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2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
(function( $ ){
* Navigation width
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_nav_layout_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'secondary-fluid-nav' == newval ) {
$( '.secondary-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'full-width' !== wp.customize.value('generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_nav_inner_width]')() ) {
$( '.secondary-navigation .inside-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'secondary-contained-nav' == newval ) {
jQuery( '.secondary-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
jQuery( '.secondary-navigation .inside-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Inner navigation width
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_nav_inner_width]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
if ( 'full-width' == newval ) {
$( '.secondary-navigation .inside-navigation' ).removeClass( 'grid-container' ).removeClass( 'grid-parent' );
if ( 'contained' == newval ) {
$( '.secondary-navigation .inside-navigation' ).addClass( 'grid-container' ).addClass( 'grid-parent' );
} );
} );
* Navigation position
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_nav_position_setting]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
// Refresh if our top bar is in the secondary navigation and we're moving the secondary nav from above the header
if ( ( $( '.secondary-navigation .top-bar' ).length || $( '.top-bar' ).next( '.secondary-navigation' ).length ) && 'secondary-nav-above-header' !== newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
// Refresh if our top bar exists and we're moving the secondary nav above the header
if ( $( '.top-bar' ).length && 'secondary-nav-above-header' == newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
// Refresh if our secondary nav was in the sidebar
if ( $( '.gen-sidebar-secondary-nav' ).length ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
// Refresh if we're moving the secondary nav into the left sidebar
if ( 'secondary-nav-left-sidebar' == newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
// Refresh if we're moving the secondary nav into the right sidebar
if ( 'secondary-nav-right-sidebar' == newval ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
return false;
// Update our body classes depending on our setting
var classes = [ 'secondary-nav-below-header', 'secondary-nav-above-header', 'secondary-nav-float-right', 'secondary-nav-float-left', 'secondary-nav-left-sidebar', 'secondary-nav-right-sidebar' ];
if ( 'secondary-nav-left-sidebar' !== newval && 'secondary-nav-right-sidebar' !== newval ) {
$.each( classes, function( i, v ) {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( v );
$( 'body' ).addClass( newval );
// Make sure we move the secondary nav below the primary nav if it's below the header
if ( 'secondary-nav-below-header' == newval ) {
if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'nav-below-header' ) ) {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).insertAfter( '#site-navigation' ).show();
} else {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).insertAfter( '.site-header' ).show();
// Insert our secondary nav before the header
if ( 'secondary-nav-above-header' == newval ) {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).insertBefore( '.site-header' ).show();
// Insert our nav into the header
if ( 'secondary-nav-float-right' == newval ) {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).prependTo( '.inside-header' ).show();
if ( 'secondary-nav-float-left' == newval ) {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).appendTo( '.inside-header' ).show();
// If we're hiding the secondary nav, either refresh or simply hide it
if ( '' == newval ) {
if ( $( '.gen-sidebar-secondary-nav' ).length ) {
wp.customize.preview.send( 'refresh' );
} else {
$( '#secondary-navigation' ).hide();
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_nav_alignment]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
var classes = [ 'secondary-nav-aligned-left', 'secondary-nav-aligned-center', 'secondary-nav-aligned-right' ];
$.each( classes, function( i, v ) {
$( 'body' ).removeClass( v );
$( 'body' ).addClass( 'secondary-nav-aligned-' + newval );
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_menu_item]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="secondary_menu_item">.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li a, .secondary-navigation .menu-toggle{padding: 0 ' + newval + 'px;}.secondary-navigation .menu-item-has-children .dropdown-menu-toggle{padding-right:' + newval + 'px;}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#secondary_menu_item' ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 50);
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_menu_item_height]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="secondary_menu_item_height">.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li a, .secondary-navigation .menu-toggle, .secondary-navigation .top-bar{line-height: ' + newval + 'px;}.secondary-navigation ul ul{top:' + newval + 'px;}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#secondary_menu_item_height' ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 50);
} );
} );
wp.customize( 'generate_secondary_nav_settings[secondary_sub_menu_item_height]', function( value ) {
value.bind( function( newval ) {
jQuery( 'head' ).append( '<style id="secondary_sub_menu_item_height">.secondary-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a{padding-top: ' + newval + 'px;padding-bottom: ' + newval + 'px;}</style>' );
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery( 'style#secondary_sub_menu_item_height' ).not( ':last' ).remove();
}, 50);
} );
} );
})( jQuery );