2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
< ? php
* Payments Object .
* This class is for working with payments in EDD .
* @ package EDD
* @ subpackage Payments
* @ copyright Copyright ( c ) 2018 , Easy Digital Downloads , LLC
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - 2.0 . php GNU Public License
* @ since 2.5
// Exit if accessed directly
defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit ;
* EDD_Payment Class
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to work with new custom tables .
* @ property int $ID
* @ property int $_ID
* @ property bool $new
* @ property string $number
* @ property string $mode
* @ property string $key
* @ property float $total
* @ property float $subtotal
* @ property float $tax
* @ property float $discounted_amount
* @ property float $tax_rate
* @ property array $fees
* @ property float $fees_total
* @ property string $discounts
* @ property string $date
* @ property string $completed_date
* @ property string $status
* @ property string $post_status
* @ property string $old_status
* @ property string $status_nicename
* @ property int $customer_id
* @ property int $user_id
* @ property string $first_name
* @ property string $last_name
* @ property string $email
* @ property array $user_info
* @ property array $payment_meta
* @ property array $address
* @ property string $transaction_id
* @ property array $downloads
* @ property string $ip
* @ property string $gateway
* @ property string $currency
* @ property array $cart_details
* @ property bool $has_unlimited_downloads
* @ property int $parent_payment
class EDD_Payment {
* The Payment ID
* @ since 2.5
* @ var integer
public $ID = 0 ;
protected $_ID = 0 ;
* Identify if the payment is a new one or existing
* @ since 2.5
* @ var boolean
protected $new = false ;
* The Payment number ( for use with sequential payments )
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $number = '' ;
* The Gateway mode the payment was made in
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $mode = 'live' ;
* The Unique Payment Key
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $key = '' ;
* The total amount the payment is for
* Includes items , taxes , fees , and discounts
* @ since 2.5
* @ var float
protected $total = 0.00 ;
* The Subtotal fo the payment before taxes
* @ since 2.5
* @ var float
protected $subtotal = 0 ;
* The amount of tax for this payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var float
protected $tax = 0 ;
* The amount the payment has been discounted through discount codes
* @ since 2.8 . 7
* @ var int
protected $discounted_amount = 0 ;
* The tax rate charged on this payment
* @ since 2.7
* @ var float
protected $tax_rate = '' ;
* Array of global fees for this payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
protected $fees = array ();
* The sum of the fee amounts
* @ since 2.5
* @ var float
protected $fees_total = 0 ;
* Any discounts applied to the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $discounts = 'none' ;
* The date the payment was created
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $date = '' ;
* The date the payment was marked as 'complete'
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $completed_date = '' ;
* The status of the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $status = 'pending' ;
protected $post_status = 'pending' ; // Same as $status but here for backwards compat
* When updating , the old status prior to the change
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $old_status = '' ;
* The display name of the current payment status
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $status_nicename = '' ;
* The customer ID that made the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var integer
protected $customer_id = null ;
* The User ID ( if logged in ) that made the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var integer
protected $user_id = 0 ;
* The first name of the payee
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $first_name = '' ;
* The last name of the payee
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $last_name = '' ;
* The email used for the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $email = '' ;
* Legacy ( not to be accessed ) array of user information
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
private $user_info = array ();
* Legacy ( not to be accessed ) payment meta array
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
private $payment_meta = array ();
* The physical address used for the payment if provided
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
protected $address = array ();
* The transaction ID returned by the gateway
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $transaction_id = '' ;
* Array of downloads for this payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
protected $downloads = array ();
* IP Address payment was made from
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $ip = '' ;
* The gateway used to process the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $gateway = '' ;
* The the payment was made with
* @ since 2.5
* @ var string
protected $currency = '' ;
* The cart details array
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
protected $cart_details = array ();
* Allows the files for this payment to be downloaded unlimited times ( when download limits are enabled )
* @ since 2.5
* @ var boolean
protected $has_unlimited_downloads = false ;
* Array of items that have changed since the last save () was run
* This is for internal use , to allow fewer update_payment_meta calls to be run
* @ since 2.5
* @ var array
private $pending ;
* The parent payment ( if applicable )
* @ since 2.5
* @ var integer
protected $parent_payment = 0 ;
* Order object .
* @ since 3.0
* @ var EDD\Orders\Order
protected $order ;
* Whether the payment being retrieved is a post object .
* @ var bool
private $is_edd_payment = false ;
* Constructor .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to fetch transaction ID from edd_ordermeta table .
* @ param mixed $payment_or_txn_id Payment ID or transaction ID . Default false .
* @ param bool $by_txn Whether the constructor should retrieve the order ID from the transaction ID . Default false .
* @ return mixed void | false
public function __construct ( $payment_or_txn_id = false , $by_txn = false ) {
if ( empty ( $payment_or_txn_id ) ) {
return false ;
if ( $by_txn ) {
$payment_id = edd_get_order_id_from_transaction_id ( $payment_or_txn_id );
if ( empty ( $payment_id ) ) {
return false ;
} else {
$payment_id = absint ( $payment_or_txn_id );
$this -> setup_payment ( $payment_id );
* Magic GET function
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $key The property
* @ return mixed The value
public function __get ( $key ) {
if ( method_exists ( $this , " get_ { $key } " ) ) {
$value = call_user_func ( array ( $this , " get_ { $key } " ) );
} elseif ( 'id' === $key ) {
$value = $this -> ID ;
} elseif ( 'post_type' === $key ) {
$value = 'edd_payment' ;
} elseif ( 'post_date' === $key ) {
$value = $this -> date ;
} else {
$value = $this -> $key ;
return $value ;
* Magic SET function
* Sets up the pending array for the save method
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $key The property name
* @ param mixed $value The value of the property
public function __set ( $key , $value ) {
$ignore = array ( 'downloads' , 'cart_details' , 'fees' , '_ID' );
if ( $key === 'status' ) {
$this -> old_status = $this -> status ;
if ( ! in_array ( $key , $ignore ) ) {
$this -> pending [ $key ] = $value ;
if ( '_ID' !== $key ) {
$this -> $key = $value ;
* Magic ISSET function , which allows empty checks on protected elements
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $name The attribute to get
* @ return boolean If the item is set or not
public function __isset ( $name ) {
if ( property_exists ( $this , $name ) ) {
return false === empty ( $this -> $name );
} else {
return null ;
* Setup payment properties
* @ since 2.5
* @ param int $payment_id The payment ID
* @ return bool If the setup was successful or not
private function setup_payment ( $payment_id ) {
$this -> pending = array ();
if ( empty ( $payment_id ) ) {
return false ;
$this -> order = $this -> _shim_edd_get_order ( $payment_id );
if ( ! $this -> order || is_wp_error ( $this -> order ) ) {
return _edd_get_final_payment_id () ? $this -> _setup_compat_payment ( $payment_id ) : false ;
// Allow extensions to perform actions before the payment is loaded
do_action ( 'edd_pre_setup_payment' , $this , $payment_id );
// Primary Identifier
$this -> ID = absint ( $payment_id );
// Protected ID that can never be changed
$this -> _ID = absint ( $payment_id );
// Status and Dates
$this -> date = $this -> order -> date_created ;
$this -> completed_date = $this -> setup_completed_date ();
$this -> status = $this -> order -> status ;
$this -> post_status = $this -> order -> status ;
$this -> mode = $this -> order -> mode ;
$this -> parent_payment = $this -> order -> parent ;
$all_payment_statuses = edd_get_payment_statuses ();
$this -> status_nicename = array_key_exists ( $this -> status , $all_payment_statuses ) ? $all_payment_statuses [ $this -> status ] : ucfirst ( $this -> status );
// Items
$this -> fees = $this -> setup_fees ();
$this -> cart_details = $this -> setup_cart_details ();
$this -> downloads = $this -> setup_downloads ();
// Currency Based
$this -> total = $this -> order -> total ;
$this -> tax = $this -> order -> tax ;
$this -> tax_rate = $this -> setup_tax_rate ();
$this -> fees_total = $this -> setup_fees_total ();
$this -> subtotal = $this -> order -> subtotal ;
$this -> currency = $this -> setup_currency ();
// Gateway based
$this -> gateway = $this -> order -> gateway ;
$this -> transaction_id = $this -> setup_transaction_id ();
// User based
$this -> ip = $this -> order -> ip ;
$this -> customer_id = $this -> order -> customer_id ;
$this -> user_id = $this -> setup_user_id ();
$this -> email = $this -> setup_email ();
$this -> discounts = $this -> setup_discounts ();
$this -> user_info = $this -> setup_user_info ();
$this -> first_name = $this -> user_info [ 'first_name' ];
$this -> last_name = $this -> user_info [ 'last_name' ];
$this -> address = $this -> setup_address ();
// Other Identifiers
$this -> key = $this -> order -> payment_key ;
$this -> number = $this -> setup_payment_number ();
// Additional Attributes
$this -> has_unlimited_downloads = $this -> setup_has_unlimited ();
// We have a payment, get the generic payment_meta item to reduce calls to it
// This only exists for backwards compatibility purposes.
$this -> payment_meta = $this -> get_meta ();
// Allow extensions to add items to this object via hook
do_action ( 'edd_setup_payment' , $this , $payment_id );
return true ;
* Create the base of a payment .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to insert orders to the new custom tables .
* @ return int | bool False on failure , the order ID on success .
private function insert_payment () {
$payment_data = array (
'price' => $this -> total ,
'date' => $this -> date ,
'user_email' => $this -> email ,
'purchase_key' => $this -> key ,
'currency' => $this -> currency ,
'downloads' => $this -> downloads ,
'user_info' => array (
'id' => $this -> user_id ,
'email' => $this -> email ,
'first_name' => $this -> first_name ,
'last_name' => $this -> last_name ,
'discount' => $this -> discounts ,
'address' => $this -> address ,
'cart_details' => $this -> cart_details ,
'status' => $this -> status ,
'fees' => $this -> fees ,
// Create an order
$order_args = array (
'parent' => $this -> parent_payment ,
'status' => $this -> status ,
'user_id' => $this -> user_id ,
'email' => $this -> email ,
'ip' => $this -> ip ,
'gateway' => $this -> gateway ,
'mode' => $this -> mode ,
'currency' => $this -> currency ,
'payment_key' => $this -> key ,
$order_id = edd_add_order ( $order_args );
if ( ! empty ( $order_id ) ) {
$this -> ID = $order_id ;
$this -> _ID = $order_id ;
$customer = $this -> maybe_create_customer ();
$this -> customer_id = $customer -> id ;
$customer -> attach_payment ( $this -> ID , false );
$order_data = array (
'customer_id' => $this -> customer_id ,
* This run of the edd_payment_meta filter is for backwards compatibility purposes . The filter will also run
* in the EDD_Payment :: save method . By keeping this here , it retains compatibility of adding payment meta
* prior to the payment being inserted , as was previously supported by edd_insert_payment () .
* @ reference : https :// github . com / easydigitaldownloads / easy - digital - downloads / issues / 5838
$this -> payment_meta = apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_meta' , $this -> payment_meta , $payment_data );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> payment_meta [ 'fees' ] ) ) {
$this -> fees = array_merge ( $this -> payment_meta [ 'fees' ], $this -> fees );
foreach ( $this -> fees as $key => $fee ) {
add_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$tax = ( isset ( $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) && false === $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) || $fee [ 'amount' ] < 0
? floatval ( edd_calculate_tax ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) )
: 0.00 ;
remove_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment ( array (
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'type_key' => $key ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ),
'tax' => $tax ,
'total' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) + $tax ,
) );
$this -> increase_fees ( $fee [ 'amount' ] );
2023-06-28 12:45:44 +00:00
$order_number = edd_set_order_number ();
if ( $order_number ) {
$this -> number = $order_number ;
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
$this -> update_meta ( '_edd_payment_number' , $this -> number );
$order_data [ 'order_number' ] = $this -> number ;
edd_update_order ( $order_id , $order_data );
$this -> update_meta ( '_edd_payment_meta' , $this -> payment_meta );
$tax_rate = $this -> tax_rate ;
if ( ! empty ( $tax_rate ) && $this -> tax_rate > 0 && $this -> tax_rate < 1 ) {
$tax_rate = $tax_rate * 100 ;
$order_meta = array (
'tax_rate' => $tax_rate ,
foreach ( $order_meta as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! empty ( $value ) ) {
edd_add_order_meta ( $order_id , $key , $value );
$this -> new = true ;
return $this -> ID ;
* One items have been set , an update is needed to save them to the database .
* @ since 3.0 Refactored to work with the new query methods .
* @ return bool True of the save occurred , false if it failed or wasn ' t needed .
public function save () {
$saved = false ;
if ( empty ( $this -> ID ) ) {
$payment_id = $this -> insert_payment ();
if ( false === $payment_id ) {
$saved = false ;
} else {
$this -> ID = $payment_id ;
if ( $this -> ID !== $this -> _ID ) {
$this -> ID = $this -> _ID ;
// If the order is null, it means a new order is being added
$this -> order = $this -> _shim_edd_get_order ( $this -> ID );
$customer = $this -> maybe_create_customer ();
if ( $this -> customer_id !== $customer -> id ) {
$this -> customer_id = $customer -> id ;
$this -> pending [ 'customer_id' ] = $this -> customer_id ;
// If we have something pending, let's save it
if ( ! empty ( $this -> pending ) ) {
foreach ( $this -> pending as $key => $value ) {
switch ( $key ) {
case 'downloads' :
case 'fees' :
break ;
case 'status' :
$this -> update_status ( $this -> status );
break ;
case 'gateway' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'gateway' => $this -> gateway ,
) );
break ;
case 'mode' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'mode' => $this -> mode ,
) );
break ;
case 'transaction_id' :
$this -> update_meta ( 'transaction_id' , $this -> transaction_id );
break ;
case 'customer_id' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'customer_id' => $this -> customer_id ,
) );
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $this -> customer_id );
$customer -> attach_payment ( $this -> ID , false );
break ;
case 'user_id' :
edd_update_order (
$this -> ID ,
array (
'user_id' => $this -> user_id ,
$this -> user_info [ 'id' ] = $this -> user_id ;
break ;
case 'first_name' :
$this -> user_info [ 'first_name' ] = $this -> first_name ;
break ;
case 'last_name' :
$this -> user_info [ 'last_name' ] = $this -> last_name ;
break ;
case 'discounts' :
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> discounts ) ) {
$this -> discounts = explode ( ',' , $this -> discounts );
$cart_subtotal = 0.00 ;
foreach ( $this -> cart_details as $item ) {
$cart_subtotal += $item [ 'subtotal' ];
if ( 'none' === $this -> discounts [ 0 ] ) {
break ;
foreach ( $this -> discounts as $discount ) {
/** @var EDD_Discount $discount_obj */
$discount_obj = edd_get_discount_by ( 'code' , $discount );
$args = array (
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'description' => $discount ,
if ( false === $discount_obj ) {
$args [ 'type' ] = 'fee' ;
$args [ 'subtotal' ] = floatval ( $this -> total - $cart_subtotal - $this -> tax );
$args [ 'total' ] = floatval ( $this -> total - $cart_subtotal - $this -> tax );
} else {
$args [ 'type_id' ] = $discount_obj -> id ;
$args [ 'type' ] = 'discount' ;
$args [ 'subtotal' ] = floatval ( $cart_subtotal - $discount_obj -> get_discounted_amount ( $cart_subtotal ) );
$args [ 'total' ] = floatval ( $cart_subtotal - $discount_obj -> get_discounted_amount ( $cart_subtotal ) );
edd_add_order_adjustment ( $args );
$this -> user_info [ 'discount' ] = implode ( ',' , $this -> discounts );
break ;
case 'address' :
$this -> user_info [ 'address' ] = $this -> address ;
break ;
case 'email' :
$this -> payment_meta [ 'email' ] = $this -> email ;
$this -> user_info [ 'email' ] = $this -> email ;
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'email' => $this -> email ,
) );
break ;
case 'key' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'payment_key' => $this -> key ,
) );
break ;
case 'tax_rate' :
$tax_rate = $this -> tax_rate > 1 ? $this -> tax_rate : ( $this -> tax_rate * 100 );
$this -> update_meta ( '_edd_payment_tax_rate' , $tax_rate );
break ;
case 'number' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'order_number' => $this -> number ,
) );
break ;
case 'date' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'date_created' => $this -> date ,
) );
break ;
case 'completed_date' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'date_completed' => $this -> completed_date ,
) );
break ;
case 'has_unlimited_downloads' :
$this -> update_meta ( 'unlimited_downloads' , $this -> has_unlimited_downloads );
break ;
case 'parent_payment' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'parent' => $this -> parent_payment ,
) );
break ;
default :
* Used to save non - standard data . Developers can hook here if they want to save
* specific payment data when $payment -> save () is run and their item is in the $pending array
do_action ( 'edd_payment_save' , $this , $key );
break ;
$discount = 0.00 ;
foreach ( $this -> cart_details as $item ) {
$discount += $item [ 'discount' ];
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'subtotal' => ( float ) $this -> subtotal ,
'tax' => ( float ) $this -> tax ,
'discount' => $discount ,
'total' => ( float ) $this -> total ,
) );
$this -> downloads = array_values ( $this -> downloads );
$new_meta = array (
'downloads' => $this -> downloads ,
'cart_details' => $this -> cart_details ,
'fees' => $this -> fees ,
'user_info' => is_array ( $this -> user_info ) ? $this -> user_info : array (),
'date' => $this -> date ,
'email' => $this -> email ,
'tax' => $this -> tax ,
// Do some merging of user_info before we merge it all, to honor the edd_payment_meta filter
if ( ! empty ( $this -> payment_meta [ 'user_info' ] ) ) {
$stored_discount = ! empty ( $new_meta [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ] ) ? $new_meta [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ] : '' ;
$new_meta [ 'user_info' ] = array_replace_recursive ( ( array ) $this -> payment_meta [ 'user_info' ], $new_meta [ 'user_info' ] );
if ( 'none' !== $stored_discount ) {
$new_meta [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ] = $stored_discount ;
$merged_meta = array_merge ( $this -> payment_meta , $new_meta );
$payment_data = array (
'price' => $this -> total ,
'date' => $this -> date ,
'user_email' => $this -> email ,
'downloads' => $this -> downloads ,
'user_info' => array (
'id' => $this -> user_id ,
'email' => $this -> email ,
'first_name' => $this -> first_name ,
'last_name' => $this -> last_name ,
'discount' => $this -> discounts ,
'address' => $this -> address ,
'cart_details' => $this -> cart_details ,
'status' => $this -> status ,
'fees' => $this -> fees ,
'tax' => $this -> tax ,
$merged_meta = apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_meta' , $merged_meta , $payment_data );
// Only save the payment meta if it's changed
if ( md5 ( serialize ( $this -> payment_meta ) ) !== md5 ( serialize ( $merged_meta ) ) ) {
// First, update the order.
$order_info = array (
'email' => $merged_meta [ 'email' ],
if ( isset ( $merged_meta [ 'user_info' ][ 'id' ] ) ) {
$order_info [ 'user_id' ] = $merged_meta [ 'user_info' ][ 'id' ];
if ( ! empty ( $merged_meta [ 'date' ] ) ) {
$order_info [ 'date' ] = $merged_meta [ 'date' ];
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , $order_info );
// We need to check if all of the order items exist in the database.
$items = edd_get_order_items ( array (
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
) );
// If an empty set was returned, this is a new payment.
if ( empty ( $items ) ) {
foreach ( $merged_meta [ 'cart_details' ] as $key => $item ) {
edd_add_order_item ( array (
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'product_id' => $item [ 'id' ],
'product_name' => $item [ 'name' ],
'price_id' => isset ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) && is_numeric ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] )
? absint ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] )
: null ,
'cart_index' => $key ,
'quantity' => $item [ 'quantity' ],
'amount' => $item [ 'item_price' ],
'subtotal' => $item [ 'subtotal' ],
'discount' => $item [ 'discount' ],
'tax' => $item [ 'tax' ],
'total' => $item [ 'price' ],
'status' => ! empty ( $item [ 'status' ] ) ? $item [ 'status' ] : $this -> status ,
) );
* Re - fetch the order with the new items from the database as it is used for the synchronization
* between cart_details and the database .
$this -> order = $this -> _shim_edd_get_order ( $this -> ID );
$updated = $this -> update_meta ( '_edd_payment_meta' , $merged_meta );
if ( false !== $updated ) {
$saved = true ;
$this -> pending = array ();
$saved = true ;
if ( true === $saved ) {
$this -> setup_payment ( $this -> ID );
* This action fires anytime that $payment -> save () is run , allowing developers to run actions
* when a payment is updated
do_action ( 'edd_payment_saved' , $this -> ID , $this );
* Update the payment in the object cache
$cache_key = md5 ( 'edd_payment' . $this -> ID );
wp_cache_set ( $cache_key , $this , 'payments' );
return $saved ;
* Add a download to a given payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ param int $download_id The download to add
* @ param array $args Other arguments to pass to the function
* @ param array $options List of download options
* @ return bool True when successful , false otherwise
public function add_download ( $download_id = 0 , $args = array (), $options = array () ) {
$download = new EDD_Download ( $download_id );
// Bail if this post isn't a download.
if ( ! $download || 'download' !== $download -> post_type ) {
return false ;
// Set up defaults.
$defaults = array (
'quantity' => 1 ,
'price_id' => false ,
'item_price' => false ,
'discount' => 0 ,
'tax' => 0.00 ,
'fees' => array (),
'status' => $this -> status ,
$args = wp_parse_args ( apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_add_download_args' , $args , $download -> ID ), $defaults );
// Allow overriding the price.
if ( false !== $args [ 'item_price' ] ) {
$item_price = $args [ 'item_price' ];
} else {
// Deal with variable pricing.
if ( edd_has_variable_prices ( $download -> ID ) ) {
$prices = get_post_meta ( $download -> ID , 'edd_variable_prices' , true );
if ( $args [ 'price_id' ] && array_key_exists ( $args [ 'price_id' ], ( array ) $prices ) ) {
$item_price = $prices [ $args [ 'price_id' ] ][ 'amount' ];
} else {
$item_price = edd_get_lowest_price_option ( $download -> ID );
$args [ 'price_id' ] = edd_get_lowest_price_id ( $download -> ID );
} else {
$item_price = edd_get_download_price ( $download -> ID );
// Sanitizing the price here so we don't have a dozen calls later
$item_price = edd_sanitize_amount ( $item_price );
$quantity = edd_item_quantities_enabled () ? absint ( $args [ 'quantity' ] ) : 1 ;
$amount = round ( $item_price * $quantity , edd_currency_decimal_filter () );
// Setup the downloads meta item
$new_download = array (
'id' => $download -> ID ,
'quantity' => $quantity ,
$default_options = array (
'quantity' => $quantity ,
if ( false !== $args [ 'price_id' ] ) {
$default_options [ 'price_id' ] = ( int ) $args [ 'price_id' ];
$options = wp_parse_args ( $options , $default_options );
$new_download [ 'options' ] = $options ;
$this -> downloads [] = $new_download ;
$discount = $args [ 'discount' ];
$subtotal = $amount ;
$tax = $args [ 'tax' ];
if ( edd_prices_include_tax () ) {
$subtotal -= round ( $tax , edd_currency_decimal_filter () );
$fees = 0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $args [ 'fees' ] ) && is_array ( $args [ 'fees' ] ) ) {
foreach ( $args [ 'fees' ] as $feekey => $fee ) {
$fees += $fee [ 'amount' ];
$fees = round ( $fees , edd_currency_decimal_filter () );
$total = $subtotal - $discount + $tax + $fees ;
// Do not allow totals to go negative
if ( $total < 0 ) {
$total = 0 ;
// Silly item_number array
$item_number = array (
'id' => $download -> ID ,
'quantity' => $quantity ,
'options' => $options ,
$this -> cart_details [] = array (
'name' => edd_get_download_name ( $download -> ID , $args [ 'price_id' ] ),
'id' => $download -> ID ,
'item_number' => $item_number ,
'item_price' => round ( $item_price , edd_currency_decimal_filter () ),
'quantity' => $quantity ,
'discount' => $discount ,
'subtotal' => round ( $subtotal , edd_currency_decimal_filter () ),
'tax' => round ( $tax , edd_currency_decimal_filter () ),
'fees' => $args [ 'fees' ],
'price' => round ( $total , edd_currency_decimal_filter () ),
$added_download = end ( $this -> cart_details );
$added_download [ 'action' ] = 'add' ;
// We need to add the cart index from 3.0+ as it gets stored in the database.
$added_download [ 'cart_index' ] = key ( $this -> cart_details );
$this -> pending [ 'downloads' ][] = $added_download ;
reset ( $this -> cart_details );
$this -> increase_subtotal ( $subtotal - $discount );
$this -> increase_tax ( $tax );
return true ;
* Remove a download from the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ param int $download_id The download ID to remove
* @ param array $args Arguments to pass to identify ( quantity , amount , price_id )
* @ return bool If the item was removed or not
public function remove_download ( $download_id , $args = array () ) {
// Set some defaults
$defaults = array (
'quantity' => 1 ,
'item_price' => false ,
'price_id' => false ,
'cart_index' => false ,
$args = wp_parse_args ( $args , $defaults );
$download = new EDD_Download ( $download_id );
* Bail if this post isn ' t a download post type .
* We need to allow this to process though for a missing post ID , in case it ' s a download that was deleted .
if ( ! empty ( $download -> ID ) && 'download' !== $download -> post_type ) {
return false ;
foreach ( $this -> downloads as $key => $item ) {
if ( ( int ) $download_id !== ( int ) $item [ 'id' ] ) {
continue ;
if ( false !== $args [ 'price_id' ] ) {
if ( isset ( $item [ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) && ( int ) $args [ 'price_id' ] !== ( int ) $item [ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) {
continue ;
} elseif ( false !== $args [ 'cart_index' ] ) {
$cart_index = absint ( $args [ 'cart_index' ] );
$cart_item = ! empty ( $this -> cart_details [ $cart_index ] ) ? $this -> cart_details [ $cart_index ] : false ;
if ( ! empty ( $cart_item ) ) {
// If the cart index item isn't the same download ID, don't remove it
if ( $cart_item [ 'id' ] !== $item [ 'id' ] ) {
continue ;
// If this item has a price ID, make sure it matches the cart indexed item's price ID before removing
if ( ( isset ( $item [ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) && isset ( $cart_item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) )
&& ( int ) $item [ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] !== ( int ) $cart_item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) {
continue ;
$item_quantity = $this -> downloads [ $key ][ 'quantity' ];
if ( $item_quantity > $args [ 'quantity' ] ) {
$this -> downloads [ $key ][ 'quantity' ] -= $args [ 'quantity' ];
break ;
} else {
unset ( $this -> downloads [ $key ] );
break ;
$found_cart_key = false ;
if ( false === $args [ 'cart_index' ] ) {
foreach ( $this -> cart_details as $cart_key => $item ) {
if ( ( int ) $download_id !== ( int ) $item [ 'id' ] ) {
continue ;
if ( false !== $args [ 'price_id' ] ) {
if ( isset ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) && ( int ) $args [ 'price_id' ] !== ( int ) $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) {
continue ;
if ( false !== $args [ 'item_price' ] ) {
if ( isset ( $item [ 'item_price' ] ) && ( float ) $args [ 'item_price' ] !== ( float ) $item [ 'item_price' ] ) {
continue ;
$found_cart_key = ( int ) $cart_key ;
break ;
} else {
$cart_index = absint ( $args [ 'cart_index' ] );
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $cart_index , $this -> cart_details ) ) {
return false ; // Invalid cart index passed.
if ( ( int ) $this -> cart_details [ $cart_index ][ 'id' ] !== ( int ) $download_id ) {
return false ; // We still need the proper Download ID to be sure.
$found_cart_key = $cart_index ;
$orig_quantity = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'quantity' ];
if ( $orig_quantity > $args [ 'quantity' ] ) {
$this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'quantity' ] -= $args [ 'quantity' ];
$item_price = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'item_price' ];
$tax = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'tax' ];
$discount = ! empty ( $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'discount' ] ) ? $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'discount' ] : 0 ;
// The total reduction equals the number removed * the item_price
$total_reduced = round ( $item_price * $args [ 'quantity' ], edd_currency_decimal_filter () );
$tax_reduced = round ( ( $tax / $orig_quantity ) * $args [ 'quantity' ], edd_currency_decimal_filter () );
$new_quantity = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'quantity' ];
$new_tax = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'tax' ] - $tax_reduced ;
$new_subtotal = $new_quantity * $item_price ;
$new_discount = 0 ;
$new_total = 0 ;
$this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'subtotal' ] = $new_subtotal ;
$this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'discount' ] = $new_discount ;
$this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'tax' ] = $new_tax ;
$this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'price' ] = $new_subtotal - $new_discount + $new_tax ;
} else {
$total_reduced = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'item_price' ];
$tax_reduced = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'tax' ];
$found_fees = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'fees' ] ) ) {
$found_fees = $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'fees' ];
foreach ( $found_fees as $key => $fee ) {
$this -> remove_fee ( $key );
unset ( $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ] );
$pending_args = $args ;
$pending_args [ 'id' ] = $download_id ;
$pending_args [ 'amount' ] = $total_reduced ;
$pending_args [ 'price_id' ] = false !== $args [ 'price_id' ] ? $args [ 'price_id' ] : false ;
$pending_args [ 'quantity' ] = $args [ 'quantity' ];
$pending_args [ 'action' ] = 'remove' ;
$pending_args [ 'fees' ] = isset ( $found_fees ) ? $found_fees : array ();
$pending_args [ 'cart_index' ] = $found_cart_key ;
$this -> pending [ 'downloads' ][] = $pending_args ;
* Remove / modify the order item from the database at this point in lieu of having to synchronise with cart_details
* later on in update_meta () .
// Find the order item based on the cart index.
$order_item = array_filter ( $this -> order -> items , function ( $i ) use ( $found_cart_key ) {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Item $i */
return ( int ) $i -> cart_index === ( int ) $found_cart_key ;
} );
// Reset array index.
$order_item = array_values ( $order_item );
$order_item = ( 1 === count ( $order_item ) )
? $order_item [ 0 ]
: null ;
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Item $order_item */
// Ensure an order item exists in the database.
if ( ! is_null ( $order_item ) ) {
// Update the order item if the quantity is being modified.
if ( isset ( $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ] ) ) {
edd_update_order_item ( $order_item -> id , array (
'quantity' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'quantity' ],
'amount' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'item_price' ],
'subtotal' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'subtotal' ],
'discount' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'discount' ],
'tax' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'tax' ],
'total' => $this -> cart_details [ $found_cart_key ][ 'price' ],
) );
// Remove the order item.
} else {
edd_delete_order_item ( $order_item -> id );
$this -> decrease_subtotal ( $total_reduced );
$this -> decrease_tax ( $tax_reduced );
return true ;
* Alter a limited set of properties of a cart item
* @ since 2.7
* @ param bool $cart_index
* @ param array $args
* @ return bool
public function modify_cart_item ( $cart_index = false , $args = array () ) {
if ( false === $cart_index ) {
return false ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $cart_index , $this -> cart_details ) ) {
return false ;
$current_args = $this -> cart_details [ $cart_index ];
$allowed_items = apply_filters ( 'edd_allowed_cart_item_modifications' , array (
'item_price' ,
'tax' ,
'discount' ,
'quantity' ,
) );
// Remove any items we don't want to modify.
foreach ( $args as $key => $arg ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $key , $allowed_items , true ) ) {
unset ( $args [ $key ] );
$merged_item = array_merge ( $current_args , $args );
if ( md5 ( json_encode ( $current_args ) ) === md5 ( json_encode ( $merged_item ) ) ) {
return false ;
// Format the item_price correctly now
$merged_item [ 'item_price' ] = edd_sanitize_amount ( $merged_item [ 'item_price' ] );
$discount = isset ( $merged_item [ 'discount' ] )
? ( float ) $merged_item [ 'discount' ]
: 0.00 ;
$new_subtotal = floatval ( $merged_item [ 'item_price' ] ) * $merged_item [ 'quantity' ];
$merged_item [ 'tax' ] = edd_sanitize_amount ( $merged_item [ 'tax' ] );
$merged_item [ 'price' ] = edd_prices_include_tax () ? $new_subtotal - $discount : $new_subtotal + $merged_item [ 'tax' ] - $discount ;
$this -> cart_details [ $cart_index ] = $merged_item ;
// Sort the current and new args, and checksum them. If no changes. No need to fire a modification.
ksort ( $current_args );
ksort ( $merged_item );
$modified_download = $merged_item ;
$modified_download [ 'action' ] = 'modify' ;
$modified_download [ 'previous_data' ] = $current_args ;
$this -> pending [ 'downloads' ][] = $modified_download ;
if ( $new_subtotal > $current_args [ 'subtotal' ] ) {
$this -> increase_subtotal ( ( $new_subtotal - ( float ) $modified_download [ 'discount' ] ) - ( float ) $current_args [ 'subtotal' ] );
} else {
$this -> decrease_subtotal ( ( float ) $current_args [ 'subtotal' ] - ( $new_subtotal - ( float ) $modified_download [ 'discount' ] ) );
if ( ( float ) $modified_download [ 'tax' ] > ( float ) $current_args [ 'tax' ] ) {
$this -> increase_tax ( ( float ) $modified_download [ 'tax' ] - ( float ) $current_args [ 'tax' ] );
} else {
$this -> decrease_tax ( ( float ) $current_args [ 'tax' ] - ( float ) $modified_download [ 'tax' ] );
* Remove / modify the order item from the database at this point in lieu of having to synchronise with cart_details
* later on in update_meta () .
// Find the order item.
$order_item_id = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> order -> items as $item ) {
if ( ( int ) $item -> cart_index === ( int ) $cart_index ) {
$order_item_id = $item -> id ;
break ;
if ( $order_item_id ) {
edd_update_order_item ( $order_item_id , array (
'quantity' => $modified_download [ 'quantity' ],
'amount' => ( float ) $modified_download [ 'item_price' ],
'subtotal' => ( float ) $new_subtotal ,
'tax' => ( float ) $modified_download [ 'tax' ],
'discount' => ( float ) $modified_download [ 'discount' ],
'total' => ( float ) $modified_download [ 'price' ],
) );
return true ;
* Add a fee to a given payment .
* @ since 2.5
* @ param array $args Array of arguments for the fee to add .
* @ param bool $global
* @ return bool If the fee was added .
public function add_fee ( $args , $global = true ) {
$default_args = array (
'label' => '' ,
'amount' => 0 ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'id' => '' ,
'no_tax' => false ,
'download_id' => 0 ,
$fee = wp_parse_args ( $args , $default_args );
$this -> fees [] = $fee ;
$added_fee = $fee ;
$added_fee [ 'action' ] = 'add' ;
$this -> pending [ 'fees' ][] = $added_fee ;
reset ( $this -> fees );
$this -> increase_fees ( $fee [ 'amount' ] );
return true ;
* Remove a fee from the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ param int $key The array key index to remove
* @ return bool If the fee was removed successfully
public function remove_fee ( $key ) {
$removed = $this -> remove_fee_by ( 'index' , $key );
return $removed ;
* Remove a fee by the defined attributed
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $key The key to remove by
* @ param int | string $value The value to search for
* @ param boolean $global False - removes the first value it finds , True - removes all matches
* @ return boolean If the item is removed .
public function remove_fee_by ( $key , $value , $global = false ) {
$allowed_fee_keys = apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_fee_keys' , array (
'index' ,
'label' ,
'amount' ,
'type' ,
) );
if ( ! in_array ( $key , $allowed_fee_keys , true ) ) {
return false ;
$removed = false ;
if ( 'index' === $key && array_key_exists ( $value , $this -> fees ) ) {
$removed_fee = $this -> fees [ $value ];
$removed_fee [ 'action' ] = 'remove' ;
$this -> pending [ 'fees' ][] = $removed_fee ;
$this -> decrease_fees ( $removed_fee [ 'amount' ] );
unset ( $this -> fees [ $value ] );
$removed = true ;
} elseif ( 'index' !== $key ) {
foreach ( $this -> fees as $index => $fee ) {
if ( isset ( $fee [ $key ] ) && $fee [ $key ] === $value ) {
$removed_fee = $fee ;
$removed_fee [ 'action' ] = 'remove' ;
$this -> pending [ 'fees' ][] = $removed_fee ;
$this -> decrease_fees ( $removed_fee [ 'amount' ] );
unset ( $this -> fees [ $index ] );
$removed = true ;
if ( false === $global ) {
break ;
* Remove the fee from the database at this point in lieu of having to synchronise with payment meta
* later on in update_meta () / save () .
if ( true === $removed ) {
$fee = end ( $this -> pending [ 'fees' ] );
$fee_id = 'index' === $key
? $value
: null ;
// Find by fee ID, if set.
if ( ! is_null ( $fee_id ) ) {
foreach ( $this -> order -> get_fees () as $id => $f ) {
if ( $id === $fee_id ) {
edd_delete_order_adjustment ( $f -> id );
if ( false === $global ) {
break ;
// Find by fee label.
} else {
foreach ( $this -> order -> get_fees () as $f ) {
if ( $fee [ 'label' ] === $f -> description ) {
edd_delete_order_adjustment ( $f -> id );
if ( false === $global ) {
break ;
return $removed ;
* Get the fees , filterable by type .
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $type All , item , fee .
* @ return array Fees for the type specified .
public function get_fees ( $type = 'all' ) {
$fees = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> fees ) && is_array ( $this -> fees ) ) {
foreach ( $this -> fees as $fee_id => $fee ) {
if ( 'all' !== $type && ! empty ( $fee [ 'type' ] ) && $type !== $fee [ 'type' ] ) {
continue ;
$fee [ 'id' ] = $fee_id ;
$fees [] = $fee ;
return apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_fees' , $fees , $this -> ID , $this );
* Add a note to an order .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Return true if note was inserted successfully .
* @ param string $note The note to add .
* @ return bool Whether or not the note was inserted .
public function add_note ( $note = '' ) {
// Bail if no note specified.
if ( empty ( $note ) ) {
return false ;
$note_id = edd_insert_payment_note ( $this -> ID , $note );
if ( $note_id ) {
return true ;
return false ;
* Increase the payment ' s subtotal
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to increase the payment subtotal by
* @ return void
private function increase_subtotal ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> subtotal += $amount ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Decrease the payment ' s subtotal
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to decrease the payment subtotal by
* @ return void
private function decrease_subtotal ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> subtotal -= $amount ;
if ( $this -> subtotal < 0 ) {
$this -> subtotal = 0 ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Increase the payment ' s subtotal
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to increase the payment subtotal by
* @ return void
private function increase_fees ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> fees_total += $amount ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Decrease the payment ' s subtotal
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to decrease the payment subtotal by
* @ return void
private function decrease_fees ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> fees_total -= $amount ;
if ( $this -> fees_total < 0 ) {
$this -> fees_total = 0 ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Set or update the total for a payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ return void
private function recalculate_total () {
$this -> total = $this -> subtotal + $this -> tax + $this -> fees_total ;
* Increase the payment ' s tax by the provided amount
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to increase the payment tax by
* @ return void
public function increase_tax ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> tax += $amount ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Decrease the payment ' s tax by the provided amount
* @ since 2.5
* @ param float $amount The amount to reduce the payment tax by
* @ return void
public function decrease_tax ( $amount = 0.00 ) {
$amount = ( float ) $amount ;
$this -> tax -= $amount ;
if ( $this -> tax < 0 ) {
$this -> tax = 0 ;
$this -> recalculate_total ();
* Change the status of an order to refunded , and run the necessary changes .
* @ since 2.5 . 7
public function refund () {
$this -> old_status = $this -> status ;
$this -> status = 'refunded' ;
$this -> pending [ 'status' ] = $this -> status ;
$this -> save ();
* Set the order status and run any status specific changes necessary .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to work with the new refunds API and new query methods
* introduced .
* @ param string $status New order status .
* @ return bool True if the status was successfully updated , false otherwise .
public function update_status ( $status = '' ) {
if ( ! $this -> order ) {
return false ;
// Bail if an empty status is passed.
if ( empty ( $status ) || ! $status ) {
return false ;
// Override to `complete` since 3.0.
if ( 'completed' === $status || 'publish' === $status ) {
$status = 'complete' ;
// Get the old (current) status.
$old_status = ! empty ( $this -> old_status )
? $this -> old_status
: false ;
// We do not allow status changes if the status is the same to that stored in the database.
// This prevents the `edd_update_payment_status` action from being triggered unnecessarily.
if ( $old_status === $status ) {
return false ;
$do_change = apply_filters ( 'edd_should_update_payment_status' , true , $this -> ID , $status , $old_status );
$updated = false ;
if ( $do_change ) {
do_action ( 'edd_before_payment_status_change' , $this -> ID , $status , $old_status );
$update_fields = apply_filters ( 'edd_update_payment_status_fields' , array (
'status' => $status ,
) );
// Account for someone filtering and using `post_status`
if ( isset ( $update_fields [ 'post_status' ] ) ) {
_edd_generic_deprecated ( 'EDD_Payment::update_status' , '3.0' , __ ( 'Array key "post_status" is no longer a supported attribute for the "edd_update_payment_status_fields" filter. Please use "status" instead.' , 'easy-digital-downloads' ) );
$update_fields [ 'status' ] = $update_fields [ 'post_status' ];
unset ( $update_fields [ 'post_status' ] );
// Strip data that does not need to be passed to `edd_update_order()`.
unset ( $update_fields [ 'ID' ] );
* As per the new refund API introduced in 3.0 , the order is only
* marked as refunded when `EDD_Payment::process_refund()` has called
* `edd_refund_order()` and a new order has been generated with a
* type of `refund` .
* @ since 3.0
* @ see EDD_Payment :: process_refund ()
* @ see edd_refund_order ()
* @ see https :// github . com / easydigitaldownloads / easy - digital - downloads / issues / 2721
if ( 'refunded' !== $status ) {
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , $update_fields );
// Update each order item.
foreach ( $this -> order -> items as $item ) {
edd_update_order_item ( $item -> id , $update_fields );
* Albeit the order itself is not updated ( for refunds ), the EDD_Payment
* class vars are updated for backwards compatibility purposes and
* for anyone / anything that is checking that the status of the object
* has successfully changed .
$this -> status = $status ;
$this -> post_status = $status ;
$all_payment_statuses = edd_get_payment_statuses ();
$this -> status_nicename = array_key_exists ( $status , $all_payment_statuses )
? $all_payment_statuses [ $status ]
: ucfirst ( $status );
// Process any specific status functions.
switch ( $status ) {
case 'refunded' :
$this -> process_refund ();
do_action ( 'edd_update_payment_status' , $this -> ID , $status , $old_status );
break ;
case 'failed' :
$this -> process_failure ();
break ;
case 'pending' || 'processing' :
$this -> process_pending ();
break ;
return $updated ;
* Get a post meta item for the payment
* @ since 2.5
* @ param string $meta_key The Meta Key
* @ param boolean $single Return single item or array
* @ return mixed The value from the post meta
public function get_meta ( $meta_key = '_edd_payment_meta' , $single = true ) {
if ( $this -> is_edd_payment ) {
return get_post_meta ( $this -> ID , $meta_key , $single );
$meta = edd_get_order_meta ( $this -> ID , $meta_key , $single );
// Backwards compatibility.
switch ( $meta_key ) {
case '_edd_payment_purchase_key' :
$meta = $this -> order -> payment_key ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_transaction_id' :
$transactions = array_values ( edd_get_order_transactions ( array (
'number' => 1 ,
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'orderby' => 'date_created' ,
'order' => 'ASC' ,
'fields' => 'transaction_id' ,
) ) );
$transaction_id = '' ;
if ( $transactions ) {
$transaction_id = esc_attr ( $transactions [ 0 ] );
$meta = $transaction_id ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_user_email' :
$meta = $this -> order -> email ;
break ;
case '_edd_completed_date' :
$meta = $this -> completed_date ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_gateway' :
$meta = $this -> order -> gateway ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_user_id' :
$meta = $this -> order -> user_id ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_user_ip' :
$meta = $this -> order -> ip ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_mode' :
$meta = $this -> order -> mode ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_tax_rate' :
$meta = $this -> order -> get_tax_rate ();
break ;
case '_edd_payment_customer_id' :
$meta = $this -> order -> customer_id ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_tax' :
$meta = $this -> order -> tax ;
break ;
case '_edd_payment_number' :
$meta = $this -> order -> get_number ();
break ;
if ( '_edd_payment_meta' === $meta_key ) {
if ( empty ( $meta ) ) {
$meta = array ();
// Payment meta was simplified in EDD v1.5, so these are here for backwards compatibility
if ( empty ( $meta [ 'key' ] ) ) {
$meta [ 'key' ] = $this -> key ;
if ( empty ( $meta [ 'email' ] ) ) {
$meta [ 'email' ] = $this -> email ;
if ( empty ( $meta [ 'date' ] ) ) {
$meta [ 'date' ] = $this -> date ;
// We need to back fill the returned meta for backwards compatibility purposes.
$meta [ 'key' ] = $this -> key ;
$meta [ 'email' ] = $this -> email ;
$meta [ 'date' ] = $this -> date ;
$meta [ 'user_info' ] = $this -> user_info ;
$meta [ 'downloads' ] = $this -> downloads ;
$meta [ 'cart_details' ] = $this -> cart_details ;
$meta [ 'fees' ] = $this -> fees ;
$meta [ 'currency' ] = $this -> currency ;
$meta [ 'tax' ] = $this -> tax ;
$migrated_payment_meta = edd_get_order_meta ( $this -> ID , 'payment_meta' , true );
// This is no longer stored in _edd_payment_meta.
$core_meta_keys = array ( 'key' , 'email' , 'date' , 'user_info' , 'downloads' , 'cart_details' , 'quantity' , 'discount' , 'subtotal' , 'tax' , 'fees' , 'currency' );
$migrated_payment_meta = array_diff_key ( ( array ) $migrated_payment_meta , array_flip ( $core_meta_keys ) );
if ( is_array ( $migrated_payment_meta ) && 0 < count ( $migrated_payment_meta ) ) {
$meta = array_merge ( $meta , $migrated_payment_meta );
// #5228 Fix possible data issue introduced in 2.6.12
if ( is_array ( $meta ) && isset ( $meta [ 0 ] ) ) {
$bad_meta = $meta [ 0 ];
unset ( $meta [ 0 ] );
if ( is_array ( $bad_meta ) ) {
$meta = array_merge ( $meta , $bad_meta );
$meta = apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_meta_' . $meta_key , $meta , $this -> ID );
if ( is_serialized ( $meta ) ) {
preg_match ( '/[oO]\s*:\s*\d+\s*:\s*"\s*(?!(?i)(stdClass))/' , $meta , $matches );
if ( ! empty ( $matches ) ) {
$meta = array ();
return apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_meta' , $meta , $this -> ID , $meta_key );
* Update the order meta .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to use the new custom tables .
* @ param string $meta_key The meta key to update .
* @ param string $meta_value The meta value .
* @ param string $prev_value Previous meta value .
* @ return int | bool Meta ID if the key didn ' t exist , true on successful update , false on failure .
public function update_meta ( $meta_key = '' , $meta_value = '' , $prev_value = '' ) {
if ( empty ( $meta_key ) || empty ( $this -> ID ) ) {
return false ;
$meta_value = apply_filters ( 'edd_update_payment_meta_' . $meta_key , $meta_value , $this -> ID );
switch ( $meta_key ) {
case '_edd_payment_meta' :
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'tax' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'tax' ] ) ) {
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'tax' => $meta_value [ 'tax' ],
) );
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'key' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'key' ] ) ) {
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'key' => $meta_value [ 'key' ],
) );
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'email' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'email' ] ) ) {
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'email' => $meta_value [ 'email' ],
) );
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'currency' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'currency' ] ) ) {
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'currency' => $meta_value [ 'currency' ],
) );
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ] ) ) {
// Handle discounts.
$discounts = isset ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ] )
? $meta_value [ 'user_info' ][ 'discount' ]
: array ();
if ( ! is_array ( $discounts ) ) {
$discounts = explode ( ',' , $discounts );
if ( ! empty ( $discounts ) && ( 'none' !== $discounts [ 0 ] ) ) {
foreach ( $discounts as $discount ) {
/** @var EDD_Discount $discount */
$discount = edd_get_discount_by ( 'code' , $discount );
if ( false === $discount ) {
continue ;
$adjustments = $this -> order -> adjustments ;
$found_discount = array_filter ( $adjustments , function ( $adjustment ) use ( $discount ) {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Adjustment $adjustment */
return ( string ) $adjustment -> description === ( string ) $discount -> code ;
} );
// Discount exists so update the amount.
if ( 1 === count ( $found_discount ) ) {
$found_discount = $found_discount [ 0 ];
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Adjustment $found_discount */
edd_update_order_adjustment ( $found_discount -> id , array (
'amount' => $this -> subtotal - $discount -> get_discounted_amount ( $this -> subtotal ),
) );
} else {
// Add the discount as an adjustment.
edd_add_order_adjustment (
array (
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'type_id' => $discount -> id ,
'type' => 'discount' ,
'description' => $discount -> code ,
'subtotal' => $this -> subtotal - $discount -> get_discounted_amount ( $this -> subtotal ),
'total' => $this -> subtotal - $discount -> get_discounted_amount ( $this -> subtotal ),
$user_info = array_diff_key ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ], array_flip ( array (
'id' ,
'email' ,
) ) );
$defaults = array (
'first_name' => '' ,
'last_name' => '' ,
'address' => array (
'line1' => '' ,
'line2' => '' ,
'city' => '' ,
'state' => '' ,
'country' => '' ,
'zip' => '' ,
if ( isset ( $user_info [ 'address' ] ) ) {
$user_info [ 'address' ] = wp_parse_args ( $user_info [ 'address' ], $defaults [ 'address' ] );
$user_info = wp_parse_args ( $user_info , $defaults );
$name = $user_info [ 'first_name' ] . ' ' . $user_info [ 'last_name' ];
if ( null !== $this -> order && $this -> order -> get_address () -> id ) {
$order_address = $this -> order -> get_address ();
edd_update_order_address ( $order_address -> id , array (
'name' => $name ,
'address' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'line1' ],
'address2' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'line2' ],
'city' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'city' ],
'region' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'state' ],
'postal_code' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'zip' ],
'country' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'country' ],
) );
} else {
edd_add_order_address ( array (
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'name' => $name ,
'address' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'line1' ],
'address2' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'line2' ],
'city' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'city' ],
'region' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'state' ],
'postal_code' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'zip' ],
'country' => $user_info [ 'address' ][ 'country' ],
) );
$remaining_user_info = array_diff_key ( $meta_value [ 'user_info' ], array_flip ( array (
'id' ,
'first_name' ,
'last_name' ,
'email' ,
'address' ,
) ) );
if ( ! empty ( $remaining_user_info ) ) {
edd_update_order_meta ( $this -> ID , 'user_info' , $remaining_user_info );
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'fees' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'fees' ] ) ) {
foreach ( $meta_value [ 'fees' ] as $fee_id => $fee ) {
if ( ! empty ( $fee [ 'download_id' ] ) && 0 < $fee [ 'download_id' ] ) {
$order_item_id = edd_get_order_items ( array (
'number' => 1 ,
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'product_id' => $fee [ 'download_id' ],
'price_id' => isset ( $fee [ 'price_id' ] ) && ! is_null ( $fee [ 'price_id' ] ) ? intval ( $fee [ 'price_id' ] ) : 0 ,
'fields' => 'ids' ,
) );
if ( is_array ( $order_item_id ) ) {
$order_item_id = ( int ) $order_item_id [ 0 ];
$adjustment_id = edd_get_order_adjustments ( array (
'number' => 1 ,
'object_id' => $order_item_id ,
'object_type' => 'order_item' ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'fields' => 'ids' ,
'type_key' => $fee_id ,
) );
if ( is_array ( $adjustment_id ) && ! empty ( $adjustment_id ) ) {
$adjustment_id = $adjustment_id [ 0 ];
edd_update_order_adjustment ( $adjustment_id , array (
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => ( float ) $fee [ 'amount' ],
) );
} else {
add_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$tax = ( isset ( $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) && false === $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) || $fee [ 'amount' ] < 0
? floatval ( edd_calculate_tax ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) )
: 0.00 ;
remove_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment ( array (
'object_id' => $order_item_id ,
'object_type' => 'order_item' ,
'type_key' => $fee_id ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ),
'tax' => $tax ,
'total' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) + $tax
) );
} else {
$adjustment_id = edd_get_order_adjustments ( array (
'number' => 1 ,
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'fields' => 'ids' ,
'type_key' => $fee_id ,
) );
if ( is_array ( $adjustment_id ) && ! empty ( $adjustment_id ) ) {
$adjustment_id = $adjustment_id [ 0 ];
edd_update_order_adjustment ( $adjustment_id , array (
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => ( float ) $fee [ 'amount' ],
) );
} else {
add_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$tax = ( isset ( $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) && false === $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) || $fee [ 'amount' ] < 0
? floatval ( edd_calculate_tax ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) )
: 0.00 ;
remove_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment ( array (
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'type_key' => $fee_id ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ),
'tax' => $tax ,
'total' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) + $tax
) );
* As of 3.0 , the cart details array is no longer used for payments ; it ' s purpose is for backwards compatibility
* purposes only . Due to the way EDD_Payment , the cart_details array needs to be synchronized with the data
* stored in the database as it could be different to the other class vars in the instance of EDD_Payment .
if ( isset ( $meta_value [ 'cart_details' ] ) && ! empty ( $meta_value [ 'cart_details' ] ) ) {
// Totals need to be updated based on cart details.
$new_tax = 0.00 ;
$new_subtotal = 0.00 ;
foreach ( $meta_value [ 'cart_details' ] as $key => $item ) {
$order_item_id = edd_get_order_items ( array (
'number' => 1 ,
'fields' => 'ids' ,
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'product_id' => $item [ 'id' ],
'product_name' => $item [ 'name' ],
) );
$item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] = isset ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] ) && is_numeric ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] )
? absint ( $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ] )
: null ;
if ( is_array ( $order_item_id ) && ! empty ( $order_item_id ) ) {
$order_item_id = $order_item_id [ 0 ];
edd_update_order_item ( $order_item_id , array (
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'product_id' => $item [ 'id' ],
'product_name' => $item [ 'name' ],
'price_id' => $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ],
'cart_index' => $key ,
'quantity' => $item [ 'quantity' ],
'amount' => $item [ 'item_price' ],
'subtotal' => $item [ 'subtotal' ],
'discount' => $item [ 'discount' ],
'tax' => $item [ 'tax' ],
'total' => $item [ 'price' ],
) );
$new_subtotal = $item [ 'subtotal' ];
$new_tax += $item [ 'tax' ];
} else {
$order_item_id = edd_add_order_item ( array (
'order_id' => $this -> ID ,
'product_id' => $item [ 'id' ],
'product_name' => $item [ 'name' ],
'price_id' => $item [ 'item_number' ][ 'options' ][ 'price_id' ],
'cart_index' => $key ,
'quantity' => $item [ 'quantity' ],
'amount' => $item [ 'item_price' ],
'subtotal' => $item [ 'subtotal' ],
'discount' => $item [ 'discount' ],
'tax' => $item [ 'tax' ],
'total' => $item [ 'price' ],
'status' => ! empty ( $item [ 'status' ] ) ? $item -> status : $this -> status ,
) );
$new_tax += $item [ 'tax' ];
$new_subtotal += $item [ 'subtotal' ];
if ( isset ( $item [ 'fees' ] ) && ! empty ( $item [ 'fees' ] ) ) {
foreach ( $item [ 'fees' ] as $fee_id => $fee ) {
add_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$tax = ( isset ( $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) && false === $fee [ 'no_tax' ] ) || $fee [ 'amount' ] < 0
? floatval ( edd_calculate_tax ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) )
: 0.00 ;
remove_filter ( 'edd_prices_include_tax' , '__return_false' );
$adjustment_id = edd_add_order_adjustment ( array (
'object_id' => $order_item_id ,
'object_type' => 'order_item' ,
'type_key' => $fee_id ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'description' => $fee [ 'label' ],
'subtotal' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ),
'tax' => $tax ,
'total' => floatval ( $fee [ 'amount' ] ) + $tax ,
) );
$new_tax += $tax ;
// This is no longer stored in _edd_payment_meta.
$core_meta_keys = array ( 'key' , 'email' , 'date' , 'user_info' , 'downloads' , 'cart_details' , 'quantity' , 'discount' , 'subtotal' , 'tax' , 'fees' , 'currency' );
$meta_value = array_diff_key ( $meta_value , array_flip ( $core_meta_keys ) );
// If the above checks fall through, store anything else in a "payment_meta" meta key.
return edd_update_order_meta ( $this -> ID , 'payment_meta' , $meta_value );
case '_edd_completed_date' :
$meta_value = empty ( $meta_value )
? null
: $meta_value ;
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'date_completed' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_gateway' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'gateway' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_user_id' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'user_id' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_user_email' :
case 'email' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'email' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_user_ip' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'ip' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_purchase_key' :
case 'key' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'payment_key' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_mode' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'mode' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_tax_rate' :
$tax_rate = $meta_value > 0 ? $meta_value : ( $meta_value * 100 );
edd_update_order_meta ( $this -> ID , 'tax_rate' , $tax_rate , $prev_value );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_customer_id' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'customer_id' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_total' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'total' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_tax' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'tax' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_number' :
edd_update_order ( $this -> ID , array (
'order_number' => $meta_value ,
) );
return true ;
case '_edd_payment_transaction_id' :
case 'transaction_id' :
$transaction_ids = array_values ( edd_get_order_transactions ( array (
'fields' => 'ids' ,
'number' => 1 ,
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'orderby' => 'date_created' ,
'order' => 'ASC' ,
) ) );
if ( $transaction_ids ) {
$transaction_id = $transaction_ids [ 0 ];
return edd_update_order_transaction ( $transaction_id , array (
'transaction_id' => $meta_value ,
'gateway' => $this -> gateway ,
) );
} else {
return edd_add_order_transaction ( array (
'object_id' => $this -> ID ,
'object_type' => 'order' ,
'transaction_id' => $meta_value ,
'gateway' => $this -> gateway ,
'status' => 'complete' ,
'total' => $this -> total ,
) );
return edd_update_order_meta ( $this -> ID , $meta_key , $meta_value , $prev_value );
* Add an item to the payment meta
* @ since 2.8
* @ param string $meta_key
* @ param string $meta_value
* @ param bool $unique
* @ return bool | false | int
public function add_meta ( $meta_key = '' , $meta_value = '' , $unique = false ) {
if ( empty ( $meta_key ) ) {
return false ;
return edd_add_order_meta ( $this -> ID , $meta_key , $meta_value , $unique );
* Delete an item from payment meta
* @ since 2.8
* @ param string $meta_key
* @ param string $meta_value
* @ return bool
public function delete_meta ( $meta_key = '' , $meta_value = '' ) {
if ( empty ( $meta_key ) ) {
return false ;
return edd_delete_order_meta ( $this -> ID , $meta_key , $meta_value );
* Determines if this payment is able to be resumed by the user .
* @ since 2.7
* @ return bool
public function is_recoverable () {
return $this -> order -> is_recoverable ();
* Returns the URL that a customer can use to resume a payment , or false if it ' s not recoverable .
* @ since 2.7
* @ return bool | string
public function get_recovery_url () {
return $this -> order -> get_recovery_url ();
* When a payment is set to a status of 'refunded' process the necessary actions to reduce stats
* @ since 2.5 . 7
* @ access private
private function process_refund () {
$process_refund = true ;
// If the payment was not in publish or revoked status, don't decrement stats as they were never incremented
if ( ( 'complete' !== $this -> old_status && 'revoked' !== $this -> old_status ) || 'refunded' !== $this -> status ) {
$process_refund = false ;
// Allow extensions to filter for their own payment types, Example: Recurring Payments
$process_refund = apply_filters ( 'edd_should_process_refund' , $process_refund , $this );
if ( false === $process_refund ) {
return ;
do_action ( 'edd_pre_refund_payment' , $this );
$decrease_store_earnings = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_store_earnings_on_refund' , true , $this );
$decrease_customer_value = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_customer_value_on_refund' , true , $this );
$decrease_purchase_count = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_customer_purchase_count_on_refund' , true , $this );
$this -> maybe_alter_stats ( $decrease_store_earnings , $decrease_customer_value , $decrease_purchase_count );
// Clear the This Month earnings (this_monththis_month is NOT a typo)
delete_transient ( md5 ( 'edd_earnings_this_monththis_month' ) );
do_action ( 'edd_post_refund_payment' , $this );
* Process when a payment is set to failed , decrement discount usages and other stats .
* @ since 2.5 . 7
* @ access private
private function process_failure () {
$discounts = $this -> discounts ;
if ( 'none' === $discounts || empty ( $discounts ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! is_array ( $discounts ) ) {
$discounts = array_map ( 'trim' , explode ( ',' , $discounts ) );
foreach ( $discounts as $discount ) {
edd_decrease_discount_usage ( $discount );
* Process when a payment moves to pending .
* @ since 2.5 . 10
* @ access private
private function process_pending () {
$process_pending = true ;
// If the payment was not in publish or revoked status, don't decrement stats as they were never incremented
if ( ( 'complete' !== $this -> old_status && 'revoked' !== $this -> old_status ) || ! $this -> in_process () ) {
$process_pending = false ;
// Allow extensions to filter for their own payment types, Example: Recurring Payments
$process_pending = apply_filters ( 'edd_should_process_pending' , $process_pending , $this );
if ( false === $process_pending ) {
return ;
$decrease_store_earnings = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_store_earnings_on_pending' , true , $this );
$decrease_customer_value = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_customer_value_on_pending' , true , $this );
$decrease_purchase_count = apply_filters ( 'edd_decrease_customer_purchase_count_on_pending' , true , $this );
$this -> maybe_alter_stats ( $decrease_store_earnings , $decrease_customer_value , $decrease_purchase_count );
$this -> completed_date = false ;
$this -> update_meta ( '_edd_completed_date' , '' );
// Clear the This Month earnings (this_monththis_month is NOT a typo)
delete_transient ( md5 ( 'edd_earnings_this_monththis_month' ) );
* Used during the process of moving to refunded or pending , to decrement stats
* @ since 2.5 . 10
* @ access private
* @ param bool $alter_store_earnings If the method should alter the store earnings
* @ param bool $alter_customer_value If the method should reduce the customer value
* @ param bool $alter_customer_purchase_count If the method should reduce the customer ' s purchase count
private function maybe_alter_stats ( $alter_store_earnings , $alter_customer_value , $alter_customer_purchase_count ) {
if ( edd_undo_purchase ( false , $this -> ID ) ) {
$this -> status = 'refunded' ;
$this -> post_status = 'refunded' ;
$statuses = edd_get_payment_statuses ();
$this -> status_nicename = array_key_exists ( 'refunded' , $statuses )
? $statuses [ 'refunded' ]
: ucfirst ( 'refunded' );
// Decrease store earnings
if ( true === $alter_store_earnings ) {
edd_decrease_total_earnings ( $this -> total );
* Delete sales logs for this purchase
* @ since 2.5 . 10
* @ deprecated Deprecated since 3.0 as sales logs are no longer used .
private function delete_sales_logs () {
_doing_it_wrong ( __FUNCTION__ , 'Sales logs are deprecated and are no longer used.' , 'EDD 3.0' );
* Setup functions only , these are not to be used by developers .
* These functions exist only to allow the setup routine to be backwards compatible with our old
* helper functions .
* These will run whenever setup_payment is called , which should only be called once .
* To update an attribute , update it directly instead of re - running the setup routine
* Setup the payment completed date .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Updated to use the new custom tables .
* @ return string The date the payment was completed .
private function setup_completed_date () {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order $order */
$order = $this -> _shim_edd_get_order ( $this -> ID );
if ( 'pending' === $order -> status || 'preapproved' === $order -> status || 'processing' === $order -> status ) {
return false ; // This payment was never completed
return $order -> date_completed ? $order -> date_completed : '' ;
* Setup the payment total .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return float Payment total .
private function setup_total () {
$amount = $this -> get_meta ( '_edd_payment_total' , true );
if ( empty ( $amount ) && '0.00' !== $amount ) {
$meta = $this -> get_meta ( '_edd_payment_meta' , true );
$meta = maybe_unserialize ( $meta );
if ( isset ( $meta [ 'amount' ] ) ) {
$amount = $meta [ 'amount' ];
return $amount ;
* Setup the payment tax rate .
* @ since 2.7
* @ return float Tax rate for the payment .
private function setup_tax_rate () {
$tax_rate = $this -> order -> get_tax_rate ();
if ( ! empty ( $tax_rate ) && $tax_rate > 1 ) {
$tax_rate = $tax_rate / 100 ;
return $tax_rate ;
* Setup the total fee amount applied to the payment .
* @ since 2.5 . 10
* @ return float Total fee amount applied to the payment .
private function setup_fees_total () {
$fees_total = array_reduce ( $this -> fees , function ( $carry , $item ) {
$carry += ( float ) $item [ 'amount' ];
return $carry ;
}, ( float ) 0.00 );
return $fees_total ;
* Setup the payment subtotal .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return float Payment subtotal .
private function setup_subtotal () {
$subtotal = 0 ;
$cart_details = $this -> cart_details ;
if ( is_array ( $cart_details ) ) {
foreach ( $cart_details as $item ) {
if ( isset ( $item [ 'subtotal' ] ) ) {
$subtotal += $item [ 'subtotal' ];
} else {
$subtotal = $this -> total ;
$tax = edd_use_taxes () ? $this -> tax : 0 ;
$subtotal -= $tax ;
return $subtotal ;
* Setup the payments discount codes .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return string Discount codes on this payment .
private function setup_discounts () {
$discounts = array ();
$order_discounts = $this -> order -> get_discounts ();
foreach ( $order_discounts as $discount ) {
$discounts [] = $discount -> description ;
$discounts = implode ( ', ' , $discounts );
return $discounts ;
* Setup the currency code
* @ since 2.5
* @ return string The currency for the payment .
private function setup_currency () {
$currency = $this -> order -> currency ;
return ! empty ( $currency )
? $currency
: apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_currency_default' , edd_get_currency (), $this );
* Setup any fees associated with the payment .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return array Payment fees .
private function setup_fees () {
$fees = array ();
if ( $this -> order -> get_fees () ) {
* Build up an array of order item IDs with values set to their respective download / price IDs .
* This is so we can easily get that information when configuring order item fees .
$order_items = array ();
foreach ( $this -> order -> get_items () as $order_item ) {
* @ var \EDD\Orders\Order_Item $order_item
$order_items [ intval ( $order_item -> id ) ] = array (
'download_id' => $order_item -> product_id ,
'price_id' => $order_item -> price_id
foreach ( $this -> order -> get_fees () as $order_fee ) {
* @ var \EDD\Orders\Order_Adjustment $order_fee
$download_id = 0 ;
$price_id = null ;
if ( 'order_item' === $order_fee -> object_type && array_key_exists ( intval ( $order_fee -> object_id ), $order_items ) ) {
$download_id = $order_items [ intval ( $order_fee -> object_id ) ][ 'download_id' ];
$price_id = $order_items [ intval ( $order_fee -> object_id ) ][ 'price_id' ];
$no_tax = ( bool ) 0.00 === $order_fee -> tax ;
$id = is_null ( $order_fee -> type_key ) ? $order_fee -> id : $order_fee -> type_key ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $id , $fees ) ) {
$id .= '_2' ;
if ( $id != $order_fee -> type_key ) {
* We run an update here because if we don 't, then we' ll send back a key of `23_2` when in the
* DB it ' s actually `null` , and if this value gets updated via the payment meta array , it
* will actually add a brand * new * fee instead of updating the existing one .
* @ link https :// github . com / easydigitaldownloads / easy - digital - downloads / issues / 8412
edd_update_order_adjustment ( $order_fee -> id , array (
'type_key' => $id
) );
$fees [ $id ] = array (
'amount' => $order_fee -> subtotal ,
'label' => $order_fee -> description ,
'no_tax' => $no_tax ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'price_id' => $price_id ,
'download_id' => $download_id ,
return $fees ;
* Setup the transaction ID .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return string The transaction ID for the payment .
private function setup_transaction_id () {
$transaction_id = $this -> get_meta ( '_edd_payment_transaction_id' , true );
if ( empty ( $transaction_id ) || ( int ) $transaction_id === ( int ) $this -> ID ) {
$gateway = $this -> gateway ;
$transaction_id = apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_transaction_id-' . $gateway , $this -> ID );
return $transaction_id ;
* Setup the User ID associated with the purchase .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return int User ID .
private function setup_user_id () {
$user_id = $this -> get_meta ( '_edd_payment_user_id' , true );
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $this -> customer_id );
// Make sure it exists, and that it matches that of the associated customer record
if ( ! empty ( $customer -> user_id ) && ( empty ( $user_id ) || ( int ) $user_id !== ( int ) $customer -> user_id ) ) {
$user_id = $customer -> user_id ;
// Backfill the user ID, or reset it to be correct in the event of data corruption
$this -> update_meta ( '_edd_payment_user_id' , $user_id );
return $user_id ;
* Setup the email address for the purchase
* @ since 2.5
* @ return string The email address for the payment
private function setup_email () {
$email = $this -> order -> email ;
if ( empty ( $email ) ) {
$email = EDD () -> customers -> get_column ( 'email' , $this -> customer_id );
return $email ;
* Setup the user info .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return array The user info associated with the payment .
private function setup_user_info () {
$order_address = $this -> order -> get_address ();
$user_info = array (
'id' => $this -> user_id ,
'first_name' => $order_address -> first_name ,
'last_name' => $order_address -> last_name ,
'discount' => $this -> discounts ,
// Ensure email index is in the old user info array
if ( empty ( $user_info [ 'email' ] ) ) {
$user_info [ 'email' ] = $this -> email ;
if ( empty ( $user_info ) ) {
// Get the customer, but only if it's been created
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $this -> customer_id );
if ( $customer -> id > 0 ) {
$name = explode ( ' ' , $customer -> name , 2 );
$user_info = array (
'first_name' => $name [ 0 ],
'last_name' => $name [ 1 ],
'email' => $customer -> email ,
'discount' => 'none' ,
} else {
// Get the customer, but only if it's been created
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $this -> customer_id );
if ( $customer -> id > 0 ) {
foreach ( $user_info as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! empty ( $value ) ) {
continue ;
switch ( $key ) {
case 'first_name' :
$name = explode ( ' ' , $customer -> name , 2 );
$user_info [ $key ] = $name [ 0 ];
break ;
case 'last_name' :
$name = explode ( ' ' , $customer -> name , 2 );
$last_name = ! empty ( $name [ 1 ] ) ? $name [ 1 ] : '' ;
$user_info [ $key ] = $last_name ;
break ;
case 'email' :
$user_info [ $key ] = $customer -> email ;
break ;
$country = $order_address -> country ;
// Add address to array if one exists.
if ( ! empty ( $country ) ) {
$user_info [ 'address' ] = array (
'line1' => $order_address -> address ,
'line2' => $order_address -> address2 ,
'city' => $order_address -> city ,
'state' => $order_address -> region ,
'country' => $country ,
'zip' => $order_address -> postal_code ,
// Check for old `user_info` meta which may still exist.
$old_meta = edd_get_order_meta ( $this -> ID , 'payment_meta' , true );
if ( ! empty ( $old_meta [ 'user_info' ] ) ) {
$user_info = array_merge ( $user_info , $old_meta [ 'user_info' ] );
return $user_info ;
* Setup the address for the payment .
* @ since 2.5
* @ return array The address information for the payment .
private function setup_address () {
$address = ! empty ( $this -> user_info [ 'address' ] ) ? $this -> user_info [ 'address' ] : array ();
$defaults = array ( 'line1' => '' , 'line2' => '' , 'city' => '' , 'country' => '' , 'state' => '' , 'zip' => '' );
$address = wp_parse_args ( $address , $defaults );
return $address ;
* Setup the payment number .
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Refactor to use EDD\Orders\Order .
* @ return int | string Integer by default , or string if sequential order numbers is enabled .
private function setup_payment_number () {
return $this -> order -> order_number ;
* Setup the cart details
* @ since 2.5
* @ since 3.0 Refactored as cart_details is no longer used and this is here for backwards compatibility purposes .
* @ return array Cart details of an order .
private function setup_cart_details () {
$order_items = $this -> order -> items ;
$cart_details = array ();
foreach ( $order_items as $item ) {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Item $item */
$item_fees = array ();
foreach ( $item -> fees as $key => $item_fee ) {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Adjustment $item_fee */
$download_id = $item -> product_id ;
$price_id = $item -> price_id ;
$no_tax = ( bool ) 0.00 === $item_fee -> tax ;
$id = is_null ( $item_fee -> type_key ) ? $item_fee -> id : $item_fee -> type_key ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $id , $item_fees ) ) {
$id .= '_2' ;
$item_fees [ $id ] = array (
2023-01-18 16:39:57 +00:00
'amount' => $item_fee -> total ,
2022-11-27 15:03:07 +00:00
'label' => $item_fee -> description ,
'no_tax' => $no_tax ? $no_tax : false ,
'type' => 'fee' ,
'price_id' => $price_id ? $price_id : null ,
'download_id' => 0 ,
if ( $download_id ) {
$item_fees [ $id ][ 'download_id' ] = $download_id ;
$item_options = array (
'quantity' => $item -> quantity ,
'price_id' => $item -> price_id ,
* For backwards compatibility from pre - 3.0 : add in order item meta prefixed with `_option_` .
* While saving , we ' ve migrated these values to order item meta , but people may still be looking
* for them in this cart details array , so we need to fill them back in .
$order_item_meta = edd_get_order_item_meta ( $item -> id );
if ( ! empty ( $order_item_meta ) ) {
foreach ( $order_item_meta as $item_meta_key => $item_meta_value ) {
if ( '_option_' === substr ( $item_meta_key , 0 , 8 ) && isset ( $item_meta_value [ 0 ] ) ) {
$item_options [ str_replace ( '_option_' , '' , $item_meta_key ) ] = $item_meta_value [ 0 ];
$cart_details [ $item -> cart_index ] = array (
'name' => $item -> product_name ,
'id' => $item -> product_id ,
'item_number' => array (
'id' => $item -> product_id ,
'quantity' => $item -> quantity ,
'options' => $item_options ,
'item_price' => $item -> amount ,
'quantity' => $item -> quantity ,
'discount' => $item -> discount ,
'subtotal' => $item -> subtotal ,
'tax' => $item -> tax ,
'fees' => $item_fees ,
'price' => $item -> total ,
'order_item_id' => $item -> id ,
return $cart_details ;
* Setup the downloads array .
* @ since 2.5
* @ internal This exists for backwards compatibility purposes .
* @ return array Downloads associated with this payment .
private function setup_downloads () {
$order_items = $this -> order -> items ;
$downloads = array ();
foreach ( $order_items as $item ) {
/** @var EDD\Orders\Order_Item $item */
$downloads [] = array (
'id' => $item -> product_id ,
'quantity' => $item -> quantity ,
'options' => array (
'quantity' => $item -> quantity ,
'price_id' => $item -> price_id ,
return $downloads ;
* Setup the Unlimited downloads setting
* @ since 2.5
* @ return bool If this payment has unlimited downloads
private function setup_has_unlimited () {
$unlimited = ( bool ) $this -> order -> has_unlimited_downloads ();
return $unlimited ;
* Converts this object into an array for special cases .
* @ return array The payment object as an array .
public function array_convert () {
return get_object_vars ( $this );
* Retrieve payment cart details .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return array Cart details array .
private function get_cart_details () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_cart_details' , $this -> cart_details , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment completion date
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ since 3.0 Updated for backwards compatibility .
* @ return string Date payment was completed .
private function get_completed_date () {
if ( is_null ( $this -> completed_date ) ) {
$date = false ;
} else {
$date = $this -> completed_date ;
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_completed_date' , $date , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment tax .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return float Payment tax
private function get_tax () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_tax' , $this -> tax , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment subtotal .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return float Payment subtotal .
private function get_subtotal () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_subtotal' , $this -> subtotal , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment discounts .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return array Discount codes on payment .
private function get_discounts () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_discounts' , $this -> discounts , $this -> ID , $this );
* Return the discounted amount of the payment .
* @ since 2.8 . 7
* @ return float Discounted amount .
private function get_discounted_amount () {
return floatval ( apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_discounted_amount' , $this -> order -> discount , $this ) );
* Retrieve payment currency .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Payment currency code .
private function get_currency () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_currency_code' , $this -> currency , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment gateway .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Payment gateway used .
private function get_gateway () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_gateway' , $this -> gateway , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment transaction ID .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Transaction ID from merchant processor .
private function get_transaction_id () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_get_payment_transaction_id' , $this -> transaction_id , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment IP .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Payment IP address .
private function get_ip () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_user_ip' , $this -> ip , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment customer ID .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return int Payment customer ID .
private function get_customer_id () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_customer_id' , $this -> customer_id , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment user ID .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return int Payment user ID .
private function get_user_id () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_user_id' , $this -> user_id , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment email .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Payment customer email .
private function get_email () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_user_email' , $this -> email , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment user info .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return array Payment user info .
private function get_user_info () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_meta_user_info' , $this -> user_info , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment billing address .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return array Payment billing address .
private function get_address () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_address' , $this -> address , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment key .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return string Payment key .
private function get_key () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_key' , $this -> key , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve payment number .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return int | string Payment number .
private function get_number () {
return $this -> order instanceof EDD\Orders\Order ? $this -> order -> get_number () : $this -> ID ;
* Retrieve downloads on payment .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return array Payment downloads .
private function get_downloads () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_meta_downloads' , $this -> downloads , $this -> ID , $this );
* Retrieve unlimited file downloads status .
* @ since 2.5 . 1
* @ return bool True if unlimited downloads are enabled , false otherwise .
private function get_unlimited () {
return apply_filters ( 'edd_payment_unlimited_downloads' , $this -> unlimited , $this -> ID , $this );
* Easily determine if the payment is in a status of pending some action . Processing is specifically used for
* eChecks .
* @ since 2.7
* @ return bool
private function in_process () {
$in_process_statuses = array ( 'pending' , 'processing' );
return in_array ( $this -> status , $in_process_statuses , true );
* Determines if a customer needs to be created given the current payment details .
* @ since 2.8 . 4
* @ return EDD_Customer The customer object of the existing customer or new customer .
private function maybe_create_customer () {
$customer = new stdClass ();
if ( did_action ( 'edd_pre_process_purchase' ) && is_user_logged_in () ) {
$customer = new EDD_customer ( get_current_user_id (), true );
// Customer is logged in but used a different email to purchase with so assign to their customer record
if ( ! empty ( $customer -> id ) && $this -> email !== $customer -> email ) {
$customer -> add_email ( $this -> email );
if ( empty ( $customer -> id ) ) {
$customer = new EDD_Customer ( $this -> email );
if ( empty ( $customer -> id ) ) {
if ( empty ( $this -> first_name ) && empty ( $this -> last_name ) ) {
$name = $this -> email ;
} else {
$name = $this -> first_name . ' ' . $this -> last_name ;
$customer_data = array (
'name' => $name ,
'email' => $this -> email ,
'user_id' => $this -> user_id ,
$customer -> create ( $customer_data );
return $customer ;
* Sets up a payment object from a post .
* This is only intended to be used when a 3.0 migration is in process and the
* new order object is not yet available .
* @ todo deprecate in 3.1
* @ since 3.0
* @ param int $payment_id
* @ return bool
private function _setup_compat_payment ( $payment_id ) {
$payment = get_post ( $payment_id );
if ( ! $payment || is_wp_error ( $payment ) ) {
return false ;
if ( 'edd_payment' !== $payment -> post_type ) {
return false ;
// Set the compatibility property to true.
$this -> is_edd_payment = true ;
// Allow extensions to perform actions before the payment is loaded
do_action ( 'edd_pre_setup_payment' , $this , $payment_id );
// Primary Identifier
$this -> ID = absint ( $payment_id );
// Protected ID that can never be changed
$this -> _ID = absint ( $payment_id );
include_once EDD_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/compat/class-edd-payment-compat.php' ;
$payment_compat = new EDD_Payment_Compat ( $this -> ID );
// We have a payment; get the generic payment_meta item to reduce calls to it
$this -> payment_meta = $payment_compat -> payment_meta ;
// Status and Dates
$this -> date = $payment -> post_date ;
$this -> completed_date = $payment_compat -> completed_date ;
$this -> status = $payment_compat -> status ;
$this -> post_status = $this -> status ;
$this -> mode = $payment_compat -> mode ;
$this -> parent_payment = $payment -> post_parent ;
$all_payment_statuses = edd_get_payment_statuses ();
$this -> status_nicename = array_key_exists ( $this -> status , $all_payment_statuses ) ? $all_payment_statuses [ $this -> status ] : ucfirst ( $this -> status );
// Items
$this -> fees = $payment_compat -> fees ;
$this -> cart_details = $payment_compat -> cart_details ;
$this -> downloads = $payment_compat -> downloads ;
// Currency Based
$this -> total = $payment_compat -> total ;
$this -> tax = $payment_compat -> tax ;
$this -> tax_rate = $payment_compat -> tax_rate ;
$this -> fees_total = $payment_compat -> fees_total ;
$this -> subtotal = $payment_compat -> subtotal ;
$this -> currency = $payment_compat -> currency ;
// Gateway based
$this -> gateway = $payment_compat -> gateway ;
$this -> transaction_id = $payment_compat -> transaction_id ;
// User based
$this -> ip = $payment_compat -> ip ;
$this -> customer_id = $payment_compat -> customer_id ;
$this -> user_id = $payment_compat -> user_id ;
$this -> email = $payment_compat -> email ;
$this -> user_info = $payment_compat -> user_info ;
$this -> address = $payment_compat -> address ;
$this -> discounts = $this -> user_info [ 'discount' ];
$this -> first_name = $this -> user_info [ 'first_name' ];
$this -> last_name = $this -> user_info [ 'last_name' ];
// Other Identifiers
$this -> key = $payment_compat -> key ;
$this -> number = $payment_compat -> number ;
// Additional Attributes
$this -> has_unlimited_downloads = $payment_compat -> has_unlimited_downloads ;
$this -> order = $payment_compat -> order ;
// Allow extensions to add items to this object via hook
do_action ( 'edd_setup_payment' , $this , $payment_id );
return true ;
* Gets the order from the database .
* This is a duplicate of edd_get_order , but is defined separately here
* for pending migration purposes .
* @ todo deprecate in 3.1
* @ param int $order_id
* @ return false | EDD\Orders\Order
private function _shim_edd_get_order ( $order_id ) {
$orders = new EDD\Database\Queries\Order ();
// Return order
return $orders -> get_item ( $order_id );