400 lines
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400 lines
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'use strict';
// Send an AJAX request and get the response
const wwa_ajax = function () {
let xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
return {
/** Send an AJAX GET request and get the response
* @param {string} url URL
* @param {string} data Attached data
* @param {object} callback Callback function
get: (url, data = '', callback = () => { }) => {
xmlHttpReq.open('GET', url + data, true);
xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (xmlHttpReq.readyState === 4 && xmlHttpReq.status === 200) {
callback(xmlHttpReq.responseText, true);
} else if (xmlHttpReq.readyState === 4) {
callback('Network Error.', false);
/** Send an AJAX POST request and get the response
* @param {string} url URL
* @param {string} data Attached data
* @param {object} callback Callback function
post: (url, data = '', callback = () => { }) => {
xmlHttpReq.open('POST', url, true);
xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (xmlHttpReq.readyState === 4 && xmlHttpReq.status === 200) {
callback(xmlHttpReq.responseText, true);
} else if (xmlHttpReq.readyState === 4) {
callback('Network Error.', false);
/** Operate selected DOMs
* @param {string} selector DOM selector
* @param {object} callback Callbck function
* @param {string} method Selecte method
const wwa_dom = (selector, callback = () => { }, method = 'query') => {
let dom_list = [];
if (method === 'id') {
let dom = document.getElementById(selector);
if (dom) {
} else if (method === 'class') {
dom_list = document.getElementsByClassName(selector);
} else if (method === 'tag') {
dom_list = document.getElementsByTagName(selector);
} else {
dom_list = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let dom of dom_list) {
let wwaSupported = true;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
if (document.querySelectorAll('#lostpasswordform, #registerform, .admin-email-confirm-form').length > 0) {
let button_check = document.createElement('button');
button_check.id = 'wp-webauthn-check';
button_check.type = 'button';
button_check.className = 'button button-large button-primary';
button_check.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_1;
let button_toggle = document.createElement('button');
if (php_vars.webauthn_only !== 'true') {
button_toggle.id = 'wp-webauthn';
button_toggle.type = 'button';
button_toggle.className = 'button button-large';
button_toggle.innerHTML = '<span class="dashicons dashicons-update-alt"></span>';
let submit = document.getElementById('wp-submit');
if (submit) {
if (php_vars.webauthn_only !== 'true') {
submit.parentNode.insertBefore(button_toggle, submit.nextElementSibling);
submit.parentNode.insertBefore(button_check, submit.nextElementSibling);
let notice = document.createElement('div');
notice.className = 'wp-webauthn-notice';
notice.innerHTML = `<span><span class="dashicons dashicons-shield-alt"></span> ${php_vars.i18n_2}<span>`;
let forgetmenot = document.getElementsByClassName('forgetmenot');
if (forgetmenot.length > 0) {
forgetmenot[0].parentNode.insertBefore(notice, forgetmenot[0]);
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => {
const passwordInput = document.getElementsByClassName('user-pass-wrap');
if (passwordInput.length > 0) {
dom.style.height = (passwordInput[0].offsetHeight - 10) + 'px';
} else {
// WordPress 5.2-
const legacyPasswordInput = document.getElementById('loginform').getElementsByTagName('p')[1];
dom.style.height = (legacyPasswordInput.offsetHeight - 10) + 'px';
}, 'class');
let btnWidth = document.getElementById('wp-submit') ? document.getElementById('wp-submit').clientWidth : 0;
if (btnWidth < 20 || btnWidth === undefined) {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.width = 'auto' }, 'id');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.width = btnWidth }, 'id');
if (window.PublicKeyCredential === undefined || navigator.credentials.create === undefined || typeof navigator.credentials.create !== 'function') {
wwaSupported = false;
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' }, 'id');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.addEventListener('click', check, false) }, 'id');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.addEventListener('click', toggle, false) }, 'id');
window.onresize = function () {
if (document.querySelectorAll('#lostpasswordform, #registerform').length > 0) {
let btnWidth = document.getElementById('wp-submit').clientWidth;
if (btnWidth < 20 || btnWidth === undefined) {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.width = 'auto' }, 'id');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.width = btnWidth }, 'id');
document.addEventListener('keydown', parseKey, false);
function parseKey(event) {
if (wwaSupported && document.getElementById('wp-webauthn-check').style.display === 'block') {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.click() }, 'id');
function base64url2base64(input) {
input = input.replace(/=/g, '').replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
const pad = input.length % 4;
if (pad) {
if (pad === 1) {
throw new Error('InvalidLengthError: Input base64url string is the wrong length to determine padding');
input += new Array(5 - pad).join('=');
return input;
function arrayToBase64String(a) {
return btoa(String.fromCharCode(...a));
function getQueryString(name) {
let reg = new RegExp(`(^|&)${name}=([^&]*)(&|$)`, 'i');
let reg_rewrite = new RegExp(`(^|/)${name}/([^/]*)(/|$)`, 'i');
let r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg);
let q = window.location.pathname.substr(1).match(reg_rewrite);
if (r != null) {
return unescape(r[2]);
} else if (q != null) {
return unescape(q[2]);
} else {
return null;
function toggle() {
if (document.querySelectorAll('#lostpasswordform, #registerform').length > 0) {
if (wwaSupported) {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('wp-webauthn-notice')[0].style.display === 'flex') {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('user-pass-wrap').length > 0) {
wwa_dom('.user-pass-wrap, .forgetmenot, #wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'block' });
} else {
// WordPress 5.2-
wwa_dom('.forgetmenot, #wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'block' });
document.getElementById('loginform').getElementsByTagName('p')[1].style.display = 'block';
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' }, 'class');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.cssText = `${dom.style.cssText.split('display: block !important')[0]}display: none !important` }, 'id');
wwa_dom('user_pass', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.focus() }, 'id');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = `<span><span class="dashicons dashicons-shield-alt"></span> ${php_vars.i18n_2}</span>` }, 'class');
wwa_dom('wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false }, 'id');
let inputDom = document.querySelectorAll('#loginform label')
if (inputDom.length > 0) {
if (document.getElementById('wwa-username-label')) {
// WordPress 5.2-
document.getElementById('wwa-username-label').innerText = php_vars.i18n_10;
} else {
inputDom[0].innerText = php_vars.i18n_10;
} else {
if (document.getElementsByClassName('user-pass-wrap').length > 0) {
wwa_dom('.user-pass-wrap, #wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' });
if (php_vars.remember_me === 'false' ) {
wwa_dom('.forgetmenot', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' });
} else {
// WordPress 5.2-
wwa_dom('#wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' });
if (php_vars.remember_me === 'false' ) {
wwa_dom('.forgetmenot', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'none' });
document.getElementById('loginform').getElementsByTagName('p')[1].style.display = 'none';
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.style.display = 'flex' }, 'class');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-check', (dom) => { dom.style.cssText = `${dom.style.cssText.split('display: none !important')[0]}display: block !important` }, 'id');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.focus() }, 'id');
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = `<span><span class="dashicons dashicons-shield-alt"></span> ${php_vars.i18n_2}</span>` }, 'class');
wwa_dom('wp-submit', (dom) => { dom.disabled = true }, 'id');
let inputDom = document.querySelectorAll('#loginform label')
if (inputDom.length > 0) {
if (document.getElementById('wwa-username-label')) {
// WordPress 5.2-
document.getElementById('wwa-username-label').innerText = php_vars.i18n_9;
} else {
inputDom[0].innerText = php_vars.i18n_9;
// Shake the login form, code from WordPress
function wwa_shake(id, a, d) {
const c = a.shift();
document.getElementById(id).style.left = c + 'px';
if (a.length > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
wwa_shake(id, a, d);
}, d);
} else {
try {
document.getElementById(id).style.position = 'static';
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.focus() }, 'id');
} catch (e) { }
function check() {
if (document.querySelectorAll('#lostpasswordform, #registerform').length > 0) {
if (wwaSupported) {
if (document.getElementById('user_login').value === '' && php_vars.usernameless !== 'true') {
wwa_dom('login_error', (dom) => { dom.remove() }, 'id');
wwa_dom('p.message', (dom) => { dom.remove() });
if (document.querySelectorAll('#login > h1').length > 0) {
let dom = document.createElement('div');
dom.id = 'login_error';
dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_11;
document.querySelectorAll('#login > h1')[0].parentNode.insertBefore(dom, document.querySelectorAll('#login > h1')[0].nextElementSibling)
// Shake the login form, code from WordPress
let shake = new Array(15, 30, 15, 0, -15, -30, -15, 0);
shake = shake.concat(shake.concat(shake));
var form = document.forms[0].id;
document.getElementById(form).style.position = 'relative';
wwa_shake(form, shake, 20);
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = true }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = true });
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_3 }, 'class');
let request = wwa_ajax();
request.get(php_vars.ajax_url, `?action=wwa_auth_start&user=${encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('user_login').value)}&type=auth`, (rawData, status) => {
if (status) {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_4 }, 'class');
let data = rawData;
try {
data = JSON.parse(rawData);
} catch (e) {
if (php_vars.usernameless === 'true' && document.getElementById('user_login').value === '') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 + php_vars.i18n_12 }, 'class');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 }, 'class');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false });
data.challenge = Uint8Array.from(window.atob(base64url2base64(data.challenge)), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));
if (data.allowCredentials) {
data.allowCredentials = data.allowCredentials.map((item) => {
item.id = Uint8Array.from(window.atob(base64url2base64(item.id)), (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));
return item;
if (data.allowCredentials && php_vars.allow_authenticator_type && php_vars.allow_authenticator_type !== 'none') {
for (let credential of data.allowCredentials) {
if (php_vars.allow_authenticator_type === 'cross-platform') {
credential.transports = ['usb', 'nfc', 'ble'];
} else if (php_vars.allow_authenticator_type === 'platform') {
credential.transports = ['internal'];
// Save client ID
const clientID = data.clientID;
delete data.clientID;
navigator.credentials.get({ 'publicKey': data }).then((credentialInfo) => {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_5 }, 'class');
return credentialInfo;
}).then((data) => {
const publicKeyCredential = {
id: data.id,
type: data.type,
rawId: arrayToBase64String(new Uint8Array(data.rawId)),
response: {
authenticatorData: arrayToBase64String(new Uint8Array(data.response.authenticatorData)),
clientDataJSON: arrayToBase64String(new Uint8Array(data.response.clientDataJSON)),
signature: arrayToBase64String(new Uint8Array(data.response.signature)),
userHandle: data.response.userHandle ? arrayToBase64String(new Uint8Array(data.response.userHandle)) : null
return publicKeyCredential;
}).then(JSON.stringify).then((AuthenticatorResponse) => {
let response = wwa_ajax();
response.post(`${php_vars.ajax_url}?action=wwa_auth`, `data=${encodeURIComponent(window.btoa(AuthenticatorResponse))}&type=auth&clientid=${clientID}&user=${encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('user_login').value)}&remember=${php_vars.remember_me === 'false' ? 'false' : (document.getElementById('rememberme') ? (document.getElementById('rememberme').checked ? 'true' : 'false') : 'false')}`, (data, status) => {
if (status) {
if (data === 'true') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_6 }, 'class');
if (document.querySelectorAll('p.submit input[name="redirect_to"]').length > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = document.querySelectorAll('p.submit input[name="redirect_to"]')[0].value;
}, 200);
} else {
if (getQueryString('redirect_to')) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = getQueryString('redirect_to');
}, 200);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = php_vars.admin_url
}, 200);
} else {
if (php_vars.usernameless === 'true' && document.getElementById('user_login').value === '') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 + php_vars.i18n_12 }, 'class');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 }, 'class');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false });
} else {
if (php_vars.usernameless === 'true' && document.getElementById('user_login').value === '') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 + php_vars.i18n_12 }, 'class');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 }, 'class');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false });
}).catch((error) => {
if (php_vars.usernameless === 'true' && document.getElementById('user_login').value === '') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 + php_vars.i18n_12 }, 'class');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 }, 'class');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false });
} else {
if (php_vars.usernameless === 'true' && document.getElementById('user_login').value === '') {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 + php_vars.i18n_12 }, 'class');
} else {
wwa_dom('wp-webauthn-notice', (dom) => { dom.innerHTML = php_vars.i18n_7 }, 'class');
wwa_dom('user_login', (dom) => { dom.readOnly = false }, 'id');
wwa_dom('#wp-webauthn-check, #wp-webauthn', (dom) => { dom.disabled = false });