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2023-10-22 22:21:44 +00:00
* Class for registering & modifying FIDO U2F security keys.
* @package Two_Factor
* Class for registering & modifying FIDO U2F security keys.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @package Two_Factor
class Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F_Admin {
* The user meta register data.
* @type string
const REGISTER_DATA_USER_META_KEY = '_two_factor_fido_u2f_register_request';
* Add various hooks.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
public static function add_hooks() {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'enqueue_assets' ) );
add_action( 'show_user_security_settings', array( __CLASS__, 'show_user_profile' ) );
add_action( 'personal_options_update', array( __CLASS__, 'catch_submission' ), 0 );
add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', array( __CLASS__, 'catch_submission' ), 0 );
add_action( 'load-profile.php', array( __CLASS__, 'catch_delete_security_key' ) );
add_action( 'load-user-edit.php', array( __CLASS__, 'catch_delete_security_key' ) );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_inline-save-key', array( __CLASS__, 'wp_ajax_inline_save' ) );
* Enqueue assets.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
* @param string $hook Current page.
public static function enqueue_assets( $hook ) {
if ( ! in_array( $hook, array( 'user-edit.php', 'profile.php' ), true ) ) {
$user_id = Two_Factor_Core::current_user_being_edited();
if ( ! $user_id ) {
$security_keys = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::get_security_keys( $user_id );
// @todo Ensure that scripts don't fail because of missing u2fL10n.
try {
$data = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::$u2f->getRegisterData( $security_keys );
list( $req,$sigs ) = $data;
update_user_meta( $user_id, self::REGISTER_DATA_USER_META_KEY, $req );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
return false;
plugins_url( 'css/fido-u2f-admin.css', __FILE__ ),
plugins_url( 'js/fido-u2f-admin.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'jquery', 'fido-u2f-api' ),
* Pass a U2F challenge and user data to our scripts
$translation_array = array(
'user_id' => $user_id,
'register' => array(
'request' => $req,
'sigs' => $sigs,
'text' => array(
'insert' => esc_html__( 'Now insert (and tap) your Security Key.', 'two-factor' ),
'error' => esc_html__( 'U2F request failed.', 'two-factor' ),
'error_codes' => array(
// Map u2f.ErrorCodes to error messages.
0 => esc_html__( 'Request OK.', 'two-factor' ),
1 => esc_html__( 'Other U2F error.', 'two-factor' ),
2 => esc_html__( 'Bad U2F request.', 'two-factor' ),
3 => esc_html__( 'Unsupported U2F configuration.', 'two-factor' ),
4 => esc_html__( 'U2F device ineligible.', 'two-factor' ),
5 => esc_html__( 'U2F request timeout reached.', 'two-factor' ),
'u2f_not_supported' => esc_html__( 'FIDO U2F appears to be not supported by your web browser. Try using Google Chrome or Firefox.', 'two-factor' ),
* Script for admin UI
plugins_url( 'js/fido-u2f-admin-inline-edit.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'jquery' ),
'error' => esc_html__( 'Error while saving the changes.', 'two-factor' ),
* Return the current asset version number.
* Added as own helper to allow swapping the implementation once we inject
* it as a dependency.
* @return string
protected static function asset_version() {
return Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::asset_version();
* Display the security key section in a users profile.
* This executes during the `show_user_security_settings` action.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
* @param WP_User $user WP_User object of the logged-in user.
public static function show_user_profile( $user ) {
wp_nonce_field( "user_security_keys-{$user->ID}", '_nonce_user_security_keys' );
$new_key = false;
$security_keys = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::get_security_keys( $user->ID );
if ( $security_keys ) {
foreach ( $security_keys as &$security_key ) {
if ( property_exists( $security_key, 'new' ) ) {
$new_key = true;
unset( $security_key->new );
// If we've got a new one, update the db record to not save it there any longer.
Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::update_security_key( $user->ID, $security_key );
unset( $security_key );
<div class="security-keys" id="security-keys-section">
<h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Security Keys', 'two-factor' ); ?></h3>
<?php if ( ! is_ssl() ) : ?>
<p class="u2f-error-https">
<em><?php esc_html_e( 'U2F requires an HTTPS connection. You won\'t be able to add new security keys over HTTP.', 'two-factor' ); ?></em>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="register-security-key">
<input type="hidden" name="do_new_security_key" id="do_new_security_key" />
<input type="hidden" name="u2f_response" id="u2f_response" />
<button type="button" class="button button-secondary" id="register_security_key"><?php echo esc_html( _x( 'Register New Key', 'security key', 'two-factor' ) ); ?></button>
<span class="spinner"></span>
<span class="security-key-status"></span>
<?php if ( $new_key ) : ?>
<div class="notice notice-success is-dismissible">
<p class="new-security-key"><?php esc_html_e( 'Your new security key registered.', 'two-factor' ); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<p><a href=""><?php esc_html_e( 'You can find FIDO U2F Security Key devices for sale from here.', 'two-factor' ); ?></a></p>
require TWO_FACTOR_DIR . 'providers/class-two-factor-fido-u2f-admin-list-table.php';
$u2f_list_table = new Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F_Admin_List_Table();
$u2f_list_table->items = $security_keys;
* Catch the non-ajax submission from the new form.
* This executes during the `personal_options_update` & `edit_user_profile_update` actions.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
* @param int $user_id User ID.
* @return false
public static function catch_submission( $user_id ) {
if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['do_new_security_key'] ) ) {
check_admin_referer( "user_security_keys-{$user_id}", '_nonce_user_security_keys' );
try {
$response = json_decode( stripslashes( $_POST['u2f_response'] ) );
$reg = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::$u2f->doRegister( get_user_meta( $user_id, self::REGISTER_DATA_USER_META_KEY, true ), $response );
$reg->new = true;
Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::add_security_key( $user_id, $reg );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
return false;
delete_user_meta( $user_id, self::REGISTER_DATA_USER_META_KEY );
'new_app_pass' => 1,
) . '#security-keys-section'
* Catch the delete security key request.
* This executes during the `load-profile.php` & `load-user-edit.php` actions.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
public static function catch_delete_security_key() {
$user_id = Two_Factor_Core::current_user_being_edited();
if ( ! empty( $user_id ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['delete_security_key'] ) ) {
$slug = $_REQUEST['delete_security_key'];
check_admin_referer( "delete_security_key-{$slug}", '_nonce_delete_security_key' );
Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::delete_security_key( $user_id, $slug );
wp_safe_redirect( remove_query_arg( 'new_app_pass', wp_get_referer() ) . '#security-keys-section' );
* Generate a link to rename a specified security key.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $item The current item.
* @return string
public static function rename_link( $item ) {
return sprintf( '<a href="#" class="editinline">%s</a>', esc_html__( 'Rename', 'two-factor' ) );
* Generate a link to delete a specified security key.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
* @param array $item The current item.
* @return string
public static function delete_link( $item ) {
$delete_link = add_query_arg( 'delete_security_key', $item->keyHandle ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase
$delete_link = wp_nonce_url( $delete_link, "delete_security_key-{$item->keyHandle}", '_nonce_delete_security_key' );
return sprintf( '<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $delete_link ), esc_html__( 'Delete', 'two-factor' ) );
* Ajax handler for quick edit saving for a security key.
* @since 0.1-dev
* @access public
* @static
public static function wp_ajax_inline_save() {
check_ajax_referer( 'keyinlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit' );
require TWO_FACTOR_DIR . 'providers/class-two-factor-fido-u2f-admin-list-table.php';
$wp_list_table = new Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F_Admin_List_Table();
if ( ! isset( $_POST['keyHandle'] ) ) {
$user_id = Two_Factor_Core::current_user_being_edited();
$security_keys = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::get_security_keys( $user_id );
if ( ! $security_keys ) {
foreach ( $security_keys as &$key ) {
if ( $key->keyHandle === $_POST['keyHandle'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase
$key->name = $_POST['name'];
$updated = Two_Factor_FIDO_U2F::update_security_key( $user_id, $key );
if ( ! $updated ) {
wp_die( esc_html__( 'Item not updated.', 'two-factor' ) );
$wp_list_table->single_row( $key );