2021-07-25 23:25:29 +00:00
< ? php
* Output all of our dynamic CSS .
* @ package GeneratePress
if ( ! defined ( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit ; // Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_base_css' ) ) {
* Generate the CSS in the < head > section using the Theme Customizer .
* @ since 0.1
function generate_base_css () {
$settings = wp_parse_args (
get_option ( 'generate_settings' , array () ),
generate_get_defaults ()
$css = new GeneratePress_CSS ();
$css -> set_selector ( 'body' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'background_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'a:visited' ) -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'link_color_visited' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'a:hover, a:focus, a:active' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'link_color_hover' ] );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
if ( 1200 !== ( int ) $settings [ 'container_width' ] ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.grid-container' ) -> add_property ( 'max-width' , absint ( $settings [ 'container_width' ] ), false , 'px' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( 'body .grid-container' ) -> add_property ( 'max-width' , absint ( $settings [ 'container_width' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_do_group_inner_container_style' , true ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.wp-block-group__inner-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , absint ( $settings [ 'container_width' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-right' , 'auto' );
$nav_drop_point = generate_get_option ( 'nav_drop_point' );
$nav_location = generate_get_navigation_location ();
if ( ( 'nav-float-right' === $nav_location || 'nav-float-left' === $nav_location ) && $nav_drop_point ) {
$media_query = sprintf (
'(max-width: %1$s) and %2$s' ,
absint ( $nav_drop_point ) . 'px' ,
apply_filters ( 'generate_not_mobile_menu_media_query' , '(min-width: 769px)' )
$css -> start_media_query ( $media_query );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , '-ms-flexbox' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'flex' );
$css -> add_property ( '-ms-flex-direction' , 'column' );
$css -> add_property ( 'flex-direction' , 'column' );
$css -> add_property ( '-ms-flex-align' , 'center' );
$css -> add_property ( 'align-items' , 'center' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-logo, .site-branding' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , '1.5em' );
$css -> set_selector ( '#site-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin' , '0 auto' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.header-widget' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , '1.5em' );
// phpcs:ignore Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact -- Indented inside media query.
if ( 'nav-float-left' === generate_get_option ( 'nav_position_setting' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.nav-float-left .site-logo,.nav-float-left .site-branding,.nav-float-left .header-widget' );
$css -> add_property ( '-webkit-box-ordinal-group' , 'initial' );
$css -> add_property ( '-ms-flex-order' , 'initial' );
$css -> add_property ( 'order' , 'initial' );
} // phpcs:ignore Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact -- Indented inside media query.
$css -> stop_media_query ();
if ( generate_get_option ( 'logo_width' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-header .header-image' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , absint ( generate_get_option ( 'logo_width' ) ), false , 'px' );
if ( generate_get_option ( 'back_to_top' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.generate-back-to-top' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , '20px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'border-radius' , '3px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'position' , 'fixed' );
$css -> add_property ( 'bottom' , '30px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , '30px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , '40px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '40px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-align' , 'center' );
$css -> add_property ( 'z-index' , '10' );
$css -> add_property ( 'transition' , 'opacity 300ms ease-in-out' );
if ( 'enable' === generate_get_option ( 'nav_search' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search' );
$css -> add_property ( 'position' , 'absolute' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '-99999px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'pointer-events' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' );
$css -> add_property ( 'z-index' , '20' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '100%' );
$css -> add_property ( 'top' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'transition' , 'opacity 100ms ease-in-out' );
$css -> add_property ( 'opacity' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search.nav-search-active' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'pointer-events' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'visibility' , 'visible' );
$css -> add_property ( 'opacity' , '1' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input[type="search"]' );
$css -> add_property ( 'outline' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'border' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'vertical-align' , 'bottom' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , '1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'opacity' , '0.9' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '100%' );
$css -> add_property ( 'z-index' , '20' );
$css -> add_property ( 'border-radius' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( '-webkit-appearance' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'height' , '60px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input::-ms-clear' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'height' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input::-ms-reveal' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'height' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input::-webkit-search-decoration, .navigation-search input::-webkit-search-cancel-button, .navigation-search input::-webkit-search-results-button, .navigation-search input::-webkit-search-results-decoration' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
if ( ! generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation li.search-item' );
$css -> add_property ( 'z-index' , '21' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'li.search-item.active' );
$css -> add_property ( 'transition' , 'opacity 100ms ease-in-out' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.nav-left-sidebar .main-navigation li.search-item.active,.nav-right-sidebar .main-navigation li.search-item.active' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'inline-block' );
$css -> add_property ( 'float' , 'right' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.gen-sidebar-nav .navigation-search' );
$css -> add_property ( 'top' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'bottom' , '0' );
if ( 'click' === generate_get_option ( 'nav_dropdown_type' ) || 'click-arrow' === generate_get_option ( 'nav_dropdown_type' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .main-navigation ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .main-navigation ul ul ul.toggled-on' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'top' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'position' , 'relative' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .main-navigation ul.toggled-on, .dropdown-click .main-navigation ul li.sfHover > ul.toggled-on' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'block' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'opacity' , '1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'visibility' , 'visible' );
$css -> add_property ( 'pointer-events' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'height' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'overflow' , 'visible' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .main-navigation.sub-menu-left .sub-menu.toggled-on, .dropdown-click .main-navigation.sub-menu-left ul li.sfHover > ul.toggled-on' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click nav ul ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , 'transparent' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .widget-area .main-navigation ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'top' , 'auto' );
$css -> add_property ( 'position' , 'absolute' );
$css -> add_property ( 'float' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , '100%' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '-99999px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .widget-area .main-navigation ul ul.toggled-on' );
$css -> add_property ( 'position' , 'relative' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .widget-area.sidebar .main-navigation ul li.sfHover ul, .dropdown-click .widget-area.sidebar .main-navigation ul li:hover ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'right' , '0' );
$css -> add_property ( 'left' , '0' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.dropdown-click .sfHover > a > .dropdown-menu-toggle > .gp-icon svg' );
$css -> add_property ( 'transform' , 'rotate(180deg)' );
do_action ( 'generate_base_css' , $css );
return apply_filters ( 'generate_base_css_output' , $css -> css_output () );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_advanced_css' ) ) {
* Generate the CSS in the < head > section using the Theme Customizer .
* @ since 0.1
function generate_advanced_css () {
$settings = wp_parse_args (
get_option ( 'generate_settings' , array () ),
generate_get_color_defaults ()
$css = new GeneratePress_CSS ();
$css -> set_selector ( '.top-bar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'top_bar_background_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'top_bar_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.top-bar a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'top_bar_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.top-bar a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'top_bar_link_color_hover' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'header_background_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'header_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-header a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'header_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-header a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'header_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-title a,.main-title a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'site_title_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-description' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'site_tagline_color' ] );
if ( $settings [ 'navigation_background_color' ] === $settings [ 'header_background_color' ] ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.mobile-menu-control-wrapper .menu-toggle,.mobile-menu-control-wrapper .menu-toggle:hover,.mobile-menu-control-wrapper .menu-toggle:focus,.has-inline-mobile-toggle #site-navigation.toggled' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02)' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation,.main-navigation ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'navigation_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.menu-toggle, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:hover > a,.main-navigation .main-nav ul li:focus > a, .main-navigation .main-nav ul li.sfHover > a, .main-navigation .menu-bar-item:hover > a, .main-navigation .menu-bar-item.sfHover > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_hover_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'navigation_background_hover_color' ] );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( 'button.menu-toggle:hover,button.menu-toggle:focus' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( 'button.menu-toggle:hover,button.menu-toggle:focus,.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a,.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a:hover,.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a:focus' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_current_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'navigation_background_current_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a:hover,.main-navigation .main-nav ul li[class*="current-menu-"].sfHover > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_current_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'navigation_background_current_color' ] );
$navigation_search_background = $settings [ 'navigation_background_hover_color' ];
$navigation_search_text = $settings [ 'navigation_text_hover_color' ];
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'navigation_search_background_color' ] ) {
$navigation_search_background = $settings [ 'navigation_search_background_color' ];
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'navigation_search_text_color' ] ) {
$navigation_search_text = $settings [ 'navigation_search_text_color' ];
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input[type="search"],.navigation-search input[type="search"]:active, .navigation-search input[type="search"]:focus, .main-navigation .main-nav ul li.search-item.active > a, .main-navigation .menu-bar-items .search-item.active > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $navigation_search_text );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $navigation_search_background );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'navigation_search_background_color' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'opacity' , '1' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li:hover > a,.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li:focus > a,.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li.sfHover > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_text_hover_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_background_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_text_current_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_background_current_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"] > a:hover,.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li[class*="current-menu-"].sfHover > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_text_current_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'subnavigation_background_current_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .inside-article, .separate-containers .comments-area, .separate-containers .page-header, .one-container .container, .separate-containers .paging-navigation, .inside-page-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'content_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'content_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-article a,.paging-navigation a,.comments-area a,.page-header a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'content_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-article a:hover,.paging-navigation a:hover,.comments-area a:hover,.page-header a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'content_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-header h1,.page-header h1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'content_title_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-title a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'blog_post_title_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-title a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'blog_post_title_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-meta' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'entry_meta_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-meta a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'entry_meta_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-meta a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'entry_meta_link_color_hover' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h1_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h2' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h2_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h3' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h3_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h4' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h4_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h5' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h5_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h6' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'h6_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'sidebar_widget_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'sidebar_widget_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'sidebar_widget_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'sidebar_widget_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget .widget-title' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'sidebar_widget_title_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets .widget-title' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_title_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'footer_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_link_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info a:hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-bar .widget_nav_menu .current-menu-item a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'footer_link_hover_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'input[type="text"],input[type="email"],input[type="url"],input[type="password"],input[type="search"],input[type="tel"],input[type="number"],textarea,select' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'form_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'form_background_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'border-color' , $settings [ 'form_border_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'input[type="text"]:focus,input[type="email"]:focus,input[type="url"]:focus,input[type="password"]:focus,input[type="search"]:focus,input[type="tel"]:focus,input[type="number"]:focus,textarea:focus,select:focus' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'form_text_color_focus' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'form_background_color_focus' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'border-color' , $settings [ 'form_border_color_focus' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'button,html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],a.button,a.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'form_button_text_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'form_button_background_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'button:hover,html input[type="button"]:hover,input[type="reset"]:hover,input[type="submit"]:hover,a.button:hover,button:focus,html input[type="button"]:focus,input[type="reset"]:focus,input[type="submit"]:focus,a.button:focus,a.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):active,a.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):focus,a.wp-block-button__link:not(.has-background):hover' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'form_button_text_color_hover' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'form_button_background_color_hover' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'a.generate-back-to-top' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'back_to_top_background_color' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'back_to_top_text_color' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'a.generate-back-to-top:hover,a.generate-back-to-top:focus' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background-color' , $settings [ 'back_to_top_background_color_hover' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'back_to_top_text_color_hover' ] );
$css -> start_media_query ( generate_get_media_query ( 'mobile-menu' ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .menu-bar-item:hover > a, .main-navigation .menu-bar-item.sfHover > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'background' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'color' , $settings [ 'navigation_text_color' ] );
$css -> stop_media_query ();
do_action ( 'generate_colors_css' , $css );
return apply_filters ( 'generate_colors_css_output' , $css -> css_output () );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_font_css' ) ) {
* Generate the CSS in the < head > section using the Theme Customizer .
* @ since 0.1
function generate_font_css () {
$settings = wp_parse_args (
get_option ( 'generate_settings' , array () ),
generate_get_default_fonts ()
$defaults = generate_get_default_fonts ( false );
$css = new GeneratePress_CSS ();
$body_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_body' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$top_bar_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_top_bar' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$site_title_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_site_title' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$site_tagline_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_site_tagline' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$navigation_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_navigation' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$widget_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_widget_title' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h1_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_1' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h2_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_2' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h3_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_3' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h4_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_4' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h5_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_5' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$h6_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_heading_6' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$footer_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_footer' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$buttons_family = generate_get_font_family_css ( 'font_buttons' , 'generate_settings' , generate_get_default_fonts () );
$css -> set_selector ( 'body, button, input, select, textarea' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $body_family );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'body_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'body_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'body_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'body_font_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , $settings [ 'body_font_size' ], $defaults [ 'body_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'body' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'body_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'body_line_height' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( 'p' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , floatval ( $settings [ 'paragraph_margin' ] ), $defaults [ 'paragraph_margin' ], 'em' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-content > [class*="wp-block-"]:not(:last-child)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , floatval ( $settings [ 'paragraph_margin' ] ), false , 'em' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.top-bar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_top_bar' ] !== $settings [ 'font_top_bar' ] ? $top_bar_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'top_bar_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'top_bar_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'top_bar_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'top_bar_font_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'top_bar_font_size' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'top_bar_font_size' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-title' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_site_title' ] !== $settings [ 'font_site_title' ] ? $site_title_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'site_title_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'site_title_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'site_title_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'site_title_font_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'site_title_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'site_title_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-description' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_site_tagline' ] !== $settings [ 'font_site_tagline' ] ? $site_tagline_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'site_tagline_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'site_tagline_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'site_tagline_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'site_tagline_font_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'site_tagline_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'site_tagline_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'site_tagline_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation a, .menu-toggle' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_navigation' ] !== $settings [ 'font_navigation' ] ? $navigation_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'navigation_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'navigation_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'navigation_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'navigation_font_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'navigation_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .menu-bar-items' );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'navigation_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a' );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] ) ) {
$subnav_font_size = $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] >= 17 ? $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] - 3 : $settings [ 'navigation_font_size' ] - 1 ;
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $subnav_font_size ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.widget-title' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_widget_title' ] !== $settings [ 'font_widget_title' ] ? $widget_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'widget_title_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'widget_title_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'widget_title_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'widget_title_font_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'widget_title_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , $settings [ 'widget_title_font_size' ], $defaults [ 'widget_title_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'widget_title_separator' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'widget_title_separator' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget, .footer-widgets .widget' );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'widget_content_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'widget_content_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'button:not(.menu-toggle),html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"],.button,.wp-block-button .wp-block-button__link' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_buttons' ] !== $settings [ 'font_buttons' ] ? $buttons_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'buttons_font_weight' ], $defaults [ 'buttons_font_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'buttons_font_transform' ], $defaults [ 'buttons_font_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'buttons_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'buttons_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_1' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_1' ] ? $h1_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_1_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_1_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_1_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_1_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_1_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_1_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_1_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_1_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_1_margin_bottom' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_1_margin_bottom' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h2' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_2' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_2' ] ? $h2_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_2_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_2_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_2_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_2_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_2_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_2_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_2_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_2_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_2_margin_bottom' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_2_margin_bottom' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h3' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_3' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_3' ] ? $h3_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_3_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_3_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_3_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_3_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_3_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_3_font_size' ], 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_3_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_3_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_3_margin_bottom' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_3_margin_bottom' ], 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h4' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_4' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_4' ] ? $h4_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_4_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_4_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_4_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_4_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'heading_4_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_4_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_4_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'heading_4_line_height' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_4_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_4_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h5' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_5' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_5' ] ? $h5_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_5_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_5_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_5_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_5_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'heading_5_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_5_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_5_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'heading_5_line_height' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_5_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_5_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h6' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_heading_6' ] !== $settings [ 'font_heading_6' ] ? $h6_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'heading_6_weight' ], $defaults [ 'heading_6_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'heading_6_transform' ], $defaults [ 'heading_6_transform' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'heading_6_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_6_font_size' ], 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'heading_6_line_height' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , floatval ( $settings [ 'heading_6_line_height' ] ), $defaults [ 'heading_6_line_height' ], 'em' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-family' , $defaults [ 'font_footer' ] !== $settings [ 'font_footer' ] ? $footer_family : null );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-weight' , $settings [ 'footer_weight' ], $defaults [ 'footer_weight' ] );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-transform' , $settings [ 'footer_transform' ], $defaults [ 'footer_transform' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $settings [ 'footer_font_size' ] ) ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'footer_font_size' ] ), $defaults [ 'footer_font_size' ], 'px' );
} else {
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , 'inherit' );
$css -> start_media_query ( generate_get_media_query ( 'mobile' ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-title' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_site_title_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h1' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_heading_1_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h2' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_heading_2_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h3' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_heading_3_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h4' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_heading_4_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( 'h5' );
$css -> add_property ( 'font-size' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_heading_5_font_size' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> stop_media_query ();
do_action ( 'generate_typography_css' , $css );
return apply_filters ( 'generate_typography_css_output' , $css -> css_output () );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'generate_spacing_css' ) ) {
* Write our dynamic CSS .
* @ since 0.1
function generate_spacing_css () {
$settings = wp_parse_args (
get_option ( 'generate_spacing_settings' , array () ),
generate_spacing_get_defaults ()
$defaults = generate_spacing_get_defaults ( false );
$sidebar_layout = generate_get_layout ();
$css = new GeneratePress_CSS ();
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-top-bar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'top_bar_top' ], $settings [ 'top_bar_right' ], $settings [ 'top_bar_bottom' ], $settings [ 'top_bar_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'top_bar_top' ], $defaults [ 'top_bar_right' ], $defaults [ 'top_bar_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'top_bar_left' ] ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () && 'boxes' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$top_bar_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'top_bar_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'top_bar_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-top-bar.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , generate_get_option ( 'container_width' ) + $top_bar_padding , false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'header_top' ], $settings [ 'header_right' ], $settings [ 'header_bottom' ], $settings [ 'header_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'header_top' ], $defaults [ 'header_right' ], $defaults [ 'header_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'header_left' ] ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
if ( 'boxes' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$header_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'header_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'header_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-header.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , generate_get_option ( 'container_width' ) + $header_padding , false , 'px' );
if ( 'text' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$navigation_left_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'header_left' ] ) - absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] );
$navigation_right_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'header_right' ] ) - absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.nav-below-header .main-navigation .inside-navigation.grid-container, .nav-above-header .main-navigation .inside-navigation.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( 0 , $navigation_right_padding , 0 , $navigation_left_padding ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .inside-article, .separate-containers .comments-area, .separate-containers .page-header, .separate-containers .paging-navigation, .one-container .site-content, .inside-page-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'content_top' ], $settings [ 'content_right' ], $settings [ 'content_bottom' ], $settings [ 'content_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'content_top' ], $defaults [ 'content_right' ], $defaults [ 'content_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'content_left' ] ) );
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_do_group_inner_container_style' , true ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-main .wp-block-group__inner-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'content_top' ], $settings [ 'content_right' ], $settings [ 'content_bottom' ], $settings [ 'content_left' ] ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .paging-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , '20px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , '20px' );
$content_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'content_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'content_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-content .alignwide, body:not(.no-sidebar) .entry-content .alignfull' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , '-' . absint ( $settings [ 'content_left' ] ) . 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , 'calc(100% + ' . absint ( $content_padding ) . 'px)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , 'calc(100% + ' . absint ( $content_padding ) . 'px)' );
if ( ! generate_is_using_flexbox () && 'text' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.container.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , generate_get_option ( 'container_width' ) + $content_padding , false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container.right-sidebar .site-main,.one-container.both-right .site-main' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'content_right' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'content_right' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container.left-sidebar .site-main,.one-container.both-left .site-main' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'content_left' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'content_left' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container.both-sidebars .site-main' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin' , generate_padding_css ( '0' , $settings [ 'content_right' ], '0' , $settings [ 'content_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( '0' , $defaults [ 'content_right' ], '0' , $defaults [ 'content_left' ] ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget, .page-header, .widget-area .main-navigation, .site-main > *' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .widget, .separate-containers .site-main > *, .separate-containers .page-header, .widget-area .main-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .site-main' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), $defaults [ 'separator' ], 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-right .inside-left-sidebar,.both-left .inside-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-right .inside-right-sidebar,.both-left .inside-right-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container.archive .post:not(:last-child), .one-container.blog .post:not(:last-child)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'content_bottom' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'content_bottom' ] ), 'px' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-right.separate-containers .inside-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-right.separate-containers .inside-right-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-left.separate-containers .inside-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.both-left.separate-containers .inside-right-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] / 2 ), 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .featured-image' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .page-header-image, .separate-containers .page-header-contained, .separate-containers .page-header-image-single, .separate-containers .page-header-content-single' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .inside-right-sidebar, .separate-containers .inside-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'separator' ] ), 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.menu-toggle,.main-navigation .menu-bar-item > a' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li a,.menu-toggle,.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'line-height' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item_height' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item_height' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul ul li a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ], $settings [ 'menu_item' ], $settings [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ], $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ], $defaults [ 'menu_item' ], $defaults [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ], $defaults [ 'menu_item' ] ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation ul ul' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , absint ( $settings [ 'sub_menu_width' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'sub_menu_width' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.navigation-search input[type="search"]' );
$css -> add_property ( 'height' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item_height' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item_height' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.rtl .menu-item-has-children .dropdown-menu-toggle' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.menu-item-has-children .dropdown-menu-toggle' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.menu-item-has-children ul .dropdown-menu-toggle' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , '-' . absint ( $settings [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), '-' . absint ( $defaults [ 'sub_menu_item_height' ] ), 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.rtl .main-navigation .main-nav ul li.menu-item-has-children > a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.widget-area .widget' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'widget_top' ], $settings [ 'widget_right' ], $settings [ 'widget_bottom' ], $settings [ 'widget_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'widget_top' ], $defaults [ 'widget_right' ], $defaults [ 'widget_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'widget_left' ] ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_top' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_right' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_bottom' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_top' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_right' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_left' ] ) );
if ( 'boxes' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$footer_widgets_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets-container.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , generate_get_option ( 'container_width' ) + $footer_widgets_padding , false , 'px' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_top' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_right' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_bottom' ], $settings [ 'footer_widget_container_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_top' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_right' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'footer_widget_container_left' ] ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-footer .footer-widgets-container .inner-padding' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( '0' , '0' , '0' , $settings [ 'footer_widget_separator' ] ), generate_padding_css ( '0' , '0' , '0' , $defaults [ 'footer_widget_separator' ] ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-footer .footer-widgets-container .inside-footer-widgets' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , '-' . absint ( $settings [ 'footer_widget_separator' ] ), '-' . absint ( $defaults [ 'footer_widget_separator' ] ), 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-site-info' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'footer_top' ], $settings [ 'footer_right' ], $settings [ 'footer_bottom' ], $settings [ 'footer_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'footer_top' ], $defaults [ 'footer_right' ], $defaults [ 'footer_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'footer_left' ] ) );
if ( 'boxes' === generate_get_option ( 'container_alignment' ) ) {
$site_info_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'footer_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'footer_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-site-info.grid-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , generate_get_option ( 'container_width' ) + $site_info_padding , false , 'px' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'footer_top' ], $settings [ 'footer_right' ], $settings [ 'footer_bottom' ], $settings [ 'footer_left' ] ), generate_padding_css ( $defaults [ 'footer_top' ], $defaults [ 'footer_right' ], $defaults [ 'footer_bottom' ], $defaults [ 'footer_left' ] ) );
$css -> start_media_query ( generate_get_media_query ( 'mobile' ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .inside-article, .separate-containers .comments-area, .separate-containers .page-header, .separate-containers .paging-navigation, .one-container .site-content, .inside-page-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'mobile_content_top' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_right' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_bottom' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_left' ] ) );
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_do_group_inner_container_style' , true ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-main .wp-block-group__inner-container' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding' , generate_padding_css ( $settings [ 'mobile_content_top' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_right' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_bottom' ], $settings [ 'mobile_content_left' ] ) );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-top-bar' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_top' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_top' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_right' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_right' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_bottom' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_bottom' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_left' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_top_bar_left' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-header' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_header_top' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_header_top' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_header_right' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_header_right' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_header_bottom' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_header_bottom' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_header_left' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_header_left' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.widget-area .widget' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_widget_top' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_widget_top' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_widget_right' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_widget_right' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_widget_bottom' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_widget_bottom' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_widget_left' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_widget_left' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets-container' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.footer-widgets' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_top' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_top' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_right' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_right' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_bottom' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_bottom' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_left' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_widget_container_left' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.inside-site-info' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-info' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_top' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_top' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_right' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_right' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_bottom' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_bottom' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_footer_left' ] ) {
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-left' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_footer_left' ] ), false , 'px' );
$mobile_content_padding = absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_content_right' ] ) + absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_content_left' ] );
$css -> set_selector ( '.entry-content .alignwide, body:not(.no-sidebar) .entry-content .alignfull' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-left' , '-' . absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_content_left' ] ) . 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , 'calc(100% + ' . absint ( $mobile_content_padding ) . 'px)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'max-width' , 'calc(100% + ' . absint ( $mobile_content_padding ) . 'px)' );
if ( '' !== $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ) {
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.sidebar .widget, .page-header, .widget-area .main-navigation, .site-main > *' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .widget, .separate-containers .site-main > *, .separate-containers .page-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .site-main' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .featured-image' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .page-header-image, .separate-containers .page-header-image-single' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.separate-containers .inside-right-sidebar, .separate-containers .inside-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-top' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container .site-main .paging-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'mobile_separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
} else {
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.one-container .site-main .paging-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'margin-bottom' , absint ( $settings [ 'separator' ] ), false , 'px' );
$css -> stop_media_query ();
// Add spacing back where dropdown arrow should be.
// Old versions of WP don't get nice things.
if ( version_compare ( $GLOBALS [ 'wp_version' ], '4.4' , '<' ) ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .main-nav ul li.menu-item-has-children>a, .secondary-navigation .main-nav ul li.menu-item-has-children>a' );
$css -> add_property ( 'padding-right' , absint ( $settings [ 'menu_item' ] ), absint ( $defaults [ 'menu_item' ] ), 'px' );
$output = '' ;
if ( ! generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$generate_settings = wp_parse_args (
get_option ( 'generate_settings' , array () ),
generate_get_color_defaults ()
// Find out if the content background color and sidebar widget background color is the same.
$sidebar = strtoupper ( $generate_settings [ 'sidebar_widget_background_color' ] );
$content = strtoupper ( $generate_settings [ 'content_background_color' ] );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison
$colors_match = ( ( $sidebar == $content ) || '' == $sidebar ) ? true : false ;
// If they're all 40 (default), remove the padding when one container is set.
// This way, the user can still adjust the padding and it will work (unless they want 40px padding).
// We'll also remove the padding if there's no color difference between the widgets and content background color.
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison
if ( ( '40' == $settings [ 'widget_top' ] && '40' == $settings [ 'widget_right' ] && '40' == $settings [ 'widget_bottom' ] && '40' == $settings [ 'widget_left' ] ) && $colors_match ) {
$output .= '.one-container .sidebar .widget{padding:0px;}' ;
do_action ( 'generate_spacing_css' , $css );
return apply_filters ( 'generate_spacing_css_output' , $css -> css_output () . $output );
* Generates any CSS that can ' t be cached ( can change from page to page ) .
* @ since 2.0
function generate_no_cache_dynamic_css () {
$css = new GeneratePress_CSS ();
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$right_sidebar_width = apply_filters ( 'generate_right_sidebar_width' , '30' );
$left_sidebar_width = apply_filters ( 'generate_left_sidebar_width' , '30' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.is-right-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , absint ( $right_sidebar_width ) . '%' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.is-left-sidebar' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , absint ( $left_sidebar_width ) . '%' );
$content_width = 100 ;
$sidebar_layout = generate_get_layout ();
switch ( $sidebar_layout ) {
case 'right-sidebar' :
$content_width = $content_width - absint ( $right_sidebar_width );
break ;
case 'left-sidebar' :
$content_width = $content_width - absint ( $left_sidebar_width );
break ;
case 'both-sidebars' :
case 'both-right' :
case 'both-left' :
$content_width = $content_width - absint ( $right_sidebar_width ) - absint ( $left_sidebar_width );
break ;
$css -> set_selector ( '.site-content .content-area' );
$css -> add_property ( 'width' , absint ( $content_width ) . '%' );
$css -> start_media_query ( generate_get_media_query ( 'mobile-menu' ) );
if ( generate_is_using_flexbox () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .menu-toggle,.sidebar-nav-mobile:not(#sticky-placeholder)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'block' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation ul,.gen-sidebar-nav,.main-navigation:not(.slideout-navigation):not(.toggled) .main-nav > ul,.has-inline-mobile-toggle #site-navigation .inside-navigation > *:not(.navigation-search):not(.main-nav)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.nav-align-right .inside-navigation,.nav-align-center .inside-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'justify-content' , 'space-between' );
if ( is_rtl () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.rtl .nav-align-right .inside-navigation,.rtl .nav-align-center .inside-navigation, .rtl .nav-align-left .inside-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'justify-content' , 'space-between' );
if ( generate_has_inline_mobile_toggle () ) {
$css -> set_selector ( '.has-inline-mobile-toggle .mobile-menu-control-wrapper' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'flex' );
$css -> add_property ( 'flex-wrap' , 'wrap' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.has-inline-mobile-toggle .inside-header' );
$css -> add_property ( 'flex-direction' , 'row' );
$css -> add_property ( 'text-align' , 'left' );
$css -> add_property ( 'flex-wrap' , 'wrap' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.has-inline-mobile-toggle .header-widget,.has-inline-mobile-toggle #site-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'flex-basis' , '100%' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.nav-float-left .has-inline-mobile-toggle #site-navigation' );
$css -> add_property ( 'order' , '10' );
} else {
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation .menu-toggle,.main-navigation .mobile-bar-items,.sidebar-nav-mobile:not(#sticky-placeholder)' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'block' );
$css -> set_selector ( '.main-navigation ul,.gen-sidebar-nav' );
$css -> add_property ( 'display' , 'none' );
$css -> set_selector ( '[class*="nav-float-"] .site-header .inside-header > *' );
$css -> add_property ( 'float' , 'none' );
$css -> add_property ( 'clear' , 'both' );
$css -> stop_media_query ();
return $css -> css_output ();
* Get all of our dynamic CSS to be cached / added to a file .
* @ since 3.0 . 0
function generate_get_dynamic_css () {
$css = generate_base_css () . generate_font_css () . generate_advanced_css () . generate_spacing_css ();
return apply_filters ( 'generate_dynamic_css' , $css );
add_action ( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' , 'generate_enqueue_dynamic_css' , 50 );
* Enqueue our dynamic CSS .
* @ since 2.0
function generate_enqueue_dynamic_css () {
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_using_dynamic_css_external_file' , false ) ) {
$css = '' ;
} elseif ( ! get_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' , false ) || is_customize_preview () || apply_filters ( 'generate_dynamic_css_skip_cache' , false ) ) {
$css = generate_get_dynamic_css ();
} else {
$css = get_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' ) . '/* End cached CSS */' ;
$css = $css . generate_no_cache_dynamic_css ();
wp_add_inline_style ( 'generate-style' , wp_strip_all_tags ( $css ) );
add_action ( 'init' , 'generate_set_dynamic_css_cache' );
* Sets our dynamic CSS cache if it doesn ' t exist .
* If the theme version changed , bust the cache .
* @ since 2.0
function generate_set_dynamic_css_cache () {
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_dynamic_css_skip_cache' , false ) ) {
return ;
$cached_css = get_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' , false );
$cached_version = get_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_cached_version' , '' );
if ( ! $cached_css || GENERATE_VERSION !== $cached_version ) {
$css = generate_base_css () . generate_font_css () . generate_advanced_css () . generate_spacing_css ();
update_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' , wp_strip_all_tags ( $css ) );
update_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_cached_version' , esc_html ( GENERATE_VERSION ) );
add_action ( 'customize_save_after' , 'generate_update_dynamic_css_cache' );
* Update our CSS cache when done saving Customizer options .
* @ since 2.0
function generate_update_dynamic_css_cache () {
if ( apply_filters ( 'generate_dynamic_css_skip_cache' , false ) ) {
return ;
$css = generate_base_css () . generate_font_css () . generate_advanced_css () . generate_spacing_css ();
update_option ( 'generate_dynamic_css_output' , wp_strip_all_tags ( $css ) );