address = array ( 'line1' => '' , 'line2' => '' , 'city' => '' , 'state' => '' , 'zip' => '' , 'country' => '' );
foreach ( $address as $key => $address_field ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ $key ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ $key ] ] ) ) {
$address [ $key ] = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ $key ] ] );
$payment -> address = $address ;
$payment -> save ();
// The status has to be set after payment is created to ensure status update properly
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'status' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'status' ] ] ) ) {
$payment -> status = strtolower ( sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'status' ] ] ) );
} else {
$payment -> status = 'complete' ;
// Save a second time to update stats
$payment -> save ();
private function set_customer ( $row ) {
global $wpdb ;
$customer = false ;
$customer = false ;
$email = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ] ) ) {
$email = sanitize_text_field ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'email' ] ] );
// Look for a customer from the canonical source, if any
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ] ) ) {
$canonical_id = absint ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ] );
$mapped_id = $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT edd_customer_id FROM $wpdb->edd_customermeta WHERE meta_key = '_canonical_import_id' AND meta_value = %d LIMIT 1 " , $canonical_id ) );
if ( ! empty ( $mapped_id ) ) {
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $mapped_id );
if ( empty ( $mapped_id ) || ! $customer -> id > 0 ) {
// Look for a customer based on provided ID, if any
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ] ) ) {
$customer_id = absint ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'edd_customer_id' ] ] );
$customer_by_id = new EDD_Customer ( $customer_id );
// Now look for a customer based on provided email
if ( ! empty ( $email ) ) {
$customer_by_email = new EDD_Customer ( $email );
// Now compare customer records. If they don't match, customer_id will be stored in meta and we will use the customer that matches the email
if ( ! empty ( $customer_by_email ) && ( empty ( $customer_by_id ) || $customer_by_id -> id !== $customer_by_email -> id ) ) {
$customer = $customer_by_email ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $customer_by_id ) ) {
$customer = $customer_by_id ;
if ( ! empty ( $email ) ) {
$customer -> add_email ( $email );
// Make sure we found a customer. Create one if not.
if ( empty ( $customer -> id ) ) {
if ( ! $customer instanceof EDD_Customer ) {
$customer = new EDD_Customer ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ] ) ) {
$name = $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'name' ] ];
} else {
$first_name = '' ;
$last_name = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ] ) ) {
$first_name = $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'first_name' ] ];
if ( ! empty ( $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ) && ! empty ( $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ] ) ) {
$last_name = $row [ $this -> field_mapping [ 'last_name' ] ];
$name = $first_name . ' ' . $last_name ;
$customer -> create (
array (
'name' => sanitize_text_field ( $name ),
'email' => empty ( $email ) ? '' : $email ,
if ( ! empty ( $canonical_id ) && ( int ) $canonical_id !== ( int ) $customer -> id ) {
$customer -> update_meta ( '_canonical_import_id' , $canonical_id );
if ( ! empty ( $email ) && $email !== $customer -> email ) {
$customer -> add_email ( $email );
return $customer -> id ;
* Look up Download by title and create one if none is found
* @ since 2.6
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* @ return int | false Download ID or false if the download could not be created .
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private function maybe_create_download ( $title = '' ) {
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if ( ! is_string ( $title ) ) {
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
return false ;
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
$download = new WP_Query (
array (
'post_type' => 'download' ,
'title' => $title ,
'post_status' => 'all' ,
'posts_per_page' => 1 ,
'no_found_rows' => true ,
'ignore_sticky_posts' => true ,
'update_post_term_cache' => false ,
'update_post_meta_cache' => false ,
'orderby' => 'post_date ID' ,
'order' => 'ASC' ,
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $download -> post ) ) {
return $download -> post -> ID ;
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
$args = array (
'post_type' => 'download' ,
'post_title' => $title ,
'post_author' => get_current_user_id (),
return wp_insert_post ( $args );
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
* Return the calculated completion percentage
* @ since 2.6
* @ return int
public function get_downloads_from_edd ( $data_str ) {
// Break string into separate products
$d_array = array ();
$downloads = ( array ) explode ( '/' , $data_str );
if ( $downloads ) {
foreach ( $downloads as $key => $download ) {
$d = ( array ) explode ( '|' , $download );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( 1 , $d ) ) {
continue ;
preg_match_all ( '/\{(\d|(\d+(\.\d+|\d+)))\}/' , $d [ 1 ], $matches );
if ( false !== strpos ( $d [ 1 ], '{' ) ) {
$price = trim ( substr ( $d [ 1 ], 0 , strpos ( $d [ 1 ], '{' ) ) );
} else {
$price = trim ( $d [ 1 ] );
$price = floatval ( $price );
$tax = isset ( $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ? floatval ( trim ( $matches [ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) : 0 ;
$price_id = isset ( $matches [ 1 ][ 1 ] ) ? trim ( $matches [ 1 ][ 1 ] ) : false ;
$d_array [] = array (
'download' => trim ( $d [ 0 ] ),
'price' => $price - $tax ,
'tax' => $tax ,
'price_id' => $price_id ,
return $d_array ;
* Return the calculated completion percentage
* @ since 2.6
* @ return int
public function get_percentage_complete () {
2023-06-28 12:45:44 +00:00
$percentage = 0 ;
$total = count ( $this -> csv );
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if ( $total > 0 ) {
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$percentage = ( $this -> step * $this -> per_step / $total ) * 100 ;
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if ( $percentage > 100 ) {
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$percentage = 100 ;
return $percentage ;
* Retrieve the URL to the payments list table
* @ since 2.6
* @ return string
public function get_list_table_url () {
return admin_url ( 'edit.php?post_type=download&page=edd-payment-history' );
* Retrieve the payments labels
* @ since 2.6
* @ return string
public function get_import_type_label () {
return __ ( 'payments' , 'easy-digital-downloads' );