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namespace PayWithAmazon;
// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
/* Class IPN_Handler
* Takes headers and body of the IPN message as input in the constructor
* verifies that the IPN is from the right resource and has the valid data
require_once 'HttpCurl.php';
require_once 'Interface.php';
class IpnHandler implements IpnHandlerInterface
private $headers = null;
private $body = null;
private $snsMessage = null;
private $fields = array();
private $signatureFields = array();
private $certificate = null;
private $expectedCnName = '';
private $ipnConfig = array('cabundle_file' => null,
'proxy_host' => null,
'proxy_port' => -1,
'proxy_username' => null,
'proxy_password' => null);
public function __construct($headers, $body, $ipnConfig = null)
$this->headers = array_change_key_case($headers, CASE_LOWER);
$this->body = $body;
if ($ipnConfig != null) {
// Get the list of fields that we are interested in
$this->fields = array(
"Timestamp" => true,
"Message" => true,
"MessageId" => true,
"Subject" => false,
"TopicArn" => true,
"Type" => true
// Validate the IPN message header [x-amz-sns-message-type]
// Converts the IPN [Message] to Notification object
// Checks if the notification [Type] is Notification and constructs the signature fields
// Verifies the signature against the provided pem file in the IPN
private function checkConfigKeys($ipnConfig)
$ipnConfig = array_change_key_case($ipnConfig, CASE_LOWER);
$ipnConfig = trimArray($ipnConfig);
foreach ($ipnConfig as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->ipnConfig)) {
$this->ipnConfig[$key] = $value;
} else {
throw new \Exception('Key ' . $key . ' is either not part of the configuration or has incorrect Key name.
check the ipnConfig array key names to match your key names of your config array ', 1);
/* Setter function
* Sets the value for the key if the key exists in ipnConfig
public function __set($name, $value)
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($name), $this->ipnConfig)) {
$this->ipnConfig[$name] = $value;
} else {
throw new \Exception("Key " . $name . " is not part of the configuration", 1);
/* Getter function
* Returns the value for the key if the key exists in ipnConfig
public function __get($name)
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($name), $this->ipnConfig)) {
return $this->ipnConfig[$name];
} else {
throw new \Exception("Key " . $name . " was not found in the configuration", 1);
/* Trim the input Array key values */
private function trimArray($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
$array[$key] = trim($value);
return $array;
private function validateHeaders()
// Quickly check that this is a sns message
if (!array_key_exists('x-amz-sns-message-type', $this->headers)) {
throw new \Exception("Error with message - header " . "does not contain x-amz-sns-message-type header");
if ($this->headers['x-amz-sns-message-type'] !== 'Notification') {
throw new \Exception("Error with message - header x-amz-sns-message-type is not " . "Notification, is " . $this->headers['x-amz-sns-message-type']);
private function getMessage()
$this->snsMessage = json_decode($this->body, true);
$json_error = json_last_error();
if ($json_error != 0) {
$errorMsg = "Error with message - content is not in json format" . $this->getErrorMessageForJsonError($json_error) . " " . $this->snsMessage;
throw new \Exception($errorMsg);
/* Convert a json error code to a descriptive error message
* @param int $json_error message code
* @return string error message
private function getErrorMessageForJsonError($json_error)
switch ($json_error) {
return " - maximum stack depth exceeded.";
return " - invalid or malformed JSON.";
return " - control character error.";
return " - syntax error.";
return ".";
/* checkForCorrectMessageType()
* Checks if the Field [Type] is set to ['Notification']
* Gets the value for the fields marked true in the fields array
* Constructs the signature string
private function checkForCorrectMessageType()
$type = $this->getMandatoryField("Type");
if (strcasecmp($type, "Notification") != 0) {
throw new \Exception("Error with SNS Notification - unexpected message with Type of " . $type);
if (strcmp($this->getMandatoryField("Type"), "Notification") != 0) {
throw new \Exception("Error with signature verification - unable to verify " . $this->getMandatoryField("Type") . " message");
} else {
// Sort the fields into byte order based on the key name(A-Za-z)
// Extract the key value pairs and sort in byte order
$signatureFields = array();
foreach ($this->fields as $fieldName => $mandatoryField) {
if ($mandatoryField) {
$value = $this->getMandatoryField($fieldName);
} else {
$value = $this->getField($fieldName);
if (!is_null($value)) {
array_push($signatureFields, $fieldName);
array_push($signatureFields, $value);
/* Create the signature string - key / value in byte order
* delimited by newline character + ending with a new line character
$this->signatureFields = implode("\n", $signatureFields) . "\n";
/* Verify that the signature is correct for the given data and
* public key
* @param string $data data to validate
* @param string $signature decoded signature to compare against
* @param string $certificatePath path to certificate, can be file or url
* @throws Exception if there is an error with the call
* @return bool true if valid
private function constructAndVerifySignature()
$signature = base64_decode($this->getMandatoryField("Signature"));
$certificatePath = $this->getMandatoryField("SigningCertURL");
$this->certificate = $this->getCertificate($certificatePath);
$result = $this->verifySignatureIsCorrectFromCertificate($signature);
if (!$result) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to match signature from remote server: signature of " . $this->getCertificate($certificatePath) . " , SigningCertURL of " . $this->getMandatoryField("SigningCertURL") . " , SignatureOf " . $this->getMandatoryField("Signature"));
/* getCertificate($certificatePath)
* gets the certificate from the $certificatePath using Curl
private function getCertificate($certificatePath)
$httpCurlRequest = new HttpCurl($this->ipnConfig);
$response = $httpCurlRequest->httpGet($certificatePath);
return $response;
/* Verify that the signature is correct for the given data and public key
* @param string $data data to validate
* @param string $signature decoded signature to compare against
* @param string $certificate certificate object defined in Certificate.php
public function verifySignatureIsCorrectFromCertificate($signature)
$certKey = openssl_get_publickey($this->certificate);
if ($certKey === False) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to extract public key from cert");
try {
$certInfo = openssl_x509_parse($this->certificate, true);
$certSubject = $certInfo["subject"];
if (is_null($certSubject)) {
throw new \Exception("Error with certificate - subject cannot be found");
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to verify certificate - error with the certificate subject", null, $ex);
if (strcmp($certSubject["CN"], $this->expectedCnName)) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to verify certificate issued by Amazon - error with certificate subject");
$result = -1;
try {
$result = openssl_verify($this->signatureFields, $signature, $certKey, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to verify signature - error with the verification algorithm", null, $ex);
return ($result > 0);
/* Extract the mandatory field from the message and return the contents
* @param string $fieldName name of the field to extract
* @throws Exception if not found
* @return string field contents if found
private function getMandatoryField($fieldName)
$value = $this->getField($fieldName);
if (is_null($value)) {
throw new \Exception("Error with json message - mandatory field " . $fieldName . " cannot be found");
return $value;
/* Extract the field if present, return null if not defined
* @param string $fieldName name of the field to extract
* @return string field contents if found, null otherwise
private function getField($fieldName)
if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->snsMessage)) {
return $this->snsMessage[$fieldName];
} else {
return null;
/* returnMessage() - JSON decode the raw [Message] portion of the IPN */
public function returnMessage()
return json_decode($this->snsMessage['Message'], true);
/* toJson() - Converts IPN [Message] field to JSON
* Has child elements
* ['NotificationData'] [XML] - API call XML notification data
* @param remainingFields - consists of remaining IPN array fields that are merged
* Type - Notification
* MessageId - ID of the Notification
* Topic ARN - Topic of the IPN
* @return response in JSON format
public function toJson()
$response = $this->simpleXmlObject();
// Merging the remaining fields with the response
$remainingFields = $this->getRemainingIpnFields();
$responseArray = array_merge($remainingFields,(array)$response);
// Converting to JSON format
$response = json_encode($responseArray);
return $response;
/* toArray() - Converts IPN [Message] field to associative array
* @return response in array format
public function toArray()
$response = $this->simpleXmlObject();
// Converting the SimpleXMLElement Object to array()
$response = json_encode($response);
$response = json_decode($response, true);
// Merging the remaining fields with the response array
$remainingFields = $this->getRemainingIpnFields();
$response = array_merge($remainingFields,$response);
return $response;
/* addRemainingFields() - Add remaining fields to the datatype
* Has child elements
* ['NotificationData'] [XML] - API call XML response data
* Convert to SimpleXML element object
* Type - Notification
* MessageId - ID of the Notification
* Topic ARN - Topic of the IPN
* @return response in array format
private function simpleXmlObject()
$ipnMessage = $this->returnMessage();
// Getting the Simple XML element object of the IPN XML Response Body
$response = simplexml_load_string((string) $ipnMessage['NotificationData']);
// Adding the Type, MessageId, TopicArn details of the IPN to the Simple XML element Object
$response->addChild('Type', $this->snsMessage['Type']);
$response->addChild('MessageId', $this->snsMessage['MessageId']);
$response->addChild('TopicArn', $this->snsMessage['TopicArn']);
return $response;
/* getRemainingIpnFields()
* Gets the remaining fields of the IPN to be later appended to the return message
private function getRemainingIpnFields()
$ipnMessage = $this->returnMessage();
$remainingFields = array(
'NotificationReferenceId' =>$ipnMessage['NotificationReferenceId'],
'NotificationType' =>$ipnMessage['NotificationType'],
'IsSample' =>$ipnMessage['IsSample'],
'SellerId' =>$ipnMessage['SellerId'],
'ReleaseEnvironment' =>$ipnMessage['ReleaseEnvironment'],
'Version' =>$ipnMessage['Version']);
return $remainingFields;