2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
< ? php
* Easy Digital Downloads WP - CLI
* This class provides an integration point with the WP - CLI plugin allowing
* access to EDD from the command line .
* @ package EDD
* @ subpackage Classes / CLI
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 , Easy Digital Downloads , LLC
* @ license http :// opensource . org / license / gpl - 2.0 . php GNU Public License
* @ since 2.0
// Exit if accessed directly
defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit ;
WP_CLI :: add_command ( 'edd' , 'EDD_CLI' );
* Work with EDD through WP - CLI
* EDD_CLI Class
* Adds CLI support to EDD through WP - CLI
* @ since 2.0
class EDD_CLI extends WP_CLI_Command {
private $api ;
public function __construct () {
$this -> api = new EDD_API ();
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
edd_do_automatic_upgrades ();
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
* Get EDD details
* None . Returns basic info regarding your EDD instance .
* wp edd details
* @ param array $args
* @ param array $assoc_args
public function details ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$symlink_file_downloads = edd_get_option ( 'symlink_file_downloads' , false );
$purchase_page = edd_get_option ( 'purchase_page' , '' );
$success_page = edd_get_option ( 'success_page' , '' );
$failure_page = edd_get_option ( 'failure_page' , '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'You are running EDD version: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), EDD_VERSION ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( " \n " . sprintf ( __ ( 'Test mode is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( edd_is_test_mode () ? __ ( 'Enabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Disabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'AJAX is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( edd_is_ajax_enabled () ? __ ( 'Enabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Disabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Guest checkouts are: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( edd_no_guest_checkout () ? __ ( 'Disabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Enabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Symlinks are: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( apply_filters ( 'edd_symlink_file_downloads' , isset ( $symlink_file_downloads ) ) && function_exists ( 'symlink' ) ? __ ( 'Enabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Disabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( " \n " . sprintf ( __ ( 'Checkout page is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( ! edd_get_option ( 'purchase_page' , false ) ) ? __ ( 'Valid' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Invalid' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Checkout URL is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( ! empty ( $purchase_page ) ? get_permalink ( $purchase_page ) : __ ( 'Undefined' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Success URL is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( ! empty ( $success_page ) ? get_permalink ( $success_page ) : __ ( 'Undefined' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Failure URL is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( ! empty ( $failure_page ) ? get_permalink ( $failure_page ) : __ ( 'Undefined' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Downloads slug is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( defined ( 'EDD_SLUG' ) ? '/' . EDD_SLUG : '/downloads' ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( " \n " . sprintf ( __ ( 'Taxes are: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( edd_use_taxes () ? __ ( 'Enabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : __ ( 'Disabled' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Tax rate is: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_get_formatted_tax_rate () ) );
$rates = edd_get_tax_rates ();
if ( ! empty ( $rates ) ) {
foreach ( $rates as $rate ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Country: %s, State: %s, Rate: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $rate [ 'country' ], $rate [ 'state' ], $rate [ 'rate' ] ) );
* Get stats for your EDD site
* -- product =< product_id >: The ID of a specific product to retrieve stats for , or all
* -- date = [ range | this_month | last_month | today | yesterday | this_quarter | last_quarter | this_year | last_year ] : A specific
* date range to retrieve stats for
* -- startdate =< date >: The start date of a date range to retrieve stats for
* -- enddate =< date >: The end date of a date range to retrieve stats for
* wp edd stats -- date = this_month
* wp edd stats -- start - date = 01 / 02 / 2014 -- end - date = 02 / 23 / 2014
* wp edd stats -- date = last_year
* wp edd stats -- date = last_year -- product = 15
public function stats ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$stats = new EDD_Payment_Stats ();
$date = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'date' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'date' ] : false ;
$start_date = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'startdate' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'startdate' ] : false ;
$end_date = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'enddate' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'enddate' ] : false ;
$download = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'product' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'product' ] : 0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $date ) ) {
$start_date = $date ;
$end_date = false ;
} elseif ( empty ( $date ) && empty ( $start_date ) ) {
$start_date = 'this_month' ;
$end_date = false ;
$earnings = $stats -> get_earnings ( $download , $start_date , $end_date );
$sales = $stats -> get_sales ( $download , $start_date , $end_date );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Earnings: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $earnings ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Sales: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $sales ) );
* Get the products currently posted on your EDD site
* -- id =< product_id >: A specific product ID to retrieve
* wp edd products -- id = 103
public function products ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$product_id = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'id' , $assoc_args ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) : false ;
$products = $this -> api -> get_products ( $product_id );
if ( isset ( $products [ 'error' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( $products [ 'error' ] );
if ( empty ( $products ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'No Downloads found' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
return ;
foreach ( $products [ 'products' ] as $product ) {
$categories = '' ;
$tags = '' ;
$pricing = array ();
if ( is_array ( $product [ 'info' ][ 'category' ] ) ) {
$categories = array ();
foreach ( $product [ 'info' ][ 'category' ] as $category ) {
$categories [] = $category -> name ;
$categories = implode ( ', ' , $categories );
if ( is_array ( $product [ 'info' ][ 'tags' ] ) ) {
$tags = array ();
foreach ( $product [ 'info' ][ 'tags' ] as $tag ) {
$tags [] = $tag -> name ;
$tags = implode ( ', ' , $tags );
foreach ( $product [ 'pricing' ] as $price => $value ) {
if ( 'amount' !== $price ) {
$price = $price . ' - ' ;
$pricing [] = $price . ': ' . edd_format_amount ( $value ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency ();
$pricing = implode ( ', ' , $pricing );
WP_CLI :: line ( WP_CLI :: colorize ( '%G' . $product [ 'info' ][ 'title' ] . '%N' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'ID: %d' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'info' ][ 'id' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Status: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'info' ][ 'status' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Posted: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'info' ][ 'create_date' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Categories: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $categories ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Tags: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( is_array ( $tags ) ? '' : $tags ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Pricing: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $pricing ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Sales: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'stats' ][ 'total' ][ 'sales' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Earnings: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $product [ 'stats' ][ 'total' ][ 'earnings' ] ) ) ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency ();
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Slug: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'info' ][ 'slug' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Permalink: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'info' ][ 'link' ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists ( 'files' , $product ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Download Files:' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
foreach ( $product [ 'files' ] as $file ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'File: %s (%s)' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $file [ 'name' ], $file [ 'file' ] ) );
if ( isset ( $file [ 'condition' ] ) && 'all' !== $file [ 'condition' ] ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( ' ' . sprintf ( __ ( 'Price Assignment: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $file [ 'condition' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
* Get the customers currently on your EDD site . Can also be used to create customers records
* -- id =< customer_id >: A specific customer ID to retrieve
* -- email =< customer_email >: The email address of the customer to retrieve
* -- create =< number >: The number of arbitrary customers to create . Leave as 1 or blank to create a customer with a
* speciific email
* wp edd customers -- id = 103
* wp edd customers -- email = john @ test . com
* wp edd customers -- create = 1 -- email = john @ test . com
* wp edd customers -- create = 1 -- email = john @ test . com -- name = " John Doe "
* wp edd customers -- create = 1 -- email = john @ test . com -- name = " John Doe " user_id = 1
* wp edd customers -- create = 1000
public function customers ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$customer_id = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'id' , $assoc_args ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) : false ;
$email = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'email' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'email' ] : false ;
$name = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'name' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'name' ] : null ;
$user_id = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'user_id' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'user_id' ] : null ;
$create = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'create' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'create' ] : false ;
$start = time ();
if ( $create ) {
$number = 1 ;
// Create one or more customers
if ( ! $email ) {
// If no email is specified, look to see if we are generating arbitrary customer accounts
$number = is_numeric ( $create ) ? absint ( $create ) : 1 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $number ; $i ++ ) {
if ( ! $email ) {
// Generate fake email
$email = 'customer-' . uniqid () . '@test.com' ;
$args = array (
'email' => $email ,
'name' => $name ,
'user_id' => $user_id ,
$customer_id = edd_add_customer ( $args );
if ( $customer_id ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Customer %d created successfully' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer_id ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'Failed to create customer' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// Reset email to false so it is generated on the next loop (if creating customers)
$email = false ;
WP_CLI :: line ( WP_CLI :: colorize ( '%G' . sprintf ( __ ( '%d customers created in %d seconds' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $create , time () - $start ) . '%N' ) );
} else {
// Search for customers
$search = false ;
// Checking if search is being done by id, email or user_id fields.
if ( $customer_id || $email || ( 'null' !== $user_id ) ) {
$search = array ();
$customer_details = array ();
if ( $customer_id ) {
$customer_details [ 'id' ] = $customer_id ;
} elseif ( $email ) {
$customer_details [ 'email' ] = $email ;
} elseif ( null !== $user_id ) {
$customer_details [ 'user_id' ] = $user_id ;
$search [ 'customer' ] = $customer_details ;
$customers = $this -> api -> get_customers ( $search );
if ( isset ( $customers [ 'error' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( $customers [ 'error' ] );
if ( empty ( $customers ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'No customers found' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
return ;
foreach ( $customers [ 'customers' ] as $customer ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( WP_CLI :: colorize ( '%G' . $customer [ 'info' ][ 'email' ] . '%N' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Customer User ID: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'id' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Username: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'username' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Display Name: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'display_name' ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists ( 'first_name' , $customer ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'First Name: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'first_name' ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists ( 'last_name' , $customer ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Last Name: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'last_name' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Email: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'info' ][ 'email' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Purchases: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'stats' ][ 'total_purchases' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Total Spent: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $customer [ 'stats' ][ 'total_spent' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency () ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Total Downloads: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $customer [ 'stats' ][ 'total_downloads' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
* Get the recent sales for your EDD site
* -- email =< customer_email >: The email address of the customer to retrieve
* wp edd sales
* wp edd sales -- email = john @ test . com
public function sales ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$email = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'email' , $assoc_args ) ? $assoc_args [ 'email' ] : '' ;
global $wp_query ;
$wp_query -> query_vars [ 'email' ] = $email ;
$sales = $this -> api -> get_recent_sales ();
if ( empty ( $sales ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'No sales found' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
return ;
foreach ( $sales [ 'sales' ] as $sale ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( WP_CLI :: colorize ( '%G' . $sale [ 'ID' ] . '%N' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Purchase Key: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $sale [ 'key' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Email: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $sale [ 'email' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Date: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $sale [ 'date' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Subtotal: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $sale [ 'subtotal' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency () ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Tax: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $sale [ 'tax' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency () ) );
if ( array_key_exists ( 0 , $sale [ 'fees' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Fees:' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
foreach ( $sale [ 'fees' ] as $fee ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( ' Fee: %s - %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ), edd_get_currency () ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Total: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), edd_format_amount ( $sale [ 'total' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency () ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Gateway: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $sale [ 'gateway' ] ) );
if ( array_key_exists ( 0 , $sale [ 'products' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Products:' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
foreach ( $sale [ 'products' ] as $product ) {
$price_name = ! empty ( $product [ 'price_name' ] ) ? ' (' . $product [ 'price_name' ] . ')' : '' ;
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( ' Product: %s - %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $product [ 'name' ], edd_format_amount ( $product [ 'price' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency () . $price_name ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
* Get discount details for on your EDD site
* -- id =< discount_id >: A specific discount ID to retrieve
* wp edd discounts -- id = 103
public function discounts ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$discount_id = isset ( $assoc_args ) && array_key_exists ( 'id' , $assoc_args ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) : false ;
$discounts = $this -> api -> get_discounts ( $discount_id );
if ( isset ( $discounts [ 'error' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( $discounts [ 'error' ] );
if ( empty ( $discounts ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'No discounts found' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
return ;
foreach ( $discounts [ 'discounts' ] as $discount ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( WP_CLI :: colorize ( '%G' . $discount [ 'ID' ] . '%N' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Name: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $discount [ 'name' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Code: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $discount [ 'code' ] ) );
if ( $discount [ 'type' ] == 'percent' ) {
$amount = $discount [ 'amount' ] . '%' ;
} else {
$amount = edd_format_amount ( $discount [ 'amount' ] ) . ' ' . edd_get_currency ();
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Amount: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $amount ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Uses: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $discount [ 'uses' ] ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Max Uses: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( $discount [ 'max_uses' ] == '0' ? __ ( 'Unlimited' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : $discount [ 'max_uses' ] ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Start Date: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( empty ( $discount [ 'start_date' ] ) ? __ ( 'No Start Date' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : $discount [ 'start_date' ] ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Expiration Date: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( empty ( $discount [ 'exp_date' ] ) ? __ ( 'No Expiration' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) : $discount [ 'exp_date' ] ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Status: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ucwords ( $discount [ 'status' ] ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
if ( array_key_exists ( 0 , $discount [ 'product_requirements' ] ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Product Requirements:' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
foreach ( $discount [ 'product_requirements' ] as $req => $req_id ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( ' Product: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $req_id ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Global Discount: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( empty ( $discount [ 'global_discount' ] ) ? 'False' : 'True' ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Single Use: %s' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), ( empty ( $discount [ 'single_use' ] ) ? 'False' : 'True' ) ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '' );
* Create sample purchase data for your EDD site
* -- number : The number of purchases to create
* -- status =< status >: The status to create purchases as
* -- id =< product_id >: A specific product to create purchase data for
* -- price_id =< price_id >: A price ID of the specified product
* wp edd payments create -- number = 10 -- status = complete
* wp edd payments create -- number = 10 -- id = 103
public function payments ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$error = false ;
// At some point we'll likely add another action for payments
if ( ! isset ( $args ) || 0 === count ( $args ) ) {
$error = __ ( 'No action specified, did you mean' , 'easy-digital-downloads' );
} elseif ( isset ( $args ) && ! in_array ( 'create' , $args , true ) ) {
$error = __ ( 'Invalid action specified, did you mean' , 'easy-digital-downloads' );
if ( $error ) {
$query = '' ;
foreach ( $assoc_args as $key => $value ) {
$query .= ' --' . $key . '=' . $value ;
WP_CLI :: error (
sprintf ( $error . ' %s?' , 'wp edd payments create' . $query )
return ;
// Setup some defaults
$number = 1 ;
$status = 'complete' ;
$id = false ;
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
$price_id = null ;
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$tax = 0 ;
$email = 'guest@edd.local' ;
$fname = 'Pippin' ;
$lname = 'Williamson' ;
$date = false ;
$range = 30 ;
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
$currency = edd_get_currency ();
$gateway = 'manual' ;
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$generate_users = false ;
if ( count ( $assoc_args ) > 0 ) {
$number = ( array_key_exists ( 'number' , $assoc_args ) ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) : $number ;
$id = ( array_key_exists ( 'id' , $assoc_args ) ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) : $id ;
$price_id = ( array_key_exists ( 'price_id' , $assoc_args ) ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'price_id' ] ) : $price_id ;
$tax = ( array_key_exists ( 'tax' , $assoc_args ) ) ? floatval ( $assoc_args [ 'tax' ] ) : $tax ;
$email = ( array_key_exists ( 'email' , $assoc_args ) ) ? sanitize_email ( $assoc_args [ 'email' ] ) : $email ;
$fname = ( array_key_exists ( 'fname' , $assoc_args ) ) ? sanitize_text_field ( $assoc_args [ 'fname' ] ) : $fname ;
$lname = ( array_key_exists ( 'lname' , $assoc_args ) ) ? sanitize_text_field ( $assoc_args [ 'lname' ] ) : $lname ;
$date = ( array_key_exists ( 'date' , $assoc_args ) ) ? sanitize_text_field ( $assoc_args [ 'date' ] ) : $date ;
$range = ( array_key_exists ( 'range' , $assoc_args ) ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'range' ] ) : $range ;
$generate_users = ( array_key_exists ( 'generate_users' , $assoc_args ) ) ? ( bool ) absint ( $assoc_args [ 'generate_users' ] ) : $generate_users ;
// Status requires a bit more validation.
if ( array_key_exists ( 'status' , $assoc_args ) ) {
$statuses = array_keys ( edd_get_payment_statuses () );
if ( in_array ( $assoc_args [ 'status' ], $statuses , true ) ) {
$status = ( 'publish' === $assoc_args [ 'status' ] )
? 'complete'
: $assoc_args [ 'status' ];
} else {
WP_CLI :: warning ( sprintf (
__ ( " Invalid status '%s', defaulting to 'complete' " , 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
$assoc_args [ 'status' ]
) );
// Build the user info array.
$user_info = array (
'id' => 0 ,
'email' => $email ,
'first_name' => $fname ,
'last_name' => $lname ,
'discount' => 'none' ,
$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar ( 'Creating Orders' , $number );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $number ; $i ++ ) {
$products = array ();
$total = 0 ;
// No specified product
if ( ! $id ) {
$products = get_posts ( array (
'post_type' => 'download' ,
'orderby' => 'rand' ,
'order' => 'ASC' ,
'posts_per_page' => rand ( 1 , 3 ),
) );
} else {
$product = get_post ( $id );
if ( 'download' !== $product -> post_type ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'Specified ID is not a product' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
return ;
$products [] = $product ;
$cart_details = array ();
// Add each download to the order.
foreach ( $products as $key => $download ) {
if ( ! $download instanceof WP_Post ) {
continue ;
$options = array ();
$final_downloads = array ();
// Variable price.
if ( edd_has_variable_prices ( $download -> ID ) ) {
$prices = edd_get_variable_prices ( $download -> ID );
if ( false === $price_id || ! array_key_exists ( $price_id , ( array ) $prices ) ) {
$item_price_id = array_rand ( $prices );
} else {
$item_price_id = $price_id ;
$item_price = $prices [ $item_price_id ][ 'amount' ];
$options [ 'price_id' ] = $item_price_id ;
// Flat price.
} else {
$item_price = edd_get_download_price ( $download -> ID );
$item_number = array (
'id' => $download -> ID ,
'quantity' => 1 ,
'options' => $options ,
$cart_details [ $key ] = array (
'name' => edd_get_download_name ( $download -> ID , $price_id ),
'id' => $download -> ID ,
'item_number' => $item_number ,
'item_price' => edd_sanitize_amount ( $item_price ),
'subtotal' => edd_sanitize_amount ( $item_price ),
'price' => edd_sanitize_amount ( $item_price ),
'quantity' => 1 ,
'discount' => 0 ,
'tax' => edd_calculate_tax ( $item_price ),
$final_downloads [ $key ] = $item_number ;
$total += $item_price ;
// Generate random date.
if ( 'random' === $date ) {
// Randomly grab a date from the current past 30 days
$oldest_time = strtotime ( '-' . $range . ' days' , current_time ( 'timestamp' ) );
$newest_time = current_time ( 'timestamp' );
$timestamp = rand ( $oldest_time , $newest_time );
$timestring = date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $timestamp );
} elseif ( empty ( $date ) ) {
$timestring = false ;
} else {
if ( is_numeric ( $date ) ) {
$timestring = date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $date );
} else {
$parsed_time = strtotime ( $date );
$timestring = date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , $parsed_time );
// Maybe generate users.
if ( $generate_users ) {
$fname = $this -> get_fname ();
$lname = $this -> get_lname ();
$domain = $this -> get_domain ();
$tld = $this -> get_tld ();
$email = $fname . '.' . $lname . '@' . $domain . '.' . $tld ;
$user_info = array (
'id' => 0 ,
'email' => $email ,
'first_name' => $fname ,
'last_name' => $lname ,
'discount' => 'none' ,
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
// Allow random currencies.
if ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'currency' ] ) && 'random' === $assoc_args [ 'currency' ] ) {
$currencies = array ( 'USD' , 'EUR' , 'GBP' );
$currency = $currencies [ array_rand ( $currencies ) ];
// Allow random gateways.
if ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'gateway' ] ) && 'random' === $assoc_args [ 'gateway' ] ) {
$gateways = array_keys ( edd_get_payment_gateways () );
$gateway = $gateways [ array_rand ( $gateways ) ];
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
// Build purchase data.
$purchase_data = array (
'price' => edd_sanitize_amount ( $total ),
'tax' => edd_calculate_tax ( $total ),
'purchase_key' => strtolower ( md5 ( uniqid () ) ),
'user_email' => $email ,
'user_info' => $user_info ,
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
'currency' => $currency ,
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
'downloads' => $final_downloads ,
'cart_details' => $cart_details ,
'status' => 'pending' ,
if ( ! empty ( $timestring ) ) {
$purchase_data [ 'date_created' ] = $timestring ;
$order_id = edd_build_order ( $purchase_data );
// Ensure purchase receipts do not get sent.
remove_action ( 'edd_complete_purchase' , 'edd_trigger_purchase_receipt' , 999 );
// Trigger payment status actions.
if ( 'pending' !== $status ) {
edd_update_order_status ( $order_id , $status );
if ( ! empty ( $timestring ) ) {
$payment = new EDD_Payment ( $order_id );
$payment -> completed_date = $timestring ;
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
$payment -> gateway = $gateway ;
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$payment -> save ();
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: success ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Created %s orders' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $number ) );
return ;
* Create discount codes for your EDD site
* -- legacy : Create legacy discount codes using pre - 3.0 schema
* -- number : The number of discounts to create
* wp edd create_discounts -- number = 100
* wp edd create_discounts -- number = 50 -- legacy
public function create_discounts ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
$number = array_key_exists ( 'number' , $assoc_args ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) : 1 ;
$legacy = array_key_exists ( 'legacy' , $assoc_args ) ? true : false ;
$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar ( 'Creating Discount Codes' , $number );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $number ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $legacy ) {
$discount_id = wp_insert_post ( array (
'post_type' => 'edd_discount' ,
'post_title' => 'Auto-Generated Legacy Discount #' . $i ,
'post_status' => 'active' ,
) );
$download_ids = get_posts ( array (
'post_type' => 'download' ,
'posts_per_page' => 2 ,
'fields' => 'ids' ,
'orderby' => 'rand' ,
) );
$meta = array (
'code' => 'LEGACY' . $i ,
'status' => 'active' ,
'uses' => 10 ,
'max_uses' => 20 ,
'name' => 'Auto-Generated Legacy Discount #' . $i ,
'amount' => 20 ,
'start' => '01/01/2000 00:00:00' ,
'expiration' => '12/31/2050 23:59:59' ,
'type' => 'percent' ,
'min_price' => '10.50' ,
'product_reqs' => array ( $download_ids [ 0 ] ),
'product_condition' => 'all' ,
'excluded_products' => array ( $download_ids [ 1 ] ),
'is_not_global' => true ,
'is_single_use' => true ,
remove_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , '_edd_discount_get_post_doing_it_wrong' , 99 , 1 );
remove_filter ( 'add_post_metadata' , '_edd_discount_update_meta_backcompat' , 99 );
foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) {
add_post_meta ( $discount_id , '_edd_discount_' . $key , $value );
add_filter ( 'add_post_metadata' , '_edd_discount_update_meta_backcompat' , 99 , 5 );
add_action ( 'pre_get_posts' , '_edd_discount_get_post_doing_it_wrong' , 99 , 1 );
} else {
$type = array ( 'flat' , 'percent' );
$status = array ( 'active' , 'inactive' );
$product_condition = array ( 'any' , 'all' );
$type_index = array_rand ( $type , 1 );
$status_index = array_rand ( $status , 1 );
$product_condition_index = array_rand ( $product_condition , 1 );
$post = array (
'code' => md5 ( time () ),
'uses' => mt_rand ( 0 , 100 ),
'max' => mt_rand ( 0 , 100 ),
'name' => 'Auto-Generated Discount #' . $i ,
'type' => $type [ $type_index ],
'amount' => mt_rand ( 10 , 95 ),
'start' => '12/12/2010 00:00:00' ,
'expiration' => '12/31/2050 23:59:59' ,
'min_price' => mt_rand ( 30 , 255 ),
'status' => $status [ $status_index ],
'product_condition' => $product_condition [ $product_condition_index ],
edd_store_discount ( $post );
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: success ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Created %s discounts' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $number ) );
return ;
* Run the EDD 3.0 Migration via WP - CLI
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* @ param $args
* @ param $assoc_args
public function v30_migration ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
// Suspend the cache addition while we're migrating.
wp_suspend_cache_addition ( true );
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
update_option ( 'edd_v30_cli_migration_running' , true );
$this -> migrate_tax_rates ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_discounts ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_payments ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_customer_data ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_logs ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_order_notes ( $args , $assoc_args );
$this -> migrate_customer_notes ( $args , $assoc_args );
edd_v30_is_migration_complete ();
$this -> remove_legacy_data ( $args , $assoc_args );
* Installs any new 3.0 database tables that haven ' t yet been installed
* @ access private
* @ since 3.0
private function maybe_install_v3_tables () {
static $installed = false ;
if ( $installed ) {
return ;
foreach ( EDD () -> components as $component ) {
// Install the main component table.
$table = $component -> get_interface ( 'table' );
if ( $table instanceof EDD\Database\Table && ! $table -> exists () ) {
$table -> install ();
// Install the associated meta table, if there is one.
$meta = $component -> get_interface ( 'meta' );
if ( $meta instanceof EDD\Database\Table && ! $meta -> exists () ) {
$meta -> install ();
// Only need to do this once.
$installed = true ;
* Migrate Discounts to the custom tables
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_discounts
* wp edd migrate_discounts -- force
public function migrate_discounts ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$destroy = ( bool ) ( $force && isset ( $assoc_args [ 'destroy' ] ) );
if ( $destroy ) {
WP_CLI :: confirm ( __ ( 'This process will remove and recreate discounts in your database. Please make sure you\'ve backed up your EDD database tables. Are you sure you want to delete discounts that have already been migrated and run the migration again?' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_discounts' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The discounts custom database migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$sql = " SELECT * FROM { $wpdb -> posts } WHERE post_type = 'edd_discount' " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$total = count ( $results );
if ( ! empty ( $total ) ) {
$progress = new \cli\progress\Bar ( 'Migrating Discounts' , $total );
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
if ( $destroy ) {
edd_delete_discount ( $result -> ID );
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: discounts ( $result );
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Discounts' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_get_discount_count ();
$old_count = $wpdb -> get_col ( " SELECT count(ID) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type ='edd_discount' " , 0 );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $old_count [ 0 ] );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_discounts' );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'No discount records found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_discounts' );
* Migrate logs to the custom tables .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_logs
* wp edd migrate_logs -- force
public function migrate_logs ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_logs' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The logs custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate logs (this can take several minutes).' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// New Progress indicator.
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Logs' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
// Base SQL to get legacy logs (LIMIT added below)
$sql_base = "
SELECT p .* , t . slug
FROM { $wpdb -> posts } AS p
LEFT JOIN { $wpdb -> term_relationships } AS tr ON ( p . ID = tr . object_id )
LEFT JOIN { $wpdb -> term_taxonomy } AS tt ON ( tr . term_taxonomy_id = tt . term_taxonomy_id )
LEFT JOIN { $wpdb -> terms } AS t ON ( tt . term_id = t . term_id )
p . post_type = 'edd_log'
t . slug != 'sale'
" ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
// Starting total.
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets chug through them!
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: logs ( $result );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
$progress -> finish ();
if ( 0 === $step ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'No log records found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
// This migration is completed on a data set.
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Logs' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_count_logs () + edd_count_file_download_logs () + edd_count_api_request_logs ();
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_logs' );
* Migrate order notes to the custom tables .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_notes
* wp edd migrate_notes -- force
public function migrate_order_notes ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_order_notes' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The order notes custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate order notes.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Order Notes' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
$sql_base = "
SELECT * FROM { $wpdb -> comments }
WHERE comment_type = 'edd_payment_note'
" ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets process the order notes.
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
$result -> object_id = $result -> comment_post_ID ;
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: order_notes ( $result );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
$progress -> finish ();
if ( 0 === $step ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'No order notes found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Order Notes' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_count_notes ( array ( 'object_type' => 'order' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old order notes: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New order notes: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_order_notes' );
* Migrate customer notes to the custom tables .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_notes
* wp edd migrate_notes -- force
public function migrate_customer_notes ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_customer_notes' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The customer notes custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate customer notes.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Customer Notes' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
$sql_base = " SELECT * FROM { $wpdb -> edd_customers } " ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets process the customer notes.
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: customer_notes ( $result );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
$progress -> finish ();
if ( 0 === $step ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'No customer notes found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Customer Notes' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_count_notes ( array ( 'object_type' => 'customer' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old customer notes: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New customer notes: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_customer_notes' );
* Migrate customer data to the custom tables .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_customer_data
* wp edd migrate_customer_data -- force
public function migrate_customer_data ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
$customers = new EDD\Database\Tables\Customers ();
$customers -> maybe_upgrade ();
$meta = new EDD\Database\Tables\Customer_Meta ();
$meta -> maybe_upgrade ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate additional customer data.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// Create the tables if they do not exist.
$components = array (
array ( 'order' , 'table' ),
array ( 'order' , 'meta' ),
array ( 'customer' , 'table' ),
array ( 'customer' , 'meta' ),
array ( 'customer_address' , 'table' ),
array ( 'customer_email_address' , 'table' ),
foreach ( $components as $component ) {
/** @var EDD\Database\Tables\Base $table */
$table = edd_get_component_interface ( $component [ 0 ], $component [ 1 ] );
if ( $table instanceof EDD\Database\Tables\Base && ! $table -> exists () ) {
@ $table -> create ();
// Migrate Customer Addresses.
$customer_addresses_complete = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_customer_addresses' );
if ( ! $force && $customer_addresses_complete ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'The user addresses custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate customer address data.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Customer Addresses' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
// Migrate user addresses first.
$sql_base = "
FROM { $wpdb -> usermeta }
WHERE meta_key = '_edd_user_address'
" ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets process the customer address.
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: customer_addresses ( $result , 'billing' );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_customer_addresses' );
// Migrate Customer Email Addresses.
$customer_email_addresses_complete = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_customer_email_addresses' );
if ( ! $force && $customer_email_addresses_complete ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'The user email addresses custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate customer email addresses (this can take several minutes).' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Customer Email Addresses' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
// Migrate email addresses next.
$sql = "
FROM { $wpdb -> edd_customermeta }
WHERE meta_key = 'additional_email'
" ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets process the customer email addresses.
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: customer_email_addresses ( $result );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
$progress -> finish ();
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_customer_email_addresses' );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Customer Email Addresses' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
* Migrate tax rates .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd migrate_tax_rates
* wp edd migrate_tax_rates -- force
public function migrate_tax_rates ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_tax_rates' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The tax rates custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Checking for default tax rate' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$default_tax_rate = edd_get_option ( 'tax_rate' , false );
if ( ! empty ( $default_tax_rate ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migrating default tax rate' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
edd_add_tax_rate (
array (
'scope' => 'global' ,
'amount' => floatval ( $default_tax_rate ),
// Migrate user addresses first.
$tax_rates = get_option ( 'edd_tax_rates' , array () );
if ( ! empty ( $tax_rates ) ) {
$progress = new \cli\progress\Bar ( 'Migrating Tax Rates' , count ( $tax_rates ) );
foreach ( $tax_rates as $result ) {
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: tax_rates ( $result );
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Tax Rates' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_count_adjustments ( array ( 'type' => 'tax_rate' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . count ( $tax_rates ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_tax_rates' );
* Migrate payments to the custom tables .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* -- id =< int >: Run the migration for a specific order .
* -- start =< int >: Run the migration beginning with a specific order ID .
* -- end =< int >: Run the migration ending with a specific order ID .
* -- destroy =< boolean >: Destroy existing orders that have already been migrated .
* wp edd migrate_payments
* wp edd migrate_payments -- force
* wp edd migrate_payments -- force -- id = 3 Migrate payment ID 3.
* wp edd migrate_payments -- force -- start = 3 Migrate payments beginning with and including ID 3.
* wp edd migrate_payments -- force -- end = 3 Migrate payments up to and including ID 3 , but not higher .
* wp edd migrate_payments -- force -- destroy Destroy existing orders and migrate them again .
public function migrate_payments ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> maybe_install_v3_tables ();
require_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/upgrades/v3/class-data-migrator.php' ;
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] )
? true
: false ;
$destroy = ( bool ) ( $force && isset ( $assoc_args [ 'destroy' ] ) );
if ( $destroy ) {
WP_CLI :: confirm ( __ ( 'This process will remove and recreate orders in your database. Please make sure you\'ve backed up your EDD database tables. Are you sure you want to delete orders that have already been migrated and run the migration again?' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$upgrade_completed = edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'migrate_orders' );
if ( ! $force && $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The payments custom table migration has already been run. To do this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Preparing to migrate payments.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// New Progress indicator.
$progress = new \cli\notify\Spinner ( __ ( 'Migrating Payments' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$progress -> tick ();
$sql_base = "
FROM { $wpdb -> posts }
WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment'
" ;
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT 1 " ;
$check_result = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
$check_total = count ( $check_result );
$has_results = ! empty ( $check_total );
// Setup base iteration variables.
$step = 0 ;
$offset = 0 ;
$full_migration = true ;
// Migrate one specific order.
if ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] ) ) {
$id = absint ( $assoc_args [ 'id' ] );
$sql_base .= " AND ID = { $id } " ;
$full_migration = false ;
if ( ! $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql_base ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'An EDD Payment could not be found for that ID.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The payment ID must be an integer from the post_id column.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} elseif ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'start' ] ) || ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'end' ] ) ) {
// Begin the order migration at a specific payment ID.
if ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'start' ] ) ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'start' ] ) ) {
$start = absint ( $assoc_args [ 'start' ] );
$sql_base .= " AND ID >= { $start } " ;
$full_migration = false ;
} else {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The starting ID must be an integer from the post_id column.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// Stop the order migration at a specific payment ID.
if ( ! empty ( $assoc_args [ 'end' ] ) ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'end' ] ) ) {
$end = absint ( $assoc_args [ 'end' ] );
$sql_base .= " AND ID <= { $end } " ;
$full_migration = false ;
} else {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The ending ID must be an integer from the post_id column.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
// Confirm any partial migrations if the upgrade hasn't been completed.
if ( ! $full_migration && ! $upgrade_completed ) {
WP_CLI :: confirm ( __ ( 'Are you sure you want to run a partial order migration?' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$sql_base .= ' ORDER BY ID ASC' ;
$number = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) && is_numeric ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] )
? ( int ) $assoc_args [ 'number' ]
: 1000 ;
// Maximum 10,000 - this ain't no VTEC.
if ( $number > 10000 ) {
$number = 10000 ;
// Starting total.
$total = 0 ;
while ( $has_results ) {
$orders = new \EDD\Database\Queries\Order ();
$progress -> tick ();
// Query & count.
$sql = $sql_base . " LIMIT { $offset } , { $number } " ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Not empty, so lets chug through them!
if ( ! empty ( $results ) ) {
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
// Check if order has already been migrated.
$migrated = $orders -> get_item ( $result -> ID );
$parent_id = false ;
// Delete the existing order to re-run the migration fresh.
if ( $destroy ) {
$parent_id = 'refund' === $migrated -> type && ! empty ( $migrated -> parent ) ? $migrated -> parent : false ;
// EDD has detected a collision between a refund ID and a payment ID.
if ( ! empty ( $parent_id ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line (
sprintf (
/* translators: 1. the refund order ID; 2. the original payment ID. */
__ ( '%1$d is a refund order. EDD will delete the refund and migrate payment %1$d, then re-migrate payment %2$d.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
$result -> ID ,
} elseif ( $result -> post_date_gmt !== $migrated -> date_created ) {
// The migrated order does not appear to be the same as the original order, so let's confirm.
WP_CLI :: confirm (
sprintf (
/* translators: 1. the order/payment ID. */
__ ( 'Order ID %1$d appears to be a different record from Payment ID %1$d. Are you sure you want to destroy this order and overwrite it?' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ),
$result -> ID
edd_destroy_order ( $result -> ID );
$migrated = false ;
if ( $migrated ) {
$progress -> tick ();
continue ;
$success = \EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: orders ( $result );
* We detected that a refund order ID collided with an edd_payment post ID .
* We deleted the refund already ; now delete the original order and re - migrate it to regenerate the refund .
if ( $parent_id ) {
edd_destroy_order ( $parent_id );
$result = $wpdb -> get_row (
$wpdb -> prepare (
FROM { $wpdb -> posts }
WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment'
AND ID = % d " ,
\EDD\Admin\Upgrades\v3\Data_Migrator :: orders ( $result );
if ( ! $full_migration && empty ( $success ) ) {
/* translators: payment ID. */
WP_CLI :: line ( sprintf ( __ ( 'Migration failed for payment %d.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ), $result -> ID ) );
// Tick the spinner...
$progress -> tick ();
// Bump the total...
$total ++ ;
// Increment step for the next offset...
$step ++ ;
// EG: 1 * 1000 = 1000, 2 * 1000 = 2000.
$offset = ( $step * $number );
// Done!
} else {
$has_results = false ;
if ( 0 === $step ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'No payment records found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
if ( $full_migration ) {
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_orders' );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_payments' );
} else {
if ( ! $full_migration ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Partial order migration complete. Orders Processed: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
2023-06-28 12:45:44 +00:00
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'To recalculate all download sales and earnings, run `wp edd recalculate_download_sales_earnings`.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'To recalculate all customer sales and earnings, run `wp edd recalculate_customer_values`.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Migration complete: Orders' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$new_count = edd_count_orders ( array ( 'type' => 'sale' ) );
$old_count = $wpdb -> get_col ( " SELECT count(ID) FROM { $wpdb -> posts } WHERE post_type = 'edd_payment' " , 0 );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Old Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $old_count [ 0 ] );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'New Records: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $new_count );
$refund_count = edd_count_orders ( array ( 'type' => 'refund' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Refund Records Created: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $refund_count );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'migrate_orders' );
$progress -> tick ();
$this -> recalculate_download_sales_earnings ();
2023-06-28 12:45:44 +00:00
$this -> recalculate_customer_values ();
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$progress -> finish ();
* Display the legacy data for an EDD_Payment .
* @ param array $args
* @ return void
public function display_legacy_payment_data ( $args ) {
$id = ! empty ( $args [ 0 ] ) ? ( int ) $args [ 0 ] : false ;
if ( ! $id ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'You must enter a payment ID to display legacy data.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
global $wpdb ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results (
$wpdb -> prepare (
FROM { $wpdb -> postmeta }
WHERE post_id = % d " ,
if ( empty ( $results ) ) {
WP_CLI :: error ( __ ( 'The legacy payment data could not be found.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
$meta_value = maybe_unserialize ( $result -> meta_value );
if ( is_array ( $meta_value ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( $result -> meta_key . ' =>' );
foreach ( $meta_value as $key => $value ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( $key . ' => ' . print_r ( maybe_unserialize ( $value ), true ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( '/' . $result -> meta_key );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( $result -> meta_key . ' => ' . print_r ( $meta_value , true ) );
* Recalculates the sales and earnings for all downloads .
* @ since 3.0
* @ return void
* wp edd recalculate_download_sales_earnings
public function recalculate_download_sales_earnings () {
global $wpdb ;
$downloads = $wpdb -> get_results (
FROM { $wpdb -> posts }
WHERE post_type = 'download'
$total = count ( $downloads );
if ( ! empty ( $total ) ) {
$progress = new \cli\progress\Bar ( 'Recalculating Download Sales and Earnings' , $total );
foreach ( $downloads as $download ) {
edd_recalculate_download_sales_earnings ( $download -> ID );
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Sales and Earnings successfully recalculated for all downloads.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Downloads Updated: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
2023-06-28 12:45:44 +00:00
* Recalculates all customer values .
* @ since 3.1 . 2
* @ return void
public function recalculate_customer_values () {
$customers = edd_get_customers (
array (
'number' => 9999999 ,
$total = count ( $customers );
if ( ! empty ( $total ) ) {
$progress = new \cli\progress\Bar ( 'Recalculating Customer Values' , $total );
foreach ( $customers as $customer ) {
$customer -> recalculate_stats ();
$progress -> tick ();
$progress -> finish ();
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Sales and Earnings successfully recalculated for all customers.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Customers Updated: ' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) . $total );
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
* Removes legacy data from 2.9 and earlier that has been migrated to 3.0 .
* -- force =< boolean >: If the routine should be run even if the upgrade routine has been run already
* wp edd remove_legacy_data
* wp edd remove_legacy_data -- force
public function remove_legacy_data ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb ;
WP_CLI :: confirm ( __ ( 'Do you want to remove legacy data? This will permanently remove legacy discounts, logs, and order notes.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$force = isset ( $assoc_args [ 'force' ] ) ? true : false ;
* Discounts
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_discounts' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy discounts have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old discount data.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$discount_ids = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'edd_discount' " );
$discount_ids = wp_list_pluck ( $discount_ids , 'ID' );
$discount_ids = implode ( ', ' , $discount_ids );
if ( ! empty ( $discount_ids ) ) {
$delete_posts_query = " DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID IN ( { $discount_ids } ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_posts_query );
$delete_postmeta_query = " DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id IN ( { $discount_ids } ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_postmeta_query );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_discounts' );
* Logs
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_logs' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy logs have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old logs.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$log_ids = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT ID FROM { $wpdb -> posts } WHERE post_type = 'edd_log' " );
$log_ids = wp_list_pluck ( $log_ids , 'ID' );
$log_ids = implode ( ', ' , $log_ids );
if ( ! empty ( $log_ids ) ) {
$delete_query = " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> posts } WHERE post_type = 'edd_log' " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_query );
$delete_postmeta_query = " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> posts } WHERE ID IN ( { $log_ids } ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_postmeta_query );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_logs' );
* Order notes
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_order_notes' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy order notes have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old order notes.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$note_ids = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT comment_ID FROM { $wpdb -> comments } WHERE comment_type = 'edd_payment_note' " );
$note_ids = wp_list_pluck ( $note_ids , 'comment_ID' );
$note_ids = implode ( ', ' , $note_ids );
if ( ! empty ( $note_ids ) ) {
$delete_query = " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> comments } WHERE comment_type = 'edd_payment_note' " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_query );
$delete_postmeta_query = " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> commentmeta } WHERE comment_id IN ( { $note_ids } ) " ;
$wpdb -> query ( $delete_postmeta_query );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_order_notes' );
* Customers
* @ var \EDD\Database\Tables\Customers | false $customer_table
$customer_table = edd_get_component_interface ( 'customer' , 'table' );
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
if ( $customer_table instanceof \EDD\Database\Tables\Customers ) {
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Updating customers database table.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
2023-03-17 22:34:04 +00:00
if ( $customer_table -> column_exists ( 'payment_ids' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing Payment IDs column.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$wpdb -> query ( " ALTER TABLE { $wpdb -> edd_customers } DROP `payment_ids` " );
if ( $customer_table -> column_exists ( 'notes' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing notes column.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$wpdb -> query ( " ALTER TABLE { $wpdb -> edd_customers } DROP `notes` " );
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
* Customer emails
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_customer_emails' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy customer emails have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old customer emails.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> edd_customermeta } WHERE meta_key = 'additional_email' " );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_customer_emails' );
* Customer addresses
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_customer_addresses' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy customer addresses have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old customer addresses.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$wpdb -> query ( " DELETE FROM { $wpdb -> usermeta } WHERE meta_key = '_edd_user_address' " );
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_customer_addresses' );
* Orders
if ( ! $force && edd_has_upgrade_completed ( 'remove_legacy_orders' ) ) {
WP_CLI :: warning ( __ ( 'Legacy orders have already been removed. To run this anyway, use the --force argument.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
} else {
WP_CLI :: line ( __ ( 'Removing old orders.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$wpdb -> query (
" DELETE orders, order_meta FROM { $wpdb -> posts } orders
LEFT JOIN { $wpdb -> postmeta } order_meta ON ( orders . ID = order_meta . post_id )
WHERE orders . post_type = 'edd_payment' "
edd_set_upgrade_complete ( 'remove_legacy_orders' );
* Create sample file download log data for your EDD site
* -- number : The number of download logs to create
* wp edd download_logs create -- number = 10
public function download_logs ( $args , $assoc_args ) {
global $wpdb , $edd_logs ;
$error = false ;
// At some point we'll likely add another action for payments
if ( ! isset ( $args ) || count ( $args ) == 0 ) {
$error = __ ( 'No action specified, did you mean' , 'easy-digital-downloads' );
} elseif ( isset ( $args ) && ! in_array ( 'create' , $args ) ) {
$error = __ ( 'Invalid action specified, did you mean' , 'easy-digital-downloads' );
if ( $error ) {
$query = '' ;
foreach ( $assoc_args as $key => $value ) {
$query .= ' --' . $key . '=' . $value ;
WP_CLI :: error (
sprintf ( $error . ' %s?' , 'wp edd download_logs create' . $query )
return ;
// Setup some defaults
$number = 1 ;
if ( count ( $assoc_args ) > 0 ) {
$number = ( array_key_exists ( 'number' , $assoc_args ) ) ? absint ( $assoc_args [ 'number' ] ) : $number ;
// First we need to find all downloads that have files associated.
$download_ids_with_file_meta = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM { $wpdb -> postmeta } WHERE meta_key = 'edd_download_files' " );
$download_ids_with_files = array ();
foreach ( $download_ids_with_file_meta as $meta_item ) {
if ( empty ( $meta_item -> meta_value ) ) {
continue ;
$files = maybe_unserialize ( $meta_item -> meta_value );
// We have an empty array;
if ( empty ( $files ) ) {
continue ;
$download_ids_with_files [ $meta_item -> post_id ] = array_keys ( $files );
global $wpdb ;
$product_ids = implode ( '","' , array_keys ( $download_ids_with_files ) );
$table = $wpdb -> prefix . 'edd_order_items' ;
$sql = 'SELECT order_id, product_id, price_id, uuid FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE product_id IN ( "' . $product_ids . '")' ;
$results = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql );
// Now generate some download logs for the files.
$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar ( 'Creating File Download Logs' , $number );
$i = 1 ;
while ( $i <= $number ) {
$found_item = array_rand ( $results , 1 );
$item = $results [ $found_item ];
$order_id = ( int ) $item -> order_id ;
$order = edd_get_order ( $order_id );
$product_id = ( int ) $item -> product_id ;
if ( edd_has_variable_prices ( $product_id ) ) {
$price_id = ( int ) $item -> price_id ;
} else {
$price_id = false ;
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $order -> customer_id );
$user_info = array (
'email' => $order -> email ,
'id' => $order -> user_id ,
'name' => $order -> name ,
if ( empty ( $download_ids_with_files [ $product_id ] ) ) {
continue ;
$file_id_key = array_rand ( $download_ids_with_files [ $product_id ], 1 );
$file_key = $download_ids_with_files [ $product_id ][ $file_id_key ];
2023-07-19 21:08:59 +00:00
edd_record_download_in_log (
absint ( $product_id ),
absint ( $file_key ),
array (),
edd_get_ip (),
absint ( $order_id ),
absint ( $price_id ),
'EDD; WPCLI; download_logs;'
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$progress -> tick ();
$i ++ ;
$progress -> finish ();
protected function get_fname () {
$names = array (
'Ilse' ,
'Emelda' ,
'Aurelio' ,
'Chiquita' ,
'Cheryl' ,
'Norbert' ,
'Neville' ,
'Wendie' ,
'Clint' ,
'Synthia' ,
'Tobi' ,
'Nakita' ,
'Marisa' ,
'Maybelle' ,
'Onie' ,
'Donnette' ,
'Henry' ,
'Sheryll' ,
'Leighann' ,
'Wilson' ,
return $names [ rand ( 0 , ( count ( $names ) - 1 ) ) ];
protected function get_lname () {
$names = array (
'Warner' ,
'Roush' ,
'Lenahan' ,
'Theiss' ,
'Sack' ,
'Troutt' ,
'Vanderburg' ,
'Lisi' ,
'Lemons' ,
'Christon' ,
'Kogut' ,
'Broad' ,
'Wernick' ,
'Horstmann' ,
'Schoenfeld' ,
'Dolloff' ,
'Murph' ,
'Shipp' ,
'Hursey' ,
'Jacobi' ,
return $names [ rand ( 0 , ( count ( $names ) - 1 ) ) ];
protected function get_domain () {
$domains = array (
'example' ,
'edd' ,
'rcp' ,
'affwp' ,
return $domains [ rand ( 0 , ( count ( $domains ) - 1 ) ) ];
protected function get_tld () {
$tlds = array (
'local' ,
'test' ,
'example' ,
'localhost' ,
'invalid' ,
return $tlds [ rand ( 0 , ( count ( $tlds ) - 1 ) ) ];