2021-12-20 13:42:43 +00:00
< ? php
* Builds our Customizer controls .
* @ package GeneratePress
if ( ! defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit ; // Exit if accessed directly.
add_action ( 'customize_register' , 'generate_set_customizer_helpers' , 1 );
* Set up helpers early so they ' re always available .
* Other modules might need access to them at some point .
* @ since 2.0
function generate_set_customizer_helpers () {
require_once trailingslashit ( get_template_directory () ) . 'inc/customizer/customizer-helpers.php' ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_customize_register' ) ) {
add_action ( 'customize_register' , 'generate_customize_register' , 20 );
* Add our base options to the Customizer .
* @ param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize Theme Customizer object .
function generate_customize_register ( $wp_customize ) {
if ( version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , '5.6' , '<' ) ) {
return ;
$defaults = generate_get_defaults ();
$color_defaults = generate_get_color_defaults ();
$typography_defaults = generate_get_default_fonts ();
if ( $wp_customize -> get_control ( 'blogdescription' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> get_control ( 'blogdescription' ) -> priority = 3 ;
$wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'blogdescription' ) -> transport = 'postMessage' ;
if ( $wp_customize -> get_control ( 'blogname' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> get_control ( 'blogname' ) -> priority = 1 ;
$wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'blogname' ) -> transport = 'postMessage' ;
if ( $wp_customize -> get_control ( 'custom_logo' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'custom_logo' ) -> transport = 'refresh' ;
if ( method_exists ( $wp_customize , 'register_control_type' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> register_control_type ( 'Generate_Customize_Misc_Control' );
$wp_customize -> register_control_type ( 'Generate_Range_Slider_Control' );
if ( method_exists ( $wp_customize , 'register_section_type' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> register_section_type ( 'GeneratePress_Upsell_Section' );
if ( isset ( $wp_customize -> selective_refresh ) ) {
$wp_customize -> selective_refresh -> add_partial (
'blogname' ,
array (
'selector' => '.main-title a' ,
'render_callback' => 'generate_customize_partial_blogname' ,
$wp_customize -> selective_refresh -> add_partial (
'blogdescription' ,
array (
'selector' => '.site-description' ,
'render_callback' => 'generate_customize_partial_blogdescription' ,
if ( ! defined ( 'GP_PREMIUM_VERSION' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> add_section (
new GeneratePress_Upsell_Section (
$wp_customize ,
'generatepress_upsell_section' ,
array (
'pro_text' => __ ( 'Premium Modules Available' , 'generatepress' ),
'pro_url' => generate_get_premium_url ( 'https://generatepress.com/premium' ),
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options' ,
'priority' => 0 ,
'type' => 'gp-upsell-section' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[hide_title]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'hide_title' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[hide_title]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Hide site title' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'priority' => 2 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[hide_tagline]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'hide_tagline' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[hide_tagline]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Hide site tagline' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'priority' => 4 ,
if ( ! function_exists ( 'the_custom_logo' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[logo]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'logo' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new WP_Customize_Image_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'generate_settings[logo]' ,
array (
'label' => __ ( 'Logo' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'settings' => 'generate_settings[logo]' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[retina_logo]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'retina_logo' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new WP_Customize_Image_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'generate_settings[retina_logo]' ,
array (
'label' => __ ( 'Retina Logo' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'settings' => 'generate_settings[retina_logo]' ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_has_custom_logo_callback' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[logo_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'logo_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_absint' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new Generate_Range_Slider_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'generate_settings[logo_width]' ,
array (
'label' => __ ( 'Logo Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'settings' => array (
'desktop' => 'generate_settings[logo_width]' ,
'choices' => array (
'desktop' => array (
'min' => 20 ,
'max' => 1200 ,
'step' => 10 ,
'edit' => true ,
'unit' => 'px' ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_has_custom_logo_callback' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[inline_logo_site_branding]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'inline_logo_site_branding' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[inline_logo_site_branding]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Place logo next to title' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'title_tagline' ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_show_inline_logo_callback' ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_colors_section' ,
array (
'title' => esc_attr__ ( 'Colors' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 30 ,
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_title (
'generate_color_manager_title' ,
array (
'section' => 'generate_colors_section' ,
'title' => __ ( 'Global Colors' , 'generatepress' ),
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_field (
'generate_settings[global_colors]' ,
'GeneratePress_Customize_React_Control' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'global_colors' ],
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $colors ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $colors ) ) {
return ;
$new_settings = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $colors as $key => $data ) {
if ( empty ( $data [ 'slug' ] ) || empty ( $data [ 'color' ] ) ) {
continue ;
$slug = preg_replace ( '/[^a-z0-9-\s]+/i' , '' , $data [ 'slug' ] );
$slug = strtolower ( $slug );
$new_settings [ $key ][ 'name' ] = sanitize_text_field ( $slug );
$new_settings [ $key ][ 'slug' ] = sanitize_text_field ( $slug );
$new_settings [ $key ][ 'color' ] = generate_sanitize_rgba_color ( $data [ 'color' ] );
// Reset array keys starting at 0.
$new_settings = array_values ( $new_settings );
return $new_settings ;
'transport' => 'refresh' ,
array (
'type' => 'generate-color-manager-control' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Choose Color' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_colors_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'alpha' => true ,
'showPalette' => false ,
'showReset' => false ,
'showVarName' => true ,
$fields_dir = trailingslashit ( get_template_directory () ) . 'inc/customizer/fields' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/body.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/top-bar.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/header.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/primary-navigation.php' ;
do_action ( 'generate_customize_after_primary_navigation' , $wp_customize );
require_once $fields_dir . '/buttons.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/content.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/forms.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/sidebar-widgets.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/footer-widgets.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/footer-bar.php' ;
require_once $fields_dir . '/back-to-top.php' ;
do_action ( 'generate_customize_after_controls' , $wp_customize );
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_typography_section' ,
array (
'title' => esc_attr__ ( 'Typography' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 35 ,
'active_callback' => function () {
if ( ! generate_is_using_dynamic_typography () ) {
return false ;
return true ;
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_title (
'generate_font_manager_title' ,
array (
'section' => 'generate_typography_section' ,
'title' => __ ( 'Font Manager' , 'generatepress' ),
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_field (
'generate_settings[font_manager]' ,
'GeneratePress_Customize_React_Control' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'font_manager' ],
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $fonts ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $fonts ) ) {
return ;
$options = array (
'fontFamily' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'googleFont' => 'rest_sanitize_boolean' ,
'googleFontApi' => 'absint' ,
'googleFontCategory' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'googleFontVariants' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
$new_settings = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $fonts as $key => $data ) {
if ( empty ( $data [ 'fontFamily' ] ) ) {
continue ;
foreach ( $options as $option => $sanitize ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $option , $data ) ) {
$new_settings [ $key ][ $option ] = $sanitize ( $data [ $option ] );
// Reset array keys starting at 0.
$new_settings = array_values ( $new_settings );
return $new_settings ;
'transport' => 'refresh' ,
array (
'type' => 'generate-font-manager-control' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Choose Font' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_typography_section' ,
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_field (
'generate_settings[google_font_display]' ,
'' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'google_font_display' ],
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'refresh' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Google font-display' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => sprintf (
'<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">%s</a>' ,
'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/font-display' ,
esc_html__ ( 'Learn about font-display' , 'generatepress' )
'section' => 'generate_typography_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'auto' => esc_html__ ( 'Auto' , 'generatepress' ),
'block' => esc_html__ ( 'Block' , 'generatepress' ),
'swap' => esc_html__ ( 'Swap' , 'generatepress' ),
'fallback' => esc_html__ ( 'Fallback' , 'generatepress' ),
'optional' => esc_html__ ( 'Optional' , 'generatepress' ),
'active_callback' => function () {
$font_manager = generate_get_option ( 'font_manager' );
$has_google_font = false ;
foreach ( ( array ) $font_manager as $key => $data ) {
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'googleFont' ] ) ) {
$has_google_font = true ;
break ;
return $has_google_font ;
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_title (
'generate_typography_manager_title' ,
array (
'section' => 'generate_typography_section' ,
'title' => __ ( 'Typography Manager' , 'generatepress' ),
GeneratePress_Customize_Field :: add_field (
'generate_settings[typography]' ,
'GeneratePress_Customize_React_Control' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'typography' ],
'sanitize_callback' => function ( $settings ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $settings ) ) {
return ;
$options = array (
'selector' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'customSelector' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'fontFamily' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'fontWeight' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'textTransform' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'fontSize' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'fontSizeTablet' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'fontSizeMobile' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'fontSizeUnit' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'lineHeight' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'lineHeightTablet' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'lineHeightMobile' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'lineHeightUnit' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'letterSpacing' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_negative_decimal_integer' ,
'letterSpacingTablet' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_negative_decimal_integer' ,
'letterSpacingMobile' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_negative_decimal_integer' ,
'letterSpacingUnit' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'marginBottom' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'marginBottomTablet' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'marginBottomMobile' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_decimal_integer' ,
'marginBottomUnit' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'module' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'group' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
$new_settings = array ();
foreach ( ( array ) $settings as $key => $data ) {
if ( empty ( $data [ 'selector' ] ) ) {
continue ;
foreach ( $options as $option => $sanitize ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $option , $data ) ) {
$new_settings [ $key ][ $option ] = $sanitize ( $data [ $option ] );
// Reset array keys starting at 0.
$new_settings = array_values ( $new_settings );
return $new_settings ;
'transport' => 'refresh' ,
array (
'type' => 'generate-typography-control' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Configure' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_typography_section' ,
if ( ! $wp_customize -> get_panel ( 'generate_layout_panel' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> add_panel (
'generate_layout_panel' ,
array (
'priority' => 25 ,
'title' => __ ( 'Layout' , 'generatepress' ),
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_layout_container' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Container' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 10 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[container_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'container_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_integer' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new Generate_Range_Slider_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'generate_settings[container_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'generatepress-range-slider' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Container Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_container' ,
'settings' => array (
'desktop' => 'generate_settings[container_width]' ,
'choices' => array (
'desktop' => array (
'min' => 700 ,
'max' => 2000 ,
'step' => 5 ,
'edit' => true ,
'unit' => 'px' ,
'priority' => 0 ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_top_bar' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Top Bar' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 15 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[top_bar_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'top_bar_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[top_bar_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Top Bar Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_top_bar' ,
'choices' => array (
'full' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'contained' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[top_bar_width]' ,
'priority' => 5 ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_is_top_bar_active' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[top_bar_inner_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'top_bar_inner_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[top_bar_inner_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Top Bar Inner Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_top_bar' ,
'choices' => array (
'full' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'contained' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[top_bar_inner_width]' ,
'priority' => 10 ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_is_top_bar_active' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[top_bar_alignment]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'top_bar_alignment' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[top_bar_alignment]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Top Bar Alignment' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_top_bar' ,
'choices' => array (
'left' => __ ( 'Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'center' => __ ( 'Center' , 'generatepress' ),
'right' => __ ( 'Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[top_bar_alignment]' ,
'priority' => 15 ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_is_top_bar_active' ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_layout_header' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Header' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 20 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_header_helper' ,
array (
'default' => 'current' ,
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_preset_layout' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_header_helper' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Header Presets' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_header' ,
'choices' => array (
'current' => __ ( 'Current' , 'generatepress' ),
'default' => __ ( 'Default' , 'generatepress' ),
'classic' => __ ( 'Classic' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-before' => __ ( 'Navigation Before' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-after' => __ ( 'Navigation After' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-before-centered' => __ ( 'Navigation Before - Centered' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-after-centered' => __ ( 'Navigation After - Centered' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-left' => __ ( 'Navigation Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_header_helper' ,
'priority' => 4 ,
if ( ! $wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'generate_settings[site_title_font_size]' ) ) {
$typography_defaults = generate_get_default_fonts ();
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[site_title_font_size]' ,
array (
'default' => $typography_defaults [ 'site_title_font_size' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
if ( ! $wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'generate_spacing_settings[header_top]' ) ) {
$spacing_defaults = generate_spacing_get_defaults ();
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_spacing_settings[header_top]' ,
array (
'default' => $spacing_defaults [ 'header_top' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
if ( ! $wp_customize -> get_setting ( 'generate_spacing_settings[header_bottom]' ) ) {
$spacing_defaults = generate_spacing_get_defaults ();
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_spacing_settings[header_bottom]' ,
array (
'default' => $spacing_defaults [ 'header_bottom' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'absint' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[header_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'header_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[header_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Header Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_header' ,
'choices' => array (
'fluid-header' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'contained-header' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[header_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 5 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[header_inner_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'header_inner_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[header_inner_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Inner Header Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_header' ,
'choices' => array (
'contained' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'full-width' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[header_inner_width]' ,
'priority' => 6 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[header_alignment_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'header_alignment_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[header_alignment_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Header Alignment' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_header' ,
'choices' => array (
'left' => __ ( 'Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'center' => __ ( 'Center' , 'generatepress' ),
'right' => __ ( 'Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[header_alignment_setting]' ,
'priority' => 10 ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_layout_navigation' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Primary Navigation' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 30 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'fluid-nav' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'contained-nav' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 15 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_inner_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_inner_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_inner_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Inner Navigation Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'contained' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'full-width' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_inner_width]' ,
'priority' => 16 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_alignment_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_alignment_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_alignment_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Alignment' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'left' => __ ( 'Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'center' => __ ( 'Center' , 'generatepress' ),
'right' => __ ( 'Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_alignment_setting]' ,
'priority' => 20 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_position_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_position_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'refresh' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_position_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Location' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'nav-below-header' => __ ( 'Below Header' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-above-header' => __ ( 'Above Header' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-float-right' => __ ( 'Float Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-float-left' => __ ( 'Float Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-left-sidebar' => __ ( 'Left Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'nav-right-sidebar' => __ ( 'Right Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'' => __ ( 'No Navigation' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_position_setting]' ,
'priority' => 22 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_drop_point]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_drop_point' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_empty_absint' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new Generate_Range_Slider_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'generate_settings[nav_drop_point]' ,
array (
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Drop Point' , 'generatepress' ),
'sub_description' => __ ( 'The width when the navigation ceases to float and drops below your logo.' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'settings' => array (
'desktop' => 'generate_settings[nav_drop_point]' ,
'choices' => array (
'desktop' => array (
'min' => 500 ,
'max' => 2000 ,
'step' => 10 ,
'edit' => true ,
'unit' => 'px' ,
'priority' => 22 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_type]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_dropdown_type' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_type]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Dropdown' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'hover' => __ ( 'Hover' , 'generatepress' ),
'click' => __ ( 'Click - Menu Item' , 'generatepress' ),
'click-arrow' => __ ( 'Click - Arrow' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_type]' ,
'priority' => 22 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_direction]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_dropdown_direction' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_direction]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Dropdown Direction' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'right' => __ ( 'Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'left' => __ ( 'Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_dropdown_direction]' ,
'priority' => 22 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[nav_search]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'nav_search' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[nav_search]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Navigation Search' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_navigation' ,
'choices' => array (
'enable' => __ ( 'Enable' , 'generatepress' ),
'disable' => __ ( 'Disable' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[nav_search]' ,
'priority' => 23 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[content_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'content_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[content_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Content Layout' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_container' ,
'choices' => array (
'separate-containers' => __ ( 'Separate Containers' , 'generatepress' ),
'one-container' => __ ( 'One Container' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[content_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 25 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[container_alignment]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'container_alignment' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[container_alignment]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Container Alignment' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_container' ,
'choices' => array (
'boxes' => __ ( 'Boxes' , 'generatepress' ),
'text' => __ ( 'Text' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[container_alignment]' ,
'priority' => 30 ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_layout_sidebars' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Sidebars' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 40 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Sidebar Layout' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_sidebars' ,
'choices' => array (
'left-sidebar' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'right-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'no-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content (no sidebars)' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-sidebars' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-left' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-right' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 30 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[blog_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'blog_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[blog_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Blog Sidebar Layout' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_sidebars' ,
'choices' => array (
'left-sidebar' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'right-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'no-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content (no sidebars)' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-sidebars' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-left' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-right' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[blog_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 35 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[single_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'single_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[single_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Single Post Sidebar Layout' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_sidebars' ,
'choices' => array (
'left-sidebar' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'right-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'no-sidebar' => __ ( 'Content (no sidebars)' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-sidebars' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Content / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-left' => __ ( 'Sidebar / Sidebar / Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'both-right' => __ ( 'Content / Sidebar / Sidebar' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[single_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 36 ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_layout_footer' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Footer' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 50 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[footer_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'footer_layout_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[footer_layout_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Footer Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_footer' ,
'choices' => array (
'fluid-footer' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'contained-footer' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[footer_layout_setting]' ,
'priority' => 40 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[footer_inner_width]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'footer_inner_width' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[footer_inner_width]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Inner Footer Width' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_footer' ,
'choices' => array (
'contained' => __ ( 'Contained' , 'generatepress' ),
'full-width' => __ ( 'Full' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[footer_inner_width]' ,
'priority' => 41 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[footer_widget_setting]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'footer_widget_setting' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[footer_widget_setting]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Footer Widgets' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_footer' ,
'choices' => array (
'0' => '0' ,
'1' => '1' ,
'2' => '2' ,
'3' => '3' ,
'4' => '4' ,
'5' => '5' ,
'settings' => 'generate_settings[footer_widget_setting]' ,
'priority' => 45 ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[footer_bar_alignment]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'footer_bar_alignment' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
'transport' => 'postMessage' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[footer_bar_alignment]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Footer Bar Alignment' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_footer' ,
'choices' => array (
'left' => __ ( 'Left' , 'generatepress' ),
'center' => __ ( 'Center' , 'generatepress' ),
'right' => __ ( 'Right' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[footer_bar_alignment]' ,
'priority' => 47 ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_is_footer_bar_active' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[back_to_top]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'back_to_top' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[back_to_top]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Back to Top Button' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_layout_footer' ,
'choices' => array (
'enable' => __ ( 'Enable' , 'generatepress' ),
'' => __ ( 'Disable' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[back_to_top]' ,
'priority' => 50 ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_blog_section' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'Blog' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 55 ,
'panel' => 'generate_layout_panel' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[post_content]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'post_content' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_blog_excerpt' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'blog_content_control' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Content Type' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_blog_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'full' => __ ( 'Full Content' , 'generatepress' ),
'excerpt' => __ ( 'Excerpt' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[post_content]' ,
'priority' => 10 ,
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_blog_customize_register' ) && ! defined ( 'GP_PREMIUM_VERSION' ) ) {
$wp_customize -> add_control (
new Generate_Customize_Misc_Control (
$wp_customize ,
'blog_get_addon_desc' ,
array (
'section' => 'generate_blog_section' ,
'type' => 'addon' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Learn more' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => __ ( 'More options are available for this section in our premium version.' , 'generatepress' ),
'url' => generate_get_premium_url ( 'https://generatepress.com/premium/#blog' , false ),
'priority' => 30 ,
'settings' => ( isset ( $wp_customize -> selective_refresh ) ) ? array () : 'blogname' ,
$wp_customize -> add_section (
'generate_general_section' ,
array (
'title' => __ ( 'General' , 'generatepress' ),
'priority' => 99 ,
if ( ! apply_filters ( 'generate_fontawesome_essentials' , false ) ) {
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[font_awesome_essentials]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'font_awesome_essentials' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[font_awesome_essentials]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Load essential icons only' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => __ ( 'Load essential Font Awesome icons instead of the full library.' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'settings' => 'generate_settings[font_awesome_essentials]' ,
$show_flexbox_option = true ;
if ( defined ( 'GP_PREMIUM_VERSION' ) && version_compare ( GP_PREMIUM_VERSION , '1.11.0-alpha.1' , '<' ) ) {
$show_flexbox_option = false ;
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$show_flexbox_option = false ;
$show_flexbox_option = apply_filters ( 'generate_show_flexbox_customizer_option' , $show_flexbox_option );
if ( $show_flexbox_option ) {
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[structure]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'structure' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[structure]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Structure' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'flexbox' => __ ( 'Flexbox' , 'generatepress' ),
'floats' => __ ( 'Floats' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => sprintf (
'<strong>%1$s</strong> %2$s' ,
__ ( 'Caution:' , 'generatepress' ),
sprintf (
/* translators: Learn more here */
__ ( 'Switching your structure can change how your website displays. Review your website thoroughly before publishing this change, or use a staging site to review the potential changes. Learn more %s.' , 'generatepress' ),
'<a href="https://docs.generatepress.com/article/switching-from-floats-to-flexbox/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . __ ( 'here' , 'generatepress' ) . '</a>'
'settings' => 'generate_settings[structure]' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[icons]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'icons' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[icons]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Icon Type' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'svg' => __ ( 'SVG' , 'generatepress' ),
'font' => __ ( 'Font' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[icons]' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[underline_links]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'underline_links' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_choices' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[underline_links]' ,
array (
'type' => 'select' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Underline Links' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => __ ( 'Add underlines to your links in your main content areas.' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'choices' => array (
'always' => __ ( 'Always' , 'generatepress' ),
'hover' => __ ( 'On hover' , 'generatepress' ),
'not-hover' => __ ( 'Not on hover' , 'generatepress' ),
'never' => __ ( 'Never' , 'generatepress' ),
'settings' => 'generate_settings[underline_links]' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[combine_css]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'combine_css' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[combine_css]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Combine CSS' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => __ ( 'Reduce the number of CSS file requests and use a lite version of our grid system.' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'active_callback' => 'generate_is_using_floats_callback' ,
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[dynamic_css_cache]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'dynamic_css_cache' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[dynamic_css_cache]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Cache dynamic CSS' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => __ ( 'Cache CSS generated by your options to boost performance.' , 'generatepress' ),
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
$show_legacy_typography_option = true ;
if ( defined ( 'GP_PREMIUM_VERSION' ) && version_compare ( GP_PREMIUM_VERSION , '2.1.0-alpha.1' , '<' ) ) {
$show_legacy_typography_option = false ;
if ( generate_is_using_dynamic_typography () ) {
$show_legacy_typography_option = false ;
$show_legacy_typography_option = apply_filters ( 'generate_show_legacy_typography_customizer_option' , $show_legacy_typography_option );
if ( $show_legacy_typography_option ) {
$wp_customize -> add_setting (
'generate_settings[use_dynamic_typography]' ,
array (
'default' => $defaults [ 'use_dynamic_typography' ],
'type' => 'option' ,
'sanitize_callback' => 'generate_sanitize_checkbox' ,
$wp_customize -> add_control (
'generate_settings[use_dynamic_typography]' ,
array (
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'label' => __ ( 'Use dynamic typography system' , 'generatepress' ),
'description' => sprintf (
/* translators: Learn more here */
__ ( 'Switching to our dynamic typography system can change how your fonts display. Review your website thoroughly before publishing this change. Learn more %s.' , 'generatepress' ),
'<a href="https://docs.generatepress.com/article/switching-to-dynamic-typography/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">' . __ ( 'here' , 'generatepress' ) . '</a>'
'section' => 'generate_general_section' ,
'settings' => 'generate_settings[use_dynamic_typography]' ,