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2020-04-07 13:03:04 +00:00
<div class="processing_settings" style="display:none;">
<table class="form-table">
<th scope="row">
<label for="useRelativeURLs"><?php echo __('Use relative URLs', 'static-html-output-plugin');?></label>
<?php $tpl->displayCheckbox($this, 'useRelativeURLs', 'Use relative URLs'); ?>
<p> URLs in the exported site will be rewritten as <a href="" target="_blank">relative URLs</a>. ie, <code></code> will become <code>some_dir/some_file.jpg</code></p>
<th scope="row">
<label for="baseHREF"><?php echo __('Base HREF', 'static-html-output-plugin');?></label>
<?php $tpl->displayTextfield($this, 'baseHREF', 'Base HREF', '', ''); ?>
<p>Setting this will tell the browser to resolve all URLs using this as a base. ie, with a Base HREF of <code>/</code> and the relative URL setting enabled above, a relative link of <code>some_dir/some_file.jpg</code> will resolve to <code>/some_dir/some_file.jpg</code></p>
<th scope="row">
<label><?php echo __('Rewrite Links in source code', 'static-html-output-plugin');?></label>
<p>In order to hide any trace that your site uses WordPress, the following paths will be rewritten. You can leave these default options in, but for more control, you can overwrite them.</p><br>
<p>Replace, for example, default WordPress paths within the source code</p> <br>
<p>use the full path, such as:</p>
<i>URLs will be first checked to ensure they are part of this site, not an external WordPress site, which would mess up URLs of linked images, etc</i>
$default_rewrite_rules = '';
<textarea class="widefat" name="rewrite_rules" id="rewrite_rules" rows="5" cols="10"><?php echo $this->options->rewrite_rules ? $this->options->rewrite_rules : $default_rewrite_rules; ?></textarea>
<th scope="row">
<label><?php echo __('Rename Exported Directories', 'static-html-output-plugin');?></label>
<p>Likely required if doing any URL rewriting above.</p><br>
<p>Set the source directory, then a comma and the target directory. </p
In order to move wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen to contents/ui/mytheme, we'd need:
$default_rename_rules = '';
<textarea class="widefat" name="rename_rules" id="rename_rules" rows="5" cols="10"><?php echo $this->options->rename_rules ? $this->options->rename_rules : $default_rename_rules; ?></textarea>
<th scope="row">
<label for="stripping"><?php echo __('Remove cruft', 'static-html-output-plugin');?></label>
<?php $tpl->displayCheckbox($this, 'removeConditionalHeadComments', 'Remove conditional comments within HEAD', 'checked'); ?>
<p>Mostly obsolete, previously used for detecting versions of Internet Explorer and serving different CSS or JS.</p><br>
<?php $tpl->displayCheckbox($this, 'removeWPMeta', 'Remove WP Meta tags'); ?>
<p>The <code>&lt;meta&gt; name="generator" content="WordPress 4.9.8" /&gt;</code> type tags.</p><br>
<?php $tpl->displayCheckbox($this, 'removeWPLinks', 'Remove WP &lt;link&gt; tags'); ?>
<p>ie, <code>&lt;link& rel="EditURI"...</code> type tags that usually aren't needed.</p><br>
<?php $tpl->displayCheckbox($this, 'removeHTMLComments', 'Remove HTML comments'); ?>
<p>ie, <code>&lt;!-- / Yoast SEO plugin. --&gt;</code> type comments that are ridiculously wasting bytes</p><br>
</div><!-- end processing_setings -->